The Church of Akbar & Christianity in Mughal India - Amit Schandillia - Hörbuch

The Church of Akbar & Christianity in Mughal India Hörbuch

Amit Schandillia

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In the context of Christianity in India, few conversations ever invoke Agra; even fewer invoke the Mughals. Yet, one of the oldest churches on the subcontinent not only belongs to this city but only came about with enthusiastic Mughal patronage. Patronage that was neither political, nor commercial. Instead, it was an honest expression of intrigue, respect, and acceptance of a religion alien to the land. In and of itself, this was a rarity in Mughal India. This story explores the journey of Agra's lesser-known gem, the Church of Akbar.

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Zeit:0 Std. 35 min

Sprecher:Vijayan Menon
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