Seeing Without Eyes - Katharina Friedrich - E-Book

Seeing Without Eyes E-Book

Katharina Friedrich



You can see with and without your eyes! Our brain is a wonderful organ - sensitive, creative and flexible. There is still much to discover in it and with it. Most people take seeing with their eyes for granted. Imagine you could see without your eyes. This becomes possible when you learn to perceive your inner ray of vision again. In this process, the information is received directly in the brain without the eye sensory organ, and then processed further. With this knowledge and these abilities, you can navigate your everyday life with ease and joy, guided by your inner compass - your intuition. You enrich and focus your perception at the same time. In this book, author and researcher Dr. oec. Katharina Friedrich describes her training experiences and the background to the 'Seeing Without Eyes' method. You can read reports of experiences with blind people and children, as well as share in the experiences of course participants. The author broadens the horizon of science. You can picture it.

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Seitenzahl: 120

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2021

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I dedicate this book to my parents, and

the whole generation of people

who experienced the war, fleeing because of the war

and its aftermath, who gave me the deep desire for

peace that accompanies me constantly.

It is only with the heart that you can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

French writer & pilot (1900 - 1944)

Table of contents


My personal path

Vision regeneration

The eyes – the entrance doors

My goal: activate the inner ray of vision

Personal vision training

Science & research



Spain and Mexico

Russia and Ukraine


Asian countries


The method: Seeing Without Eyes


Differences to the third eye - inner ray of vision

Training tool: the mask

Teaching method

Adult training (from age 12)

Children’s training

‘Brain acrobatics’

Benefits from Seeing Without Eyes

Intuition & perception


Brain performance / dyslexia




Vision and visual acuity

Visual ray activation with blind people

Live free of fear

Overload syndrome

Experiences with blind people and children


Fraternal sighted twins





Field reports


Visual impairment



Preparatory exercises

About the author

Dr. oec. Katharina Friedrich




Picture credits

BeTeWi Academy

BeTeWi Congress


Dear readers,

My reasons for writing this book are the many insights I have gained, and the ever-increasing number of enquiries I get about seeing without eyes. The videos and articles published by the BeTeWi Academy, and my articles in professional journals, have led to an increase of interest on this subject, which is the ability to receive and process visual information in the brain directly without the use of the eyes or other electromagnetic sense organs, e.g. touch.

Seeing without eyes and the activation of the inner visual ray remains a hot topic. Some consider all demonstrations, and thus the whole subject, a lie and fraudulent. Others approach the subject cautiously and consider it possible. Still others get involved, train themselves, and have individual success stories.

My approach comes from a practical point of view. Th is book is therefore not about anatomical explanations or scientifi c studies. I will shed light on the subject with the help of experiential reports from my own life and those of many people I have met on my personal path and in my seminars.

I know that much more is possible for us as humans than we generally believe. I have experienced this many times.

In this book I introduce people who have experienced new possibilities as well as unique ‘moments’ in their existence with the training method Seeing Without Eyes – Activating the inner ray of vision. They achieved expanded perception with regard to their eyes and vision and were able to regain access to their intuition.

I explain the differences between the three visual perceptions:

Eye sense organ

Third eye

Inner ray of vision - seeing without eyes.

Seeing with the inner ray of vision is also referred to as ‘direct informative perception’, ‘seeing without sight’, and ‘extraocular vision’.

There is no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ in this excursion of what is humanly possible, rather we set out to gather experiences and share them with each other. We can leave prejudices and limitations behind and experience something new.

I found seeing without eyes being taught in various countries around the world, including China, Mexico, Paraguay, Russia, Spain and Thailand. Historical reports show that this is not new; it was already being applied and scientifically researched in France at the beginning of the last century.

Join me on a journey into exciting arenas of human existence that have yet to be explored. You will be amazed and learn interesting things.


Katharina Friedrich

My personal path

From birth, my left eye was virtually blind, with less than two percent vision. My right eye could only see poorly with a very limited field of vision and low visual acuity. In the course of my childhood, I noticed that I oft en dropped things, for example, when I wanted to put something down on a table. I would wonder about this, as I could do almost everything else at least as well as my friends. It was not until I was of age that an eye test showed that my sight had been severely limited in both eyes since birth.

I would love to have studied medicine, as I was very interested in the human body, and health in general, especially vision and the eyes. Even as a child, I wanted to find a way to help myself and the many people who suff er from a visual disorder or disability.

However, I could not study medicine because of my visual impairment, so I chose economics with a focus on probability and statistics. In 2005, aft er several years in the professional world, I suff ered an accident caused by my stressful work environment. Suddenly I was paraplegic, and aft er an emergency operation, I could see a half-moon when I looked through my better-sighted right eye for a while. The right half of the moon was black.

Vision regeneration

After successfully experiencing partial regeneration, I was spurred on all the more to study medicine; also alternative healing methods, borderline sciences, spiritual and human techniques and the activation of stem cells. My questions: What can be done to restore sight 100%? How can sight be induced where it has never existed? Is it possible to make blind people see, and regenerate eye cells in almost-blind people back to competency?

During those years when I was researching answers and searching for solutions, I asked everyone I came across about this, including an ophthalmologist who sat next to me on a plane during a trip in 1980.

I turned to her and directed our conversation to the topic of eyes: ‘Surely it must be physically possible to place stimuli that are stronger than sunlight in front of the cornea and vitreous body, leave the retina undamaged, and reach the brain...?’

‘That’s not possible!’ she replied vehemently, and went on to explain: ‘Those who cannot see from birth are at a great disadvantage. Spatial vision is not present. If both eyes were to achieve more than 20% vision, which would make spatial vision possible, the associated control centre for visuospatial ability, which is located in the cerebellum, would need to be trained as well.’

The eyes – the entrance doors

Suddenly I realised, ‘It’s not the eyes alone!’ The eyes are only sensors. Our sophisticated vision, with which we create images and map out the world in our brain, is the result of much more complex connections1. We must therefore also train the cells of the cerebellum so that they can perform this control function. The eye itself is only the doorway.

This led me to ask: ‘Can I replace the door and put in a new “viewing window”, for example? Or a “peephole” to get to the next step in the viewing process?’

At that time I heard about a lady who was more than 80 years old who played ball with blind children in Paraguay, she has since passed away. I did some research, and when I asked her if she was able pass on this knowledge, she said no.

I wanted to find a method that makes it possible to see without eyes, or that can shape the process of seeing in such a way that even if some important parts of the process are missing, seeing is still possible – and not to see something imaginary, but what is directly in front of you, something quite material.

Later, when I was doing more research on the internet, it was before 2012, I came across some children in China and Thailand. These children appeared on television, and while wearing a mask or scarf tied over their eyes, they were able to correctly name the colours of the clothes of spectators who were asked to come on stage, e.g. his jacket is red, her trousers are blue. One obvious question came to mind when I saw this: ‘Can these children see anywhere through their masks?’ Doubts are always appropriate with such phenomena, I think.

As far as I could tell when I deepened my research and assessed this phenomenon there was no ‘peephole’; the children had developed skills that normally go unused.

My goal: activate the inner ray of vision

Brain research shows that the image we see is created inside our head. The physical eyes take in information, then transport it via the optic nerve to our brain which puts together an image. This perception is a learning process during early development (see Rudolf E. Lang).

My declared goal was to restore my vision, and ideally to regain full sight. In order to succeed, I was prepared to remove the blockages in the cerebellum and cerebrum and to engage in training.

With the help of special methods, the inner ray of vision can be activated independent of the physical eyes. Everyone can learn to see without eyes, children and adults.

To begin with, films and pictures are used to show others whom have already learnt this. Children tend to react to them immediately: ‘If he can do it, I can do it too!’ It is important that the mind is able to say, ‘That’s possible!’ Afterwards, there is training using a variety of exercises, including the use of a light-blocking mask.

I wanted to know why and how it works, and so I gave it a try. I learnt it, experimented with many exercises, optimised them and developed my own training methods. I was spurred on by the following questions: ‘Is this a particular talent with which a person is born? Are these learnable abilities and trainable to everyone?’ Yes, they are!

Over the years I have come to recognise the necessary processes. From this, and from my own wealth of knowledge and experience, I designed the seminars Seeing Without Eyes which I have been teaching with joy and success for years in small groups all over the world.

Personal vision training

Within a week I completed a nine-hour training with my eyes closed, and continued individual selected exercises at home for two months. Filled with my teaching activities as a mental trainer in the field of Quantum Harmony®2 and Figure correction - light nutrition at the push of a button3, I put on the black light-blocking training mask for the first time after fourteen months. I opened my eyes underneath, everything was black. After a short time, about five minutes, the moment came when I could see a grey veil as big as one Euro coin. Then it moved, sometimes to the left, sometimes to the right. Suddenly, small white dots the size of a pin appeared in my left field of vision, first one, then three, then seven, then countless. These dots were outlined in black, as if on a black pin cushion with small white pin heads, and were not structured in any way. It was exhausting to look at.

Then, unexpectedly, orange and red light appeared. I had the feeling of being able to see through it, like orange tracing paper. It was not at all strenuous, but easily perceptible.

I kept my attention, and my intention was to unite or enlarge the small white dots.

I didn’t succeed the first time. Then I leaned back and enjoyed this play of colours under the mask. Next I closed my eyes and rested. When I opened my eyes again shortly afterwards – still under the mask – the white dots were there again. How beautiful, I thought. Then the white dots multiplied. Out of the white they became transparent, like a pane of glass through which I could see. My attention continued to be occupied by the dots, which I tried to count, enlarge, and mentally expand for as long as I could. I had fun with it. In between, I rested again and leaned back. After about ten minutes I took off the mask – that was enough for now.

It was winter, there was snow, I went for a walk and enjoyed the fresh air. I was curious: if I put the mask back on now, will I see dots again?

I put it back on, the elastic band lay horizontally at the back of my head and over my ears, the mask was snug, without much pressure. Just that way where it feels comfortable. Without expectation, more like a game, I wanted to see if they would show up again. And lo and behold, within a second those little white dots were back.

Then I challenged my brain. I held something in front of my mask. Everything was black, I no longer saw any white dots. Every time I held something in front of it, everything went black.

I started holding coloured sheets in front of the mask. And voilà, I could see the colour. It was crystal clear through these little pinholes.

Colours are already recognisable.

I thought, oh, now I can see different colours, that’s good. Hooray, something just happened here that I didn’t know was possible before.

After a little break, I put the mask back on. Again in the same place, on my left side, the white dots appeared. All of a sudden they became bigger, there were bigger spots in them. I felt a ‘pop’, but without a sound.

In the lower third of the mask, the width of a finger, a rectangular window of perception of about 2 x 4 cm (0.8 to 1.6”) opened up, through which I could easily see larger objects.

I was even slightly irritated at this and had to ask myself, ‘Do I have the mask on or not?’ To check, I brought both hands towards my eyes.

‘Oh yes, it’s still there’, I thought. The mask hadn’t even slipped yet. With an index finger I tried to locate where my viewing window was: on the lower third of the left side.

Due to my visual impairment, I normally see very little with my left eye, but now – with the mask – I could see everything crystal clear. Then I remembered that the eye’s visual pathway flows crosswise, so it is my right visual pathway (eye, optic nerve, visual centre) that is active here.

Under the mask, I closed my right eye and the perception window was gone. The visual process under the mask therefore still functions as in normal vision, i.e. predominantly crossed over.