Unfaithful - Riley D. Wilder - E-Book

Unfaithful E-Book

Riley D. Wilder

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On a weekend getaway with her husband, hot model Karen meets a younger man who can give her more than surfing lessons. When her husband has to attend a unexpected business appointment, she seduces her surf instructor, who has no idea that Karen will be the hottest wave he has ever surfed.

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Seitenzahl: 38

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Riley D. Wilder


Beach House of Sin




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Good morning

At the beach


Taking a shower


Hot shower I

Hot shower II

Hot shower III

Out of the shower




Impressum neobooks



Unfaithful: Beach House of Sin

Copyright © 2023 Riley D. Wilder

Cover Design: Riley D. Wilder

Photo: DKart

This is a fictional story. All characters and events are from the author's imagination. Similarities to real persons and events are purely coincidental.

The work is protected by copyright and may only be reproduced with prior permission of the author.

Riley D. Wilder

c/o AutorenService.de

Birkenallee 24

36037 Fulda


About the Author: Riley D. Wilder is the pseudonym of a young author and screenwriter who has made it her goal to write high quality erotic scripts for movies.

[email protected]


Riley D. Wilder


Beach House of Sin

Good morning

"Erotic literature should always have a strong visual element.

When I read a story, I want to experience it like watching a movie.“

Riley D. Wilder

The beach house was Karen and Richard's place of retreat. In their relationship, it occupied a special place. At this place, Richard had proposed to her and they both decided to be together forever. Karen had never thought it would be the place where she would cheat on her husband. Last night they had arrived almost at the same time. They parked their cars, as always in the carport, next to the house. Richard came to their house on a direct route from the airport. She came from their apartment in the city. They had not seen each other for two weeks. Both had immediately gone to bed and fell asleep. She was awakened by the light coming through the curtains. She was lying on her stomach, one leg bent. It was summer and she wore her silky pink pajamas. The blanket lay crumpled at the foot of the bed. She smiled, when she heard the familiar sound of waves breaking on the beach. She loved this place.

"Richard?" she asked quietly. No answer. Karen turned around. The place next to her was empty. From below, she heard Richard talking on the phone. From where she was lying in bed, she could see a few people riding their surfboards on the rugged waves. Immediately she felt the desire to got to the beach.

Karen was 29 and extremely attractive. At the time of 16, she was approached by a photographer who offered her become a hand model. Shortly after she also modeled for well-known fashion labels and found herself on the catwalks of the world. It was an exciting time. Her appearance was her capital and since then she made sure to keep herself as healthy and fit as possible. She had recently completely given up modeling, but had not changed her usual sports routines. Her regular workouts and yoga trainings were still part of her daily routine. Maybe today she would make an exception.

Three exhausting weeks lay behind her. She had been busy negotiating with the owners of their new house, looking through documents and insurance policies. Richard was no less involved in his father's company. They both could use a week in their beach house to relax and chill. Lately, they have had far too little time for each other. Karen got up and walked barefoot down the stairs made of mahogany wood. The house had a spacious and open kitchen. Richard wore a shirt with an open collar and no tie. Her dog Hudson turned his head towards her. He was sitting next to the fridge. She already knew she would have to spend the day alone. Karen stretched and sat down on one of the bar stools in front of the sideboard.Richard ended the conversation and hung up.


"What time is it?" she asked.

"Shortly after eight o'clock," said Richard. "Our breakfast is cancelled?"

"My father needs me in the company. I knew it."

"You have just arrived."

"I know", he said.

"When are you back?"

"This could take some time. At least a few days. I have to go to Orlando and talk to our clients again."

"Isn't that also possible by phone today?" Karen was disappointed, but she wasn't really surprised. Richard was a workaholic. A very successful and good-looking one, but that didn't help her at the moment.

"This is important. My father is afraid we're being ripped off.

I need to talk to these people in person."