The noble Polish family Aaron, own coat of arms. Die adlige polnische Familie Aaron, eigenes Wappen. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Aaron, own coat of arms. Die adlige polnische Familie Aaron, eigenes Wappen. E-Book

Werner Zurek



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The noble Polish family Aaron, own coat of arms. Die adlige polnische Familie Aaron, eigenes Wappen.


The noble Polish family Aaron, own coat of arms.

Die adlige polnische Familie Aaron, eigenes Wappen.

Poświęcony Uniwersytetowi w Białymstoku

Aaron Marcin from Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). Wojcic Bondholder, magistrate judge 1481 in Sieradz, in (August) 1485. PLN 300 was secured. Fines for the goods dowry and dowry. The goods others to his wife Anna. Marcin, the estates of Wojcicki's widow Kobierzycka, and other estates such as Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy)., (Gr Sier. 24 f. 167). After the death of his wife, he refused to accept the stepson, gives him Wojcice in 1494 and takes Chrósty. The following year, the estates third wife Barbara, one hundred zlotys. Hungarian Wójtowstwie, house, yard, and all movable things in Sieradz. In 1499, his wife Barbara 1499. Jadwiga, maybe four, if not a mistake. His son by his first wife, Jan, sued in 1486, by the peasants of the ? January 1486. Jan Aaron Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). , squire on Gorzuch Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy) married to Margaret Pomianówną Kobierzycką in 1547, (Gr Sier. 24 f. 317, f. 28 168 and 29 200 and 214 f., 27 f. 392 in Wieluń Gr.). Aaron Maciej Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy), is suing Aaron Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).– Aaron. 12. 1579, Wojciech (PAW.). Franciszek and Zygmunt, writers, Kalisz magistrate, signs the election of King Augustus II.

Marcin, lived from about 1460 to about 1500, married to Anna von Siewieruszowic, lived from about 1430 to about 1480.

Places in the article: Chrosty, Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy)., Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). and Mroczki, Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). and Gorzuch, near Wojcicach, w Wojnę Wołoską.

Coat of Arms Description.

In the silver field in the imaginary triangle (point below), two golden crowns placed one on top.

Image source: Wikipedia.

The noble Polish family Aaron, coat of arms Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).

Aaron Marcin from Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). , Wojcic Bond creditor, magistrate judge 1481 in Sieradz, in (August) 1485. 300 fines were secured for dowry and dowry goods. The goods others to his wife Anna. Marcin, the estates of the widow Kobierzycka of Wojcicki and other estates such as Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).(Gr Sier. 24 f. 167). After the death of his wife, he refused to accept the stepson, gives him Wojcice in 1494 and takes Chrósty. The following year, the estates third wife Barbara, one hundred zlotys. Hungarian Wójtowstwie, house, yard, and all movable things in Sieradz. In 1499, his wife Barbara 1499. Jadwiga, maybe four, if not a mistake. His son by his first wife, Jan, sued in 1486, by the peasants of the Pebble January 1486. Jan Aaron Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). , squire on Gorzuch Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).married to Margaret Pomianówną Kobierzycką in 1547, (Gr Sier. 24 f. 317, f. 28 168 and 29 200 and 214 f., 27 f. 392 in Wieluń Gr.). Aaron Maciej Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). , is suing Aaron Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy). . 11. Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).– Aaron. 12. 1579, Wojciech (PAW.). Franciszek and. Zygmunt, writer, magistrate of Kalisz, signs the election of King Augustus II.

Marcin, lived from about 1460 to about 1500, married to Anna von Siewieruszowic, lived from about 1430 to about 1480.

Places in the article: Chrosty, Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy)., Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).and Mroczki, Dąb (Czelechy, Dub, Ehler, Żelechy).rowy and Gorzuch, near Wojcicach, at w Wojnę Wołoską, in Kłocku, house , yard, and Everyone movable things in Sieradz , Wojcic, Wojcice, by Kamyka.