Neuroathletics Training for Beginners More Coordination, Agility and Concentration Thanks to Improved Neuroathletics - Incl. 10-Week Plan For Training in Everyday Life. - Sebastian Borchert - Hörbuch

Neuroathletics Training for Beginners More Coordination, Agility and Concentration Thanks to Improved Neuroathletics - Incl. 10-Week Plan For Training in Everyday Life. Hörbuch

Sebastian Borchert



Do you feel that your training progress is stagnating? Are you looking for new stimuli that will benefit both your body and your mind? Are you looking to get back into your sport after an injury, or are you just starting to look for the activity that's right for you and want to build an optimal routine? Whether you're a professional athlete or an amateur, neuroathletics training is suitable for everyone and capable of helping each individual's progress immensely. Since the advance of some sports scientists a few years ago, this has created a completely new perspective on the causes of athletic success and the maximum exploitation of one's own potential. The big advantage is that there is no risk of injury, nor do you have to worry about making mistakes. Immerse yourself in the world of neuroscience, learn how our brain works and why we are able to move the way we do in the first place. Numerous exercises exist that will challenge you but are just as fun, and will help you take your workout to a new level.

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Zeit:1 Std. 26 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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