The forgotten wisdom of children - Samantha Becket - E-Book

The forgotten wisdom of children E-Book

Samantha Becket

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Glistening sunlight, a warm breeze and the smell of freshly cut grass. You raise your eyes. The forest, the field and the river seem like something from another world. A scurrying in the undergrowth. An enchanted creature? You run, you stumble, you fall, you pick yourself up. You laugh. The world is a play of colors. Where are you? What time is it? What are you up to? A call from afar. Your name. Time for dinner. All this may seem like a fever dream as you sit here reading these words. Isn't that telling? We've come a long way as adults, but what wouldn't we give to feel like children again? I invite you back to a time when we knew truths that we miss today.

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This book is dedicated to my dear Aunt Reni.

At last I can tell you everything that as a child I didn't have the words for.


I thank my Self, because I kept my promise and never grew up. Thank you to the inner voice that has guided me all my life. A very special thanks to my editors Elias Belaoucha and Melanie Saxton, who have expertly supported and inspired me in the creation of this book. I would also like to express my deep gratitude to all the talented photographers who made it possible for me to give my memories a face. Thank you to my publisher. I would also like to thank Doris from the bottom of my heart.


Do you remember the time...

...when life was still simple and carefree?

Do you remember your childhood, before all the influences of the outside world made you grow up? A reality that seems so distant to you today, surrounded by all the stress of everyday life? Let me invite you to rediscover your inner child.

My name is Samantha Becket. I am a writer and the author of this illustrated book. But what do my name and profession alone tell you? Even in my kindergarten days, I couldn't identify with the usual way of introducing oneself. My name didn't fit me and my hobbies didn't reveal who was behind the name I had been given. I could always remember my existence before I was born. A fact that made me see life with different eyes. I spent my life as a neutral observer and my experiences gave me the words and the will to share them with others.

I have experienced a lot of suffering and I have also observed the suffering of my fellow human beings. I feel a great deal of empathy for them and see with regret how everyday life in the mainstream burdens them. The reality of our lives imposes unnatural labels on us. We have to live up to our roles. We have to do things in a certain way. And we are not supposed to break out of the mainstream. But all of this brings suffering. Suffering that we didn't feel as children.

Sit back then and let yourself be whisked away to your own past. To a distant afternoon in midsummer when, without thinking twice, you spent the whole day outdoors. The warm sun tickles your skin. A gentle breeze brushes through your hair. The air smells of freshly cut grass. The buzzing of bees fills the air. You run across the meadow on the hunt for grasshoppers. Free from worries, fears and reservations.

Close your eyes and remember how adulthood seemed so far away back then. Everything your parents told you somehow didn't make sense. You asked: "Mom, why is that?" The answer you got was: "That's just the way it is." Or: "That's just the way we do it." Explanations that weren't explanations. A world that didn't make sense. As a child, you swore you would never grow up. Did you know something as a child that adults have forgotten?

As children, we were all still untouched by the boundaries of society. We were still unformed. We were completely ourselves. And most importantly: we were happy! With this illustrated book, go back to a time when you already had all the things you long for today. Remember your childhood and get in touch with your true self as it entered this world and was still free from all the external influences that weigh you down today.