Rope Skipping for Beginners - The practice book: How to learn rope jumping quickly, acquire jumping techniques in no time and continuously improve your new skills - Katja Eden - Hörbuch

Rope Skipping for Beginners - The practice book: How to learn rope jumping quickly, acquire jumping techniques in no time and continuously improve your new skills Hörbuch

Katja Eden

7,95 €

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One or the other of you surely remembers the school breaks back then on the playground in the elementary school at the thought of jumping rope. And surely you are smiling about it now. It was a pastime as a kid, it was fun, and it was literally child's play. Is it still that way today? Who would have thought that "rope skipping" would become a recognized sport in which even international competitions are now held. What has spilled over from abroad to Europe as a trend is also gaining enthusiasm on our doorstep in all age groups and sports groups.

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Zeit:1 Std. 0 min

Sprecher:Casey Wayman
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