On the Questions of Life - Sam Lysen - E-Book

On the Questions of Life E-Book

Sam Lysen

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Looking behind the curtain of our existence and grappling with the fundamental questions of life is a great desire of every human being. What is the meaning of life? Which path leads to prosperity and wealth? What is happiness and where can I find it? A look at the fundamental questions of life, as presented by author Sam Lysen, reveals that the unfolding of inner wealth, which consists of universal values, knowledge, and wisdom, paves the way to material wealth. Exploring the depths of truth through knowledge and power, teach that understanding these ideas unleashes our full potential and increases inner wealth. The manifestation of inner wealth is revealed to be the source of true happiness and prosperity.

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Seitenzahl: 171

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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© 2024 novum publishing

ISBN print edition:978-3-99130-512-5

ISBN e-book:978-3-99130-513-2

Editor:Lucas Drebenstedt

Cover photo: Sam Lysen

Cover design, layout & typesetting: novum publishing



“The further a society drifts from the truth,

the more it will hate those who speak it.”

George Orwell


“Once you’ve found yourself, you can’t lose anything in this world.”

Stefan Zweig

For most people, the whole of life is a mystery: from the basic question of why we exist to the question of where our journey will take us. Religions and faith attempt to answer these questions in their own way. But, for many, these answers no longer seem to be enough. Deep within us we feel the truth and our potential, but something unknown seems to prevent us from realizing it in our real lives. It was this topic that awoke my desire to deal intensively with the fundamental questions of life.

My search for answers led me to write a book based on my life experiences, personal thoughts, and the questions that have occupied me my entire life. In my eyes, these questions are reflected in all areas and stages of human life. Even when I was studying architecture, I felt a strong urge to summarize these themes in the form of a book. Perhaps this book was influenced by other events at the end of the 2000s, but my personal experiences over the course of the following decade were very formative and set the course for the rest of my life. I had to experience and understand enough before I was eventually able to put down my answers to the questions of life in the form of a book.

This book, written in the form of questions and answers, and presented in clear and understandable language, is structured to be a companion for everyday life. The short chapters with practical answers are primarily intended to clarify the connections between our daily actions.

In my opinion, we only gain a deeper insight into our decisions and beliefs when we contextualize the essential questions. This gives us a more comprehensive overview of the connections in life as a whole.

In today’s civilization, many people seem to be robbed of possibilities by having their potential limited. My book is aimed at people who have lost the red thread in their lives. Their heart still seems to be in the right place, but their daily reality is dominated by issues that feel unnatural and overwhelming.

But even people who lead a seemingly normal life, regardless of what stage of life they are in, will discover aspects of themselves in various chapters of the book. It invites them to delve deeper into their own thoughts and acquire new perspectives. To those who are in a difficult phase in their lives, I would like to say that there is no circumstance beyond hope and that there is always a way out. However, I can say with certainty that the way out of a difficult situation can be long and arduous. It requires patience, self-reflection, and a readiness to face the challenges. But on this long journey, you will make two invaluable discoveries: yourself and the truth. After you have survived this difficult phase in life, from this moment on you will be the forge of your own happiness. You will awaken your potential and make a valuable contribution to a peaceful world worth inhabiting.

At a time when many people are looking for guidance, I hope that my book can help bring clarity and inspiration. It is intended to be a guide to help readers grapple with life’s big questions, while offering practical solutions and insights relevant to their everyday lives. Because, ultimately, it is up to all of us to fill our lives with meaning and realize our own potential. By embarking on this journey and recognizing our inner truth, we can become creators of our own reality and bring about positive change in the world.

The most important laws of the universe at a glance!

“The laws of the universe are like an invisible web that shapes and guides reality. We may not be able to see them, but their effect can be felt everywhere. It is our task to understand them and live in harmony with them in order to lead a fulfilled and harmonious life.”

Albert Einstein


The laws of the universe are constituted by a multitude of principles and forces that shape our lives and our reality. Among them, three key laws are of particular importance: the law of attraction, the law of balance, and the law of triumph. These laws influence our thoughts, our actions, and–ultimately–our experiences. In this text, we will take a look at these important laws and understand their significance for our lives. These three laws will be an important part of this book and constitute the perspective from which we will examine various issues.

The laws of the universe, be it the law of attraction, the law of balance, or the law of triumph, in a way reflect the underlying concept of Plato’s allegory of the cave. Just as the fire in the allegory of the cave represents the source of life with its universal laws and those trapped in the cave perceive their reality through shadows, universal laws and rules seem to form the foundation of our existence.

The human being in this analogy stands on a higher plane, a kind of awakened being who has the ability to see beyond the shadows of the world. We are able to become aware that there is more than just the superficial reality that we perceive. Our actions and decisions are reflected as shadows on this world and shape it.

Much like the fire in the allegory of the cave represents truth and knowledge, the laws of the universe are a guide that allows us to understand the deeper nature of our existence. By recognizing and applying these laws, we may be able to step outside of our narrow view and gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

The law of attraction states that like attracts like. Our thoughts, feelings and beliefs send out energetic vibrations that resonate with similar energies and attract them to our lives. When we cultivate positive thoughts and emotions, such as love, joy and abundance, we attract positive experiences and people. On the other hand, negative thoughts and emotions, such as fear, worry and scarcity, attract corresponding experiences. The law of attraction reminds us that we are the creators of our reality and that by consciously directing our thoughts and emotions, we can create the life we desire.

The law of balance is a fundamental principle in the universe. It states that, where there is injustice and disharmony, these forces are equalized. The universe strives for balance and harmony. If we harm others or act unjustly, this will come back to us in some way. The law of balance reminds us that our actions have consequences and that we are responsible for our behavior. It asks us to act ethically and justly in order to attract positive energies to our lives and achieve a harmonious balance.

The law of triumph describes the transformation of energy and the cycle of life. Everything we defeat, kill, or eat becomes a part of us, as an act of injustice. This law illustrates the interconnectedness and interdependence of all things in the universe. What we put into the cycle of life eventually returns to us, in the form of equal energy, as the law of balance takes effect. If we send out love and compassion, we will experience love and compassion. However, if we send out negativity and violence, we will also receive these energies back. The law of triumph reminds us that we have an impact on the energy cycle through conscious action and conscious choices.

We recognize that these three laws of the universe are inextricably linked. The law of attraction directs our attention to what we want to attract into our lives. The law of balance ensures that justice and harmony are established. The law of triumph reminds us that everything we send out ultimately returns to us. By understanding these laws and integrating them into our lives, we can be conscious creators of our reality. We have the power to attract positive energies, promote justice, and act with compassion. By respecting and honoring these laws, we can live a fulfilling and harmonious life.

01 Who are you?

“You cannot teach a person anything, you can only help them to discover it within themselves.”

Galileo Galilei

The question of human identity has been an interest of philosophy for centuries. It is a matter of who we are and what it means to be human. Traditional ideas–often shaped by societal norms, cultural values and religious beliefs–gave us a notion of what we should be like and thus shaped our identity. The question of whether there is a deeper, more fundamental identity beyond that of being human is an important component of this discussion and is even more relevant today than ever before. In terms of our identity as human beings, we can say that we are defined by a variety of characteristics, such as our bodies, our minds, our emotions, and our relationships with others. In traditional societies, our identity was often defined by our role within the community, but the modern notion emphasizes the individuality of each person and recognizes each individual as a unique inner being that transcends such external characteristics.

Some argue that our deepest identity lies in our human nature, which sets us apart from other species. This human nature includes our capacity for reason, creativity, and empathy, but also our capacity for evil and destruction. Our human nature is therefore an essential feature of our identity that distinguishes us from other living beings.

Others believe that there is a deeper identity that connects us to nature and the universe. We are parts of a greater whole, and our identity goes beyond that of the human being. This view assumes that we have a deeper connection to our natural environment, and even to the cosmos itself, that influences our identity.

Another way to view our deeper identity is through our spiritual nature. Many religious traditions believe that we are part of a divine plan and that our identity goes deeper than our human nature. Through our spiritual nature, we are connected to a higher power, or energy, that guides and influences us and our world.

There is also a scientific approach to addressing the question of our deeper identity. Modern physics and cosmology show us that we are part of an infinite universe composed of energy and matter. We are part of a greater whole, and our identity can be understood as a part of this universe and its mysterious forces.

When we look at all these different perspectives, we see that there is a great diversity of views on our deeper identity. Some believe that our identity is based on our human nature, while others believe that we are part of a greater whole, connected to the world around us. Yet, the modern view increasingly recognizes that our identity is shaped by these external factors as well as our unique inner being.

However, regardless of our individual perspective on our identities, we share a common set of values. We are all part of a common humanity and share many fundamental characteristics and experiences. We all have the potential to show love, compassion, and magnanimity, just as we all have the potential to experience pain, grief and loss.

In this sense, we can say that our deepest identity is that we belong together as human beings and, beyond that, we have a connection to our natural and spiritual environment. Our identity is deeply rooted in our human nature as well as our connection to others and the universe.

Another important aspect of our essence is the meaning of our name, which has the potential to shape certain character traits within us. In light of the law of attraction, which states that like attracts like, our name could be a continuous source of influence that shapes and molds us over the course of decades. For example, the name ‘Frederick’, which means ‘ruler of peace’, could inspire a person to develop peace-loving and harmonious qualities and to resolve conflicts in a peaceful and just manner.

The birth of a being–be it human, plant, or animal–is linked to necessary conditions. What stands out here is the idea that we already exist in some form before we are born. This could suggest a metaphysical concept of pre-existence, perhaps along the lines of beliefs in reincarnation or an eternal soul. In order to bring this ‘existence’ into the physical world, the appropriate conditions need to be created. This could include physical conditions, such as a healthy mother and a safe environment, but it also includes spiritual and emotional conditions.

It is important to emphasize that our identity is also dynamic and changeable. We evolve and change throughout our lives, and our identity changes with us. There is no fixed definition or essence of our identity that persists unaltered for all time. Instead, identity is a constant, evolving process that is shaped by both our inner journey of self-discovery and our interactions with the world which surrounds us.

02 How do you find the path to yourself?

“If you want to find yourself, don’t ask others for directions.”

Paul Watzlawick

The path to ourselves can be walked in many different ways, and there are important aspects that need to be taken into account. In this context, it is worth noting that it is possible to realize some of that childhood light-heartedness, often perceived as a kind of paradise, in our adult lives.

Another key aspect of the search for the path to ourselves is self-knowledge. It takes courage and honesty to confront our own strengths and weaknesses. By gaining an awareness of who we really are, we can accept ourselves and recognize our individual talents and abilities. This allows us to be authentic and realize our full potential. Much like children, who intuitively know their strengths and weaknesses and freely express their uniqueness, we can preserve and promote this childlike authenticity.

Another important component is self-love. In fostering love for ourselves and treating ourselves with compassion, we lay the foundations of a healthy relationship with ourselves. This includes valuing our own needs, caring for our well-being and forgiving ourselves for our mistakes and imperfections. Self-love allows us to accept and respect ourselves, which helps us build a deeper connection with our true selves, similar to the unconditional love a child feels for themselves.

It is also important that we free ourselves from external expectations and social conventions. Often, we are influenced by the norms and ideas of other people and lose touch with our inner compasses as a result. It takes courage and determination to free ourselves from these external influences and find our own path, one in keeping with our true values and goals. By questioning and curtailing social norms, we can preserve the freedom of the child’s mind, which seeks its own path unhindered by such expectations.

It is also helpful to connect with other people who are on similar spiritual paths. By swapping experiences, sharing insights, and learning from others, we can support and inspire each other. Communities, spiritual groups, or mentors can be valuable resources to strengthen and deepen our path to ourselves.

In addition to the aspects mentioned above, dedication to personal development is also of great importance. This entails a willingness to continuously develop, learn, and grow. It requires discipline and perseverance to consciously work through our blockages, to evolve and let go of old behavioral patterns that prevent us from reaching our full potential. By embracing the child’s striving for constant growth and learning, we can overcome these blocks more effectively.

Finally, it should be noted that the path to ourselves is an individual process. Each person has a unique journey, one that is tailored to their personal needs and goals. It is important to be patient and gracious with yourself and not compare yourself with others. Every step we take down the path to ourselves is valuable and brings us closer to a fulfilled and authentic life. Like children who learn and grow with each new day and each new experience, we too can cultivate this childlike sense of curiosity and wonder in our personal growth process.

Finding the path to ourselves is about connecting to our inner essence, listening to our intuition, recognizing and releasing our blocks, loving and accepting ourselves, freeing ourselves from external expectations, and continuously evolving. Through this journey, we can build a deeper connection to our true self, live our lives consciously and intentionally, and find inner fulfillment and contentment. And by integrating this childlike paradise into our adult lives, we can live a more authentic and fulfilling existence.

03 What is the importance of family?

“Without a family, people shiver in the cold, alone in the world.”

Andre Maurois

The family is one of the fundamental units of society. It is the first group we come into contact with and it is the group that has the greatest influence on us as we grow up. It prepares us for this life, sets the foundation for a journey of self-discovery, and helps us understand the world. The importance of family cannot be underestimated. It is the cornerstone of our society and a place of refuge in times of success and failure.

Family can be defined in many different ways. In general, family refers to a group of people who are related to each other. This can be a family composed of a mother, father, and children, or a family consisting of relatives who live independently of each other. It can also be a group of people who are not related to each other but have a close bond.

Family is important because it sustains us and prepares us for life. It gives us love, attention, and security. It is the place where we find protection, where we can be ourselves and show our weaknesses without being judged. In times of success, the family celebrates with us, and in times of failure, it offers comfort and help. Family also gives us an identity and a history, lays the foundation for our self-discovery, and helps us to understand the world. We have a connection to our ancestors and a history that is passed down through our family.

Family gives us not only emotional but also practical support and prepares us for life’s challenges. Parents help their children learn skills and share their knowledge and experiences with them. Family businesses work together to build and run a successful company. When family members fall ill or get into difficulties, they are there to help.

But family can also bring conflicts and challenges. Everyone in the family has different personalities and needs, which can lead to conflict. The dynamics within the family itself can also be difficult when there are challenges, such as divorce, illness, or death. Despite these challenges, however, the family can be a source of support and often serves as a safe haven in the midst of turbulence.

In our modern society, the definition of family has changed. There are many different types of families that exist today, such as single-parent families, patchwork families, and rainbow families. The definition of family has shifted from the traditional model centered on a mother, a father, and children and has adapted to a more modern, diverse society. Yet, one thing remains the same. The importance of family as a refuge in an often volatile world–as a source of love, support, and security, of self-discovery and of coming to understand the world– has not changed.

Family is a fundamental part of life and an important factor in happiness and satisfaction in life. Research has shown that people in families that are strong and healthy are happier, healthier, and more successful. A strong family bond can help to achieve positive psychological effects, such as higher self-esteem, increased resilience, and better coping strategies in crisis situations.