The Lamprey - Kevin Oakes - E-Book

The Lamprey E-Book

Kevin Oakes



Paul, a shy, inexperienced young man in his early 30's, has taken over a medium-sized lingerie company, after the death of his strict mother. At his first company Christmas party, he has a flash of an idea: instead of speaking about their losses, bankruptcy and problems, as was always previously the case, he requests that the "be merry, as it is Christmas!" And it turns into a merry party with a followup. Paul, exhausted but happy retires to his office and falls asleep on the sofa. What started out as a minor sin, consequently developes into suspenseful erotic stories.

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Paul dropped back onto his couch with a deep sigh of relief. It had gone better than he had hoped. The music outside drifted into his office. The Christmas party, which was coming to an end, had definitely been a success.

What a stroke of genius it had been! Right in the middle of the first speech he had made after the death of his mother, to stop shortly and then, amazed at his own courage, smiling inwardly to continue with:

„You know what. For a whole year we‘ve worked hard and often got on one another‘s nerves. So, why should I reprimand you here and now with balances and threats and ruin our Christmas Party?“

„We just sang „O Du Fröhliche“ (O Joyous One) so, let‘s be joyous and merry.“

„Let‘s do it. Merry Christmas!“

Thunderous applause. Up till now the obligatory Christmas carrols were followed by the obligatory Christmas speech, spiced with appeals, demands and threats, or, the company would be forced to close, a real party pooper. But not tonight, tonight was different, „O Du Fröhliche“.

The employees, almost a hundred of them, consisting mainly of women, were „over the moon“ and cheered their „liberator“. To save money, the party was held in the firm, but Paul saw to it that a small combo got everyone in the mood. At first the trio played the obligatory Christmas carrols, then German folksongs and finally well known hits and hot dance rythms. Everyone was dancing, no one had a choice! And so did Paul. But, he still had to process the sorrow of the loss of his stern mother and boss. Thus he had resisted the temptation for a long time tonight. But of course he let himself be softened up for one little dance. First he danced with the assembly line manageress and then with the workers union chairwoman. After that everyone wanted to dance with him.

It was great fun. But right in the middle of this tumult, his „head shaking mother“ appeared in his intoxicated imagination


With an „I have to“, Paul snuck out of the canteen.

Paul, then alone in his office, with the music in his ears and feeling happy about the success of the evening, stretched out his limbs and promptly fell asleep.

Paul dreamt. He dreamt of the things that his mother, with her „Paul, one doesn‘t do that“, had managed to manipulate his life. No wonder that Paul was not only still single, to say nothing of a lack of experience in love. Now he was free and so were his dreams.

He lay on a padded lounger in the sample room of the department store „Kaufhof“, surrounded by super, long legged, well-trained lady buyers. Tired from buying and drunk with successful sales, the lady buyers moved in on him. Especially the „Circe“ from the lingerie department, who had up to now turned down his offers, she now began to audaciously inspect the manly contents of his pants. The sorceress had hardly taken possesion of the object of her desire, a tender kiss and then she began to quietly suck. His small mannikan grew and grew. Through the skilled use of hands and lips, his previously unused penis took on an enormous form. A brand new excitement rushed through his body. Paul‘s breathing became heavier and shorter. He was highly aroused.

Paul woke up. It wasn‘t a dream. Was it some cruel reality?! He was shocked, almost in a trance, when he noticed that it wasn‘t the lady buyer from the lingerie department in Kaufhof. It was Rita, his employee from the final-check department.

„Stop it! What do you think you‘re doing?!“

Paul tried to apply lifelong aquired principles of upbringing – all in vain.

Rita was lying heavily and immovably on his hip!

„This is an unprecedented outrage!“

This in no way distracted Rita from her intensive activity. But it did result in Rita taking a small break and whispering the following explanation.

„Psst......quiet boss, quiet. The others don‘t have to know. It‘s me, Rita from the final-check department.You were so nice today, and also a little bit sad. I saw you sneaking out of the hall and didn‘t want to leave you alone. I waited in front of your office for a while and then I came in to look for you. And what did I see? Your bulging pants. And I thought to myself, as our boss has given us so much pleasure this evening, he shouldn‘t miss out on a bit of pleasure himself, as he was having his in his sleep. The others out there are already at it.!“

Paul shuddered to think of his whole company out there fucking.

Rita tolerated no objection and showed no mercy.

She now took the slightly shrivelled „man-toy“ between her lips, while her gentle tongue pushed back the foreskin to play around the head, which made paul‘s „little-man“ start to grow again.

„You see, he‘s having fun!“

Wild thoughts ran through Paul‘s mind

„It‘s too late now, I can‘t move, what do I do now, oh, who gives a shit, it‘s wonderful, it‘s fucking amazing, it‘‘ssss.... ii...sssss!“

Then with a vehement outburst „Yeaaaahh“ and „Oh God, oh God, oh God“ was followed by Paul‘s ejaculation, like a grenade exploding. Stars flashing through his brain, then a short darkness. Paul‘s body was enjoying the climax. Paul jerked heavily a few times as Rita kept sucking and slurping.

He groaned quietly:

„Stop, stop, it‘s hurting.“

Paul came back to reality.

„Oh God, oh God, my pants.“

Rita let go of Paul‘s dick for the first time.

„Boss, haven‘t I learned from you, haven‘t you taught us all.“

„Everyone leaves their workplace as they found it, clear and clean!“

Paul is perplexed.

„Yes but where did you put it?“

Rita laughed softly.

„Where? Where to? Down my throat.“

Paul shuddered for the second time.

„Can one swallow that stuff, just like that?“

Rita enlightened her boss in her own drastic way.

„Well, I tried it once with my boyfriend. But, it smelt so weird and then when Í had it in my throat, I felt like puking – it was disgusting. I had to spit it out. My boyfriend sneeringly told me „don‘t be so dramatic!“ So, I broke up with him.“

And then, almost admiringly:

I‘m baffled at the huge amount you produce. Haven‘t done it in a while huh?“

Paul realised that he was nodding. Rita continued in her vulgar slang.

„Boss, I have to say that your juice not only smells nice, it tastes good too!“

Rita stopped for a second.

„It tastes great, yeah, it has a nutty flavour, vanilla and nuts, I could just about do it again....!“

„Don‘t you dare! Stop now!“

„Too bad, don‘t be mad Boss, I‘ll be off. And merry Christmas, that was a real surprise, what with the Christmas party and the egg liquer with almond!“

Lost in thought, Paul added:

„Vanilla with nuts.“

Paul wanted to warn Rita to be quiet and keep this between them and explain more. But Rita was already out of the office, just as quick as she had entered it. A full five minutes later, Paul was still confused about what had happened. Dream or reality? His thoughts kept being crossed by Rita‘s hands and tongue. He got tired and eventually fell peacefully asleep in those same pants that Rita had neatly buttoned up for him. Three hours later Paul tiptoed out of the building (why so secretly?).

The building was empty by now. The cleaning ladies would come tomorrow morning. The caretaker had found Paul sleeping during his last round, but had left him sleeping there.


„Hello Shark?“

„Hello Paul, yes Shark here.“

„Did you have a good Christmas?“

„Can‘t really say „good“. No, sleeping and mainly alone.“

„It is not good that man should be alone! Moses 2:18.“

„Yes dear altar boy Paulus, well observed! But, was God‘s advice for the then exisiting humanity, consisting of Adam really good? After the catastrophe of my last relationship, abstinence is the only truth!“

„Once again a question of truth?“

„Paul, there you stand all alone, and I am far from having some girlfriend pussy, so I don‘t see much difference!“

„I see one: You‘re hanging in there like a sick man being drip fed, while a woman happily made me drip!“

„Hey Paul, what do Ihear, what‘s up with you? I‘m astounded: you nailed someone.“

„Why so vulgar?“

„It‘s just jealousy! There I am spending a dry time under the Christmas tree and you have hardly escaped your mother‘s disciplinary rules, when you start acting the playboy. What happened? How was it?“

„Not the way you imagine it!“

„Have you turned gay? Did you do it from behind?“

„Shark, behave yourself!“

Paul‘s memories were on the tip of his tongue, so he spilt his adventure like a filibuster it‘s treasures. Surprisingly Shark seemed to be disappointed.

„Oh, I see, only fellatio? Paul every horny girl does that. Every slut and every nun!“

„So sorry, but I‘m neither nun nor slut!“

„That‘s true. The only french you know is from school! You‘re missing the practice. Crazy! How can one speak with their mouth full? And then in „French“?“

„Can‘t you be serious for once? You‘ve spoilt my mood.“

„Fine! Then let me ask you concretely: Colleague? Minor? A sexual offence with dependants? Handcuffs, all screwed up, or were you lucky, and she was of age? How old is your sex-worker?“

„About thirty.“

„Now come on tell me, is she pretty?“

„Yeah, I suppose so, a good figure, friendly and a reliable worker.“

„But, what do you mean by“I suppose so“?“

„Well, she would be really pretty if she had a clear skin. She has too many pimples.“

„Then it was a good thing that the room was cloaked in darkness.“

„Shark, are pimples contagious?“

„Not that I know of. Imagine if you had a dick with pimples: a pickled prick (pimpled dick?), shortly „Pickleprick“!“ (Pimpledick)

Shark laughed tongue in cheek pleased with his imagination.