Swapping In The Office: Taboo Erotica - Al Fresco - E-Book

Swapping In The Office: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Al Fresco

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Warning: Very taboo. Not for the faint of heart. May include BDSM, incest, and other taboo and forbidden elements. This is a vintage **full length** (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel.


She knew that she looked good. Her titties still thrust out, high and white and firmer than any other thirty-year-old housewife in the neighborhood. Her waist was trim and her asscheeks bounced provocatively when she walked. She still got whistles from truck drivers when she walked to the market to do the shopping. She was a beautiful woman and she knew it, but that didn't help any. She was still bored with her role as a housewife and bored with her husband, Bill.
She fixed a smile of eager anticipation on her lovely face and turned off the light. She would be horny and loving for Bill tonight even though she didn't feel that way at all. She wondered what had happened to their exciting marriage. Somehow she had become totally bored with her husband and she didn't know what to do about it.
Thank God Bill didn't seem to be bored with her. He was always eager for their lovemaking... the perfect husband. She had been pretending to enjoy his kisses and caresses for almost a year now, but he didn't seem to notice the difference. She was glad that he didn't know how she felt. She was comfortable being Bill's wife, even though she was bored. She didn't want to change all that. She just wanted a little excitement. Life just shouldn't be this boring.

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Swapping In The Office

Al Fresco

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents












She knew that she looked good. Her titties still thrust out, high and white and firmer than any other thirty-year-old housewife in the neighborhood. Her waist was trim and her asscheeks bounced provocatively when she walked. She still got whistles from truck drivers when she walked to the market to do the shopping. She was a beautiful woman and she knew it, but that didn't help any. She was still bored with her role as a housewife and bored with her husband, Bill.

She fixed a smile of eager anticipation on her lovely face and turned off the light. She would be horny and loving for Bill tonight even though she didn't feel that way at all. She wondered what had happened to their exciting marriage. Somehow she had become totally bored with her husband and she didn't know what to do about it.

Thank God Bill didn't seem to be bored with her. He was always eager for their lovemaking... the perfect husband. She had been pretending to enjoy his kisses and caresses for almost a year now, but he didn't seem to notice the difference. She was glad that he didn't know how she felt. She was comfortable being Bill's wife, even though she was bored. She didn't want to change all that. She just wanted a little excitement. Life just shouldn't be this boring.

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