Impulse For Him: Taboo Erotica - Armand Upham - E-Book

Impulse For Him: Taboo Erotica E-Book

Armand Upham

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"Ever do a striptease?" Jim asked. He was buck-naked, grinning like a satyr. Anna smiled, turned up the volume of the radio, and began to move sensuously around Jim.
Her hands fumbled at first with the buttons on her blouse, but after that it was smooth sailing indeed. She was pleasantly surprised to see that her dancing had an aphrodisiac effect on Jim-he was hard in a minute, loving her every move.
He showered with her again, and it was the same erotic joy it had been the first time. She was able to satisfy her hunger for oral sex in the shower stall, while Jim grinned and hung onto the metal bar that ran across the shower door.
Then in bed, Jim repaid the favor, laving her labia with lips and tongue. She sighed in orgasmic relief as he worked on her, and then-while she was surging from one orgasm to the next, the first time in her life that such multiple pleasures had been hers-he stopped what he was doing and grinned at her.
He made her kneel down on all-fours. "You'll love this," he said confidently. He knelt behind her, admiring the sensual curve of her milk-white buttocks.

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Impulse For Him

Armand Upham

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 1

Anna Simms wrote mysteries, but that didn't mean she didn't harbor a secret desire to write a mad love scene now and then. As a matter-of-fact she did, but these little sexy tidbits never saw her publisher's desk.

At the moment, Anna was mesmerized.

The two lovers she watched from her bedroom window were at the point of heavily breathing "ahhs" and "hramms" as their bodies moved in a slow and rhythmic dance against the backdrop of the evening sky.

Exciting, true, but the scene also saddened Anna. She could easily identify the pair, and it pained her to realize that here were two people she knew, becoming involved in an illicit relationship that certainly could result in nothing but trouble for everyone.

And then the two figures were gone, running off somewhere. Dead silence.

She strained her eyes against the night's darkness.

Anna watched a thin stream of blue smoke ascend without haste from the long throat of a tiger lily. Michela, then, had escaped also. She was not, however, on the long veranda, for the clear, broadening light of the rising moon revealed it wide and empty, and nothing moved against the silvered lawn which sloped gently toward the pine wood.

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