The Kybalion - Three Initiates - E-Book

The Kybalion E-Book

Three Initiates



"My dear readers, In your hands, you hold a dimensional gateway to the alchemy of the spirit, an edition that promises more than knowledge: it proposes a transformation of the being. This book is a compilation of the master keys of Hermetic knowledge, offered to those brave seekers who are ready to unravel the wisdom that resides beyond the veil of the common and known.   As you delve into these pages, you are invited to free your mind from the shackles of mundane reality and open your consciousness to the universal principles that govern our existence. This is not a work for casual reading; it is a call to deep meditation and spiritual awakening. Prepare for a journey where each discovery will bring you closer to understanding the greatness of THE ALL and the infinite cosmos.   With humility and excitement, I offer you this treasure of wisdom, a mirror of the teachings I have cultivated and cherished throughout my life. I urge you to explore with an open heart and a mind ready for the mysteries that The Kybalion reveals. For in the journey of deep understanding and personal fulfillment, each word, each image, each annotation, is a step toward the ascent of our being to the realms of light and eternal truth.   With affection and guidance for your journey" (José Marcelo Caballero).

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Table of Contents
Foreword to this edition
Chapter I
Hermetic Philosophy
Chapter II
The Seven Hermetic Principles
The Principle of Mentalism
The Principle of Correspondence
The Principle of Vibration
The Principle of Polarity
The Principle of Rhythm
The Principle of cause and Efect
The Principle of Generation
Chapter III
Mental Transmutation
Chapter IV
The All
Chapter V
The Mental Universe
Chapter VI
The Divine Paradox
Chapter VII
“The All” in All
Chapter VIII
The Planes of Correspondence
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Mental Gender
Chapter XV
Hermetic Axioms

The Kybalion

“When the apprentice is ready to assimilate the truth, then this text will be revealed to them.”

The Kybalion

Three Initiates

Edited by José Marcelo Caballero

Three Initiates

The Kybalion / Three Initiates; commentary by Jose Marcelo Caballero. - 1st revised ed. - Mendoza: Pampia, 2024.

Translation by: Jose Marcelo Caballero.

IISBN 978-631-6559-17-3

1. Esotericism. I. Caballero, Jose Marcelo, com. II. Caballero, Jose Marcelo, trans. III. Title.

Archivo Digital: descarga y online

Interior Design: Maitreya Art and Design

Cover and Images Design: Maitreya Art and Design

Translation: José Marcelo Caballero

Edited by José Marcelo Caballero

©2024, Pampia Publishing Group

First edition: April 2024

Pampia Publishing Group

Avenida Juan Bautista Alberdi 872

C1424BYV – Autonomous City of Buenos Aires

All rights reserved.

This publication may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, nor stored in, nor transmitted by a retrieval system, in any form or by any means, without the express written permission of the publisher and the author.

Published in Argentina

Within this fascinating book, you will discover a world beyond its printed pages. Along with its captivating teachings, the editor has created a special experience for you. Below this text, you will find a QR code that gives you access to a carefully selected playlist on Spotify, which is intimately connected with the spirit of the work. Immerse yourself in the melodies and let the music transport you as you explore the plot. Additionally, you will also find another QR code that leads you to a gallery of images, which capture the essence of each moment, character, and place described in these pages. These images are available for everyone, giving you the opportunity to visualize and connect even more with the work in front of you. Enjoy this complete experience that combines literature with the senses, allowing the book to come alive in unimaginable ways.

Foreword to this edition

Dear seeker of wisdom, the words I am about to share with you are keys that open doors to the deepest lessons of “The Kybalion”. They are specially designed for those who are ready to immerse themselves in an authentic and meditative exploration, for those who wish to absorb the richness of knowledge that this text offers and evolve into true masters of esoteric knowledge and the divine.

This book that you hold in your hands is a treasure that will ask for patience, dedicated readings, and deep meditations. Do not be discouraged if its complexity seems like a labyrinth at first; every step you take in understanding it will bring you closer to its magnificent essence. Persist, my friend, because although its principles rise above what we commonly accept as scientific and logical truths, its truth is undeniable.

Before diving into these pages, it is crucial that you free yourself from the mental chains imposed by society. I invite you to overcome these barriers and open your mind to the infinite possibilities that will be revealed. Skepticism will only slow your journey. I recognize that shedding old habits is no easy task, but introspection is the compass that will guide your mind toward the liberation from already obsolete doctrines. Otherwise, these texts might be reduced to mere words without resonance.

Remember, the answers you seek already exist; it only takes a willing mind to understand them. With each word you read, with each moment of reflection, you will be weaving your own tapestry in this vast universe of knowledge. Begin this journey with me, and together let’s uncover the mysteries that await us!

Imagine you are holding a legacy in the form of a book, a compendium of ancient knowledge zealously guarded by your grandmother, a seer whose existence was an odyssey through the wisdom of past ages. This tome, covered in dust and promises, calls you to unravel the secrets of the 7 Universal Principles that lie within its pages, marked by the passage of time.

With a sigh of reverence and a pulse of anticipation, you open the manuscript. The words “The ALL is mind, the Universe is mental” flicker before you like newly discovered stars in an infinite sky. Astonishment shakes you; a mix of disbelief and an inexplicable sense of recognition push you to abruptly close the book. You wonder if the essence of its magic rests in these bold assertions, challenging the reality you know.

But curiosity prevails. Upon reopening the book, the writing remains, immutable and steadfast, a beacon of truth in a sea of uncertainty. Your grandmother, the guardian of arcane knowledge, with every story she told, has guided you, step by step, to this moment of revelation.

This chronicle, steeped in the esoteric and the divine, could belong to any seeker of hidden truths, but it is a chapter of my own saga. I long to share it with you, in the hope that it will awaken a resonance in your soul. Together, we will traverse the veil into a realm where the fantastic intertwines with the mundane and the mystical manifests with absolute clarity. Embarking on an odyssey into the depths of a spiritual heritage, we will explore the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos. Venturing beyond the bounds of conventional knowledge, we will discover that we, the temporal travelers, are the architects of our reality, shaping a universe that mirrors our souls.

This journey is a dance with the legacy of the magical tales my grandmother would tell me, each one a thread in the tapestry of existence. Now, hand in hand in spirit, we will explore the essential principles of Hermeticism:

Visualize a transcendental connection, a fabric of energy and consciousness that links us all, not through technological threads, but through a symphony of vibrations. This sacred network connects us with the vastness of the cosmos, allowing our deepest reflections and emotions to resonate in a cosmic concert. With each step we take in our spiritual growth, we expand our reality and transform our role in this universal dance.

This understanding of interconnection challenges us to live with an expanded consciousness, seeking a deeper harmony with the symphony of the ALL. Therefore, our challenge is to overcome preconceptions and embrace a renewed and evolutionary vision of life, a scenario where we are simultaneously actors and spectators, eternally intertwined in the cosmic mystery.

Allow me to take you on a journey through a tale, not of pages and ink, but woven into the very firmament itself. Let us together paint a picture where each of us emerges as an alchemist, with our decisions and actions interlacing in a cosmic tapestry. This celestial artwork is dynamic, vibrant with the resonance of our choices, reverberating throughout the universe.

Our existence, my dear reader, is not merely an act of chance in the vastness of space, but a divine choreography. We are here to enrich universal well-being and sustainability; each of our actions is a beat in the symphony of life that we play with the world and with the starry vault that embraces us. Concordance with the cosmos is more than a belief; it is a call to active contribution, a chorus that urges us to add our voice to the symphony of the ALL. Here resonate the echoes of James Hopwood Jeans1, who prophetically suggested that the cosmos behaves more like a thought than a mechanical structure. He invites us to consider the mind not only as a dominant force but as the conductor of the grand orchestra of our reality.

We advance together toward the realm of the quantum, where the possible and the manifest dance to the beat of a rhythm that defies current logic. Are we perhaps sculptors of the cosmos with our minds? Are we entwined in a cosmic dance, following the steps outlined by Hermetic wisdom? This reflection prompts us to inquire whether our interaction with the universe is more direct and essential than we had perceived. What if each step we take is actually a brushstroke that expands the canvas of the cosmos?

I urge you to consider these questions as lights in the darkness of space, illuminating our path toward a more intimate understanding of our being. We are not mere wanderers in this cosmos; we are pioneers on an odyssey, perpetually linked with the allure of a greater design. On this stellar journey, we discover that each of us is, in fact, a protagonist in the immortal epic of the universe.

Imagine now that our dance with consciousness transcends even what we consider the end of life, death. Like the echo of a melody that lingers in silence, our essence could continue its contribution to the stellar mantle in ways that we are just beginning to decipher. We are faced with a perspective that binds us not only physically to the cosmos but also offers us spiritual comfort, the notion that we are part of something vastly superior to our own existence.

This thought challenges us to reconsider our perception of the tangible, to understand that what we perceive as solid is, in reality, a manifestation of energy and vibration in perpetual motion. Recognizing that we are essentially more than matter, that we are energy and vibration linked to a unified whole, is to take the first step towards profound wisdom. This energy is not only the foundation of our existence but also weaves a tapestry of universal connections, a framework where each piece influences and is influenced by the whole.

Thus, life becomes an integrated being, an orchestra of existence that envelops everything. In everyday life, this knowledge manifests as a dynamic interaction with our peers and the environment; our feelings and thoughts, energies in themselves, shape our relationships and the world around us. Every action, no matter how small, vibrates in this cosmic network, highlighting our innate connection with the universe.

The fallacy of a narrow view lies in accepting as true only that which can be quantified or manipulated. This restricted vision prevents us from recognizing and valuing the existence of broader and more diverse truths, such as those presented by the 7 Universal Laws, which operate on a plane where everything is movement and continuous change.

Our true challenge, then, is to free ourselves from preconceptions and accept that life is a perpetual classroom, an unlimited opportunity to enrich the essence of our thoughts, emotions, and actions, aware of their capacity to transform our surroundings and the creation to which we belong. Adopting a renewed mindset, which ventures beyond the conventional to an expanded understanding, is the path of the alchemist, the pioneer, who sees the universe as an unlimited canvas of infinite possibilities, where the only truth is that reality is the mirror of our will and our deepest desires.

This story does not belong only to my being or to yours; it is the echo of all the souls that have touched existence, of those who breathe at this moment and of those who still whisper in the womb of time. It is a song that reminds us that our insatiable thirst for knowledge and understanding is, at its purest core, a deep desire to intertwine our being with the infinite and with every wandering soul in this cosmos. Therefore, when you next look up at the starry firmament, remember that you are not just contemplating the immensity of the universe; you are a thread of its immense fabric, a navigator on this glorious odyssey of consciousness. Within us dwells the comprehensive legacy of what was, what is, and all that will be.

Every night, at the end of her stories, my grandmother would offer me one last pearl of wisdom.

“In the vast garden of the Great Mind”, she would begin with a voice that seemed to flow from the origin of time, “endless universes are sown. Each one arises from a thought, a divine inspiration that unfolds with infinite possibilities”.

“In this immense field”, she continued, her voice weaving an atmosphere of mystery, “each universe blossoms, revealing its petals of galaxies and stars, and each being within it is a seed of potential, ready to germinate. The Great Mind”, she assured with a tone steeped in ancient wisdom, “knows no end, only endless cycles of creation, where each universe is a story and each life, a narrative that intertwines with the grand plot of everything”.

“Remember”, he concluded, closing the circle of his narrative with a gaze that encompassed everything, “that none of us is merely a spectator. We are creators, eternally sculpting existence on the infinite canvas of consciousness”.

With each word, my grandmother planted the seed of eternity in my heart, leaving me with the feeling that, indeed, each of us harbors an unlimited universe within ourselves.


I invite you to embark on a personal exploration: take paper and pencil, or open a note on your digital device, and begin to write a list. Think about all those questions that swirl in your head, those that perhaps you keep to yourself for fear of what others might say or the skepticism of others. Once you finish reading “The Kybalion”, compare your questions with the discoveries you have made in its pages. If you find answers, you will have taken a great step towards the deep knowledge you seek.

Here are some questions to inspire you:

- Is matter truly solid or is it more like a vibrant space filled with energy?

- Could an event here and now be the echo of something happening elsewhere in the universe, connecting distant moments and places?

- Is reality as we perceive it, or do we live in an illusion constructed by our perceptions and collective consciousness?

- In what ways do our expectations and observations influence the materialization of reality, considering that the observer can influence the observed?

- Is there a hidden connection between events that seem independent, revealing an underlying pattern in the cosmos?

- How can the idea that “everything is interconnected” change our way of viewing life, death, and eternity?

- Can our actions and thoughts resonate through the universe, influencing or being influenced by energies and consciousness in other dimensions?

- How do we harmonize the apparent firmness of our physical world with the quantum notion that existence is governed by probabilities rather than absolute certainties?

- How can the principle that “the universe is mental” help us see our ability to influence our reality and the very essence of existence in a new way?

If you’re inspired to share your reflections or have more questions to explore, I’ll be waiting for you on my blog at Share your questions and let’s discuss these fascinating mysteries. See you there!

1 James Hopwood Jeans was a notable British physicist, astronomer, and mathematician, born on September 11, 1877, in Ormskirk, Lancashire, and died on September 16, 1946, in Dorking, Surrey. Jeans made significant contributions to the understanding of celestial mechanics and radiation theory, as well as to the interpretation of large-scale physical phenomena in the universe. His legacy includes developments in the field of astrophysics and the popularization of science through his books and lectures, aimed at making the mysteries of the cosmos accessible to the general public. His work in theoretical physics led him to contemplate the nature of the universe and the possible influence of consciousness on the configuration of physical reality, an idea that has influenced philosophical and scientific thought to this day.

“Do not misinterpret our words as if we were suggesting the existence of a male creator god and a female one”.


We are pleased to present this work to students and researchers of the Secret Doctrines2. This work is based on ancient Hermetic teachings, whose scarce presence in literature is notable. Although they have been mentioned in various occult texts, there has been little specific discussion on this subject. Nevertheless, seekers of hidden truths have surely anticipated the publication of this book.

The purpose of this text is not to declare a specific philosophy or doctrine, but to offer the student an interpretation of truth that facilitates the harmonization of the various facets of esoteric knowledge previously acquired. Often, these knowledges appear to be in conflict and full of paradoxes, which can be discouraging and unpleasant for the novice. Our goal is not to erect a new edifice of wisdom, but to provide the researcher with a universal key that allows unlocking the multiple secret entrances to the Temple of Mystery3.

No esoteric knowledge has been so rigorously protected as the fragments of Hermetic knowledge. These precious legacies have survived through the centuries since the era of the Great Master, Hermes Trismegistus, “the thrice-great,” whose existence faded in ancient Egypt, at a time when humanity was still in its early stages of evolution. During that time, Hermes lived alongside eminent figures such as Abraham and, according to traditions, even mentored the respected sage. Hermes has been and continues to be the Guiding Star of Esotericism, whose light has illuminated every facet of knowledge transmitted to our days.

All the fundamental pillars of the esoteric doctrines given to humanity are derived, in essence, from the postulates of Hermes. Even the most ancient teachings of India find their roots in Hermeticism. These transcendent truths have flowed through time and distance, influencing the beliefs and reasoning of countless civilizations.

From the revered land of the Ganges, numerous occultism adepts traveled to Egypt to pay respect to the Great Master. There, they discovered the key that, besides offering them understanding, unified their varied perspectives, solidly cementing the Esoteric Doctrine. Adepts and apprentices from all parts of the world came, recognizing in Hermes the supreme Instructor. His impact was so significant that, despite the reservations of multiple masters in various latitudes, it is palpable to find in their lessons the fundamental pillars of Hermeticism.

The specialist in comparative religions can easily identify the vast impact that Hermeticism has had on all spiritual traditions, regardless of the names by which they are currently identified, whether they are millennial creeds or those that persist in our days. The correspondence is evident, even with the superficial divergences, and Hermeticism serves as a bridge between them, merging their various components.

Hermes’ work focused more on disseminating deep truth than on founding a dominant philosophical current. However, the original teaching imparted by him has been zealously preserved in its pure essence by a select group in each generation. These guardians, distancing themselves from superficial followers and immature apprentices, adhered to Hermetic axioms, sharing their knowledge only with those prepared to assimilate and apply it. Among these initiates, knowledge has been transmitted in a reserved manner, within a narrow and secure circle.

Throughout the ages and in different corners of the planet, there have always been initiated masters who have perpetuated the sacred legacy of the Hermetic doctrines. These custodians have aspired to light new torches with their light, in times when the truth faded or was overshadowed by neglect, or when its purity was contaminated with erroneous interpretations. There have always arisen those few faithful who have protected the sanctuary of truth, ensuring that the beacon of instruction shines eternally. They dedicated their existence to this lofty mission of love, immortalized by the poet in his verses:

“Oh, let not the flame be extinguished! Treasured generation after generation in its dark cavern—in its sacred temples treasured. Nourished by pure ministers of love—let not the flame be extinguished!”

These individuals have never sought massive recognition nor do they wish to amass a large number of followers. Such aspirations are of no concern to them, aware that there are few in each generation who can truly learn and value the truth when it is offered to them. They provide solid sustenance for adults, while others offer milk to infants. They protect their jewels of knowledge for those few worthy ones who will appreciate their importance and adorn their diadems with them, rather than squander them before those who would scorn and sully them in the mud of their ignorance.