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Book Summary The presentation of Perspective Universe reveals the complete picture of the world with all the associated phenomena, although global science is still groping in the dark.Some chapters are supported by 11 detailed colored sketches, from which everyone can imagine an optimal impression of the visible universe. At the beginning of the gamma-ray burst (October 9, 2022), a galaxy formed and developed solar systems. This development takes place over 20-100 billion years. Because the galaxies are an energy cycle that repeats itself over and over again. More information on my website www.perspektive-universum.comThis worldview arose from my intensive research into the inability of nuclear fusion. Since it is now definitely clear that nuclear fusion to generate energy is not possible on our earth, science must be made aware of this so that this illusion can finally be given up. I need every support for this. The aim, however, is to clear the way for renewable energies so that premonitions of possible insolvency due to the success of nuclear fusion can be ruled out from the outset. This is the only way to implement the concept that I presented at the end of the book. Of course, this concept is only a suggestion, as there are certainly other ways to become active here. This is a solar surface that regenerates the maximum amount of energy per m2 from the environment. As things stand today, this concept can only achieve a slight improvement in efficiency. Even cold energy from the winter is used to clear the snow from the solar panels and to air-condition the apartments in the summer. Or to absorb the high temperatures in summer on the solar panels to improve efficiency and then use the thermal energy in winter. All of this together on the same surface. Cold winter temperatures at night are regenerated here and converted into electrical energy in the summer. Before the great success of uncovering the worldview and proving the inability of nuclear fusion, I had to delve deeply into various sciences, but mainly quantum mechanics, and above all understand it properly, because everything, simply everything, was created from the elementary particles of the Standard Model , not only that they are in the protons and neutrons, but also outside as neutrinos or photons that enable us to see through waves. I was then able to find the origin of life. In contrast to the macrocosm of the universe, this is now the microcosm for the emergence of life from the substance of elements, of which our earth or our solar system and also we humans consist. By recognizing the worldview one can only come to this trace of the origin. This will be my next book, about which I will explain everything again down to the smallest calculus. I am convinced that this will also completely overshadow science. I would like to add one thing for you to consider, because there are many people who are interested in the origin of life. The universe is difficult to understand when it comes to three questions: How big is the universe, where does matter come from and how did it come about? With the origin of life we have answered all these questions, now all that matters is how a nucleic acid came to be formed according to the laws of quantum biochemistry (as an example). So how does life arise from the dead elements. Maybe some people will be quicker and discover the origin of life before me? More information at www.perspektive-universum.com
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2025
Function of the interface between quantum physics and general relativity?
Biography with my almost complete way of life.
A.) Introductory foreword of the revolutionary focal points.
B.) Foreword Energy flow.
C.) Preface World Formula.
D.) Copyrights on scientifically intended intellectual property.
1.) Rough summary.
2.) Basic requirement of binding energies.
Sketch: 1 Binding energy.
3.) Physical framework conditions.
3.1.) Framework condition gravitational compression of quantum dynamics.
3.2.) Framework conditions of the world formula in galaxies.
4.) How did the idea of the world formula come about?
5.) Spain: As a galaxy scale provides better understanding.
6.) Uncovering the secrets for the entire universe.
Sketch: 2 scale universe.
6.1.) Why is the Big Bang a misdiagnosis for everything in the universe?
6.2.) How many times have we existed?
6.3.) Background radiation, microwaves and gravitational waves.
6.4.) Beginning of the Milky Way around 13.8 billion years ago?
6.5.) Theory - concentration better every 50 years?
8.) Energy recharge with introductory overview.
9.) Difference between black holes that are not and solar systems.
9.1.) Development epochs.
10.) Getting started with dark matter.
10.1.) Son error analysis
10.2.) Supernova.
10.3.) Exoplanets.
12.) Regeneration in the black hole mass.
13.) Introductory explanation of the world formula.
13.1.) World formula from the interface.
13.2.) World formula of galaxies.
Sketch: 3 World Formula Interface.
14.) Our sun.
Sketch: 4 world view solar system.
Sketch: 5 Type.
15.) Solar system formation.
15.1.) Planets with moon formation.
16.) Rotation and angular momentum of the planets.
17.) Gravity, or rather electro-gravity magnetism.
Sketch: 6 Space Expansion.
18.) Primary energy development in the sun.
19.) Dark Matter.
20.) Dark Energy.
Sketch: 7 Dark Energy Neutrinos.
21.) Gravity or rather electro-gravity magnetism?
22.) Space and time in the galaxy.
23.) Can galaxies control each other?
23.1.) Gravity Antigravity.
Sketch: 8 binding energy neutrinos.
23.2.) How should space expansion be viewed?
24.) Calculation and formation of a galaxy like the Milky Way.
25.) Neutron star formation.
26.) Architect of spiral arm formation.
Sketch: 9 cycle of our galaxy.
26.1.)Comparison between a heat pump and a galaxy.
27.) Oort cloud.
28.) Nuclear Fusion Reactor Nuclear Fusion Science.
Sketch: 10 Nuclear fusion inoperable.
29.) Neutrino Energy Science Fiction of the Future or Reality?
30.) Energy consumption worldwide per year.
31.) Renewable energy to fossil fuel.
32.) Climate change solution.
Sketch: 11 Contra climate change.
33.) We depend on the drip of energy.
Sketch: 12 Drip of Energy.
Otto Ewald Heinrich Helmi Schulz
Perspective universe
Title | Perspective universe
Author | Otto Ewald Heinrich Helmi Schulz
ISBN | 9783989230361
Website: www.perspektive-universum.com
© 2023 - All rights reserved to the author
This work is published directly by the author via the self-publishing platform Youcanprint, and the author owns all rights to it exclusively. No part of this book may therefore be reproduced without the prior consent of the author.
Original language German
The translation of the book has been carried out by Google into the other language, so it may happen that certain interpretations are expressed slightly differently from the way it was explained in the original German. The author makes no guarantee for this.
Biography with my almost complete way of life.
I was born in a small rural area near Lüchow in the Dannenberg district on June 5, 1954. When I was 6 years old, my parents moved to Bielefeld and I grew into my life there.
It was only much later that I realized that I was naturally very curious, as I was already tinkering with the dangerous electricity in the household when I was 7-8 years old. There were no differential circuit breakers here that would save your life if an unthinking and strong electric shock could occur. But I didn't know that until later. But I was probably very careful and otherwise I wouldn't be able to write this book today. So without knowing it, electricity was a very interesting subject. After graduating from secondary school, I immediately began my apprenticeship as an electrical engineer and had a lot to do with the subject of radios and televisions. What I want to say is that I bought these from a scrap collection in Bethel for very little money and then repaired them at a flea market in Bielefeld and sold them in working order. It was a good deal because there was no pocket money from home. So I was able to finance a few things. My extensive training lasted 3.5 years, during which I also had access to other areas through the company, such as the air conditioning technology at IBM, which was now long out dated at the time, and insights into the nuclear power plant on the Weser. I also became very familiar with insulation techniques against sound and heat/cold. Immediately after my apprenticeship, I wanted more and started working as an elevator system technician at the elevator company Flohr-Otis. This was very interesting and pushed me to the limit, it was all still analogue electrical technology, not like today, where you only have to replace a few chip modules and then everything works again. Computer scientists are doing this today.
In 1974 I joined the German Navy in Kiel as a surface weapons electronics technician.
What I found there was comparable to the Apollo series for the moon landing. My job was to control between the individual computing centers and the operations center on the bridge, so that precise coordination tasks for the fire control of the rockets and gun turrets could be passed on through this WDE system.
After my time in the Navy, which opened my life to an interest in the universe, I was fortunate enough to discuss the stars with an officer while at sea. Because I became curious about his work. He was always fiddling around with a sextant in the evening, and that's how we got to talking about the stars. This has stuck with me to this day, I devoured the information wherever I could. When I found out about the existence of black holes at the end of the 1970s, it literally boiled inside me. But the seriousness of life had a firm grip on me again after the Navy at Flohr-Otis. Due to the current oil crisis I was transferred to Cologne, and I didn't like that at all, so I moved to a hydraulics and lifting equipment company. This is where I forged my future, because otherwise you couldn't achieve anything and you couldn't make any progress. The earnings were too much to die and too little to live. I started a family with my first wife in 1977 and we had 3 children. Previously, I became self-employed and sold ice cream and had marketing on various other items. In 1985 I expanded my business into renovations and buying and selling of real estate. In order to better master the complex real estate business, I took a 2-year correspondence course with attendance at the WAK in Kiel. Because time was a precious commodity for me.
When my three children hardly had any lessons at school anymore because the refugees from the GDR occupied all the rooms (1987-1988). I decided to emigrate relatively quickly. Because that was the same dilemma as today in September 2023. We moved to Málaga Mijas on the Costa del Sol and my children went to a German school abroad. So a lot of time was wasted with two legs and flying back and forth. Until I decided completely on Spain. In 1996 my wife and I divorced and my children received training in Germany. I met my current wife and together we opened an ice cream parlor on the first line on the beach in Fuengirola. This business has supported me for 5 years. During this time we struggled together and it wasn't easy to build a good foundation. To date, my wife started her career in a bank, and then it was no longer compatible with my business. We married in 2002 and had 2 sons. I switched from the ice cream parlor to installing and selling air conditioning systems, and over time I worked my way into solar technology. The program included large photovoltaic systems as well as small thermal systems for hot water treatment. Complete renovation and construction work on houses was also included in the management.
Since I (or all of us) in the Federal Navy were given the important part of life to maintain health, so to speak, as a brand. Because in every port where we were anchored, jogging took place in stages depending on the watch. The hardest run was in Norfolk, USA at around 45°C in the shade. That's why I've always kept fit in life. From the age of 22, I jogged 10-15 km every 2-3 days until I retired. In the preparation time for my 17 marathons in my life (42,195 meters), but with approx. 200 km/week over 6-8 weeks as a training session and in addition there was the most sweaty sport that I know, squash sport. Water sports, golf and tennis were then relaxation times where you could relax a little.
In 2014 I started with a climate change concept and approached some energy companies. But since they were almost given the energy like maggots in bacon, they weren't interested in doing anything about it, why should they? Everything was fine. But somehow I suspected that things wouldn't go well for long. We can see it right now in front of us. And the forecasts are even bleaker.
It's a shame that I was diagnosed with leukemia at the beginning of 2018 and had to endure difficult times until the beginning of 2023. So I'm now living with a second bone marrow donation, this one with strong blood.
During this time of long monthly intervals in the hospital, I started writing down this book with all my thoughts. Now I ask myself, was it a shame that I got leukemia? To be honest, sometimes I'm glad that leukemia happened, otherwise this book couldn't have been written, even though it was a difficult undertaking at that time. For this reason, I would like to ask you, dear readers, to understand me and to recommend this book to your friends and acquaintances. It's revolutionary and I'm sure I'll make history. A realistic, comprehensible view of the world in which we live is finally beginning.
This world view that I have created must of course withstand any criticism.
Only with the slightest doubt does it dry up in no man's land, or you keep yourself up to date with other, unproven theories until the next worldview. In any case, the theories we are currently offered can be compared to a large bubble of foam (our current worldview) on the sea. If a few waves come (that's what the criticisms are), then nothing is left of the bubble.
In my assessment, which has so far been very self-critical, this worldview stands like a rock in the surf. Science will now examine my statements very closely. That's a good thing, so that all the nonsense finally disappears from our heads. However, you, my dear readers, have the final opinion. I'm looking forward to any reviews.
What else needs to be considered here about this revolutionary change in the world view is that Copernicus had the same problems in the 14th century as he does today with this argument for the new world view. It took 200 years until our Earth was finally round, because it was previously flat. Today I would still like to experience this success. Thanks to communication techniques, I am dependent on everyone to set an example in the fight against climate change. Because this book aims to pave the way for renewable energies.
A.) Introductory foreword of the revolutionary focal points.
The process of rethinking humanity leads to organizational difficulties in order to make a difference in climate change. There is simply no concrete agreement. The abolition of fossil fuels challenges humanity. The burden of severe storms caused by climate change is obviously a contributing factor. Dear readers, you can participate in this project. In order to reposition ourselves organizationally, incorrect “facts” must be eliminated. What is needed here is not to stage strikes or riots through demonstrations, as is taking on proportions around the world that cannot be justified, but rather to take action. Identify yourself with this document and let your thinking flow freely.
Why nuclear fusion reactors cannot be used to generate energy on our planet sounds absurd and revolutionary against our science at first. However, evidence of a logical character is required that leads from the universe to this truth so that credibility for this statement becomes irrefutable. Galaxies and Solar System Formation shows us the real flow of energy to understand how black holes in the center of every galaxy allow life to spring up and thereby prevent nuclear fusion for energy production on our Earth with our own physical laws. This is ignored by a hidden fallacy. Dark energy and dark matter also become transparent and understandable, even the 4 basic forces can be combined to form a symmetrical point in the black hole mass, although there are probably only 3 basic forces. The galaxy world formula reveals unanswered questions in various areas where there have been no answers yet. Intricate details from many areas can be logically connected with this knowledge, which creates a complex puzzle for our world view in the overall view and becomes clear to everyone. All statements in this book are embedded in the framework with the law of conservation of energy as the top priority, but only if the findings resist any “questioning”.
With easy-to-understand examples, explanations and sketches you gain credibility for the formation of the world in our galaxies, but only for our visible universe. Criticisms and counter-arguments for other world creation images melt away upon closer analysis, no matter where the starting point is, there is only one solution, which is why energy flows form the fundamental traces of truth in a universe. We don't know which natural forces built our universe, but the perfection that resulted from the smallest detail has a meaning in the overall concept. Each quantum member has a job to do and the smallest of all is the neutrino with superior precision in the control mechanism of the galaxies and suns, and is still ignorantly called the ghost neutrino. Without these ghost neutrinos, life could not develop.
Prepare for exciting, even revolutionary explanations that have fundamentally changed the 21st century. Many important explanations come to light again and again as hidden repetitions. I think it is important that everyone has it in front of them at the moment of reading and does not have to search for long in other chapters.
B.) Foreword energy flow.
Interstellar matter cannot be used to form the sun. There is no active energy change that is capable of shaping all the phenomena of a solar system. (see internet law of conservation of energy) Since the dominance of a galaxy is controlled from the Center, the secret to an explanation must also lie there.
The form in which galaxies form can only be identified through the change in energy traces. This means that the formation of galaxies or solar systems can only be proven through the traces of energy flow. The physical framework conditions from our atomic world must not be violated in any way. With my theory I would like to explain this energy flow in detail and describe it in depth so that no questions remain unanswered. The ONLY quantum world can never land with us analytically.
Billions of tons of matter that are ejected from the sun at every moment later accredit themselves to the SL mass. This mass in the form of galactic radiation and atomic matter accumulates from billions of solar wind substances. I will track down the entire process of the formation of solar systems or other phenomena in this book. For example, the current scientific view that the suns were created from clouds of matter and stardust by collapsing is not only absolutely unbelievable, but also complete hocus pocus due to thermodynamic state of matter laws. An incredible number of basic physical rules contradict each other here. Just think of the angular momentum, rotation speeds and mass distribution including the 180 moons, the Oort cloud, as well as the speed of the sun at around 800.000 km/h. in their circulation. Every solar system is a highly complex clockwork, whereby the basic principles of orientation listed cannot just come along and adapt according to the speeds; this must be able to be explained in depth, down to the smallest calculation, so that it is comprehensible. The unsolved problems from astrophysics and cosmology fit like a puzzle into my theory of gravitational compression of quantum dynamics.
This forces me to focus on what I see and not what I want to see. With such world formulas, which are also presented here, fantasies have a great breeding ground, but violations of the indispensable energy laws are taboo. As long as these are 100% under control, counterarguments can only have meaning in the presentation if, when interpreting the explanations, all physical laws can always be proven to be maintained and not violated.
C.) Preface world formula.
An apt statement for a world formula describes the 4 basic forces to create symmetry, which is the prerequisite for us humans. (My opinion, there are only 3, you, dear readers, decide for yourself later). In order to overcome or integrate this hurdle mathematically, the unknown matter from the SL mass must somehow be recognized, which finds compatibility with a constant, since there can only be one form of formation of galaxies, which can only be seen from the emergence and transformation of energy leaves. This still unknown matter can only be identified by us humans in a logical way. We will never get close to this matter to conduct research. Mathematical formulas cannot be used either because the physical basis would be broken. Unless one could mathematically calculate the force in kg/cm3 that would be necessary to compress or dissolve the atomic shells under the pressure of gravity, which occurs in the SL mass.
D.) Copyrights on scientifically intended intellectual property.
All contents of this book from Perspektive Universum are anchored and subject to German copyright law. Any reproduction, revision, distribution or commercial use requires a written license agreement from the author of the book. All copies of the contents of the book, including translations into other languages, can only be used for your own private use. Therefore, any commercial use of the content is not permitted. Since all content was created solely by the author, no third-party copyrights need to be taken into account. However, if you find a notice that overshadows my copyrights, please let me know so that I can react accordingly so as not to infringe other copyrights of which I have not yet been informed. Copyright applies to all scholarly thought that has not been officially made public by the date of publication of this book. Therefore, everyone needs a license agreement from the author of this book in order to pass it on to other interested parties and readers as well as users. This mainly includes all the sketches of the content for the explanations of the interface etc. between quantum physics and the general theory of relativity, which also represents the explanation of the perpetual motion of nuclear fusion reactors with the result that the reactors do not work to generate energy. All other disclosures that fall under copyright are listed separately so that no warnings may arise due to negligence on the part of readers. Violations will be prosecuted and warned by legal representation and VG Wort. My membership provides a legal basis for this in Section 7 of the Copyright Act. Please respect this so that no inconvenience occurs. Permission to forward it to others is given with the link to purchase the book or e-book and is accepted, even highly desired. I would also like to assure you that nothing in this book has been copied from other media or taken over from other people's intellectual knowledge, except for the existing correct scientific findings, which must be incorporated into my statements.