Kenjai: Instinct - Riley D. Wilder - E-Book

Kenjai: Instinct E-Book

Riley D. Wilder

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Tanya Korbin is Kenjai the Jungle Huntress. Inspired by classic Golden Age comic book heroes like Tarzan and junglegirls like Sheena, Kenjai's thrilling adventures unfold against the backdrop of evil high-tech corporations and amidst the untamed mysteries of the African continent. As a fearless heroine, Kenjai faces the monstrosities of modern science and the unpredictable forces of ancient magic. In her adventurous journey, Kenjai must battle ruthless corporations that exploit people and nature for greed. Her relentless quest for vengeance takes her through urban hunting grounds and dense jungles, where she is both hunter and hunted. Throughout, she encounters dangerous creatures and regularly finds herself in duels. But in the midst of this action-packed chaos, she also wrestles with her inner conflicts. Her goal is to hunt down her brother's killer and free herself from the spirit of Kenjai that has become a part of her. In a world where science, adventure, action, and mysticism collide, Kenjai takes readers on an electrifying journey through the fascinating wilderness, promising excitement and thrills on every page. Are you ready to enter the world of Kenjai? Kenjai: Instinct (Part 2 of the Kenjai series) After she recovered from a fatal lion attack in africa Tanya Korbin is back in New York. A inner urge leads her to the New Yorker Zoo, where she engages in a death match with a giant snake. It is only the beginning of her journey as the Jungle Huntress.

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Seitenzahl: 17

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Riley D. Wilder

Kenjai: Instinct




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About the author

About the character

At the doctor

The Greenhouse

Death Match


The adventure continues

Impressum neobooks


Riley D. Wilder

Kenjai: Instinct



Kenjai: InstinctCopyright © 2023 Riley D. WilderCover Design: vikncharlieThis is a fictional story. All characters and events are from the author's imagination. Similarities to real persons and events are purely coincidental.The work is protected by copyright and may only be reproduced with prior permission of the author.

Riley D. Wilder


Birkenallee 24

36037 Fulda


About the author

About the author: Riley D. Wilder is the pseudonym of a young German-American author. She describes her motivation to write as follows:"Literature always has a strong visual element for me. When I write a story, I have to be able to imagine the action as if it were in a movie. That's exactly the kind of imagery I want to create in my readers mind."

About the character

Tanya Korbin is Kenjai the Jungle Huntress.Inspired by classic Golden Age comic book heroes like Tarzan and junglegirls like Sheena, Kenjai's thrilling adventures unfold against the backdrop of evil high-tech corporations and amidst the untamed mysteries of the African continent.As a fearless heroine, Kenjai faces the monstrosities of modern science and the unpredictable forces of ancient magic.In her adventurous journey, Kenjai must battle ruthless corporations that exploit people and nature for greed. Her relentless quest for vengeance takes her through urban hunting grounds and dense jungles, where she is both hunter and hunted. Throughout, she encounters dangerous creatures and regularly finds herself in duels.But in the midst of this action-packed chaos, she also wrestles with her inner conflicts. Her goal is to hunt down her brother's killer and free herself from the spirit of Kenjai that has become a part of her.