Secrets and Sex: Taboo Erotica - Al Fresco - E-Book

Secrets and Sex: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Al Fresco

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


Larrabee stopped as the bus door opened and Jill Marshall stepped down. He stood and stared, trying hard to focus his eyes against the gloom of the dimly-lit street and the haze which liquor had manufactured in his brain.
Damn! he thought. There's a wild number! What the deuce is she doing, getting off a bus in a backwoods place like this?
Must be somebody's relative on a visit, Pete Larrabee concluded. Man. What a bundle! How I'd like to...
There is no point in detailing Larrabee's thoughts further, for they became mired in a morass of lewd sensuality as his rheumy eyes scanned Jill Marshall's curves. These were plainly even startlingly outlined by the skimpy summer dress she wore. The dress was sleeveless, cut quite low at the neck and hugged her lush young body tightly, ending just above her pretty knees. The bus driver had placed a single suitcase on the walk beside her. In addition to this, Jill carried a handbag in one hand and a small traveling case in the other.

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Secrets and Sex

Al Fresco

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

Glenn's Drug Store was located in the center of a six-block-long shopping district which comprised the entire commercial section of Fruitvale, Idaho; a town with a total population of a little over a thousand. What was more, the hour was late after 10:00 p.m. and there were only a couple of people on the sidewalk to see the girl arrive.

One of these was Pete Larrabee, a drifter who was currently employed in the local feed store where the dairymen and beef-raisers bought their supplies. Forty-two years old, he was foul-mouthed man who dipped snuff and got drunk at least three nights, a week. On this particular night he was not drunk, though he had lifted three or four in Bailey's Tavern. He was on his way from there to the town's other watering place, down the street, where he hoped there would prove to be a little more action. Action in Pete Larrabee's vernacular meant the presence of one or more unattached females who were passable in appearance and not so particular that they would be repelled by his lined and whiskery face, his mouth that was stained with snuff juice at the corners, his dark teeth and darker breath, and his totally-unchecked proclivity to express himself in four-letter words.

Larrabee stopped as the bus door opened and Jill Marshall stepped down. He stood and stared, trying hard to focus his eyes against the gloom of the dimly-lit street and the haze which liquor had manufactured in his brain.

Damn! he thought. There's a wild number! What the deuce is she doing, getting off a bus in a backwoods place like this?

Must be somebody's relative on a visit, Pete Larrabee concluded. Man. What a bundle! How I'd like to...

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