Sayajirao, the maharaja who defied the King - Amit Schandillia - Hörbuch

Sayajirao, the maharaja who defied the King Hörbuch

Amit Schandillia

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The 1911 Delhi Durbar was the third and the last, and a very special one. It was an event of many historical firsts—the first time Delhi took over from Calcutta as India's capital, the first time a reigning British monarch visited India in person, and the first time an Indian king openly defied the British monarch outside of a war. The king in question was Sayajirao Gaekwad. From here onwards, his story was a story of defiance and insubordination with the most cautious mix of diplomacy. How did he manage that? Listen here!

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 36 min

Sprecher:Vijayan Menon
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