React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices - Carlos Santana Roldán - E-Book

React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices E-Book

Carlos Santana Roldán

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React helps you work smarter, not harder — but to reap the benefits of this popular JavaScript library and its components, you need a straightforward guide that will teach you how to make the most of it.
React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices will help you use React effectively to make your applications more flexible, easier to maintain, and improve their performance, while giving your workflow a huge boost. With a better organization of topics and knowledge about best practices added to your developer toolbox, the updated fourth edition ensures an enhanced learning experience.
The book is split into three parts; the first will teach you the fundamentals of React patterns, the second will dive into how React works, and the third will focus on real-world applications. All the code samples are updated to the latest version of React and you’ll also find plenty of new additions that explore React 18 and Node 19’s newest features, alongside MonoRepo Architecture and a dedicated chapter on TypeScript.
By the end of this book, you'll be able to efficiently build and deploy real-world React web applications.

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React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices

Fourth Edition

Design, build, and deploy production-ready web applications with React by leveraging industry-best practices

Carlos Santana Roldán


React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices

Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2023 Packt Publishing

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embedded in critical articles or reviews.

Every effort has been made in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information presented. However, the information contained in this book is sold without warranty, either express or implied. Neither the author, nor Packt Publishing or its dealers and distributors, will be held liable for any damage caused or alleged to have been caused directly or indirectly by this book.

Packt Publishing has endeavored to provide trademark information about all of the companies and products mentioned in this book by the appropriate use of capitals. However, Packt Publishing cannot guarantee the accuracy of this information.

Senior Publishing Product Manager: Suman Sen

Acquisition Editor – Peer Reviews: Saby Dsilva

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Content Development Editor: Shazeen Iqbal

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Technical Editor: Srishty Bhardwaj

Proofreader: Safis Editor

Indexer: Rekha Nair

Presentation Designer: Rajesh Shirsath

Developer Relations Marketing Executive: Priyadarshini Sharma

First published: January 2017

Second published: March 2019

Third published: May 2021

Fourth edition: July 2023

Production reference: 3070823

Published by Packt Publishing Ltd.

Grosvenor House

11 St Paul’s Square


B3 1RB, UK.

ISBN 978-1-80323-310-9

I would like to dedicate this book to my lovely daughter, Victoria.

– Carlos Santana Roldán


About the author

Carlos Santana Roldán is a software engineer with over 16 years of experience in the industry. He is the author of the books React Cookbook and React Design Patterns and Best Practices – Second, Third, and Fourth Editions. Carlos is also the founder of one of the most renowned developers’ communities in Latin America, Series Frontend, where he trains individuals in various web technologies (

About the reviewers

Roy Derks has been working in web development for the past 15 years. He has founded multiple startups, and worked as a startup CTO and developer advocate for numerous startups. Roy has been using GraphQL, React, and TypeScript since the early days and is seen as a thought leader in the space. In recent years he has published multiple books with Packt Publishing such as React Projects (First and Second Editions) and React and React Native (Third and Fourth Editions).

Jonathan Reeves is a software engineer with over five years of experience. Jonathan has used JavaScript and/or TypeScript for most of his development career, which has included extensive usage of React, GraphQL, and Node with Express. Currently, he is working as a mid-level software engineer in the video game industry using C++ and the .NET tech stack.

First, I would like to thank my wife. Without her patience and help with our children, I would not have been able to review this book in the amount of time necessary. I love you. I would also like to thank my kids for allowing me to review this book in the hopes that sometime soon they will start their journey of learning software development. Ava, and Grayson, Daddy loves you very much.

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Who this book is for

What this book covers

Get in touch

Taking Your First Steps with React

Technical requirements

Differentiating between declarative and imperative programming

How React elements work

Unlearning everything

Understanding JavaScript fatigue

Misconceptions about React

Getting started with React without the fatigue

Advantages of the JavaScript ecosystem

Bye to Create-React-App, welcome to Vite!

Vite as a solution


Introducing TypeScript

Technical requirements

TypeScript’s features

Converting JavaScript code into TypeScript



Extending interfaces and types

Implementing interfaces and types

Merging interfaces



Template literals

TypeScript configuration file


Cleaning Up Your Code

Technical requirements

Using JSX


Creating our first element

DOM elements and React components



Differences with HTML





Boolean attributes

Spread attributes

Template literals

Common patterns






Styling code






Git Hooks

Functional programming

First-class functions






Exploring Popular Composition Patterns

Technical requirements

Communicating components

Using the children prop

Exploring the container and presentational patterns

Understanding HOCs

Understanding FunctionAsChild


Writing Code for the Browser

Technical requirements

Understanding and implementing forms

Uncontrolled components

Controlled components

Handling events

Exploring refs

Understanding forwardRef

Implementing animations

Exploring SVG


Making Your Components Look Beautiful

Technical requirements

CSS in JavaScript

Understanding and implementing inline styles

Using CSS modules

Webpack 5

Setting up a project

Locally scoped CSS

Atomic CSS modules

Implementing styled-components


Anti-Patterns to Be Avoided

Technical requirements

Initializing the state using properties

Using indexes as a key

Spreading properties on DOM elements


React Hooks

Technical requirements

Introducing React Hooks

No breaking changes

Using the State Hook

Rules of Hooks

Rule 1: Only call Hooks at the top level

Rule 2: Only call Hooks from React functions

Migrating a class component to React Hooks

Understanding React effects

Understanding useEffect

Firing an effect conditionally

Understanding useCallback, useMemo, and memo

Memoizing a component with memo

Memoizing a value with useMemo

Memoizing a function definition with useCallback

Memoizing a function passed as an argument in effect

Understanding the useReducer Hook


React Router

Technical requirements

Installing and configuring React Router

Creating our sections

Adding parameters to the routes

React Router v6.4

React Router loaders


React 18 New Features

Concurrent mode

Automatic batching


Suspense on the server

New APIs




New Hooks





Strict mode

Node.js latest features

Experimental Fetch API

Experimental test runner module

Experimental node watch

Node 18 is now Long-Term Support (LTS)


Managing Data

Technical requirements

Introducing the React Context API

Creating our first context

Wrapping our components with the provider

Consuming context with useContext

Introducing React Suspense with SWR

Introducing SWR

Building a Pokedex!

Testing React Suspense

Redux Toolkit: a modern approach to Redux

Key features

Getting started

Creating a store

Creating a slice

Combining reducers

Connecting components to the store

Integrating the store with a React application


Server-Side Rendering

Technical requirements

Understanding universal applications

Reasons for implementing SSR

Implementing SEO

A common code base

Better performance

Don’t underestimate the complexity of SSR

Creating a basic example of SSR

Configuring our project from scratch with webpack

Creating the application

Implementing data fetching

Using Next.js to create a React application


Understanding GraphQL with a Real Project

Technical requirements

Building a backend login system using PostgreSQL, Apollo Server, GraphQL, Sequelize, and JSON Web Tokens

Installing PostgreSQL

Best tools for PostgreSQL database management

Creating our backend project

Configuring our .env file

Creating a basic config file

Configuring Apollo Server

Defining our GraphQL types, queries, and mutations

Scalar types



Merging type definitions

Creating our resolvers

Creating the getUsers query

Creating the getUser query

Creating the mutations

Merging our resolvers

Using the Sequelize ORM

Creating a user model in Sequelize

Connecting Sequelize to a PostgreSQL database

Authentication functions

Creating JWT functions

Creating authentication functions

Defining types and interfaces

Running our project for the first time

Testing GraphQL queries and mutations

Testing model validations and querying users

Performing a login

Building a frontend login system with Apollo Client

Configuring Webpack 5

Configuring our TypeScript

Configuring the Express server

Creating our frontend configuration

Creating the user middleware

Creating JWT functions

Creating our GraphQL queries and mutations

Creating user context to handle login and connected user

Configuring Apollo Client

Creating our app routes

Creating our pages

Creating our login components

Creating our dashboard components

Testing our login system


MonoRepo Architecture

Technical requirements

Advantages of a monorepository and the problems it solves

Creating a MonoRepo with NPM Workspaces

Implementing TypeScript in our MonoRepo

Creating a devtools package to compile packages with Webpack

Creating a colorful log

Webpack common configuration

Webpack development configuration

Webpack production configuration

Creating the utils package

Creating the API package

Creating a user-shared model

Creating a user-shared GraphQL type and resolver

Creating custom services

Building our service configuration

Creating our custom models

Creating model seeds

Creating our custom GraphQL types and resolvers

Synchronizing our models and starting Apollo Server

Testing our CRM service

Creating the frontend package

Creating our Sites system

Creating our Page Switcher

Creating our Login system

Creating our sites configuration

Putting everything together

Demo time!


Improving the Performance of Your Applications

Technical requirements

How reconciliation works

Using keys

Optimization techniques

Tools and libraries


Babel plugins


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Testing and Debugging

Technical requirements

Understanding the benefits of testing

Painless JavaScript testing with Jest

Testing events

Introducing Vitest

Installing and configuring Vitest

Enabling globals

In-source testing

Using React DevTools

Using Redux DevTools


Deploying to Production

Technical requirements

Creating our first DigitalOcean Droplet

Signing up to DigitalOcean

Creating our first Droplet

Installing Node.js

Configuring Git and GitHub

Turning off our Droplet

Configuring nginx, PM2, and a domain

Installing and configuring nginx

Setting up a reverse proxy server

Adding a domain to our Droplet

Implementing CircleCI for continuous integration

Adding an SSH key to CircleCI

Configuring CircleCI

Creating environment variables variables in CircleCI


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React is a revolutionary, open-source JavaScript library that breathes life into web applications by constructing intricate user interfaces from small, isolated chunks known as components. This book serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the wonders of React and enhancing your productivity by introducing an efficient workflow without compromising on quality.

Our journey begins by delving deep into the core of React, gaining a thorough understanding of its internal mechanisms and architecture. With this strong foundation in place, we will guide you towards writing clean and maintainable code, breaking down complex concepts into digestible and manageable chunks.

Continuing our journey, we will uncover the art of building components that aren’t just one-off entities but reusable pieces across your application. We’ll illuminate the path to structuring your applications, making them more organized and manageable. The seemingly daunting task of creating functional forms will become a breeze as we equip you with strategies and techniques to do so effectively.

As we ascend further, we’ll immerse ourselves in styling React components. You’ll learn how to bring your applications to life with aesthetic appeal while ensuring they remain swift and responsive. Moreover, you’ll discover the secrets of enhancing application performance, fine-tuning your components for speed and efficiency.

In the final phase of our journey, we’ll delve into testing methodologies effectively, refining the quality and reliability of your applications. You’ll also gain insight into contributing to React and its thriving ecosystem, joining the ranks of developers who continually drive its evolution.

By the end of this book, the trial-and-error process, the developmental hurdles, and guesswork will be things of the past. You will have harnessed the power of React, equipped with the skills necessary to construct and deploy real-world React web applications with confidence and finesse.

Who this book is for

This book is for web developers who want to increase their understanding of React and apply it to real-life app development. Intermediate-level experience with React and JavaScript is assumed.

What this book covers

In Chapter 1, Taking Your First Steps with React, we start our journey to understand React by learning to write declarative code and distinguishing between our components and React’s elements. We also discuss why we combine logic and templates in React, a decision that was controversial initially but ultimately beneficial. Recognizing the potential for feeling overwhelmed in the rapidly evolving world of JavaScript, we suggest taking small, manageable steps to avoid fatigue. We wrap up by introducing the new create-vite tool, preparing you for hands-on coding experience in React.

In Chapter 2, Introducing TypeScript, we’ll learn the basics of TypeScript, including creating simple types, interfaces, using enums, namespaces, and template literals. We’ll also figure out how to set up our first TypeScript configuration file (tsconfig.json) and divide it into two parts - a common part and a specific part, which is particularly handy when working with MonoRepos. After this chapter, you’ll be all set to delve into using JSX/TSX code and explore ways to make your code better in the next chapter. Get ready to use TypeScript to make your React apps easy to work with and maintain.

In Chapter 3, Cleaning Up Your Code, we’ll get to know JSX, including how it’s written and what it can do. We’ll also set up Prettier and ESLint to keep our code neat and prevent mistakes. Plus, we’ll learn about functional programming, which makes our code easier to manage and test. After tidying up our code, we’ll be prepared to go deeper into React and learn how to make components that we can use repeatedly in the next chapter. By adopting good habits, we can build React apps that are simple to manage, grow, and check.

In Chapter 4, Exploring Popular Composition Patterns, we’ll learn how to use “props” to make our reusable components work together better. Using props helps keep our components separate and welldefined. We’ll look at two common ways to organize components: the container and presentational pattern, which keeps the rules and looks of our components separate. We’ll also learn about Higher Order Components (HOCs) for dealing with context without making our components too dependent, and the Function as Child pattern for creating components on-the-fly.

In Chapter 5, Writing Code for the Browser, we’ll look at how React can be used in a web browser to create forms, handle events, and animate SVGs. We’ll learn about the useRef Hook, which is an easy way to reach DOM nodes.

With React’s simple, straightforward approach, managing complex web apps becomes easier. Plus, React allows us to access DOM nodes directly if we need to, which makes it simple to use React with other libraries.

In Chapter 6, Making Your Components Look Beautiful, we’ll dive into styling in React. We’ll start by looking at the problems with making CSS work for big projects, using the experiences of Meta as an example. We’ll learn about how we can write styles directly inside our React components, which keeps our code tidy and easy to read. But we’ll also learn about the limitations of this method and explore another way of styling, called CSS modules, that lets us write CSS in separate files but keep the styles scoped to individual components. Finally, we’ll get to know styled-components, a popular library for styling in React. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have many tools for making your React apps look great.

In Chapter 7, Anti-Patterns to Be Avoided., we’ll talk about four ways of using components that could slow down or mess up our web apps. For each problem, we’ll use an example to show what goes wrong and how to fix it. We’ll learn why using properties to set up the state can cause problems between the state and the properties. We’ll also see how using the wrong “key” attribute can mess up the way React updates components. Lastly, we’ll learn why spreading non-standard properties to DOM elements is a bad idea. Understanding these issues will help us use React more effectively and avoid common mistakes.

In Chapter 8, React Hooks, we’ll have a lot of fun learning about the new React Hooks. We’ll learn how they work, how to use them to get data, and how to change a class component into a Hooks one. We’ll also learn about effects and the differences between memo, useMemo, and useCallback. Finally, we’ll see how the useReducer Hook works and how it’s different from react-redux. All of this will help us make our React components faster and better.

In Chapter 9, React Router, we’ll learn about React Router, a tool we use with React to move between pages in a single-page application. React doesn’t do this on its own, so we use React Router. We’ll find out how to use it to make our app respond to different URLs and manage navigation. By the end of this chapter, you’ll know how React Router works and how to use it in your projects. We’ll learn the differences between the react-router, react-router-dom, and react-router-native packages, how to set up React Router, how to add the <Routes> component, and how to add parameters to the routes.

In Chapter 10, React 18 New Features, we’ll explore the new and improved React 18. It has loads of features that make building cool, interactive apps even easier.

With automatic state update grouping, concurrent rendering, Suspense for getting data, better error handling, and new component types, you can create engaging and fast apps. If you work with React, it’s a good idea to consider upgrading to React 18. We’ll also look at some of the big new features in Node 18 and 19, which can make our web projects even better.

In Chapter 11, Managing Data, we’ll learn about the React Context API and how to use React Suspense with SWR. We’ll learn the basics of the Context API, including creating and using contexts and how the useContext hook makes this even easier. We’ll also look at React Suspense and how it helps us handle loading states better for a smoother user experience. We’ll also learn about SWR, which makes it easier to fetch and cache data with React Suspense. Lastly, we’ll learn how to use the new Redux Toolkit. All these tools will help us build faster and more user-friendly React apps.

In Chapter 12, Server Side Rendering, we’ll finish our journey through server-side rendering (SSR) with React. Now you’ll know how to create an app that uses SSR, and why it can be useful for things like search engine optimization (SEO), social sharing, and improving performance. We’ll learn how to load data on the server and put it into the HTML template so it’s ready for the client-side app when it starts up in the browser. Lastly, we’ll see how tools like Next.js can make setting up SSR in React a lot easier by reducing the amount of extra code and hiding some of the tricky parts.

In Chapter 13, Understanding GraphQL with a Real Project, we’re going to learn about GraphQL, a cool tool that helps us work with APIs and our data more efficiently. Unlike regular REST APIs, GraphQL lets us ask for exactly what we need and nothing more. We’re going to use it to make a simple login and user registration system for a real project. We’ll learn how to install PostgreSQL, set up environment variables with an .env file, set up Apollo Server, make GraphQL queries and mutations, work with resolvers, create Sequelize models, use JWTs, play with the GraphQL Playground, and do authentication. By the end, you’ll know how to use GraphQL in your own projects.

In Chapter 14, MonoRepo Architecture, we’ll talk about something called a “MonoRepo.” Normally, when we build apps, we have one app, one git repository, and one build output. But many organizations use a single repository for all their apps, components, and libraries to make development easier. This is what we call a monorepository. It’s like keeping all your code in one big basket instead of having many little baskets. This makes it easier to keep everything updated and it can save time. We’ll also discuss how a MonoRepo can make it easier to refactor code, improve teamwork, and speed up the process of updating a package dependency without having to publish a new version every time there’s an update.

Chapter 15, Improving the Performance of Your Applications, we will explore techniques to make your apps run smoother and quicker for a better user experience. We’ll delve into how React updates your app’s display and how using keys can aid in this process for improved efficiency. We will discover the importance of well-structured, task-focused components in boosting app performance. We will discuss the concept of immutability and its significance in helping React.memo and shallowCompare work effectively. Toward the end, we will introduce various tools and libraries that can further speed up your applications. This chapter aims to equip you with valuable knowledge to enhance the speed and performance of your apps.

In Chapter 16, Testing and Debugging, we’re going to learn all about testing. You’ll find out why testing is important and explore different tools and techniques for checking if our React components are working as they should. We’ll work with libraries like React Testing Library and Jest to write and run tests, and even see how to test complex parts of our application like high-order components or forms with lots of fields. Plus, we’ll learn how to use tools like React DevTools and Redux DevTools to help us develop better apps. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a solid grasp of how to keep your app working well through effective testing.

In Chapter 17, Deploying to Production, we’re going to take the React app you’ve built and share it with the world! We’ll use a cloud service called DigitalOcean to do this. You’ll learn how to use Node.js and nginx to get your app up and running on a server, and we’ll use an Ubuntu server from DigitalOcean for this purpose. We’ll walk you through how to set up a DigitalOcean Droplet, configure it, and link it to your domain. We’re also going to introduce you to CircleCI, which is a tool that helps you automatically make sure your app is always ready for users, no matter how many changes you make. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have your app live on the internet for everyone to see!

To get the most out of this book

To master React, you need to have a fundamental knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js. This book is mostly targeted at web developers, and, at the time of writing, the following assumptions were made of the reader:

The reader knows how to install the latest version of Node.js.The reader is an intermediate developer who can understand JavaScript ES6 syntax.The reader has some experience of CLI tools and Node.js syntax.

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Conventions used

There are a number of text conventions used throughout this book.

CodeInText: Indicates code words in text, database table names, folder names, filenames, file extensions, pathnames, dummy URLs, user input, and Twitter handles. For example: “After you create this util, you need to create the index.ts file at packages/utils/src/index.ts."

A block of code is set as follows:

{ "name":"api", "version":"1.0.0", "main":"index.js", "author":"", "license":"ISC"}

Any command-line input or output is written as follows:

cd packages/api npm init -y

Bold: Indicates a new term, an important word, or words that you see on the screen. For instance, words in menus or dialog boxes appear in the text like this. For example: “The first package we need to create to be able to compile other packages is called devtools.”

Warnings or important notes appear like this.

Tips and tricks appear like this.

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