Tortured Husband: Taboo Erotica - Armand Upham - E-Book

Tortured Husband: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Armand Upham

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


"I see this working class bitch has no idea about to clean rugs," she said, holding her hands against her curvy hips and hugging them in close. "Why don't you learn to clean things properly, Manon? Ah, but then, I guess you were born in a barn and there isn't much to clean up when you live in a manure pile, is there?"
Manon blushed hard and the thick, probing hard on pushed up even harder against the tight parted curtain of silken panties. She could feel it tickle, torture, garrote, the hilt of the hard, ogling cock. That cock that was so anxious to get out and parade around in front of everyone. That cock that was now causing Manon so much shame. So much hot, raging shame.
The doorbell sounded again, ding donging its little welcome notes inside the group of party goers.
"Get that and get back here," Tyne said, pointing her long red fingernail directly at the front door. "Step on it."
Manon rushed to the door, not even taking the time to watch how she was walking; and her skirt was flying up in back. She no longer cared. They'd all had a pretty good look at her front, hadn't they? What difference did it make now?
"Don't know who the hell that is, anyway ... " she said, snarling her upper lip and cursing beneath her breath.
Manon opened the door and held stood staring out into the darkness. Under the porch light stood a tall, handsome erect man. She had never seen him before. He was new. A stranger, possibly someone to be afraid of? Someone who threatened the intimacy of the little group assembled here? Whoever he was, it was hard not to notice him.
He was over six feet tall and well-muscled. Auburn hair, with a touch of grey at the temples.Sun-tanned, hardy, rugged looking. Handsome enough to be a male model, but a touch too he-man looking to stand around in blue men's briefs or tight jeans long enough for the photographers to adjust the lights. He was obviously a man of action, a man on the move. It crossed Manon's mind that he might be an athlete. Like some people she knew

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Tortured Husband

Armand Upham

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 1

Those curvaceous hips swaying left and right as she sauntered down the aisle, surveying the well-stocked shelves. And those legs! They went on forever, like a turnpike. He would love to just sit somewhere quietly with her for a few minutes and put his muscular school-boy hand on one of those smooth, dimpled knees. Maybe she'd let him run his hand up a ways, up, up to God knows what!

The thought of what he might find at the crossroads of those sensational gams was enough to make him spill the case of canned peas he was holding.

"Watch that!" an old lady said, elbowing him out of the center of the aisle. "I'm trying to get through."

Jeff hurled his weight against the shelf to give her a wide berth. He didn't want any old ladies interrupting his fantasies. Not about this dame. He began picking up the errant rolling pea cans as his thoughts darted around. She had just come in and he would get a chance to glimpse her again once she strolled back down to the end of the aisle. Working at the supermarket had its compensations, today anyway. Not that it was a bad job, even if it was only for the summer. He was lucky to get it. There weren't that many part time jobs available in Pike's Crossing. It was just a little whistle stop village anyway. The big tourist attraction was Chatham, nearly five miles down the highway. Where the rich and famous congregated.

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