The Little Duck Girl - Anita Nair - Hörbuch

The Little Duck Girl Hörbuch

Anita Nair

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Shree Raman, or Maash as he is known, leads a quiet life in his village in Kerala where nothing ever happens. Until one December dawn, when the ducks and the little duck girl, not so little any more, return to the village after several years of absence and light up Maash's life again. The year is 2019, the Indian Parliament has passed the Citizenship Amendment Act and the question of identity-- especially religious identity--is at the forefront of everything. Suddenly, everyone wants to know: who is this duck girl, where does she come from, who does she pray to? In a matter of days, Maash finds himself in the middle of a conflict he couldn't have foreseen. Set in Kaikurussi - the near idyllic village which Anita Nair introduced to readers worldwide in her first novel The Better Man, The Little Duck Girl is a state-of-the-nation story that sensitively but unflinchingly explores the idea of who we are as a people.

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Zeit:0 Std. 55 min

Sprecher:Prakash Raj
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