The Apartment - Riley D. Wilder - E-Book

The Apartment E-Book

Riley D. Wilder

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Sophie lives an extravagant life. The only thing the top model has been missing lately are passionate sleepovers. Recently, she has been receiving ambiguous messages from an unknown fan who has apparently been watching her through the large windows of her luxurious apartment for quite some time. One day, Sophie finally meets a young man at the gym who is exactly her kind of guy. To her own surprise, she can't wait to expose herself and her new lover to her unknown observer. Could this turn into a dangerous game?

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Seitenzahl: 40

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Riley D. Wilder

The Apartment





Dieses ebook wurde erstellt bei





the young stud

at night

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on the bed I

on the bed II

On the bed III

Other titles by the author:

Impressum neobooks


ImprintThe Apartment: IntrusionCopyright © 2023 Riley D. WilderCover Design: Riley D. WilderPhoto:BookCoverZoneThis is a fictional story. All characters and events are from the author's imagination. Similarities to real persons and events are purely coincidental.The work is protected by copyright and may only be reproduced with prior permission of the author.Riley D. Wilderc/o AutorenService.deBirkenallee 2436037 FuldaGermanyAbout the Author:Riley D. Wilder is the pseudonym of a young author and screenwriter who has made it her goal to write high quality erotic scripts for [email protected]


Riley D. Wilder

The Apartment: Intrusion

"Erotic literature should always have a strong visual element.

When I read a story, I want to experience it like watching a movie.“

Riley D. Wilder

I can see you.

Sophie read the four words from the note a second time and listened if anyone was outside her apartment door. Nothing to be heard. Then she looked through the peephole. There was no one in the hallway. The envelope could have been here since last night - or just a few minutes.

I can see you.

The words read ominously and she made sure the door was locked. Automatically, she thought of a couple of strange calls in recent weeks. At about the same time in the evening, her landline rang, which was amazing in itself. Who else was calling a landline number these days? Every time she picked up the phone it hung up a few seconds later. She hadn't worried about it until now, but now she was unsettled.

Sophie walked through her living room and then into her bedroom.

I can see you.

She lived on the 14th floor of a high-rise building and had the habit of not closing her curtains and blinds when she went to sleep. Even now there were no curtains in front of the windows. The note still in her hand, she looked through the window at the buildings across the street. She had never felt like she was being watched in her apartment, but she had to admit that she had this little fantasy of being seen by a stranger when she moved through her rooms lightly clothed or completely naked.

The idea of actually being watched worried her more than she had expected, but it also excited her. So in any one of the countless apartments over there, there was in all likelihood a voyeur watching her. Maybe at this very moment. Sophie slowly began to undress and walked to her closet in her underwear, where she put on comfortable workout clothes. The gym was not far away. She had the best job in the world. She worked as a top model for one of the biggest and most famous underwear designers in the world. By nature she was an incredibly attractive woman. She was 5'6 and had a perfect body, long legs and long blonde hair. In her early twenties she had had a breast augmentation and now had a wonderful 34D.She was every man's dream and was literally flawless like an elf. Her flat stomach was beautifully toned from regular workouts and her trained butt, along with her and her firm, shapely silicone breasts, emphasized her incredible sex appeal. The 26-year-old Sophie was simply irresistible in every way.It would be no surprise to her if she actually had an unknown fan in her neighborhood.How long had she been watched? A few days? A few weeks? Since she had moved in five months ago? What had her voyeur seen of her already? She really needed to talk to her friend Lisa about it.

Sophie's cell phone began to virbriate. It was the alarm that reminded her to go to the gym. She looked out the window one last time and grabbed her gym bag.

the young stud

Besides modeling and traveling, she spent most of her time working out, because after all, her body was her asset. She was strict with herself and not only rigorously adhered to her workouts, but also kept to a strict diet. Her discipline was impressive, but to those around her she often appeared calculated and even arrogant. She herself knew better. The others were just envious of her iron will and her body.