The story of Shampoo, India's gift to modern Haircare - Amit Schandillia - Hörbuch

The story of Shampoo, India's gift to modern Haircare Hörbuch

Amit Schandillia

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More than two hundred years ago, a Muslim boy from Bihar lost his father, enlisted with the East India Company and set off on a voyage that took him to remote corners of India. By the late 1700s, he arrived in England and floated two business ventures — an Indian restaurant and a bathhouse. This is the story of the man who rose from the boonies of colonial India and introduced the world to one of its most ubiquitous pieces of toiletry, the shampoo.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 36 min

Sprecher:Vijayan Menon
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