Callas and me - Kevin Oakes - E-Book

Callas and me E-Book

Kevin Oakes



A 'Labour of Love' where historical figures meet in an imaginary setting. Three women, Maria Callas, the great Diva, Bruna, her cook and confidant and her friend Nadia meet on a Greek island in summer and the tale evolves. Fact meets fiction in a moving salute to a great artist and human being.

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Table of Contents


Act 1

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3

Scene 4

Scene 5

Scene 6

Scene 7


Act 2

Scene 1

Scene 2

Scene 3





Maria Callas

Diva. Legendary opera soprano.


Her friend, former „press secretary“.


Maria‘s Italian housekeeper and confidante of many years.

The island of Syros in the Greek Aegean. Maria's rented house

The time spent with the three ladies in an eventful meeting.


Recording of 3rd act „La Boheme“ Aria “Donde lieta usci...“ Callas singing while black and white Photos of her are projected on screens. Then a scream is heard and a voice offstage cries „Feruccio“.

The lights come up to reveal an ornate bed. We see a man carrying the body of a woman followed by a another woman. They lay the body on the bed. The woman collapses next to the bed, the man hangs his head and sobs. Then we hear the voice of a radio announcer:


The voice of the Century is silenced forever. Maria Callas, the greatest soprano of our time, died today the 16th September 1977 in her Paris apartment at the age of 53.

Act 1

Scene 1

Greek instrumental summer music in the background. Nadia arrives by boat on the Greek island, it is sundown. She appears in front of the curtain with her suitcase.


It's been such a long time... just the thought of seeing Maria again brings back so many memories and so many questions... so much life..., unbelievable emotions... I'm so excited! Her invitation was as sudden as it was unexpected, but of course I spontaneously answered, YES!

How could this woman so grow on me?! Before I met her, l‘d heard and read so much about her tempers and tantrums, that I had no desire to meet her at all.

Pier Paolo Pasolini's producer tried to talk me into working on the film „Medea" with her as her public relations person. I said no! He kept on at me, just to meet the woman and decide for myself. Well I finally gave in and met her with him at her hotel in Rome.

She was very composed and charming. The hotel manager escorted us to her suite, which she found delightful. She then asked to see the rooms of her Maid Bruna and Chauffeur Feruccio. We went up under the roof to the servants quarters. Madame Callas immediately changed and demanded that they be given decent rooms on her floor, or she would move to another hotel. I was surprised! Wow, not what I expected!

She thought that I had been hired as her secretary, and asked if I could take notes of a dictation. I informed her that, this was not my job, and she replied, „oh well then, someone has got their wires crossed. If there‘s no reason for us to work together, let‘s at least have a glass of champagne together“. I did and ended up working with her after all.

We got to know one another pretty well. (Laughs lightly and a bit smugly.)

I now know the woman more than the diva... although the diva always raises her head when we least expect it. Glamour, goals, gladness, sadness, moments of greatness, years of conviction, of trying...

Not an easy girl to spend an evening with.

If I were in a theatre, this would be my opening monolgue, where I establish who I am... if not, who knows where we'll end up?

Quite simply. I‘m simply her friend. I am Nadia, an allround public relations person, a writer and a journalist. Someone who moves in the world she lives in.

While working together on the film „Medea“ we became friends, and this friend-ship has continued to grow. After filming the last „takes“ in Rome, she decided to stay on for a while to get to know me better, and also my crazy mixed-up bunch of friends.

The first time she visited me in my 5th floor walk-up apartment in the city centre, like most friends, she just flopped onto the sofa until she could get her breath back and whispered, „how do you get anyone to visit you up here? Those who make it up more than once must be true friends. Do you have an oxygen mask for the older generation?“ Then she looked around and beamed. „What an adorable place! I think I'II make it up here again.“ Which of course she did!

One of her favourites of my friends was my handsome lawyer friend Marco.

„I wouldn’t mind a little fling with him“, she giggled, „if he wasn’t married.“ Oh, yes, memories... and not the Callas most people expect. Ah, yes, Callas!

Before starting out on this trip, I listened to her recordings again and again, having only really known her since she had all but given up singing. The magic of her conviction, the drama of her voice, the musicality of her phrasing, are just recorded, some time, some where. But the intensity of the sound still curdles my blood and the volume of the voice makes me stop and listen... that's it!

Stop and listen to what this woman has to say... or should I say this Singer, this Artist. An unbelievable volume of music and roles, the diversity never attempted again by any other singer to this day. Her conviction in every role, to every composer and to every moment are monumental.

I'm not even a great opera fan, but I am at every performance in London, NewYork, Paris or Milano that I can attend, to hear all the wonderful singers whose names I can't mention, for fear of leaving someone out.

Only Callas is never forgotten by anyone who has heard of her. Whether good or bad, whether hate or downright adoration, she's never forgotten, except by the younger generation who probably have no interest in opera or her. My nephews and nieces don't even know who she is.

Oops the boat is landing... time to face the dragon. (Grins)


Act 1

Scene 2

Maria's voice is heard Offstage.


Nadia... hello!

Nadia (offstage)

Hello Maria.

The curtains open to reveal the terrace of a simple greek style one storied villa more upstage to the right, leading into the spacious living room downstage left. Maria is seen from behind out on the terrace where Nadia appears greeting Maria affectionately as old dear friends do.


Maria, you look ravishing!


Come, come Nadia, lets not're looking lovely though... In love again? (laughing)


(Somewhat surprised) No, just a bit exhilerated from the boatride.


Well dear, come in and freshen up while Bruna prepares dinner.


Oh, how is Bruna?


Bruna is Bruna as always, thank the Gods that she puts up with me!


Just the thought of her cooking gets my appetite going, (laughs)


She's in the kitchen, I'm sure she'd love to see you.

Nadia exits towards the kitchen as pointed out by Maria.


I left the dogs in Paris with Feruccio, you know how I love my sweet poodle babies, but it's just too hot for them here. (Maria loved her dogs with a passion)


Oh, I was wondering where they were. (laughing happily)

From Offstage you hear a cry from Bruna and she and Nadia reapear arm in arm, then Bruna exits again to the kitchen smiling.


l'm so happy you're here Nadia, it was getting really lonesome here alone.


Come, come Maria you have so many friends, there's no reason for you to be alone anywhere.


Well, as you know, there are friends and friends... and I need some time to come to grips with so much in my life... anyway, you run and freshen up and we'll meet on the terrace for a drink. By the way, did you see any suspicious looking types on the ferry?


Do you mean some paparazzi Maria?


Well, you know even here I have been molested by them.


No it was just the usual tourist crowd.


Oh, Good. Meet you outside.She puts on the stereo with one of her favourite songs „Hernando's Hideaway" and goes out onto the terrace. Lights dim and then brighten again, as Nadia comes into the salon in a cool summer dress.


(From the terrace) Fix yourself a drink Nadia, and come out onto the terrace, the sunsets are so beautiful here.

Nadia does that and as she is heading for the terrace the phone rings.


Be a darling and answer that for me please.


(Nadia answers the phone) Hello, pronto... Oh it‘s a Signore Lupoli, he wants to speak to Bruna. (Calling) „Bruna“...


(Shouting from outside) What! hang up immediately! Nadia, hang up! It‘s that dirty little Greek, he knows I won't speak to him, so he pretends to be Bruna's husband! (Nadia hangs up and Bruna appears from the kitchen looking puzzled)


Che fai?

Maria entering from the terrace flushed and furious


E lui! Niente Bruna, e sola Onassis il vecchio maiale! That little pig won't leave me alone. Just because marriage to Mrs. Kennedy, turned out to be too expensive for the miserly little creep. Now he's at a loose end again. Expecting me to come running! Me! He can drop dead! Bruna, quando mangiamo?


Dieci minuti Signora. Ten minutes Miss Nadia.


(Back to her charming „hostess“ self) So sorry about that Nadia, let's finish our drinks before dinner. Apart from the joy of seeing you my dear, there is something I would like to possibly run by you while you are here.


Now you have me intigued Maria, what could it be?


Everyone thinks they can write a book, critique or just a a slanderous article about me...god knows why!? You would think that I was the widow of some American president or something!

