Preparation and use of  macerated, infusions, decoctions. Biodynamic remedies for the treatment of vegetables - Bruno Del Medico - E-Book

Preparation and use of macerated, infusions, decoctions. Biodynamic remedies for the treatment of vegetables E-Book

Bruno Del Medico

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92 pages. Illustrated.
The need to eat healthy foods is the main reason why many people begin to grow a vegetable garden.
Unfortunately, in recent decades increasing movement of goods introduced in all continents diseases and parasites that, in the past, lived only in demarcated areas.
In fact, in the nature that surrounds us live many spores of harmful fungi and plants, eggs of insects, bacteria and other infectious agents, from eggs of insects, bacteria and other infectious agents. The result is that today, any plant we grow; this suffers attacks of what is present in the neighboring fields, in the atmosphere, in the rain, in the wind. This book, accompanied by hundreds of recipes, suggests a rich assortment of natural me-ods to combat pests and diseases of plants grown in our gardens. Explain the characteristics of the plants most used for this purpose, and explains how ot-hold from them, in a simple, highly effective preparations

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Table of Contents

Title Page

Why use organic methods

What are macerated, infusions, decoctions and other preparations

Preparation of macerated

How to prepare the liquid before you spray it

Liquid base dilution

Note the percentage of dilution

Adhesion of the product to the treated plants

Use of products that improve the adhesion

Agent’s property of Marseille Soap

Repetition of the treatments

How to use tables. Table content

Achillea millefolium (Yarrow, Milfoil)

Allium cepa (Onion)

Allium sativum (Garlic)

Allium schoenoprasum (Chives)

Armoracia lapathifolia (Horseradish)

Artemisia absinthium (Wormwood)

Capsicum (Chili)

Dryopteris filix-mas (Male Fern)

Equisetum arvense (Horsetail)

Hyssopus officinalis (Hyssop)

Matricaria Chamomilla (Chamomile)

Mentha piperita (Peppermint)

Origanum Majorana (Marjoram)

Origanum vulgare (Oregano)

Pteridium aquilinum (Bracken fern)

Rehum rhabarbarum (Rhubarb)

Salvia officinalis (Sage)

Sambucus nigra (Elderberry)

Solanum lycopersicum (tomato)

Symphytum officinalis (Comfrey)

Tanacetum vulgare (Tansy)

Taraxacum officinalis (Dandelion)

Thymus vulgaris and Thymus serpillum (Thyme)

An insecticide bomb. Hot Spray Horganic

Bruno Del MedicoIllustrations by Elisabetta Del Medico




Preparation and use of

Macerated, infusions, decoctions.


Combat pests and diseases in organic garden















E-BOOK PDF. ISBN 9788898268740. Price € 9,00

Growing vegetable garden



Copyright © 2014 Coltivare l’orto Editrice di Bruno Del Medico

Via Torino 76 – 04016 Sabaudia LT

E-mail: [email protected]


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You can use all kinds of onions to prepare macerated and infusions.




Why use organic methods

The cultivation of a garden is becoming, in recent years, one of the most popular hobby.

The garden is no longer a necessary survival activity. Today the cultivation of the Garden represents a new way to get close to nature, according to a philosophy of life that rejects consumerism.

The need to eat healthy foods is the main reason why many people begin to grow a vegetable garden.

Unfortunately, in recent decades increasing movement of goods introduced in all continents diseases and parasites that, in the past, lived only in demarcated areas.

Industrial agriculture has faced this situation with the development of increasingly powerful chemicals. Many of these products have become indispensable to protect the large crops. Others are required to achieve cost-effective production volumes. The result is that those products, having protected the plant, follow his destiny up on the shelves of supermarkets. It is possible, therefore, that very beautiful vegetables contain no accumulations disposed of all kinds of chemicals, pesticides or fertilizers that end up in our bodies.

In fact, in the nature that surrounds us live many spores of harmful fungi and plants, eggs of insects, bacteria and other infectious agents, from eggs of insects, bacteria and other infectious agents. The result is that today, any plant we grow; this suffers attacks of what is present in the neighboring fields, in the atmosphere, in the rain, in the wind.

Hence the need to protect our small crops from diseases and infections that afflict industrial agriculture.

If, however, we examine why we decided to cultivate our garden, i.e. the desire to eat healthy foods, we understand that we cannot use the typical security methods in the industry.

Fortunately, nature is smart. In its wonderful complexity has created, for each possible prey, a predator. However, he ruled also that each predator in turn, could become prey.

We can counter any disadvantage with natural means just as natural.

This book, accompanied by hundreds of recipes, suggests a rich assortment of natural methods to combat pests and diseases of plants grown in our gardens. Explain the characteristics of the plants most used for this purpose, and explains how to-hold from them, in a simple, highly effective preparations.

Using these natural methods, i.e. biological, you will continue to have good production without using chemical-based products. 



What are macerated, infusions, decoctions and other preparations

Macerated, infusions and decoctions are different methods that you can use. The aim is to extract the active ingredients from herbs that will be useful in the fight against pests or against fungal diseases.

The main difference is the temperature at which you submit the grass during the extraction process.

In fact, some herbs stand high temperatures and release the active substances even if boiled in water. Despite boiling substances, retain their properties.

These extraction procedures "hot" take the name of infusions or decoctions.

To prepare an infusion you must boil a quantity of water, and then you have to pay, still hot, on the grass, chopped. Alternatively, when the water boils, turn off the heat and pour in the water the grass.

To prepare a decoction have to chop the grass, and then you have to boil at moderate heat for about 15 minutes.

 Other herbs, on the other hand, you can treat a cold. In these cases, you must let her soak in cold water for a couple of days. We need a longer time because with the low temperature, active substances take longer to pass by the grass fibers to the liquid.

The macerated are the products obtained from the maceration process.

In all cases, at the end of the procedure you get a thick liquid, more or less murky. If it is hot, you have to wait to get off at normal temperature.


Preparation of macerated

You can prepare the macerated by cold water bathroom plants from which you want to obtain the product being sprayed on the plants.

Collect from herbs from an area, which is not subject to pollution, fumes away from transit and roads from waste deposits. If possible, collect the herbs before flowering, unless the recipe does not include the use of flowers. Exclude the roots, if the recipe does not clearly indicate.


Nettles gathered to prepare a poultice.

Put the herbs in a non-metallic container. A plastic bucket with graduated indicator of liters is the perfect solution.



Add water according to the amount provided for in the recipe.



Let in the water long enough. Two days are enough. A longer time does not affect the quality of the product obtained. However, this will begin to emit a nauseating smell.



Strain the mixture through a colander, a sieve or a cotton cloth. Before deploying diluted with Marseille Soap.




Preparation of an infusion or a decoction

Finely chop the basic principle of the infusion, meanwhile put to boil the quantity of water required by the recipe.


Minced or crushed garlic, ready for an infusion.



To prepare an infusion, boil water. When bubbles turn off the heat and add the active ingredient, leaving to cool. To prepare a decoction put the active ingredient immediately in water, bring to the boil, after fifteen minutes turn off, and let cool.



How to prepare the liquid before you spray it

You cannot flush the liquid obtained without submitting it for some processes.

The first step is to bring the liquid at room temperature.

The second step is that of filtering, i.e. liquid separation from all plant debris that contains.

To filter the liquid Foundation you can use a meshed sieve, or a cotton cloth.

To flush the filtered liquid you need to use a sprayer with a fine Jet. If you do not carefully filtered the liquid sprayer nozzle, you will block immediately.

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