Rahul Gandhi - Harshit Gupta - Hörbuch

Rahul Gandhi Hörbuch

Harshit Gupta

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He comes from a family where his great grandfather, grandmother, and father were all Prime Ministers of India. But he has also seen his grandmother and father assassinated within a span of seven years. Since he was a child, he's witnessed the good and the bad that comes with power. Rahul Gandhi hails from a family where it's not easy to stay away from politics, even if one wants to. But, at the same time, it's not something you get on a platter, at least not anymore. In this day and age, the Gandhi surname does not guarantee victory, yet Rahul is trying to reach the top through the road less travelled by being present and by constantly learning. Like him or not, his is a life journey worth looking at.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 49 min

Sprecher:Anish Nair
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