Peculiar Bondage: Extreme Taboo BDSM - Al Fresco - E-Book

Peculiar Bondage: Extreme Taboo BDSM E-Book

Al Fresco

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Awkwardly, Gail obeyed: one leg on each side of the tree to which she was bound. She faced him, hating, but obedient. She had long since abandoned heroics. He manhandled her sex until she was gasping. Then bit her nipples until she pleaded. She knew he wanted her to plead, so she did it as quickly and humiliatingly as she could contrive. Curtis was satisfied. He did not switch her. Gail was grateful. The boy often threatened to whip her, but had never done so. Perhaps. his mother had warned him off her own preserves. But Curtis was an opportunist. He began to pluck her pubic hair. One at a time. Slowly and painfully.

"Please, Curtis, don't do that. It hurts."

"You don't care about the hurtin'. You're just scared o' havin' a bald cunt," he jibed.

Gail kept silent while he amused himself. It was surprisingly painful. He extracted each hair very slowly so as to cause her the maximum pain and shame. He was his mother's son! She always wondered why the little horror did not rape her. She supposed his mother must have warned him there too. Ma Billings would not enjoy a pregnant prisoner.

But Curtis was on a mission. Gail got a scant satisfaction from the fact that Ma Billings progeny were almost as much afraid of their mother as herself. Reluctantly, he abandoned his pubic sport and untied her hands. As always, it felt impossibly good and wonderful to be free. Even to massage her wealed wrists was a privilege, a privilege of short duration since Curtis grabbed her right hand and slipped a fresh loop about the wrist.

"You don't have to do that," Gail protested. " 'Course I don't. But you ain't goin' to stop me." He was very certain of what he could get away with.
Gail shrugged. It was not worth a fight, possibly a few cuts with the switch and an argument with Ma. It was easier to allow the urchin to lead her back to the ranch house on a tether like a dog. It amused him, and her own capacity for shame was sadly depleted. It did not matter. Nothing mattered anymore.

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Peculiar Bondage

Al Fresco

Copyright © 2017

It could have been pleasant in the woods had the errand been other than it was. Ma Billings did not belong. Her passage had an air of complaint, of being put upon. Her heavy breathing was loathed and feared. It held a forbidding strength. She sweated easily, and her sweat was sour.

"Think you'll ever learn, honey?" Ma Billings voice was affable without warmth.

"It doesn't matter, maam," Gail said listlessly. She hated the 'maam', but it was obligatory. Ma Billings didn't rate a title.

"You're a damn sensible gal," Ma conceded. "Surprising you don't bellyache more. You ain't got no bed o' roses."

"Would it do me any good, maam!" The girl's voice was only faintly bitter.

"Yup! A wise little trick. I told Billings last time he was down, I said: That little ass o' her'n 'ull take a lot o' whupping." She looked sideways with a bright eye. "Think you'll last it out, kid?"

Gail allowed herself a wry smile. "I have to, don't I! If I don't make it, the fault will be more yours than mine, maam."

"Ain't aiming to be sassy, are you?"

"No, maam. But I want to last it out. I want to terribly."

Ma Billings coarse laugh was pleased. "I'll help you, Hon'. Ain't killing no goose with golden eggs. Take her just so far, I says to Billings, I ain't aiming to kill the gal. Billings, he don't want no corpses hanging around come election time."

"How... how am I doing, maam?" The question was shy, diffident and absurd, but the girl with the cord had to ask it.

"Ain't never had a gal o' your class. Silly bitches most of 'em; not that I didn't enjoy giving 'em a bad time. But you're different. You and me got a long way to go, Honey." The older woman stopped and looked around. "This ought to do. Been here before, ain't you?"

Gail had been there before! She stood now in the same hesitancy that still afflicted her at such times, the pathetic last minute hope of reprieve or easement.

"Well, shuck it! Don't just stand."

Her hesitancy abruptly dealt with, Gail slipped out of the single sheath. Beneath it she was naked. She no longer cared about Ma's devouring eyes. Stripped, she knew what she must do. The sapling had been used before. She pressed her back against it and crossed her wrists behind the slender trunk.

Ma Billings tied her. The wheezing breaths again heaved their protest against effort. But the shrewd fingers were strong and deft. The crossed wrists of the passive girl were criss-crossed by the cord and tightly joined. There was no final knot. The wrists secure, the remaining cord was passed twice round the trunk and knotted where no searching finger could find it. "Don't want you sitting down, honey, or going 'round and 'round." Ma Billings laughed as though at a witticism.

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