6,99 €
Pages 244. 55 illustrations
Often our daily life is accompanied by extrasensory insights and visions. Our existence is accompanied by episodes of telepathy or other sensations of the soul. These phenomena are not uncommon and affect everyone. Some scholars, with a more open mind, wanted to tackle the topic scientifically. They wondered if there is a way to understand extrasensory experiences without resorting to occultism, mythology or pseudo-religious philosophies.
Quantum physics provides positive answers to this question. It is now certain that elementary particles are connected to each other. Quantum entanglement confirms that in the level of elementary particles "everything is one". In this unity we can recognize a mind of the universe. Perhaps Plato's "Anima mundi". Perhaps the collective unconscious of Carl Jung. Perhaps it is the Eastern philosophy of the Tao. Or perhaps a completely new vision of reality, which unifies the material and the psychic. The author, with the clarity of an expert communicator, involves the reader in these themes. riflessione.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2019
George Anderson
Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity.
Force Fields, Non-Locality, Extrasensory Perception.
The Astonishing Properties of Quantum Physics.
Copyright 2019
Bruno Del Medico Publisher
Sabaudia (LT) Italy
Communications: [email protected]
Only Italian or English, please. Other languages will be ignored.
Publisher's secure site: https://www.qbook.it
The whole catalog. Reduced prices. 20 languages
Introduction. What This Book Is About
Part I. Essential Preconditions
1. The Massacre of Baruhill Street
A Presentiment not Understood
An Opposite Case
2. How Much Does the Soul Weigh?
More Precise Scales Are Needed
Everything To Be Redone
3 - Normal and Paranormal
British Society for Psychical Research
Still not Enough
4- . The Walls of Jericho Creak
The "Junk DNA"
Brain Cells Regeneration
96% of the Universe Is Missing
Part II. The Soul of the World
5. The Consciousness That Everything Is One
Plato and the Anima Mundi
The Anima Mundi in Western Thought
The Anima Mundi in Oriental Thought
6. The Miracolates of the West Side Baptist Church
Part III. Synchronicity
7 - Carl Gustav Jung. Synchronicity and Collective Unconscious
Synchronicity in the Baruhill Street Event
Force Fields and Modified Reality
Synchronicity in the Event of the Choristers Saved from the Explosion
When Reality Is Physically Influenced
8. Synchronicity As Agent of Transformation of Reality
Physical Transformation. Prayer and Healing
Desire and Intention
9. Why It Does Not Always Happen
Emotional Involvement
The Theory of Weak Signal
Part IV. Force Fields, Non-Locality and Psychic Cosmos
10. Matter, Mind and Spirit
The Physical Level of Existence
The Quantum Level
The Non-Local Level
What does this have to do with us?
11. Force Fields
The Mount of Cursing
Bathing in the Ganges River
Force Fields and Archetypes
12. Mental Fields
How Do Morphogenetic Fields Work?
Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance
Morphic Fields
Force Fields in Nature. The Stones
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin and the Noosphere
13. Time, Distance, Non-Locality
Some Distances in the Very Large and in the Very Small Expressed in Meters
Further deepening
Units of Distance Measurement
Units of Time Measurement in Seconds
Part V. Wonders of Quantum Physics
14. Synchronicities Occur at the Right Time
15. A Meeting at the Right Time
Pauli Effect
The Psychophysical Diagram of Pauli and Jung
16. Entanglement
Where Entanglement Is Born. Elementary Particles.
Unregulated Electrons
Between "Twin" Photons the Quantum Interweaving Is Established, That Is the Entanglement
17. The Alain Aspect Experiment
The Principle Behind Entanglement
Equivocal Habits of Entangled Photons
18. The Implications of Entanglement
Entanglement Dismantles Mechanism
Entanglement Dismantles the Arrow of Time
There Is No Space or Time in Non-Locality
Part. VI. Extrasensory Perception
19. The Sixth and the Seventh Sense
Definition of Extrasensory Perception
Ganzfeld Experiment
20. Telepathy
Joseph Rhine Experiments
Upton Sinclair Experiments
René Warcollier Experiments
Entanglement and Telepathy
Sensory Coincidences Between Twins
21. Personal Force Field
Each Creature Interacts with Multiple Fields
And What Happens When the Creature Dies?
22. Prescience
23. A Tragic Sea Adventure
A True Story. The Mignonette Shipwreck
24. Literary Foresight
Futility. The Wreck of the Titan
25. Presentiments
Dean Radin's Experiments
Disaster Forecasting
26. Other Types of Prescience
The Feeling of Being Stared At
Evil Eye and Fascination
27. The Global Consciousness Project
Someone Tried. The Google Profile of Mood States (GPMOS)
Someone Succeeded. The Global Consciousness Project (GCP)
The Twin Towers
The Global Consciousness Project Today
28. Conclusion. Is This the Right Time?
Timeline of Quantum Mechanics and Entanglement
“It is my personal opinion that in the science of the future reality will neither be "psychic" nor "physical"
but somehow both and somehow neither…
It would be most satisfactory
if physis and psyche could be conceived
as complementary aspects of the same reality.”
(Wolfgang Pauli, Nobel Prize in Physics,
in a letter of 1950 to Abraham Pais)
For many centuries extrasensory perceptions such as telepathy, premonitions and foresight have been considered fantasies, illusions or fraudulent inventions.
This was the direct consequence of materialistic domination over science and the a priori denial of any reality that could not be verified in the laboratory.
Despite this, we have all had simple experiences such as strange coincidences, presentiments or even readings others' thoughts and intentions. That they were not illusory is proven by the fact that we have often benefited from them in our everyday lives.
Now finally, in recent decades, scientific evidence is emerging of the existence of a higher level of consciousness, a collective mind where ideas and thoughts common to all of humanity dwell: a psychic cosmos from which it is possible to draw and from which we receive signals and information.
In 1980 the quantum entanglement was experimentally confirmed, i. e. the property of elementary particles to communicate with each other without limits of space and time, in a dimension that is not subject to the known laws of physics and can be compared to a universal mind.
The Global Consciousness Project experiments, conducted at Princeton University, have undoubtedly demonstrated the existence of a global consciousness, ready to react emotionally when major events involving humanity occur.
This Project is based on electronic equipment distributed in 41 nations on all continents, able to record the mood of human communities.
On the occasion of the terrorist attack on the Twin Towers in New York, on September 11, 2001, the University of Princeton instruments recorded a very high peak of "anguish" in the global population feelings: the amazing fact is that the emotional peak was not recorded after, but two hours before the event happened.
This book talks about all the confirmations acquired in the last five decades to the theory of the Anima mundi dear to the Greek philosopher Plato, and then to the intuition of the collective unconscious of the well-known psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung, until the definitive confirmation, coming from eminent scientists and Nobel prizes of what was predicted by quantum physics, that is the existence of a non-local level where particles, even if separated by immense distances, know everything about each other and behave as if they were one.
This book is neither a scientific text nor a philosophical or a para-religious one. The author is a popularizer with years of experience to his credit, able to identify the salient points of even very complex topics, managing to re-elaborate them in order to make them comprehensible to the general public.
The message of this book is that the dividing barrier between matter and psyche is collapsing, indeed, it has already collapsed.
From a universe totally based on matter aggregated by chance, humanity is definitely navigating towards a new way of understanding reality, where matter and psyche coexist and integrate.
While classical physics remains dominant in the world perceived by our senses, new levels of reality are opening up.
At a quantum level, classical physics is no longer valid: matter cannot perform its function on its own, but it needs a psychic dimension, that is, a further level, the level of non-locality. Here the whole universe becomes one, made of energy and information, and is coordinated by a harmony force without which only chaos would exist.
In the most hidden levels of reality matter cannot do without the psyche but, reciprocally, the psyche cannot exist without a matter through which to express itself.
This awareness is accompanying humanity towards a new evolutionary leap, beyond which the materialistic dominance will cease.
There will be an era of collaboration between psyche and matter, in which even phenomena that are now discussed or denied, such as extrasensory perceptions, will become a patrimony of common use in everyday life.
The Editorial Board
The person who follows the crowd
will usually go no further than the crowd.
(Albert Einstein)
On October 27, 1992, a terrible tragedy occurred in Terrigal, a residential area of Bateau Bay on the Central Coast, not far from the populous Australian city of Sydney.
In the throes of a raptus, a man broke into Thomas Gannan's home on Baruhill Street, killing Thomas and his two daughters, 23-year-old Kerry and 18-year-old Lisa. He also killed his own 27-year-old son David, and two other people who were in the house.
The name of the perpetrator of the massacre was Malcolm Baker. According to the local newspaper The Sidney Morning Herald, which dealt with the matter for a long time, it all happened for futile reasons.
Certainly the Baruhill Street massacre is one of those episodes that cry out for revenge in front of the sky. As incredulous spectators, we wonder why such a heinous crime could have occurred. Believers can ask themselves: Why does God allow this?
The pain of the whole community was great. A third daughter of Thomas, Julie, who at the time of the massacre was 17 years old, wrote a heartbreaking love poem to the lost loved ones, from which I report some verses:
... now that everything has happened
I wish it were a dream,
but unfortunately it is reality,
even if I can't believe it.
Dear Dad, even if you are gone
I always love you…"
I remembered this episode to make sense of the book.
Of course, when faced with the question of why these things can happen, we have no answers. However, we can imagine that if "someone" had issued a warning, it would not have happened.
Many times in the presence of sudden misfortunes of various kinds, such as natural disasters, there are people who claim to have had premonitions thanks to which they have been able to avoid the worst. Why doesn't it always happen? Why doesn't it happen for everyone? Why didn't it happen with the Gannan family?
Still, it is possible that that family received a warning. As we have seen from Julie's poignant poem, the Gannan girls loved to write and eighteen-year-old Lisa also enjoyed writing verses.
Obviously a girl full of life, cheerful, sunny, what else could have written if not hymns to joy? Moreover, The Sidney Morning Herald reports that Lisa, although still a student, was pregnant.
So, a teacher from the High School attended by the young woman was unpleasantly surprised when, shortly before the massacre, she read these verses in her diary:
Figure 1. On the right, Lisa Gannan. On the left, her sister Kerry, also a victim killed by the lunatic, with her mother absent at the time of the massacre.
Why did you come to cry before my grave?
I'm not in the grave, I'm not sleeping.
I am a wandering star in the darkness of the night sky.
Don't cry here anymore,
I'm not in the grave, I live in the dark sky. "
When the teacher asked her why her verses were so full of sadness, Lisa replied that she did not know, they had come to her in a spur of the moment.
With hindsight, we can imagine that those verses could represent the premonition of a fatal event. But, in all honesty, we must also ask ourselves whether it would have been possible for Lisa to understand them. Lisa was probably warned, but with an unknown language, hermetic, difficult to interpret. A language that made no sense to her.
All the things that happen around us, the strange coincidences, the "signs", to be understood must make sense. The sense that we can give to an insignificant episode transforms it into a significant coincidence, that is, a synchronicity, as the psychologist Gustav Jung, who dedicated a large part of his life to the study of these topics, defines it.
Figure 2. The Sydney Morning Herald's front page with the news of the massacre.
All of us receive messages in the form of elusive signs, strange coincidences, combinations and circumstances that are often repeated, parallelisms, but which slide on us both because we consider them the work of chance and because we cannot understand their meaning.
It is hard to believe that any entity cares so much about us and tries to send us warnings. Why should he do it? And even if he wanted to, why not express himself more clearly?
Contrary to the difficulties in interpreting the previous episode, Mr. Woods, a senior partner of a New York law firm, was much more attentive to premonitions and managed to avoid several times the imminent dangers. In fact, according to a widespread reconstruction on the net, he escaped three attacks.
The first time, on December 21, 1988, when he was supposed to be travelling on Pan Am flight 103. The aircraft, a Boeing 747-121 called Clipper Maid of the Seas, which was on its way from London to New York, exploded in flight for the detonation of a plastic explosive charge. The tragedy occurred over the town of Lockerbie, Scotland. 270 people died in the plane crash, 259 on board the plane and 11 on the ground struck by debris. Mr. Woods saved himself, because he canceled the departure.
The second time, on February 26, 1993, he escaped a terrorist attack, the one against the World Trade Center in Manhattan, consisting in the detonation of a van loaded with explosives placed in the underground parking lot. There were 6 dead and over 1,000 injured.
Finally, on 11 September 2001, he moved away from the Twin Towers shortly before the impact of the planes that caused the collapse.
Even if this story is not documented in a flawless way, there are dozens more similar, relating to people born really lucky, or . . . very foresighted and attentive to premonitions.
There are many things around us that we do not understand. Is this an eternal condemnation, or can we hope that sooner or later we will find a way to shed light?
Everything suggests that many human capacities are not known, indeed, there are those that we do not even imagine. Others are only intuited, yet others, such as premonitions and telepathy, we would swear that they exist but we do not know how to interpret them correctly.
In the last centuries, scientific prejudices about the reality of the universe have denied any possibility of involving psychic realities in the functioning of nature.
The world around us is considered as a mass of matter subjected to mechanistic rules. According to this conception, only what can be weighed and measured is normal, everything else is pure illusion, as if it does not exist.
With the advent of the Enlightenment, a cultural and philosophical movement that developed in Europe around the eighteenth century, it was stated that if the soul existed it had to have a weight, because a soul only spiritual was completely excluded.
So, it was thought to weigh the dying just before and shortly after death, to see if their weight varied. Having established that it remained the same, it was concluded that the soul was completely non-existent.
I thought that this experiment was condemned ridiculous by itself, until I learned that someone wanted to repeat it in our time.
A film entitled "21 grams" was made in 2003 and is based on the experiments conducted in 1901 by Dr Duncan MacDougall, in Dorchester. There are many cities with this name, but here we refer to the one located in Massachusetts (USA).
The scholar intended to demonstrate that the human soul has a mass and is therefore measurable, using scales more precise than those in use in 1700.
So, he weighed six dying patients before, after, and at the very moment of death. His conclusion was that the soul weighs 21 grams, and here comes the title of the film.
For added safety, the doctor also weighed a dog with the same method, verifying that in that case the weight remained the same. He concluded that only human beings have a soul, not animals.
As long as science claims to have a materialistic approach of this kind, it will never go anywhere in the dialogue between science and psyche.
What we want to affirm not only in this book, is that reality is not composed of matter alone.
The questions we ask ourselves have been the same for centuries:
- Is it possible that the psyche can also find its place in a universe made of matter?
- Is there a relationship between psyche and matter, and what are its bases?
- Does our personal consciousness live closed in itself or does it have the possibility of communicating with all the other consciousnesses in the universe?
- And what are the other consciences?
- By what means can this communication between consciences take place?
- And finally, is there a global consciousness, a "super-consciousness" that connects and unifies all personal consciousnesses?
As complex as these issues may seem, it is not impossible to approach their understanding. Many are working to facilitate the task for us and for themselves. They do it seriously and scientifically.
In this book I present the discoveries, the experiments and thre experiences conducted by the most famous scholars of the subjects involved in this research, from psychology to quantum physics.
Discussing further these topics, rather than dismissing them, means contributing to an objective understanding of our minds potential and how they manage to dialogue with the Mind of the universe.
In my role as a popularizer, I will try to expose all the hypotheses, without supporting any and without excluding any (I hope) of those based on researches carried out seriously.