Stubborn With a Pair of Wings - Sonja von Eisenstein - E-Book

Stubborn With a Pair of Wings E-Book

Sonja von Eisenstein



Tidi is a larking little angel visiting the celestial school for guardian angels in order to become a guardian angel for children on Earth. He loves children more than anything! Although he‘s an eager pupil, he‘s also full of pranks and ideas. Saint Peter, the heavenly gatekeeper, can tell a story or two about that! Still, he can never hold a grudge against his „scallywag“, especially since Tidi always paints pretty pictures to make up for his mischief. Tidi can‘t wait to protect a child on Earth. But when Tidi becomes the cause for a terrible mishap, the heavenly authorities harbour serious doubts. Is it appropriate to send Tidi down to Earth already? Will he be able to cope with looking after a child? These concerns grow when Tidi makes it his mission to make The Good Lord laugh. He even dares to defy Master Rigoroso from the highest heavenly authorities when being reprimanded. That has serious consequences! In the end, everything turns out completely different – even for Tidi … „Stubborn With a Pair of Wings“ is a humorous story, invigorating yet profound, not only for children but also for adults. This book will inspire children, parents and grandparents alike. And those who weren‘t keen on angels before will surely be captivated by the little heavenly scallywag‘s charm.

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Sonja von Eisenstein was born in Bad Vöslau (Austria) and began her artistic career at the age of nine as children’s broadcaster for a radio station in Vienna. At the age of 11, she became a child actress at the Scala in Vienna.

When she was 18, she won the Austrian Easy Listening Festival, and at the age of 21 the young singer made guest appearances at the Theatre of Patras (Greece).

Later, she began writing and publishing serialised novels. With the Austrian broadcasting company ORF she produced children’s audio dramas, ‘Traummännlein’ (Little Dream Man) stories and fairy tales. She also wrote short detective graphic novels, series of magazines, poems and song texts.

After several years as an author she returned to the stage as an actress at Treuberg’s Theatre Ensemble and at the Viennese Vivarium Fairytale Theatre.

The energetic artist learned puppetry from Professor Kraus at the puppet theatre in Vienna Urania and worked with his company during several ORF TV productions. In 1982 she signed a contract as singer and actress at the ‘Theater an der Rott’ in Eggenfelden, Germany, living and working predominantly in Bavaria until 2004.

She published several books with the Herman Bauerverlag (‘Verschlafet eure Träume nicht’ [Don’t Sleep Your Dreams Away]), the Ch. Falkverlag (‘Wenn die Seele Märchen erzählt’), a factual book on horses with the Habelsverlag, and worked as a journalist with the press agency Helene Mühlwisch, several magazines and the Fereczyagency before taking further training as an advertising writer and caricaturist. Her first major contract saw her drawing masks of politicians for the joke article company Wiener Witte.

During a six-week-long solo adventure trip across Israel, where she went with just a car and a tent in 2000, Sonja von Eisenstein decided to become a music therapist and finished with a diploma thesis on ‘Music for Suffering and Dying Patients’ (‘Musik bei Kranken und Sterbenden’).

On behalf of the artistic directors of the ‘Theater an der Rott’, in 2005 she dramatised the fairytales ‘King Thrushbeard’ and Peter Nüesch’s tale ‘Sun, Moon and Stars’ (‘Sonne, Mond und Sterne’) for the stage.

During 2006 she went to Israel/Palestine working as a volunteer in an old citizen’s home/disabled care home for female Palestinians where she had the opportunity to work with music and guitar as well as employing drawing and art therapy for six weeks at Medium ‘Stein’.

Through 2012 and 2013 Sonja von Eisenstein, who is the daughter of the late concert cellist Professor Richard Matuschka-Eisenstein, took to the stage with musical cabaret shows, perfected her illustrator drawings, and acquired a certificate for photographic design.



The Secret of the Missing Keys to Heaven

A Picture to Pacify Master Peter

Tidi Makes a Curious Discovery

The Guardian Angel School

Master Peter is Concerned – Where is Tidi?

A Mishap and Its Consequences

Will Tidi be Allowed to Earth as a Guardian Angel?

A Present for Master Peter

The Angel With the Harp

First View Through the Heavenly Telescope

Tidi Spits Cherry Stones Down to Earth

Tidi – Stubborn With a Pair of Wings!

Tidi Doesn’t Want to Blurt Out His Secret

Tidi Wants to Make the Good Lord Laugh

Stubborn Tidi and His Christmas Presents

Matters Take a Different Turn – Even for Tidi

Suddenly Tidi’s Stubbornness Is Being Praised

The Girl on the Pile of Rubbish

Tidi – A Guardian Angel for Children With a Difference

Tidi is Looking Forward to Earth


Introductory Guide for Painting Stones


Every one of us sometimes faces situations when we wish we had a guardian angel by our side to help us out, no matter whether we are children or adults. And who here hasn’t experienced that desperate situation when, seemingly out of nowhere, someone suddenly emerged to help them along? Someone who was in the right place at the right time in order to help us out of a predicament, to fulfil a wish, or to bring something that was urgently needed? This is not restricted to any specific country, religion or skin colour – it hinges on the guardian angels that were placed at every human’s side at birth. They communicate and assist one another for the welfare of their wards. This happens everywhere in the world!

Even in distant and foreign countries, humans of different religions and skin colours experience the unexpected appearance of someone to help them through a difficult patch: the appropriate doctor when they are sick, the helping hands of a person close-by, or those of a friend. The more we believe in our guardian angels and trust them, the more they will be able to do for us.

Tidi wants to become such a guardian angel, although he is slightly different from all the others. This is his story …

The Secret of the Missing Keys to Heaven

Once upon a time there was a little angel with blond locks and white wings. His name was Tidi. But if you thought that angel children were well-behaved, you didn’t know Tidi! He was truly a heavenly nuisance, an angel of mischief, and full of pranks. Nobody – and I mean nobody – could escape his shenanigans.

Not even good old Saint Peter who was responsible for guarding the gates of heaven. Whenever Tidi was close by, and if Saint Peter so much as blinked, it was possible that the keys to heaven would vanish. Just like they had done this morning. Only … Tidi was nowhere to be seen.

Wondering where he might have put them, the gatekeeper of the heavens desperately searched for his golden keys. He was responsible for preventing undeserving people from entering the heavens. Suddenly, Tidi poked his head around the corner.

‘Good morning, Master Peter,’ he greeted him with his silvery voice and a smile that could have melted the hearts of even the strictest heavenly authorities.

‘Oh deep joy, it’s Tidi!’ Saint Peter exclaimed under his breath. It dawned on him who might be responsible for the disappearance of his keys.

‘Do you have any idea where my keys are?’

Tidi shook his blond, curly head with the most innocent of expressions.

‘No, Master Peter, no idea. Do you want me to help you search for them?’

‘That would be very nice of you, Tidi,’ Saint Peter answered.

‘Alright,’ said Tidi not moving an inch from his position. ‘I will help you. Well, if you turn right, walk three steps and then turn left, you’re not far away. You just need to go five more steps – but very small steps, mind – take five giant leaps, and look around the corner to your right.’

‘Oh! You little rapscallion,’ good-natured Saint Peter grumbled. ‘Just you wait until I get my hands on you!’

He tried to grab Tidi by his wings but the little angel of mischief was quicker. Laughing he fluttered away across the heavenly meadow and shouted, ‘When you find them, Master Peter, you will get a kiss as your reward!’

‘Oh, you scallywag,’ Saint Peter shouted after him, ‘you little scallywag!’

Tidi waved gleefully at him and blew him many kisses until he disappeared behind a silver cloud. Sighing, Saint Peter continued his search. What had Tidi said? Turn right … walk three steps … turn left … Saint Peter wiped the sweat from his brow.

Meanwhile, Tidi hid in a silvery-white cloud. He had pierced a little hole through the cloud so he could watch Saint Peter search for his keys. When he took five giant leaps, Tidi burst into laughter and couldn’t stop. Thick glittering angel tears of laughter streamed down his face.

After three hours of exhausting search in every corner, the gatekeeper of the heavens finally found his keys beneath the silvery-red rose of the heavens on the window sill of his marble dormitory. With a sigh of relief he pressed them against his chest. And sure enough, Tidi appeared in the doorway, clapping his hands.

‘You won, Master Peter! You won! Would you like your kiss now?’ He puckered his pink lips leaning in towards the good-natured Master Peter, who certainly didn’t feel like being kissed at this particular moment of time. ‘Ha! I finally got you, you little scallywag!’ he shouted, pulling the heavenly prankster’s left ear. ‘I’ll teach you to hide my keys!’

‘But Master Peter,’ Tidi defended himself ruefully, ‘I only wanted to teach you to look after your keys better.’

‘You what?’ Gasping, Saint Peter let go of Tidi’s ear. What a cheek! ‘You want to teach me …’

That was as far as he got. Poof – Tidi had made his escape just as soon as Saint Peter had let go of his ear. Flying backwards across the radiant heavenly meadow he ascended further and further while blowing Saint Peter uncountable kisses. Finally Saint Peter’s anger melted away, and he decided to look after the keys entrusted to him by the heavenly authorities better in future.

Tidi whistled for his best friend, the pearly-white heaven-gull Joniti. They were inseparable. He could race her flying, or they would practice aerobatics. She appeared almost instantaneously. ‘There you are, Joniti,’ Tidi shouted. ‘I’ll try this again.’ He turned onto his back in mid-air. His fluttering wings carried him and slowly he descended to the meadow. He craned his neck and tried to land smoothly on his head in the grass. Once he achieved that he soared back up into the air, his wings flapping frantically. Eventually he hovered upside down, accompanied by his trusted heaven-gull who tried to follow suit. They ascended further. These aerobatics were a top performance, even for an angel! Tidi and his gull could have performed in a circus with this act. He liked these heavenly sports and practised his performances relentlessly.

Once he tired himself out, he remembered Master Peter. He regretted annoying good old Peter so much. After all, he loved him dearly, and all he wanted to do was to tease him a little. Truth be told, it had been too funny watching him stroke his white beard deep in thought while he was searching for his keys. And when he took those five leaps … Tidi burst into laughter again just thinking about it. Still, his conscience was gnawing away at him, and suddenly he became worried that he might be in serious trouble with Master Peter after all. Maybe he was even annoyed enough that he would never hug him again, never place his big, heavy hand on his curly head again to pull his face close to his chest where Tidi could bury it. And maybe, he would never even sing songs with him again with that wonderful, sonorous bass voice.

That thought stung deep in the heart of the little angel. No, he didn’t feel like laughing anymore. On the contrary, he felt very, very uneasy. He had to make it up to Master Peter!