7th Nizam of Hyderabad: Richest Man on earth & also the poorest - Amit Schandillia - Hörbuch

7th Nizam of Hyderabad: Richest Man on earth & also the poorest Hörbuch

Amit Schandillia

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On February 22, 1937, the Time magazine featured him on its cover as the wealthiest individual on the planet, a position he's believed to have held his entire life. At his peak, his net worth was the equivalent of $77 billion in today's money. He used a 184-carat diamond worth over $70 million as a paperweight. And yet, he once refused to buy himself a new blanket because even the cheapest exceeded his budget by a mere ten rupees. This is the story of Mir Osman Ali Khan, the 7th Nizam of Hyderabad and the world's most spartan multi-billionaire.

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Zeit:0 Std. 35 min

Sprecher:Vijayan Menon
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