Renewables in Future Power Systems - Fabian Wagner - E-Book

Renewables in Future Power Systems E-Book

Fabian Wagner

96,29 €

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The book examines the future deployment of renewable power from a normative point of view. It identifies properties characterizing the cost-optimal transition towards a renewable power system and analyzes the key drivers behind this transition. Among those drivers, particular attention is paid to technological cost reductions and the implications of uncertainty. From a methodological perspective, the main contributions of this book relate to the field of endogenous learning and uncertainty in optimizing energy system models. The primary objective here is closing the gap between the strand of literature covering renewable potential analyses on the one side and energy system modeling with endogenous technological change on the other side. The models applied in this book demonstrate that fundamental changes must occur to transform today's power sector into a more sustainable one over the course of this century. Apart from its methodological contributions, this work is also intended to provide practically relevant insights regarding the long-term competitiveness of renewable power generation.


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