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Find and use the features you need right away Create great documents, Excel charts, and slide shows, and organize your e-mail What's new at the Office? A lot, and this book takes you through all the cool changes and enhancements so you can rev up and go. Find your way around the new interface, dress up your documents, create spreadsheets that actually make sense, give presentations that wow your audience, and organize your life. Discover how to * Locate commands on the Ribbon * Use Live Preview * Stop spam with Outlook(r) * Format and enhance Word documents * Work with Excel(r) formulas * Store and find data in Access
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Seitenzahl: 386
Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2011
by Wallace Wang
Office 2007 For Dummies®
Published byWiley Publishing, Inc.111 River St.Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774www.wiley.com
Copyright © 2007 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana
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The author currently divides his time between writing computer books, writing articles for CPU Magazine, performing stand-up comedy, and writing and speaking on a weekly comedy radio show along with fellow comedians Rick Gene, Wes Sample, and Justin Davis. The show airs on 103.7 Free FM in San Diego (http://1037freefm.com).
He also spends much of his time trying to keep his various computers running properly using an odd mixture of Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X software. Eventually, he hopes to find the elusive combination of hardware and software that can create the mythical dream of a computer that actually works when you want it to.
This book is dedicated to a variety of people, including the following:
All the long-suffering victims forced to learn the arcane features of Microsoft Office, which seem to change with every version, not always for the best. Take heart. You’re not stupid — it’s the people who write, sell, and encourage the clumsy and complicated computer programs on the market who are the really stupid ones.
All the friendly folks at the Riviera Comedy Club, located at the Riviera Hotel & Casino (www.theriviera.com) in Las Vegas: Steve Schirripa (who appears in HBO’s hit show, The Sopranos), Don Learned, Bob Zany (www.bobzany.com), Gerry Bednob, Russ Rivas, Bruce Clark, Darrell Joyce, and Kip Addotta.
Additional thanks must also go to Chris (the Zooman) Clobber, Dante, Rick Gene, Wes Sample, Justin Davis, and Leo (the man, the myth, the legend) Fontaine just because they like seeing their names in print for no apparent reason.
Continuing the theme of thanking people who had nothing to do with this book, the author would also like to dedicate this book to LeStat’s, the best little coffeehouse in San Diego, for providing a warm, friendly environment to practice stand-up comedy in the safety and comfort of intelligent people who haven’t drowned their inhibitions away in alcohol.
Final thanks go to Cassandra (my wife), Jordan (my son), and Bo, Scraps, Tasha, and Nuit (our cats) for making my life more interesting by the minute.
Margot Hutchison and Bill Gladstone at Waterside Productions deserve special acknowledgment because if it weren’t for their work, I might never have been hired to write this book; and you would be reading some other author’s acknowledgments and dedication. These two are the best agents an author could hope for, so they deserve all the 15 percent of the book royalties that they get.
Some other people who deserve thanks include Bob Woerner, acquisitions editor; Jean Rogers, project editor; and Teresa Artman, copy editor; and the rest of the happy gang of editors, managers, and workers who make Wiley Publishing the best publisher to work for because they’re the complete opposite of their competition.
Additional thanks go to technical editor Lee Musick for making sure that everything in this book is accurate.
A final note of thanks go to anyone who has actually read the About the Author, Dedication, and Author’s Acknowledgments pages because those pages usually contain useless information that nobody except the author and his closest friends even care about. Thanks for reading this — and say a prayer for all the trees that sacrificed their pulp to allow authors (such as myself) the indulgence to print paragraphs such as this.
We’re proud of this book; please send us your comments through our online registration form located at www.dummies.com/register/.
Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:
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Who Should Buy This Book
How This Book Is Organized
How to Use This Book
Icons Used in This Book
Getting Started
Part I : Getting to Know Microsoft Office 2007
Chapter 1: Getting to Know Microsoft Office 2007
Loading an Office 2007 Program
Getting to Know the New User Interface
Customizing an Office 2007 Program
Exiting Office 2007
Chapter 2: Editing Data
Adding Data by Pointing
Selecting Data
Editing Data with the Pop-up Toolbar
Deleting Data
Cutting and Pasting (Moving) Data
Copying and Pasting Data
Dragging with the Mouse to Cut, Copy, and Paste
Undo and Redo
Sharing Data with Other Office 2007 Programs
Chapter 3: Getting Help from Office 2007
Browsing the Help Window
Searching in the Help Window
Making the Help Window Easier to Read
Part II : Working with Word
Chapter 4: Typing Text in Word
Moving the Cursor with the Mouse
Moving the Cursor with the Keyboard
Viewing a Document
Navigating through a Document
Finding and Replacing Text
Checking Your Spelling
Checking Your Grammar
Proofreading Your Document
Typing Symbols
Chapter 5: Formatting Text
Changing the Font
Changing the Font Size
Changing the Text Style
Changing Colors
Justifying Text Alignment
Adjusting Line Spacing
Making Lists
Using the Ruler
Showing Formatting Marks
Using Format Painter
Using Styles
Using Templates
Removing Formatting from Text
Chapter 6: Designing Your Pages
Inserting New Pages
Adding (And Deleting) a Cover Page
Inserting Page Breaks
Inserting Headers and Footers
Organizing Text in Tables
Formatting and Coloring a Table
Sorting a Table
Deleting Tables
Making Text Look Artistic
Dividing Text into Columns
Previewing a Document before Printing
Part III : Playing the Numbers with Excel
Chapter 7: The Basics of Spreadsheets: Numbers, Labels, and Formulas
Understanding Spreadsheets
Storing Stuff in a Spreadsheet
Formatting Numbers and Labels
Navigating a Spreadsheet
Searching a Spreadsheet
Editing a Spreadsheet
Clearing Data
Printing Workbooks
Chapter 8: Playing with Formulas
Creating a Formula
Using Functions
Editing a Formula
Goal Seeking
Creating Multiple Scenarios
Auditing Your Formulas
Data Validation
Chapter 9: Charting and Analyzing Data
Understanding the Parts of a Chart
Creating a Chart
Editing a Chart
Using the Chart Tools
Organizing Lists in Pivot Tables
Part IV : Making Presentations with PowerPoint
Chapter 10: Creating a PowerPoint Presentation
Defining the Purpose of Your Presentation
Creating a PowerPoint Presentation
Working with Text
Chapter 11: Adding Color and Pictures to a Presentation
Applying a Theme
Changing the Background
Adding Graphics to a Slide
Adding Movies to a Slide
Adding Sound to a Slide
Chapter 12: Showing Off a Presentation
Spell-Checking Your Presentation
Adding Visual Transitions
Adding Hyperlinks
Viewing a Presentation
Creating Handouts
Packing Presentations to Go
Part V : Getting Organized with Outlook
Chapter 13: Organizing E-Mail with Outlook
Configuring E-Mail Settings
Creating E-Mail
Attaching Files to Messages
Formatting E-Mail
Reading and Organizing E-Mail
Deleting E-Mail Messages
Chapter 14: Storing Contacts and Organizing Tasks
Storing Contact Information
Searching Contact Information
Viewing and Printing Contact Information
Categorizing Contact Information
Sharing Contact Information
Defining Tasks
Chapter 15: Scheduling Your Time
Setting Appointments
Printing Your Schedule
Part VI : Storing Stuff in Access
Chapter 16: Using a Database
Understanding the Basics of a Database
Designing a Database
Editing and Modifying a Database
Typing Data into a Database
Closing and Saving a Database
Chapter 17: Searching, Sorting, and Querying a Database
Searching a Database
Sorting a Database
Querying a Database
Chapter 18: Creating a Database Report
Using the Report Wizard
Viewing and Printing a Report
Manipulating the Data in a Report
Editing a Report
Deleting a Report
Part VII : The Part of Tens
Chapter 19: Ten Tips for Using Office 2007
Saving Office 2007 Files
Password-Protecting Your Files
Guarding Against Macro Viruses and Worms
Create Your Own Word Keystroke Shortcuts
Zooming In (And Out) to Avoid Eyestrain
When in Doubt, Right-Click the Mouse
Freezing Row and Column Headings in Excel
Displaying Slides Out of Order in PowerPoint
Reduce Spam in Outlook
Using Pocket Office
Chapter 20: Ten Keystroke Shortcuts for Office 2007
Protecting Yourself with Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y)
Cut (Ctrl+X), Copy (Ctrl+C), and Paste (Ctrl+V)
Saving a File (Ctrl+S)
Printing a File (Ctrl+P)
Checking Your Spelling (F7)
Opening a File (Ctrl+O)
Creating a New File (Ctrl+N)
Finding Text (Ctrl+F)
Finding and Replacing Text (Ctrl+H)
Closing a Window (Ctrl+W)
: Further Reading
Microsoft Office 2007 contains loads of new features. Unfortunately, finding — let alone using — these new features can be troublesome. So, with Office 2007, Microsoft added its most important feature ever — making the programs easier to use.
Office 2007’s biggest change is its new user interface. If you’re familiar with the more traditional pull-down menus and toolbar icons from previous editions of Microsoft Office, you’ll soon find that this latest version of Microsoft Office is designed to help you make the most out of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook so you can find the features you need and use them right away.
This book is targeted toward two distinct groups. First, there are the people already familiar with Microsoft Office who want to bone up on the new ways that Office 2007 works. For these people, this book can serve as a handy reference to finding where Microsoft put various commands in the new Office 2007 user interface.
Then there’s a second group of people who may not be familiar with any Microsoft Office program at all. For these people, this book can serve as a guide through word processing (Microsoft Word), number calculations (Microsoft Excel), presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint), database management (Microsoft Access), and managing your personal resources like time, appointments, and e-mail (Microsoft Outlook).
No matter how much (or how little) you may know about Microsoft Office, this book introduces you to the most common features so you can start being productive with Office 2007 right away.
To help you find what you need, this book is organized into parts where each part covers a different program in Office 2007.
Microsoft Office 2007 may look confusing at first glance, but after you understand how it works, you’ll find that it’s surprisingly easy to use. This part of the book explains the new Office menus and toolbars while also showing you common commands that you can use in any Office 2007 program. By the time you finish this part of the book, you’ll better understand how to use the individual programs that make up the rest of Office 2007.
Word processing is the most popular use for Office 2007, so this part of the book explains the basics to using Word. Not only does this part of the book explain how to create and save text, but it also covers different ways to alter text, such as using color, changing fonts, adding headers and footers, checking spelling and grammar, and printing your written masterpiece so it looks perfect.
If you need to manipulate numbers, you need Microsoft Excel. This part of the book explains the three basic parts of any spreadsheet, how to format data, how to create formulas, and how to create different types of charts to help you visualize what your spreadsheet numbers really mean. Not only will this part of the book give you the lowdown on spreadsheets, but it shows you how Microsoft Excel can make creating, formatting, and displaying spreadsheets simple and easy — and most importantly, useful and fun.
Throw away your overhead transparencies and clumsy whiteboard and pads of paper. If you need to give a presentation to a large group, you need to know how to create colorful and visually interesting presentations using PowerPoint instead. With PowerPoint, you can organize a presentation into slides that can display text, pictures, and even animation. By mastering PowerPoint, you can create presentations that grab an audience’s attention and emphasize the points you want to make.
Almost nobody feels like they have enough time to stay organized, so this part of the book explains why and how to use Microsoft Outlook. With Outlook, you can read, sort, and write e-mail, keep track of appointments, store names and addresses of your most important contacts, and even organize your daily to-do tasks. By reading about how to use Outlook in this part of the book, you can see how to turn your computer into a personal assistant to make you more productive.
If you need to store large amounts of information, such as tracking inventories, organizing customer orders, or tracking prospective customers, you may need to use a database program like Microsoft Access. In this part of the book, you’ll see how to use Access to store, retrieve, sort, and print your data in different ways. With Access able to slice and dice your information, you can better analyze your data to understand how your business really works.
Almost every program offers multiple ways of accomplishing the same task, and Office 2007 is no exception. After you get familiar with using Office, take a peek in this part of the book to read about different types of shortcuts you can use to work with Office even faster than before. This part of the book also offers tips for using Office to make the programs even easier and more useful. By the time you get to this part of the book, you may not be an Office expert, but you’ll be much more comfortable using Office — and then you’ll feel comfortable exploring and experimenting with different features on your own.
Although you can just flip through this book to find the features you need, consider reading Part I of this book to discover how the new menus and toolbar icons of Office 2007 work and how they differ from previous versions of Microsoft Office. After you understand the basics to the way Office 2007 works, you’ll have a much better understanding for how each specific program works.
To get the most from this book, you need to understand the following conventions:
The mouse pointer appears as an arrow and serves two purposes. First, you use the mouse pointer to select data (text, numbers, e-mail messages, and so on) to change. Second, you use the mouse pointer to tell Office 2007 which commands you want to use to change the data you selected.
Clicking means moving the mouse pointer over something on the screen (such as a menu command or a button), pressing the left mouse button once, and then letting go. Clicking tells the computer, “See what I’m pointing at? That’s what I want to choose right now.”
Double-clicking means pointing at something with the mouse pointer and clicking the left mouse button rapidly twice.
Dragging means holding down the left mouse button while moving the mouse. Dragging typically moves something from one location to another, such as moving a word from the top of a paragraph to the bottom.
Right-clicking means moving the mouse pointer over something and clicking the right mouse button once. Right-clicking typically displays a shortcut menu of additional options.
In addition to understanding these terms to describe different mouse actions, you also need to understand different keystroke conventions too. When you see an instruction that reads Ctrl+P, that means to hold down the Ctrl key, press the P key, and then let go of both the Ctrl and P key at the same time.
Icons highlight important or useful information.
This icon highlights information that can save you time or make it easier for you to do something.
This icon emphasizes information that can be helpful, although not crucial, when using Office 2007.
Look out! This icon highlights something dangerous that you need to avoid before making a mistake that you might not be able to recover from again.
This icon highlights interesting technical information that you can safely ignore but which might answer some questions for why Office 2007 works a certain way.
The best way to master anything is to jump right in and start fiddling with different commands just to see what they do and how they work. In case you’re afraid of breaking your computer or wiping out important data, play around with Office 2007 on a “dummy” document filled with useless information you can afford to lose (like your boss’s income tax returns).
Here’s your first tip. Any time you do something in Office 2007, you can undo or take back your last command by pressing Ctrl+Z. (Just hold down the Ctrl key, press the Z key, and release both keys at the same time.) There, now that you know about the powerful Undo command, you should have a surging sense of invulnerability when using Office 2007, knowing that at any time you make a mistake, you can turn back time by pressing Ctrl+Z to undo your last command.
If you get nothing else from this book, always remember that the Ctrl+Z command can save you from yourself. See? Mastering Office 2007 is going to be easier than you think.
In this part . . .
At first glance, Microsoft Office 2007 may seem a complicated beast that gobbles up megabytes of hard drive space and offers enough features to overwhelm even the most battle-hardened veteran of the personal computer wars. But after you get over your initial impression (or fear) of Office, you can understand (and even admire) the elegant madness behind its massive bulk.
Despite the fact that Microsoft Office 2007 contains more commands than any sane person could ever possibly use, it can be conquered. Perhaps the most important part of this book explains the completely redesigned user interface of Microsoft Office 2007. While this user interface may look strange and confusing at first, it’s actually much easier to learn than previous incarnations of Microsoft Office. After you get familiar with this new user interface, you’ll find yourself being more productive than ever before.
To guide you through the multitude of commands you may need to get your work done, Office provides several ways to get help, one of which (hopefully) will actually provide you with the answers you need.
Besides showing you how to get help within Office, this part of the book also explains how to get the various programs of Office started in the first place. After you start using Office, this part of the book also shows you some of the more common keystroke and menu commands that all Office programs share. That way when you figure out how to use one Office program, you can quickly learn and use any other Office program with a minimum of retraining and hassle, and you can then join the ranks of the many happy people already using Microsoft Office 2007 to get their work done.
Starting an Office 2007 program
Understanding the Office 2007 user interface
Using the Quick Access toolbar
Customizing an Office 2007 program
Exiting from Office 2007
Microsoft Office 2007 consists of five core programs: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook. Each of these core programs specializes in manipulating different data. Word manipulates words, sentences, and paragraphs; Excel manipulates numbers; PowerPoint manipulates text and pictures to create a slide show; Access manipulates data, such as inventories; and Outlook manipulates personal information, such as e-mail addresses and phone numbers.
Although each Office 2007 program specializes in storing and manipulating different types of data, they all work in similar ways. First, you have to enter data into an Office 2007 program by typing on the keyboard or loading data from an existing file. Second, you have to tell Office 2007 how to manipulate your data, such as underlining, enlarging, coloring, or deleting it. Third, you have to save your data as a file.
To help you understand this three-step process of entering, manipulating, and saving data, Office 2007 offers similar commands among all its programs so you can quickly jump from Word to PowerPoint to Excel without having to relearn entirely new commands to use each program. Even better, Office 2007 rearranges its numerous commands so finding the command you need is faster and easier than ever before. (If you think this implies that previous versions of Microsoft Office were clumsy and hard to use, you’re right.)
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