Suckfest Incest: Taboo Erotica - Armand Upham - E-Book

Suckfest Incest: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Armand Upham

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


    Bill was alternately fucking her cunt and her ass. Every time the bestial length of his cock and rammed into the depths of his stepdaughter's pussy, his fingers slid greasily back until only the wriggling tips were embedded in her itching asshole. When his prick pulled back until the head lodged pulsing and hot in the mouth of her cunt, he rammed his fingers into the squirming reaches of her ass.
     It was more than the young girl had ever fantasized before. More than she had ever felt. More than she could even think about handling.
     With a shriek that tore the air around them, Debbie exploded in one massive orgasm after another. Her back was arched so far that herentire weight was supported on the back of her neck and the soft paleness of her shoulders.
    The girl's face was a twisted mask of lust, her eyes blinded and glazed with it. A thin stream of drool ran from one corner of her mouth. And all the time that she pushed and ground her cunt and ass against her stepfather's two-fold fucking, Debbie pounded and clawed at his back and shoulders.
    Bill's T-shirt had been ripped in a half dozen places by her nails. Long welts seeped on his bare back. Yet he didn't care. They were nothing in comparison with the savage joy of the male animal as he pumped his spunk into the hole of a female in heat.
    "Unh, unh, unh!" he grunted, biting and gnawing on her tormented tit, clawing and pinching at its sister.
    "You want my cum?" he snarled. "Does the little slut want her dad's cum?"
     "Oh pleeeeeeease," the girl pleaded and whimpered. "Give me your jizz, Dad! Fill your baby's belly with all that sweet, aaaaaghhhhhh!"

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Suckfest Incest

Armand Upham

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents











The perfume from her cunt rose to fill his brain with its heady odor, and it only increased the hunger he always felt when sucking his wife's beautiful pussy.

Over and over, Marge felt the cum-slimedwhip that was Bill's tongue as it flipped and lashed across the sensitive flesh of her crotch.

He slid it back and forth from her asshole to the blood-filled lips of her cunt, drinking in the juices that poured from her weeping cunt.

"Oh yes, baby," Marge moaned. "Eat my pussy. Eat all of it!"

Then his attacking tongue leaped away to torture the erect nubbin of her clit. A shock that was almost too much to stand shot through Marge's guts as the enraged flesh of her clit pulsed from his tongue attack.

A small mewing noise rose from deep in the back of her throat, only to die away and fade into a soft sigh. With one hand she pulled at his hair, as if wanting to push his entire head deep into her pussy.

With the other hand, she tortured one of her own firm tits into a swollen fury. The nipple stood out, angry and thrusting. The other tit seemed in sympathy with its sister, in spite of being neglected.

Bill took Marge's clit between his teeth and began the most phenomenal tongue-lashing the woman had ever known. At the same time he pushed two fingers of his free hand into the creamy brown depths of her plunging asshole.

"Ooooooohh, honnnneeeeyyyyy," she moaned, thrashing against his two-pronged attack.

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