Passage to Infinity - Veronica S. Veronica - E-Book

Passage to Infinity E-Book

Veronica S. Veronica

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Monsieur P.: can an immortal character die? No, he can't. This is the reason for this book, a fantasy thriller but very close to reality because a very thin line separates the difference between the knowledge of the secret of longevity and the determination of how much that is actually possible. It's the meeting of two different situations in two completely different places, which creates an interesting mingling between two worlds that are about to meet and reveal the most gripping of the stories. The subjects composing the tale are a lot for the many articulated and appealing knotting plots, which respect the characters' reality and psychology in the actual story, where everything happens. The message of the novel is perfectly up-to-date because based on actual events in a well-woven mix of plots catching the reader to the end. Will Monsieur P. accept to come back crossing that thin line?

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2016

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Table of content




Lady Malsbury’s Residence.






All Aboard

Arrival at Tubuai







The Immersion.



Passage to Infinity



the Mystery of Hotera


Veronica S. Veronica

Text Copyright © 2005 Veronica S. Veronica

All rights reserved specifications unless registered owner of the work permits are prohibited copying the rental lease loan and use of this book and the concept in it delivered to the public performance and spread.

Where not specified characters are of the authors who own all rights. Book and the entire concept expressed in it together with the images of figures and cover feature and the characters are of Veronica S. Veronica.

All rights belong to their respective owners.

Copyright Disclaimer under Section 107 of the

Copyright Act 1976.

To the very dear and beloved

Readers,who will rejoice in living this storywoven with great passion and devotionaround a character more than loved;to the Readers who,even if this is not a classic reading,

can feel genuine enthusiasm,pleasantness and pure excitement;to the Readers whodidn’t accepted his death,but always continued to love him;to the Readers

who will believe, with a child's eyes,to the revelations contained,

and will be transported in a pleasant placewhere hope, joy and courage,will prevail in the dark days;to all the Readersthis book is dedicated,with gratitude and affection.



Maurizio Miglia

Historical Anthropological Consulting:

Natascia Tubetti

Said Hanma Hassam

Public Relation & Advertisement:

Anna Maria Petri


Cristian Siani

And all Staff that has contributed

to realization of this book

Translation by Stephen Benians


Raoul: King of Hotera

Vhalery: Raoul’s wife

Vhivien: Sovereign’s daughter

Evhy: Scientist of Court

Hilen: Queen Mother (Vhalery’s mother)

Yvonne: Captain of the Real Guards

Hiutay: Consul of Court

Tara: Lady in waiting of Vhivien

Huka: King of the Mangareva Islands

Tuanake: Priest of the Mangareva Islands

Senenmut:Unknown fellow faithful to Evhy

Lady Malsbury: Noblewoman, friend of MonsieurHercule

Emily e Joanna: Malsbury’s nieces

Robert (Bob): Malsbury’s niece

Dott. Walkers: Doctor known all over the world


Hotera:This is the ground which holds the most important secret that the earth conceals. The coronation diamond of Raoul, sovereign of the four archipelagos of Capricorn. The birthplace of Princess Vhivien sole heir to the throne and ready to risk her life for the man she loved, to take the opportunity she has always sought: to make an offering of the most valuable secret of the land.

A secret that drove the scientist Court Evhy and the priest Tuanake to commit the gravest of sacrileges: to defile that sacred living substance.

For the umpteenth time the throne room played out the same argument and for the umpteenth time Counsellor Hiutay straightened his sash while the concerned sovereign looked on; the Princess spoke in a soft but decisive tone:

«Father, it is fate. We can do it and without upsetting either the psychology or the reality of the present...we are the only ones that can do something for him.»

«Vhivien, now that’s enough. I don’t think that you have thought about what you’re trying to do. Do you know that I hold immense power over the world being guardian of such a huge secret? How could you do such a thing, think of taking it out of our land when your very mown mother laid down her life to keep it safe? How can you think that someone foreign to our way of life could even comprehend such a thing and keep it secret from the rest of the world?»

«Your Majesty: He can. We simply have to make him see that there is this other way: that you save him. He has a rare mind not like anyone else...and he deserves this journey he has the right to explore new horizons...he has the right to an alternative.»

The doors of the room opened: with solemn countenance the Queen Mother entered, supported by as ever by her walking stick, followed by Tara and Yvonne.

«I am asking you to help me, father. We must allow him to realise his full potential... it would mean nothing letting him develop his own full character, if he then has to come to such an ignoble end without having the chance to adapt with the times...don’t you think?!»

The Queen sat down not far from the King and looked at Vhivien.

«Father... If you don’t help me I’ll end up like him: lonely, ravaged by time and bitterness, exactly as he ended up...» a tear trickled down her face «...The truth is that you don’t want to help me, because otherwise it would be possible to revive him as a timeless character.» she fell silent, holding back the emotional storm within her.

The Queen Mother addressed Yvonne: «How can we know what he is like this person? Never in my life would I have believed to see Vhivien endeavouring like this for a man.»

«Your Majesty: if you go into her quarters, you can see for yourself that the bed is buried under thousands of photographs of him.»

Hilen nodded: «He must be truly exceptional to steal Vhivien’s heart like this.»

«Aunt, between us...the Princess says she is not in love with him...» Hilen and Yvonne stared at each other «...She is driven by a fighting spirit...a sense of justice.» They stared at each other again.

«Princess» intervened Hiutay with a timid smile «the weight of the secret prevents...»

«Exactly: prevents you from understanding that it really is worth taking such a step as this.»

«Vhivien,» intervened the Queen Mother «since they shot the archduke of Austria the world has gone mad...but they used mere fireworks to attack in each other in that war. Just imagine if they were armed with the secret that your father now holds makes me shudder just thinking about it.»

«Grandmother» said Vhivien «do you think I would tell such a secret to just any man I come across? »

The Queen stared at her for a while; she nodded her head:

«So who is he, this man? Ammon God of Egypt?»

«Your Majesty: don’t bring Egypt.»

«Hiutay: what happened in our land is not the fault of Egypt.»

«Father, do you really want to refuse his help in finding out about the disappearance of the Queen’s body?»

The King levelled a stare at her that was just as intense as hers; apart from Helen, solemnly leaning on her cane, all the others felt a shiver down there spines.

«Exactly, Vhivien: I’m to suffer in silence because the woman I love is no longer with me, and I would continue to do so rather than revealing the secret of these lands.»

Vhivien stared at him angrily: «I can’t believe what I’m hearing. I am talking to you about a man who is both intelligent and discrete. I am talking about a man who could smile joyfully in the face of our wounded heart... a man that is so worthy that he doesn’t deserve such a dreadful that is not worthy of him. I am talking to you about someone who’s able to adapt with the times, to choose the path that leads to life rather than death. Father: you don’t know how much he deserves this! Let’s at least give him the choice to continue his brilliant journey.» she turned towards Hilen who was staring at her «Hilen, tell me: If you were able to make this man transcend time, a man who deserves to be eternal... wouldn’t you grant it?»

She thought seriously for a moment; then answered:

«No, because if he were truly exceptional I don’t see why we should free him from time.»

Vhivien slumped onto the sofa as if fighting a losing battle; Yvonne raised a hand to her mouth: it was better she thought, to hold back her smile. Tara sighed thoughtfully; Hiutay wrung his fingers.Hilen broke the silence: «The reality is that we cannot change what has happened.»

She got up and headed towards the door: «The reality is that we cannot imagine all the marvellous situations that could arise after such a long period. And that is the reality of it.» and she left.

Tara jumped up and hurried after her. Yvonne looked atHiutay who for a moment raised his hand to his forehead.

There followed a long silence in the room; the King got up slowly and headed towards the window, the Queen Mother stared at him as he went.

«I must confess Hilen, she is not the person that I used to know: she must be suffering from some illness.»

«Help her recover, Raoul.»

The King stared at her; she stared back purposefully.


«I would like to speak with you for a moment, in the bedroom.»

Vhivien pushed her chair away a little from the desk and stared, questioningly, at the Hilen.

She looked around her: «It’s odd that there are no... photographs here.»

The Princess’ expression changed: she opened the drawer and took out a photo; she got up and went towards the Queen.

«Would you like to sit down, Hilen?»

«Why, is it really that bad?»

Vhivien was about to sit down on the sofa next to Hilen; when she exclaimed :

«Hilen, he is the most handsome man that has ever lived.»

«Oh, my! Or as your dear mother would have said, Mon Dieu! look. Who is that: Apollo, the most handsome of all Gods?»

«Have you quite finished?»

Hilen raised her hand to signal a truce; and then reached with it to take the photo: she looked at the image for a long time. Knowing her well, Vhivien watched the Queen Mother, waiting for one of her comments. Hilen uttered one straight away: «You have been very clever Vhivien.»

«What makes you say that?»

«For finding his hidden qualities: perhaps they are hidden under that handlebar moustache.»

Vhivien stared at her condescendingly, with her arms folded.

«Being serious with you, I must confess that he does indeed seem rather fascinating... yes, he has wonderful dark eyes...and his lips are not bad either...and he has a profound stare that seems irresistible...if it weren’t for the moustache, that is. But then again without it he wouldn’t be the same. Yes, I admit that I quite like his moustache as well. But what I like most of all...» she said, bringing the photo close to her eyes « the silver swan in his hand. I would like to ask him where he bought that swan-head cane... It’s magnificent.» then she stared into the girl’s face: «Alright, I concede: he is indeed handsome.»

Vhivien took the photo and stared at her. But Hilen stood tall: «But he seems unfriendly to me.»

«Oh yes, I know what you mean. It was the same for me the first time when I saw him through the diamond, I thought he was quite unpleasant with that arrogant look. But that is just superficial. In reality...he is nothing of the sort.»

«Are you talking about him or his swan?»

Vhivien looked away towards the window, as if to find peace.

The Queen continued: «I know: this man is so superior, as you keep on saying...but my child: your argument for him is illogical.»

«Hilen: How can you tell he is so superior if you have never seen him.»

The Queen changed her usual solemn expression as she smiled inwardly; then she resumed her usual serious tone:

«It would go against the idea of him becoming timeless. If one has decided to lead a more or less solitary life, there must be a motive, no?»

«The motive could be this, not knowing our secret. Hilen, we are talking about a superlative man. I challenge you to find someone like him anywhere in the world.»

«...Especially someone with a moustache like that.»

«Obviously you have to know how to do things. Everything’s possible: you just have to do it in the right way.»


« father knows what the right way is.»

A thoughtful silence followed that comment; then Hilen burst out: «...And everything that surrounds him? I mean... He is not a lone wolf: he has friends... perhaps someone else. I mean, a reality in which he lives... have you thought about that?»

«If we can define his mind as being sharp now... imagine it afterwards? I’m convinced it’s his very character that will make his environment adapt to him.»

«Where do you get such convictions from, Vhivien?»

She got up and stared at her for a moment: «From how has he behaved until now, grandmother.»

The Queen got up and stared at her: «Your father’s right: with you it’s a lost cause.» She headed towards the door, then she turned round to the girl: «Listen little one, that photo you showed me earlier is a great portrait but...don’t you have a full figure? I would like to see what that swan would be like in a frame.»

«You know what Hilen? With every day you become more...convoluted.»

«Oh, swallowed a dictionary, have we?»

«Hilen, listen to me! Will you help me convince him...»

«Ah!... I knew you would ask me that!»

«I beg you Hilen, you’re my grandmother!»

«So? What’s that got to do with anything?»

«The King holds you in high regard, you know.»

«Just because I’m your grandmother? Are you telling me it’s not because of my charm?»

«Don’t joke, please!»

«That’s nothing to do with it Vhivien. You well know that when your father takes a decision he doesn’t need anyone else’s advice. He is a wise man. Which is why... when he says no, it means no.»

«So basically no one realises how important this thing is?»

The Queen raised her head and looked down at her:

«One thing’s for sure, when anyone has the misfortune to argue with you, they need simultaneous translation. Would you mind telling me what you just said?»

Vhivien got up: «A man like him just cannot finish like that...not him. We cannot allow this world to destroy absolutely everything, everything that’s wonderful. He...must live on, adapting with the times, because he can... he must know that there’s this other possibility. Listen to me, I beg you: do something that will make an era stand out, do something to turn all this into can do it. Speak with the King, tell him that he will love the outcome. Can you imagine the countless situations we will be faced with? Just think about it for a moment...just think what such a feat would mean. It would mean that the whole world would be able to find in him something that it has tragically lost. And instead it would discover a new defining line for itself, creating joy and a better quality of life!»

Hilen looked at her seriously. She shook her head and went towards the door. She opened it slowly. Before leaving, she said: «Yes, but only with Dolby Surround Sound. If not, the deal’s off.» and closed the door, unaware of the astonishment on Vhivien’s face. She sat there with a straight back, contemplating.


Baroness Tara entered with a full tea tray in her hands; chattering away as usual:

«Bonjour, Princess...oh look now, what a lovely sunny day it is today.» she stopped for a moment as she looked at the Princess; she realised that her attempts to cheer her up were not succeeding. «Your Majesty, you have not left your chambers now for several days...» she said as she stirred sugar into the tea «... rather than sitting forever in front of that diamond why don’t we go out for a nice walk?»

«Look Tara, they are playing Monopoly as if it were real life... I wonder what the point is in rolling those dice.» she turned round, her smile vanishing.

She pushed away the cup that Tara offered her: «No thank you, Tara. I am not in the mood.»

«Can I turn it off, Your Majesty?» pointing to the diamond.

«No, don’t.» She got up and walked out onto the terrace; leaning her hands on the railings and looking around her: she saw Hilen and the King walking, talking to each other.

The Baroness opened the door to leave but found herself face to face with Counsellor Hiutay.

«Here you are Tara, I was just looking for you.»

«Ohoui? Why?»

«Come closer, I don’t want to the Princess to hear. It seems there have been more threats against the King.»

«OhMon Dieu!»

«Ssssh! And as if that weren’t enough, there are also signs of unrest in the island of Mangareva. It seems someone is taking charge of the rebels, convincing them that the King is not capable of defending their people. How I wish we had never made that trip to Egypt! It was there that all our problems began!»

«OhMon Dieu, but this is...terrible! What do you think will happen now?»

«I know that the King has decided to send the Princess far away: it’s the only way to protect her. He is wondering whether it is better to send her to the Empress of Russia or to the Grand Duchess of Belgium. The problem though is that there is unrest everywhere.»

«Look at you, a bean pole of a man in black and a voluminous woman in red: standing next to each other, you look like the number ten!» exclaimed Helen suddenly, astonishing everyone «Good luck, Tara, the Grand Duchess is waiting for you.»



Lady Malsbury’s Residence.

There was a magnificent morning sun and the sky was so clear that it was hard to tell where the land ended and the sea began; a couple of bright white clouds seemed a little out of place above the idyllic scenery of the Irish coast.

The residence of lady Malsbury was the greyest of the few, sparse houses that scattered the surrounding landscape, though it boasted the ownership of a beach that lay in front of the entrance; the calm sea lapped the coastline as if gently caressing it. In the distance there was a boy running with a dog and a well-dressed woman stood by, watching him.

Breakfast had just finished and Lady Malsbury was settling down on the sofa; Arthur was sat on the armchair facing the sea, where Monsieur Hercule had stopped to admire, through the windows, the magnificent panorama: he cast his eyes across the sea’s horizon, absorbing its splendour.

«Where could Robert be?» asked Lady Malsbury.

«He’ll be outside playing on the beach with his dog, as

usual» replied Emily, the elder of the two grandchildren.

«I presume Agnes is with him?»

«Oh yes.»

«It is such a lovely sunny day» replied Malsbury «I would do the same if I were his age. Monsieur Hercule, it so kind of you to have accepted our invitation.» He turned towards the lady and smiled. «Emily was ever so keen for her closest friends and family to come to her engagement party.»

«You are really too kind Milady. In any case it should be me to thank you for the chance to get to know her grandchildren and to visit such a beautiful place: everywhere you look you can see the sea. It is a paradise.» and he sat down on the other armchair, next to Arthur.

«You are right » said Arthur«for such a remote place it lacks absolutely nothing. I noticed that yesterday evening when we arrived, while passing through the village.»

«Yes » replied Lady Malsbury «of course when Sean and I used to come here, none of this existed. The village wasn’t there, at the most there were couple of houses in the distance» she seemed to let herself smile a little «and we, we had just got married. So much has happened since then. Of the few families that we knew at the time, only the Walkers are left. It’s not how it used to be, times have changed.»

«Changed? » asked

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