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Do you find yourself constantly bombarded with requests for sweets, treats and snacks by your kids? Is the supermarket a battleground every time? Do your kids spend a lot more time indoors watching TV than you would have been allowed as a child? Would you love to see them eat more vegetables and make it through a movie without consuming the caloric allowance of a small elephant? If you want to do better for your kids, if you want to save them from a lifetime of yo-yo dieting, if you want them to be as Nature intended, The Food Nanny is here to help.
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Title Page
Rule 1: I can say ‘No’ to food
Rule 2: Eat only at the table
Rule 3: Have they had their fruit and vegetables today?
Rule 4: We do not need to buy organic foods
Rule 5: If you can name it, you can consider it
Rule 6: Say ‘No’ to passive consumption
Rule 7: Eat only when you feel hungry
Rule 8: Get moving!
Rule 9: Just portion control it
Rule 10: Have a strategy
Forward to a fun, fit future
Praise for Anna Burns
Copyright Page
About the Author
About Gill & Macmillan
We have lost our way when it comes to balanced nutrition for the entire family, whether for reasons of business, distraction, advertising, the media, lack of discipline or a combination of these. Good food is often perceived to be expensive and time-consuming to prepare: perhaps even complicated, involving convoluted recipes. Because of our desire for quick-fix meal solutions and instant gratification, we are breeding a generation of potentially overweight kids with no appreciation for the simple tastes of non-processed foods. This is more apparent in Ireland and Britain than it is elsewhere in Europe: we are the fattest of them all. Our obesity levels are constantly on the rise and our kids are getting dangerously fat.
We are all aware of how serious the situation currently is in North America. You only have to watch any American reality show to get a feel for how scary the future must be for many American kids. Until the 1990s I had never seen more than the very occasional obese child or teenager. Up to that point in our history most of our kids – in Ireland and Britain – were of an appropriate size, and only the occasional child tended towards overweight. Today this has all changed. If we follow the American experience, we will be looking down the barrel of a very fat future for our children, who will become obese adults and who will live shorter than expected lives. Our kids’ generation may, as is the American situation today, be the first in the history of our evolution not to outlive their parents.
This is not (yet) the case in many other European countries. The populations of countries such as France, Switzerland, Italy, Norway and Sweden still have low levels of obesity. They also consume more fruit and vegetables than other European countries (no surprise there). Having lived and worked in France I can attest to this fact. French people eat lots and lots of salad and green vegetables. They do not eat between meals. They never eat ‘diet’ foods. They drink moderate amounts of alcohol and they have ‘to-die-for’ desserts. They even smoke! And yet they do not die as young as we do! Recently, though, obesity levels have doubled in France, as they have in other countries, so the traditional approach to eating might be slipping somewhat for the French too. That said, they still have among the lowest obesity levels in Europe.
When I was completing my master’s degree in nutrition I worked as a laboratory assistant at l’Institut Nationale de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) in Nantes on the western coast of France, exploring the physical and chemical properties of pea and apple fibre. What amazed me then (1993) was that in an industrial area outside the beautiful city of Nantes one could have a two-hour lunch break with nothing to do other than eat and chat. The concept of a leisurely lunch, while at work, with nothing to distract from the potential boredom of it all, was alien to me. I learned a lot that summer, not necessarily about pea and apple fibre, but about balance and good habits around food. The staff (mainly highly qualified researchers) were so lovely and welcoming that I would spend these two hours every day, five days a week, chatting, observing and then emulating their eating habits. I could never bring myself to order a little glass of wine at lunch as so many others did, though – I wouldn’t have had a hope of going back to the lab after lunchtime to meticulously record minute details of an ongoing experiment! I do remember, however, changing how I ate that summer. One thing I instantly noticed was how long it took to eat the many courses that constituted lunch. First might come sausages on lentils, which would be eaten with a little bread; ten minutes later there might be a simple green salad, in splendid isolation; another twenty minutes might pass before a plain yoghurt would be eaten, with maybe half a sachet of sugar stirred into it; and finally a pear might appear, of which half would be eaten, the other half left on the plate. Before I went to France, my lunch would have been the likes of a ham sandwich and packet of crisps, eaten in about fifteen minutes flat!
Today I holiday with my family in France every summer. We eat fresh white peaches from the market during August; we get the best bread imaginable every day from the local bakery; we drink wine; we eat al fresco every day – and we eat more McDonald’s during that trip than for the rest of the year put together. I do not lie! Today, the French love McDonald’s. You will find ‘Macdo’ in every town, off every stretch of motorway, and this is why, while travelling down through France at the start of our holidays and on the return journey, we will stop off to give the kids a break in the magical Old McDonald’s (as my four-year-old calls it) play zone and have our lunch. Ironic, isn’t it? My kids associate France with eating McDonald’s!
The reality is that traditional eating habits have begun to move out of the grasp of many busy working – or unemployed – families in France, as they have in much of the rest of Europe. While the French will, no doubt, keep on top of this trend by making policy and working hard to maintain their way of life, we have no such strong basis on which to call. We are not known world-wide for our fabulous food or for the variety and colour of our fresh produce. We look back to times when we ate frugally – times of food rationing in the World War II era, for instance – as times of hardship, even of famine. What we should remember is that in this current time of abundance, of affordable food, our issue is now one of restraint. We need, in fact, to go back to old-fashioned eating, to a style that our parents or grandparents followed. We can also emulate the traditional French way of eating, which is still very much apparent among most French adults. The scene in my work canteen, for example, was only twenty years ago. While today fewer workplaces offer a two-hour lunch break, most French organisations still produce well-balanced meals with just as many courses.
The reason I began to write this book is that in my weight-loss business, it struck me repeatedly that the poor habits demonstrated by many of us as adults, which have led us to become overweight, have also become the norm for our kids. This translates into a frighteningly fat future for our kids, a future of overweight and of constant dieting. We need to correct this situation now, and we really can once we know what to do and how to approach it. It is never too late for anyone to start on their journey to a healthy weight; and it is not too late for your kids.
As I iron out my clients’ eating habits, I teach them the basic rules of good dietary habits. These include such rules as always sitting down to eat; following a plan for weekly food shopping; eating out without overdoing it; and reading food labels effectively. When we discuss such plans, parents often also enquire about their children’s diets with a view to improving them. In all cases I tell parents that children learn through the example set by parents’ own improved habits. In my corporate work – when I talk to large groups in the workplace setting, for instance – I find that many parents are concerned that their kids eat too many of the wrong foods, are picky eaters or are overweight. Should they regularly be allowed to eat ice cream, fast foods or sweets? How can they come to like their most hated vegetables? These and similar questions usually emerge from those talks.
I am not advocating spending hours in the kitchen, making your own bread, scrubbing and peeling every evening. No. For the most part I tend to buy my potatoes washed and with a skin I am happy to eat; that’s two jobs done! We have to simplify our expectations of what good food looks and tastes like. Of course our children will love oven chips with sausages if that’s what they always get. They are designed to love salt and fat. For reasons of survival we have evolved a love of calorie-laden foods that contain fat and sugar. Equally, you will find that children love baked potatoes with butter on top and perhaps a few beans or some cheese. The potato is a fraction of the price of the frozen chip and it retains all the vitamin C content that would be soaked out of it in the process of becoming a chip. The potato contains fewer calories per bite, more fibre, more vitamins and takes minimum preparation time. How? Just put a clean potato in the oven, skin on, for forty minutes and it comes out perfectly baked; crisp on the outside, fluffy on the inside. This, in a nutshell, represents my approach. Keep things simple but tasty, not processed.
We can turn our kids’ eating habits around. Whether your toddler or your teen is currently overweight, or just tending towards overweight, now is the time to address it. Teach your kids the language of food. You are their primary teacher. I was never taught how to cook meals or how to balance my eating as a child or teenager. I did bake, though. I could whip up ninety-six queen cakes (my personal record) by the age of eight and was a dab hand at making all things of a cake and doughnut nature by the age of twelve. However, at eighteen I left home for university unable to make a single nutritious dinner or lunch. I knew nothing of food shopping and budgeting and never bought fruit or vegetables. Why would I, when I could get away with spending my money on biscuits? Balance was not a notion that applied to me.
After a year at college, studying microbiology, eating nothing but pizza and spaghetti Bolognese for dinner and sugar-coated cornflakes for breakfast, I soon realised where poor nutrition was going to lead me. It was only after my summer job waitressing in America that I understood how bleak the future looked for those of us ignorant of good nutrition. I came slowly to the realisation that the reason some families had to wait longer than others to be seated in the breakfast restaurant where I worked was that they were too big to sit at solid booths and could, in fact, only be seated at centre floor tables, where the chairs could be moved to accommodate the extraordinary girth of both parents and children. What compounded my intrigue was that those same families were often the ones who ordered the stack of butter- and maple syrup-drenched pancakes and side of bacon with a ‘diet’ iced tea.
This was when my passion for nutrition knowledge was ignited. I needed to understand the many myths that confuse our thinking about ‘healthy’ eating. I decided then and there that my master’s degree would be in nutrition. I completed it in 1995, and since graduation I have worked exclusively in the area of nutrition. Today I run two successful weight-loss clinics and deliver corporate in-house nutrition training seminars as well as nutrition lectures to personal trainer students. During my time spent in health promotion with the health board and my previous years in the food supplement industry I became very accustomed to the issues that prevent many of us from achieving balanced daily nutrition. I wrote this book in an attempt to end the confusion for us as parents (I have four kids under the age of ten). I hope you will find a helpful array of solutions to those problems presented to us by our kids that will help inform your decisions about food for your family.
This book will not give you quick-fix solutions to your children’s actual or potential weight problems. It is not some high-protein spin on nutritional facts, nor does it eliminate sweets, dairy, bread or whatever other food you may yourself have considered cutting out to keep your own weight under control. This book gives you the tools I have found very useful in getting children to eat balanced meals that are calorie-appropriate to their needs, which in itself constantly changes. If you follow the advice in this book your kids will not be on a diet. They will, instead, get to enjoy good food in a structured and straightforward way. No gimmicks. No guesswork either.
The following pages will also emphasise something that is all too often overlooked: the importance of regular exercise for the family. Many of us have become very sedentary in recent years. We were not born to be this way: it is only recently that being inactive has become the norm. Our children, too, are often inactive and prone to staying indoors interacting with some electronic gadgetry instead of being outside playing games with other kids. The future for inactive kids is an inactive adulthood, and this equates to a life of battling with overweight. We need to move more, and we need to teach our children how to move. A well-fed, active child will not be an overweight one for long. That child will become fit and healthy, and of an appropriate weight for their height.
We want our children to be healthy. We do our best for their development when it comes to dropping them off and collecting them from activities. We organise their play dates and their social life (which is often better than ours!). We are happy to help with homework. We are willing to spend money on their appearance. Part of this plan must surely involve their being a healthy weight. Overweight kids are more likely to be overweight adults. We do not want this for their future. While you are still in charge, take this golden opportunity to teach your kids the language of good nutrition and of regular physical exercise so that we can get them back to the way they should be.
I can say ‘No’ to food
Our kids are getting fat. We know this. We can see this. They are not getting smaller. They are getting fatter. Worldwide, 42 million children under the age of five are overweight, according to World Health Organisation (WHO) 2010 figures. I can continue to bombard you with figures like these, or you can look around and see for yourself. Our kids are fat. Not all children are overweight, but plenty are. The problem with our complacency on this matter is that we are letting it become normal, by which I mean we are getting accustomed to it. It is quite normal to see overweight kids pottering around today, but we dare not mention it to one another. How many friends would you have left if you mentioned that their kids are fat? We do not want to insult or hurt anyone. Perhaps they are meant to be large, perhaps they are big-boned.
We can console ourselves by looking around to see all the other children of an appropriate weight. And there are plenty of children of a healthy weight pottering around too. I would argue, however, on behalf of those overweight kids who do not want to be heavy, that not even one of them will be happy to be heavier than they should be. They need a voice. Our kids do not want to stand out from the crowd for any reason, least of all for being overweight. Nor do they want to hang out only with other fat kids so as to blend in with their crowd. No, our kids want to be a healthy weight. This should be the norm. It used to be – and not so long ago it was. It needs to be the norm again. Being complacent about our overweight kids is doing them a serious disservice.
If you are reading this book, you are aware of the facts. Whether or not your kids are overweight, reading this book is the first step towards preventing them becoming so in the future. This book is about solutions, not about the many problems facing our overweight children or how bleak their future might look. By the time you come to the end of this book you will not be saddened by the scary facts that abound about our children’s future health; you will instead have developed an array of tools and techniques to prevent an overweight future for your children. You will feel confidence in your ability to get your kids back on track to a fantastic future filled with potential. You will also have the knowledge and understanding to help you to continue on the path towards good nutrition and health for yourself. Your entire family, in fact, will benefit over the coming weeks and kick-start their healthiest years ever. If this sounds good to you, turn to the ‘instant benefits’ in the last chapter now and have a look at what it is you will be working towards.
I put pen to paper on this subject when ‘obesity experts’ started talking about regularly weighing our children to assess their fat status. This is all wrong, in my opinion. Kids should never stand on weighing scales. Ever! Children should remain blissfully unaware of any weight issues that might exist. Children are very smart. They know if you, the parent, have problems maintaining a healthy weight, if you weigh yourself every morning and if you obsess about every morsel of ‘bad food’ that passes your lips. They know if you are constantly on some sort of ‘diet’ and are afraid of eating too much fat or, indeed, any fat. Kids also know themselves if they are overweight, without ever having it spelled out for them: they will feel it. Measuring the facts or getting obsessive about the numbers does not change the facts. On the contrary, it highlights them and brings a child’s attention to them at a time when the child does not yet have the skill set to be able to deal with them. That job is ours.
You know the phrase, ‘a kid in a sweet shop’? The message of this is that kids cannot control their intake of the nice stuff – sweets – when faced with an endless supply. We are the ones who need to control their intake of ‘sweets’, whether they are obvious sweet ‘treats’ or subtle ‘breakfast bars’ and the like (more on this later). Our role as parents is to protect our children from harm. Being overweight puts our kids at risk. Eating too much sugar and fat puts our kids in harm’s way. We need to protect them from themselves. We need to protect them from their ‘sweet shop’ environment. This is our job. They cannot do it for themselves.
I have worked for years with clients on a one-to-one basis for weight loss. Having spent sixteen years discussing food and weight issues with a variety of different people, of all ages and all backgrounds, from New Zealand to Ireland, I can firmly state that highlighting your child’s weight ‘problem’ from an early age will do nothing but set them up to expect to be fat for life. They will always battle with their weight. They will always be on some form of ‘diet’. They will always feel fat. How often have I been told, ‘I was fat as a child’? More often than I can count. It sets us up as adults to expect only to be fat, for life. It is the excuse we lean on. Our expectations then are, at best, to reduce our weight, but not to be slim, fit, energetic and a healthy weight. No, that is for other people. That is for those who were never fat as children. You may think I exaggerate. I do not. Our expectations arise from our childhood.
When I ask clients what weight they would like to be, they as often as not tell me that of course they would like to be, say, eight stone. When I ask when they last weighed eight stone I am told that they have not seen eight stone register on the scales since they were eleven years old. Then they might say something like, ‘Of course I know I will never see eight stone again, I would be happy to get under eleven stone at this age’ (and the age in question might be as low as thirty). This might be from a woman who could comfortably achieve eight and a half stone (in this hypothetical case) and have the fitness and excess of available energy to bound out of bed every morning to take on the world. Somehow, however, she will instead settle for a life of being slightly overweight, because she was overweight as a child. We will not dare to expect fitness and the accompanying ‘lightness’ to be part of our lives if it is an unfamiliar concept to us. We never felt it while we were young, so why should we start looking for it now?
A handful of people will break through this barrier and get to the other side, where they are fit and energised and feeling so good that they would never let go of that feeling again, but this is rare, in my experience. People are, in the main, happy to settle for a weight they feel comfortable with that is just within the healthy range for height – unless, that is, they had a fit younger life. A past sporty type will very often find again their drive and motivation to get fast and fit and feeling fabulous. For many others the concept is an alien one, one they cannot be talked into, as they really do not ‘get it’. They never experienced it as kids, so they do not understand how good the pursuit of fitness and a healthy weight can be. This all stems from their youth. Their expectations will have been set when they were younger.
This is a very valuable lesson to spot here and now. Expect your children to be a healthy weight. Follow my guidelines. Apply the learning. If you take this matter in hand, from and including today, your children can be a healthy weight and they may never have to battle with their weight. Of the many tools with which you wish to equip your kids for life, let this be a vital one. Empower first yourself, then your kids, to have full control over weight and fitness. Yes, we all have a certain build – some slight, some heavy – but we can all achieve a lean cover on whatever frame we were given. When our children experience this leanness and fitness they will remember it in later life.
All the lovely clothes in the world, all the toys and holidays, cannot make a child feel as well as the sense of being fit and healthy, light and lithe, energetic and full of beans. For a brief while, you are in charge. At the moment you are the boss. You make the decisions. Your child does what they are told when it comes to wearing their school uniform, or doing their homework, or what time they go to bed. They also need to do what they are told when it comes to food, to achieve balance and to find order where chaos may currently reign. No child will ‘get it’ straight away. When we learn a new language we have to practise. You would not expect to do a two-day language course and head off to that country fluent in all the nuances of its language. You would expect to practise it repeatedly at home, put it to the test in the country where it is spoken, make many mistakes and correct them as you go along. Getting it very wrong very often is part of the learning process and, as we all know, it is practice that makes perfect.
I am told time and again about kids who simply will not eat what is put in front of them. They are allowed to be finicky about food. They are simply taught bad habits – by us. We give up practising the language of food with them and they stop trying because neither one of us likes to feel that we have failed. They are allowed to have a limited intake of only their favourite foods because we stop repeating the lessons that they need to learn. Repeat the lessons that you will learn in this book on a daily basis. This is how kids learn the language of food.
Remember this as you go. As I say to one of my kids who gets upset at the idea of failing, ‘If we stopped trying just because we failed at something, I would have to spend my life carrying you everywhere.’ He loves this notion. I tell him the story of a baby who decides, when he tries to walk for the first time in his life, that he has failed because he has fallen down. So his mother has to carry him everywhere for the rest of his life because he has decided he cannot walk, that he has failed. The idea of a ‘big boy’ being carried around by his ageing mother gets him to see the lighter side every time.
Children learn the language of ‘skinny’ and ‘fat’ from the moment they go to school. I wish this were not the case. These are words never used in my house, but they turn up in conversations among my children’s friends. They know these words mean something relating to self-esteem. They may not have a full understanding of them, but they have their own interpretation of their importance, in terms of social acceptance. They do not need to have their own possible weight issue pointed out to them: they are not stupid! In my house we talk about being strong, of being powerful, of having strong bones. I find this works to keep the focus on positive pursuits: to be strong enough to climb to the highest point in a tree; to do well at gymnastics; to be the person who never gets caught when playing chase. We never talk of weight loss, of not being allowed to eat sweets, of having to exercise. The terminology used around weight loss is all very negative: the language of loss, misery, hardship. Focus on fun instead. Kids need fun, joy, a light-hearted approach to food. They are, after all, kids.
So put away the weighing scales. Instead, we need to look for ourselves at our own family. Are our children overweight? Yes, if they cannot fit into the age-appropriate clothes in shops; not because they are tall, but because of their waist size. Clothes certainly differ in size from brand to brand; but if no clothes for their age ever fit, look at their waistband. Is it always a problem finding clothes that fit all over? Is their waist too big for the next two sizes up? My GP put it very simply when I complimented him on a photograph above his desk. The photo is of the local swimming pool, taken in the 1960s. I commented on how all the kids looked emaciated by today’s standards. In fact, they all looked of a very appropriate weight for height; lean, fit and able-looking. He said that only in the recent ten to fifteen years has he noticed how children have a ‘fat pad’, as he calls it, around their middle that was never there before, except in a very few children. It seems quite normal now to come across overweight children in his practice.