The noble Polish family Bachorzewo. Die adlige polnische Familie Bachorzewo. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Bachorzewo. Die adlige polnische Familie Bachorzewo. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.

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The noble Polish family Bachorzewo. Die adlige polnische Familie Bachorzewo.

The noble Polish family Bachorzewo.Impressum

The noble Polish family Bachorzewo.

Die adlige polnische Familie Bachorzewo.

The noble Polish family Bachorzewo.

The privilege of transferring prince Boleslaw Wielkopolski from 1257 to the various majętnościom freedom comes Janka ( Zaremba ) , later governor of Poznan , the son of Albert , in their number and Cielcza ( KWP. I. 364 ) mentioned. These estates were passed on to his descendants comes Janka, the Herkenbold son of Mikołaj from Brudzewo also Zaremba, sold it in 1370 to Janek from Czerlejna (KWP. III. 1.636). Going from the position of Czerlejna v. Czerlenina can firmly say that Jan belonged to the Zarębów house and was probably the father of Philip , already call Cieleckim Zychlihski joins Philip Cieleckiego Comes with Janek , that he had a son , Albert , Kastellan santockiego , and the son , Mikołaj , takes quite freely that Mikołaj's successor Cielcza in the district of pyzdrskim and Tworkowy, in today's district of Brest in Galicia, and on the basis of the law Opatkowice issued in 1372 which allowed Barbe named Błażej brothers and Philip, sons of Mikołaj Tworkowy, address Dzierżaninach (in the district of Wojnice), set in the woods of the village on the right Magdeburg, that is called Ruda (KKK 280), thinks that the plot in Philip, also mentioned noble, from the content of the assessment, it is in this from Philip Cielcza, which records have been mentioned many times. That was a descendant of Philip Janka , governor of Poznan , there can be no doubt , but there is no relevant legislation to filiacyę show this today . Selling Cielcza in 1370 by Janek Herkenbolda from Czerlejna ¯ p . carefully shut up .. Zaremba Cielecki Philip , heir to Cielcza , certified in 1395 by Mikołaj Adel , her husband Febronii of Siedlemin ( Leksz. ). In 1412 he was castellan on Książu. His sister Sofka 1412 (Zs. Pyzdr.). Kalisz file to 1412 Willow mention Cielcza and Swiętosławie of Cielcza , Canon u Plock . Wawrzyniec, son of Swjatoslav, at the University of Kraków (Kraków) 1420 Philip two sons: Albert and Mikołaj. Albert Pyzdrach witnessed in 1400 , as a representative of his father in court there in 1416 was his brother Mikołaj , a case in Pyzdrach 1418 ( Zs. Pyzdr . ) . Albert four sons: Mikołaj, Jan, Marcin and Maciej. Mikołaj and Marcin arrest warrant ziemstwie 1424 in Poznan for his brother Jan and Marcin and Mikołaj confirmed in 1434 added another department. Of this , Santa , cupbearer Poznan 1428 years , and the flag bearer of Kalisz 1429 , he wrote to the Cielcza , Poturzycy and Pleszewa . Jan called the Suchorzewskim . Marcin inherited the Magnuszewicach, called Magnuszewskim and Maciej, inherit the Cielcza and Cząszczewie, wrote a Cieleckim and in 1466 secured on the estates 400 fines of his wife Jadwiga (Rez Pozn.). left seven sons: Mikołaj, Stanislaus, Andrzej, Marcin, Jan, Piotr, Albert, and daughter, Barbara, wife of one-of Stanislaus v. Krzońskiego , second time Adam Grzybowski . From these six except Marcin closed komplanacyę in ziemstwie pyzdrskiem 1492 Marcin mentioned in the law in 1479 that Jan secured a dowry for his wife Margaret (Rez Pozn.) . Barbara decided not to record his statuary Krzonie brother Mikołaj in 1505 (Rez Pozn. ). The sons of Mateusz are known only to young Mikołaj and Jan. Mikołaj , son of Matthias , called inheritance from Bean, married to Agnes Roszkowska, who separated Uriel the Hill, the bishop of Poznan, the uncle and guardian of her brothers, Jan and Jakub in 1485 from their native estates and native village WieloDorf in 1200 fines (Rez Pozn. f 35) . With WieloDorf also wrote young Mikołaj, who left two sons: Jan and Mikołaj , and daughters , Jadwiga , wife of Mikołaj Dobrzycki with Lgoty 1513 Dorota , wife of Jan Laskawskiego of Lubienia 1521 Margaret , wife of Wincenty Mokronowski Bruczkowa 1524 r , and Anna , wife of Jan Sławoszewskiego Mokronowska 1530 Margaret , daughter of Mikołaj once named Peas , brother Mikołaj to confirm their homeland and native estates in 1527 ( Rez Pozn. from 1513 , 1521 and 1530 r. Ins Pyzdr 1524 , Zs Pyzdr im year 1527 ). . . . . Jan and Mikołaj Cieleccy , sons of Mikołaj , had in 1517 , with the Pampowskim Krzon ( Zs. Pyzdr . ) . Jan, nicknamed Oszga in 1524 sued the cousin Łukasz. In 1521 he said to his wife , Dorota von Russockich record ( Zs. Pyzdr . , und Rez Pozn . ) . Also called more often "heritage n" frequented because, as Jan Bean secured Russockiej his wife in 1542, 500 flora. , The Cielcza and Cząszczewie ( Rez Pozn. ) . In 1528 (Ins. Pyzdr.) he sold part of the Krzonia to his father Mikołaj Bean . He left only daughters: Anna Marcin Goryńskim of Goryńskim 1551 to Jan and Agnes Mierosławskim with Słaboszewa 1561 (Rez Pozn.). Mikołaj , son of Mikołaj , called Bean , Palędzką married Margaret , daughter of Matthias . Her husband's collection of 200 plants was confirmed in 1518. , on the part of WieloDorf Secured , which he falls with his brother Jan split. In the same year Mikołaj closed the board with his brother Jan , called Oszga and gave him some of his on Cielcza , Cząszczewie , Mieszko and Krzonie and held a total of WieloDorf ( Zs. Pyzdr . Of 1518 years and Inscr 248 f . Pyzdr . In 1518 f 28 years) M Zychlihski posted in Cielecki's monograph that Jan Oszga was the brother Mikołaj , married to Roszkowska . that after her death he marries Palędzką. That is not the case Oszga Jan and Mikołaj , married to Palędzką , sons of Mikołaj , born in Roszkowska , the best proof act, to this office from 1518 , under which Mikołaj gave his brother Jan , called Oszga , to different parts of their villages , in Instead of what was the whole WieloDorf . Both therefore had the same rights to WieloDorf which the by Jan Oszga when the Roszkowska was not born .. His sons : Jan , Bartłomiej , Piotr and Jerzy , bought the mill in 1537 , from Zdunami Jutroskiego and sued the Obłaczkowskim ( Ins. Pyzdr . ) . In 1551 , the brothers met the aforementioned goods department and Jan simultaneously Aus before ał brothers part of his WieloDorf for 1200 flor . (InscGraf Pozn.). Barbara, daughter of Mikołaj, 1548 by Marcin Westerskim, heir to Kaczkowej Mountains. Jerzy, son of Mikołaj, in 1554 sold part of his WieloDorf brothers, Bartłomiej and Piotr, for flor in 1620. (Rez Pozn.) . This is probably Jerzy, the king's secretary, died in 1598 (stern. Mo). Piotr , son of Mikołaj , wrote in 1557 on part of the flora in WieloDorf 1100 . his wife, Agnes Zagajewski, daughter of Sebaste (Rez Pozn.). Of Abraham's sons, Kasper and Mikołaj, of whom Mikołaj, married to Agnes Giżycka, had several children who entrusted care, bringing in 1603 to his wife and brothers. For these children survived only Piotr, in the care of Hieronim Cieleckiemu in 1611 (Rez Pozn. And Ins. Pyzdr and Rez.). Jan , son of Mikołaj of Palędzkiej , said in 1555 , an entry for living with his wife Margaret of Dziadkowskich ( Rez Pozn. ) . With their sons Dobrogost , Jan , Waclaw , Mikołaj and Kasper and daughter Jadwiga , a nun in. Dobrogost part of his Cielcza , fell to him to the brothers : Jan and Wenzel , left the rest of his brothers Mikołaj and Gaspar , in 1564 ( Rez Pozn. ) . Claus and Kasper, together with Adam and Mikołaj, sons Łukasz, sold Cielcza and Cząszczewo Opalinski 1568 (Rez Pozn.). Mikołaj, the Kalisz bailiff, acquired in 1571 from Pampowskiej Rusiborz ( Rez Pozn. ). He was dead in 1580, who convinced some Visa usher in the same year in Duninowo and Rusiborzu (Ins. and Rez Pozn. ) Supplemented. With Margaret Galewski his daughters , Katarzyny , one-of Janow v. Gembicka , second time Janow Głembocka , Zofia StanisławówGłembocka , Elizabeth, one-on v. Erazmowa Gajewska , second time Marcin Trlęska , Makovetski Inowrocławska , 3 o v. Łukasz s Gułtowska and Margaret W (?) father (?) howo Zbyszewska and sons Jan , Adam and Krzysztof , of whom Adam had been dead in 1588 . Last year , these children Mikołaj , with Mikołaj and Jerzy , the sons of Casper and Anna from BrAus nica , wife of Jerzy Madalińskiego , Ensign Wielun , processed one-of Dobrogost Cieleckiego v. wife , tenant Jaworowski , brother Mikołaj and Jerzy , another pretensye ( InscGraf and Rez Pyzdr . f 154) . Krzysztof , son of Mikołaj von Galewski , cupbearer Poznan 1602 , castellan Szremski in 1620 he received from his mother Rumiejki 1593 , and together with his brother Jan sold Duninowo Chłapowski (Rez Pozn. F 1023 and 1040 ). Owner bailiffs and Stauden 1608 ( Rez Pozn . 363 f ) and Murzynówka and Kopaszyc in 1614 which his wife , Zofia Boguszyn Slupsk saved 10,000 flora. ( Rez Pozn. F 38), deceased in 1627, his first wife was Elizabeth Grudzińska in 1610 ( Ins. and Rez Pyzdr. ) and Katarzyny Jastrzębska third Jastrzębnik in 1626 (ibid.). His daughters : Maryanna for Stefan Ladislaus 1625 Dorotas Stanislaus Radzewskim , owners Radzewa , Pożegowa and PAus rzecze in 1629 years , and sons Mikołaj and Tomek ekekasz ( Rez Pozn of 1625 years and 521 f 15 f in 1629 years . ) . Mikołaj , son of Krzysztof wrote castellan Szremski in 1629 , his wife Jadwiga of Bnin Radzewskiej , 12,000 plants. on the part of the estates Rumiejki Komorniki , It is the no , Rusiborz , Kopaszyce and Murzynówko , that his brother Rivne falls division of Tomek ekekasz. In 1634 the PHI spouses testified to a life saving sentence (Rez Pozn. From in 1629 and in 1634 520 rf rf 32 ). The descendants of Mikołaj Tomek ekekasz and trace elements of the file does not exist. Kasper , son of Jan von Dziadkowskiej , introduced late in 1581 , with Margaret Popowska , 1587 W (?) father (?) howo (Ins and Rez Pyzdr . F 466 ) , left Dobrogost , tenants Jaworowski , Mikołaj and Jerzy at the end of 1588 . All three Rokossovsky receipts in 1581 (ibid. f 7 and 10). Mikołaj 1604 testified W (?) father (?) howo entry for life with his wife Dorota von Domiechowskich , that in 1605 , the Cerekwica , Strzyzewo and Szypłowie dowry ( Rez Pozn . ) faces Reichstaler He left with their daughter , Anna , Jan Droszewskim and sons , Jakób , Matthew and Hieronim Kasper , the first two of whom confirm in-law in 1631 and received a dowry ( Ins. Pozn. From 1631 , I f 442 ) . The entry 4000 flor . Mentioned by Droszewskiego Mrs. Anna von in 1626, her brothers, Mikołaj and Kasper Hieronim (Rez Pozn. 678 f). Jakób Kanon Poznan in 1631 bis in 1639 Plock (Ins. Pozn. Bis in 1639 I 437 f). Maciej , wrote in 1625 , 6000 Szypłowie Flora. his wife, Annie Rozdrażewskich, daughter Wenceslaw (Rez Pozn. 1625 1628 rf rf 199 and 203) , and left with their sons, Ladislaus, Jakub and Stanislaus. Maciej and his son Wladyslaw confirm in PAus lewskich 1665 ( Ins . Pozn . II . F 24) . And Jakób wrote his uncle, Kasprowa Cielecka, 5000 flor. confirm in 1658 and 1670 in his wife Maryann von Belędzkich , daughter of Krzysztof ( Ins. Pozn . from 1658 VI . f 11 and 18 , and 1670 , I f 225 ). In 1679 sword bearer Poznan and castellan Kamien in 1687 was the owner Gembic year 1683 ( Ins. Pozn. 1683 III . F 56 and 73). His daughters : Katarzyny 1686 Aleksander Kułakowiczem and Eleanor , 1-on for Maciej Żegockim v. 2 -for v. ' s Władysław Grabski . In 1692, his mother wrote 20,000 plants. (Ins. Pozn. 1686 VIII. F 10, from 1692 VII. F 33 and 1715 f I. 245). Son of castellan Kamien : Krzysztof , Karol and Andrzej , with which their mother Gembickich confirm in 1694 ( Ins. Pozn IV F 79 .. ) . Krzysztof 1698, married to Barbara with Szwertmanów, widow of Andrzej Szumowski (Ins. Pozn. II. F 89). Karol withdrew a sum from Dominicans Poznan in 1703 year (InscGraf Pozn. I f 123). Andrzej, by Helena Krzyszkowski had a son, Łukasz, who in 1701 confirmed the 2000 Flora collection. (Ins. Pozn. From 1700, IV. F 30). Stanisław, son of Matthias, was the sole owner of the will in 1659 (Ins. Pozn. IV. F 27). In 1683 , together with his wife , Anna Tarzecką , Peeling plenipotentiary , in 1691 , attested will ( Ins. Bone. 1.683 rf 247 and Ins. Pozn. VII from 1691 . F 71 ) . His son Ludwik (Ins. Pozn. from 1693 IX. F 42) wrote in 1691, his wife, Łucyi Buszewski, daughter of Stanislaus, 2000 flor. , And in 1694 made a deal with her mother ( Ins . Pozn . from 1691 VIII . f 20 and 1694 XIV . f 67) . In 1699 Orzelskiemu sold it valves, and in 1703 wrote the 3000 invention Flora. his second wife, Anna Kotarbskich, daughter of Marcin and Dorota Noskowski (Ins. Pozn. IV in 1699. 121 f and in 1703 f I 59). His sons : Stanisław and Antoni , and daughter , Maryanna , wife of Michał Hersztopskiego born with Buszewski , closed komplanacyę from Kotarbskimi in 1714 and the following year will recognize his aunt Eleanor ( InscGraf Pozn from 1714 , II F 120 and III . . . 130 f and 1715 f I. 220) . Stanislaus , with Wiktoryi Kraśnicka , daughter of Marcin and Theresa Ługowski , left a son and a daughter Marcyannę who entered together with her mother in an arrangement with Jaskóleck in 1725 ( Ins. Pozn. III . F 46 ) . Hieronim Kasper introduced to Szypłowa in 1628, acquired by his brother Mateusz and his wife (Ins . and Rez Pyzdr. F 67). in 1634 he wrote his brother Jakób, Canon, 500 Flora. , 1643 , the church in 1100 Pavlov Flora. (Ins. Pozn. From in 1634 II. F 842 and 1643 f I. 340). With Hedwig Zadorskiej had daughters: Anna, wife of Hieronymus from Bilczewa Bielickiego 1679 to Jan and Barbara Niwskim 1681 years, and sons, Michał, Mikołaj and Lukas. Mother and sons together Smogulecką confirm in 1662 and in 1672 the mother of the children drew their records ( Ins . Pozn. From 1634 II. F 583, from 1662 I f 24 and 1672 62 rf ) . Michał , the son of Zadorskiej Kasper , pastor Szremski 1668 1676 canon Plock , arranged in the latter , together with the brothers with Łąkińskim from Koszkowo ( Ins. Nakiels . 650 f.). Mikołaj , son of Gaspar Zadorskiej , together with his wife , with Constanza Skąpskich , daughter of Stanislaus and Barbara Milewski , in which 1693 Aleksander Skąpski confirm the estates of native and parents ( Ins. Pozn . VI . F 62 ) . His daughters Barbara said in 1701 , an entry for life with her husband Andrzej Wilkostowskim and Maryanna , wife of Jan of Prussia received from his brothers Antoni and Franciszek record in 1711 ( Ins. Pozn. in 1701 VI. F 97 and 1711 rf 54) . Processes sum made by Cielecki Binkowskiemu in 1760 arguing that Franciszek from Frances Dobrzycka , 2 BC. Wives of Jakób Kosickiego , sons , Józef and Cajetan and daughters Katarzyny Chociszewskim for Franciszek and Maryann for Wawrzyniec Włostowskim ( Ins. Pozn linFürst bis 1760 , II . 180 f.). Łukasz, the son of Gaspar Zadorskiej, wrote 3000 flor in 1678. his wife, Zofia Mieszkowskich, daughter of Stanisław and Katarzyny Radomicka Dalechowskiej (Ins. Pozn. II. 501 f.). With her daughters : Anna , one-on Mrs. v. Stanisław Zaremba Suchorzewski in 1703 the 2-by Jan BC Dunin, 3-o v. Stanisław Turobojskiego, Ursula, wife of Sebaste Kraków (Kraków) and Barbara and son Bartłomiej. In 1715, mother and daughter chose Bartholomew for his plenipotentiaries ( . Rel. Cylinder 223 in 1703 rf ; . . Ins Gniezno 1715 rf 199 and Ins Pozn from 1732 , II 153 f . . . . ) Bartholomew , Edler inowrocławski 1715, was to have sons, Józef and Matthias. Józef , castellan lendzki 1769 was to have sons , Jan , castellan spicimirskiego 1780 Staroste Prusinowski , Chev . Stanisław Ignacy 1781 , chamberlain of king Stanisław August 1785 , and Pan Sieradz 1786 he received a law for 50 years emfiteutycznem Szadkowice in the Sieradz region ( Kancl. 79 II . F 46 ) . Ignacy , 1791 married Pawełina Szembekówną (DW 107 f 847) , second time the wiktory Zbijewską , with whose daughter Genowefa hr linPrince Wladyslaw Gurowski , and his son Humphrey, Member of Parliament 1830, late 1852 , after which they go to Mary Glinczanki Sons , Constantine , who Alexandra Skarżyńska , son of Sigmund , Ignacy , who was married to Izabella Skarżyńska, whose daughter Michalina was married to and Maksymilian, who died in 1891 years , and the daughter of Raymond N. for Skarżyński . Humphrey and his sons : Ignacy and Constantine , testified to the nobility in the kingdom 1838 years ( b A. Herz . ) . Maciej , the second son of Bartholomew , Noble Carver Inowrocław , governor zgierski , owner Kamionny 1769 married 1-on with Sophie Rosnowską v. the second time Lipska v. Joanna , daughter of Tomek Ekekasz and Katarzyna von Szlichtingów , widow of Ludwik Jabłkowskim , Zgierz City Council , who left her husband to the district to the other , sons , Celestine , canon Plock 1780 ( Ins. Pozn . ) , Franciszek , Andrzej and W ( ?) father (?) brought . Franciszek, born in Rosnowski, zgierski mayor and commissioner of the civil-military province of Sieradz, attested in 1791, an entry for living with his wife, Magdalena Stempkowską, daughter of Jakób and Helena Rybińskich (DW 107 f in 1463). His son was to Seweryn, with Tekla Stempkowski, whose son Antoni, was about to be knighted in Britain in 1845, after Antoni's remaining sons, Gustav, in 1863, and Cezary, died in 1886 Franciszek, Seweryn's second son, with Konstancyi Lach - Szyrma left sons, Mateusz, who died in 1872, Konstanty, who died in 1892, and Ludwik. Constantine sons, Witold, Marcel and Cajetan and Ludwik von Dabrowska children: Alexis, Daryusz and Marya. Andrzej , son Mateusz , Zgierz governor , treasurer Szadkowski in 1779 1780 smaller armies , Noble same in 1780 , at the end of ensign Szadkowski 1784 Member of Parliament four years. With Frances Kossowska his descendants : 1) Stanisław , died in 1825 married to Valery Łobocka (at Zychlinski SobAus zką ), the son of the nobility Emilian checked into the Reich in 1837 , and daughter Maryanna for Stanisław Chelm ( b A. Herz . ) . 2) Clement , checked the nobility in the kingdom in 1837 , after which the Łączyński sons Leopold and Józef . 3) Józef , checked his nobility in the kingdom. together with his brother Klemens 1837 , married Wstowską , had a son , Pelagius , daughter Józefa Bąkowska Marya. 4) Michalina for Maciej Cielecim. 5 ) Ludwik for Silvester Tarnowski . Anna Adam UngariscWappen son Mateusz , Zgierz mayor of Leipzig Joan who died in 1790 Sójkach (P Kutno ) born in 1757 Kamionny (P Iwanowice ) , governor Muchnowski , allowance for the Crown Court and Chev. Stanisław 1791 the owner jay, with Bridget had a daughter Ludwike Mikorskiej for Józef Kleniewskim , and his second wife - with Kleniewskich Pelagia , the daughter of Stanislaus and Antonina Dembowski , only son FeliPrince Pelagia von Kleniewskich went 2 for v. Adam and Lenczowski testified in 1810 Will Raciborski will . Feliks , holder jay , checked the nobility in the kingdom in 1837 , with Zawiszanka Frances , daughter of Barnabas and Krystyna von Radwanów Zamulewiczów , Sójkach , who died in 1867 , left sons , Zdzislaw , Ladislaus and Stephen , who died in 1863 , and daughter Jadwiga, wife of Mikołaj Count Gurowski. Zdzislaw who was born in Sójkach October 23, 1827 , the owner of jay , who was married to Wanda Cielecka , daughter of Ferdinand and Honoraty von Pstrokońskich , died in Warsaw 1881 she has a daughter Stefania , the owner of Jay , wife of Sójkach 1872 . Jerzy Moszyńskiemu and son Jerzy. Władysław, married to Adamin Pstrokońska, without sons, Adam and Feliks, and daughters Mary and Helen Ziembińska Koźmińska. Jerzy , son of Gaspar Popowska , Lord High Steward of Poznan in 1630 he wrote himself in 1600-1700 W (?) Father (?) hów Flora . , And in the year 1634-2500 There are never the Komorniki and Flora. his wife Jadwiga von Jastrzębskie, the daughter of Mateusz (Rez Pozn. from 1600 rf rf in 1634 489 and 158). Left six sons Stephan, Piotr, Mikołaj, Casper, Jan and Bonaventure who in 1638 Grudzinski (Ins. Pozn II F 292. . ) , and three daughters , Ursula , wife of Jerzy Chelmski 1637 Bogumil , wife of Jan confirm Wierusz stop Stoleckiego from 1653, and Maryann, wife of Stanisław Biegański in that year (Ins. Pozn.). From the sons of Jerzy: Stefan Kasper and died childless before 1654 (Ins. Pozn.). Mikołaj, married to Dorota Radeck, in 1647 confirm her father Jan after receiving the dowry (Ins. Pozn. II. 318 f.). Jan , Canon of Poznań (Poznań) and Plock , Plock General oficyał 1670 years ( Ins. Pozn . ) . Bonaventure (Dobrogost) inscribed 1654, 2000 flor. his wife, Agnes Cholabińskiej, the daughter of Marcin of Volhynia ( Ins. Pozn. III . f 4). Piotr wschowski armies , he signed with the Kalisz province election of Jan Kazimierz . With Katarzyny Braneckiej left sons , Jan , Andrzej and Gabryel , Kamedułę . Jan and Andrzej's mother wrote 6000 flor. Grabowski 1679 and Gabryel mentioned in the receipt of the brezi 1688 (Ins . Pozn. Until 1679 f 826 and 1688, XIII. F 19). Andrzej wrote in 1690, the There are never, 4000 Gądki Komorniki and Flora. his wife, Katarzyna von Korytowskich, daughter of Władysław and Jadwiga Kołudzkich. With her daughter Maryanna for Walenty Korytowskim 1712 ( Ins. Pozn . Des 1690 XV . F 108 and rel. Cylinder . Rf 1712 152) . Bartholomew auf WieloDorf, son of Mikołaj von Palędzkiej by Anne von Błociszewa Gajewska, left two daughters, Ursula and Barbara, wife of Jan Bukowiecki and six sons, Hieronim, Jan, Jakub, Lukas and Bartłomiej. These children Bartholomew , then live together with his uncle : Piotr and Jerzy and his siblings your cousin , in 1583 to take the legacy of Philip Palędzkim , owner of Sorbic and Kovalev (Rel. Pozn 1583 rf 77 and M 138 f 435 . ) . Hieronim, son of Bartholomew, secretary of the king in 1603 (M. 348 f 25), vicar of Poznan 1611 (VL), chancellor of Queen Konstancyi and steward of her sons, secretary Crown 1613 Dean of Kraków (Kraków) in 1615 (M. 158 f. 45), pastor of Plock 1617 (M. 162 f. 255) endowed the church in 1624 Sieluniu (M. 346 f. 70) in which he was bishop of Plock. He died in 1627 , founded the Plock Cathedral canonry Cielecki name. His nephew Zygmunt erected to him in the Plock Cathedral magnificent tomb ( stern . Mon ) . Jan , son of Bartholomew Gajewska scribe Kalisz in 1594 , parish , parish scribe Poznan 1597 , last year has been steward Poznan . in 1615 he was a judge and from starościm and cantonal Poznan. In 1612 he received the royal agreement to override Gonięcina's son Zygmunt , appointed commissioner for demarcation in 1617 (M. 154 f 208 and 161 f 14). He died the previous year in which she left the widow was introduced by Anne Chojnackich, with the children to Wolikova (Ins. and Rez Pozn. from 1617 rf 82). children leave seven ; Sons , Sigmund , childless Dobrogost , Andrzej , Boleslaw and daughters , Dorota , wife of W (?) father (?) Krusińskiego von Jaruntowic died in 1625 Zofia, Benedictine in Poznan in 1632 and Elizabeth , wife of one-on v. Adam BrAus nicki in 1621 2 BC Aleksander Kobierzycki in 1632, 3-o BC Andrzej Pogorzelskiego in 1634 Stęgowski sons from stolego in 1634 confirm. They inherited in 1638 to Kopaszycach (Ins . Pozn. from 1634 II: 5 f. and 1638 f. I. 848). Zygmunt, son of stolego, he was a canon of Gnesen (Gniezno), Kraków (Kraków) and Plock, Poznan vicar, secretary to the king, and died in 1652 in Poznan, where he erected a tombstone in the cathedral. Andrzej , son from stolego , owner Zielądkowa , wrote 1635 years 11,000 plants. his wife, Barbara Cerekwicka (Ins. Pozn. II. 958 f.). With her son, Jan Teodor, 1666 komplanacyę with cousin Jan Olbracht signed regarding Rusiborza (Ins. Pozn. F 142, 480, 947 and 970). in 1674 he was married for his wife, Anna von Woźnickich, one-on v. StanisławówBieganska , 7000 flor awarded. dowry . He owned Snowidova which were sold in 1683, not in 1687, after which the widow remained living with children: Antoni Hieronim, Józef Melchior, Stanislaus, Zygmunt Waclaw, Maryann Elisabeth and Barbara Teresa return comes to Cerekwickich (Ins. Pozn .until in 1674, II.346 f., from 1683 VII.f.18 and November in 1687.f.57) . Among them: Maryanna Elizabeth, wife of one-on v. Piotr Ostaszewski 1691 2 BC W (?) Father (?) Szczanieckiego in 1701 ( Ins. Pozn. ) . Zygmunt Waclaw, in the law of Feliks, a Dominican in Poznan 1715 years (Ins. Pozn.). Józef Melchior, the parish priest in 1700, Wednesday (Ins. Pozn.). Stanisław , in 1702 , married Teresa Kamieńska , daughter of Sigmund and Zofia Trąmpczyńskich , owner of Pawlow 's Bell and Olędrów which Brudzewskiemu sold in 1713 , had a son , Michał and daughter , Barbara , wife of Kazimierz Ulatowski . Brother and sister wrote in 1729 that 2000 flor. , and in 1732 , 5000 flora. ( Ins. Pozn. ) . Antoni Hieronim , married 1699 in Constanta Bobrownicka Zofia , daughter of Stefan and Jadwiga Lubowieckich , in Poznan Jews confirm 1715 years ( Ins. Pozn. ) . His daughter Constanta for Kazimierz Chociszewskim whose mother wrote to Szczepankowo 4,000 flor. , In 1734 she then came 2 -on for Franciszek v. Skrzydlewskiego, a three-on for Franciszek v. Orlowski (Ins. Pozn. 1734 and Kcyńs., 1763). Son : W (?) Father (?) ( Albert ) , Jan and Adam , receipts Mroczyńskich in 1721 ( Ins. Pozn. ) . the son of Antoni Hieronim, the royal army general and colonel of the regiment foot guard Augustus III-go, with Ursula de Gleiden Glover, daughter of Andrzej, artillery colonel Krone and Elisabeth von Gruszeckich (Group Belsen 2 f. 780), left children: Stanislaus, Adjutant General Stanisław August and Chev. Stanisław 1789 childless with Zofia Szwejkowska , Ignacy , canon Plock , who died in 1809 , and Józef , and daughters , Anna , the wife of Gaetano MiniMax , Tekla , v. 1-on for Jan Bratkowski, 2-on for Ignacy v. Cieszkowskim and Ludwike for Jan Komorowski. Józef , captain kawaleryi national borszczowski governor and Chev . Stanislaus , owner WłAus yczki and Klimkowiec in PAus olien , married to Anna Mycielska , widow of Wincenty Gawle Potocki , daughter of Jan von Nepomuk , the governor ośnickiego and Jolenty Dobrzycka , confirm in 1789 with his father's wife received 20,000 plants. (Ins. Pozn. 391 f and Kanzler. 90 f 32 and 33) . Józef and his brother W (?) father (?) proved his noble origin in 1782, the cantonal court of Lviv (Lemberg) and the origin of Andrzej (Goł.) . Marya , daughter of Józef , for Stanisław Baczyńskim and sons , Stanisław and Ferdinand took out the nobility in the US Department of Lviv (Lviv) in 1838 and 1839 , brother Leopold , abolished in 1812 , lived in Galicia. Stanisław , owner Hadyńkowiec in Galicia , born 1789 , died 1855 member of the United Galician , left with Katarzyny Mysłowskich Seweryna daughter , spouse Count Leszek Dunin - Borkowski in 1840 and his son Alfred , the owner of his father Hadyńkowiec , born 1821 , died 1892 , who married the count . Anna Bnińska , whose son Arthur , the owner Hadyńkowiec , Member of Parliament Galician , born in 1850 , she married the count in 1884 . Kalinowska Hedwig , daughter of Wladyslaw and Cecilia with Szeliskich . Ferdinand , a member of the United Galician , holder Byczkowiec there August 26, 1801 ( Pa Czortkowce ) , who died in 1878 , Sójkach ( Pa Kutno ) , born with Honoraty Pstrokońska , daughter of Ignacy and Honoraty von Ostrowski , left a daughter Wanda , the wife of Zdzislaw Cieleckiemu 1850 and his son Wladimir, born 1831 , died 1882 owner Byczkowiec , member of the Council of State in Vienna, who married the Countess Zofia , daughter of Piotr, who died in 1896 Byczkowcach , the son Julius , born 1870 owner Byczkowiec , married in 1893 Fish Count . Tyszkiewiczównę Józefa, daughter of the count. Marcel and Marya in Cracow (Kraków). With their sons Vladimir and Piotr and daughter Zofia. Jan, the second son of Antoni Hieronim von Bobrownickiej, said in 1736 an entry for life with his wife Frances von Doruchowskich, daughter of Kazimierz and Apolinaryi von Mańkowskich, in 1763 renounced his life in prison for exercising his Woman's property on her children, Teodor, Piotr, Mateusz, Katarzyny and Apolinaryi, religious (Ins. Pozn. IV 1736. f 49 and 146, and 1763 I f 113). Teodor , chamberlain Stanisław August 1786 , and commissar of the civil-military province of Posen (Poznań) 1790 Maciej , great royal army , the owner Lipnica and Wierzchaczewa 1791 years ( Ins. Pozn . ) With Michalina Cielecka had a daughter, TheAus ora , the wife by General Emil Hungarian , died 1870 and sons , Michał and Wawrzyniec. Anna, the daughter of Michał and Rosalie Wasilkowska for Polemon Wilczynski and Klemensina, the daughter of Wawrzyniec von Kuczborski for SuchAus olskim. Adam , the son of Antoni Hieronim von Bobrownickiej , by Maryanna Tomek ekekicki had a son ob her in the 1791 trial before the Piotrkow court a good PRADNA and JagAus na . WieloDorf Boleslaw , son of Jan, from stolego Poznan with Chojnacka , married 1-on with Eve Święcicka v. in 1642 BC 2 by Zofia Krzyżanowska , widow of Jan Łagiewniki , in 1653 ( Ins. Pozn . And Bone . ) , with her son , Jan Albert who left , who together with his first wife , Dorota von God urowskich , signed in 1675 , the System of Markowski for estates Potrzonowa, and his second wife, Magdalena Christina von Werbna Pavlovsk, in 1686 confirm his father, Mikołaj, receiving 3,000 flor. ( Ins. Pozn. ) . He had sons : Przecław Stanislaus , canon Kruszwickiego 1691 Andrzej , catch Braclaw , late in 1724 , Boleslaw , Swordbearer Latyczowski in 1724 Piotr Paweł , canon 1720 Plock , canon Plock and Allowance for Tribunal Crown 1730 Franciszek Michał and Kazimierz , and daughter, Anna, wife of one-on v. W (?) father (?) Łączkowskiego 1692 2 v. Franciszek the Skrzypny Twardowski in 1701 Teresa Aleksander Moszczeńskim 1696 and Helena . Maciej Lesko for 1719 years. Piotr , Paweł , Teresa and Anna were born with God urowskiej and other children with Pawłowska. Piotr and Franciszek , chose in 1724 year Boleslaw advised to reduce the windykowania Andrzej (Ins. Pozn.).

Form start

City and district of Gniezno part 25328 (N 335a ) 1550 N. Elżb . Komorska, f. Jan Klunowskiego, in Comrade Jan Zidowskiego uncle and Wojc. Wierzchowski uncle all parts dziedz . mac . m Jarocin and villages Ciświca, Boguslaw, Bachorzewo p Pyzdr. Jan N Klun. MIL . Shellfish. there ( f 361 ) and on the estate of her Kluny p + py . zap . 1 000 zlotys. figure . t and in ( f 361 )city and district Kalisz inscriptions sixteenth century406 (N 6) 1507 Mikołaj NN Stanislaus Bachorzewski guarantees that Wtorkowskiemu release 4 ³ . the role of the person. in the village of Bachorzewo p cal him for 40 talers ? . Wyderka . (183 F)4476 (N 5) 1499 N. Mikola . Bieniewski of Bieniewa vouch for Wojc. and Piotr Wolickich von Wolicy the brothers were born. that register 70 talers ? . Andrzej Falczewskiemu from Falczewa a dowry. Protection . Guarantee Bieniewo goods and Bachorzewo (f. 60v )city and district Konin4867 (N 23 I. and rel. Kon. 23) 1588 Mateusz X. Borzewski , abbot lędzki , receipt. Feliks Zelskiego Klana Dobrzyn. , Stanislaus cupbearer Dobrzyn and Wincen from him . Klana son , the father of the sons of 7 000 zł , for which the clan of the sons of whole villages : . Bachorzewo , Zbyszewo , Strachoň and other cavities in the building and Strachoň Dobrzyn . in thickness. Plock pledged (f. 258v )city and poznań district inscriptions sixteenth century part 1740 (N 863) in 1508 N. Jan Milaya Jarocki freely . from Pan W (?) Father (?) ChAus zieskie Klana Stein. the fact that after the death of his native and generation clan ol . Tomek ekekislav Jaroc. , Under the guise of health in good Tomek ekekislav , Jan , Anna and Sophie , the children ol . Tomek ekekislav and grandchildren Klan, ie Jarocin town and country: Boguslaw, Chocicza, Bachorzewo p Pyzdr. raided and occupied them (f. 30v)646 (N 862) in 1507 N. Jan Milaj Jarocki generated uncle and guardian of Jan , Anna and Sophie , the children ol . Tomek ekekislav J. fathered by him, iGraf Tomek ekekisławie after Zofia, c G. W (?) father (?) ChAus zieskie , clan Kamien ( f 291 ) . The case of the estate dd . Jarocinskis. Children have the whole village of Ciświcę folw have. and half half Jarocin . Sophie and in the housing part. Village Chocicza Bachorzewo and half. Boguslaw and half of the village. Half . m Jarocin . It is the mother of these children (f. 292v)685 (N 862) in 1507 N. Anna, f. Jerzy Bachorzewskiego in tow Stanislaus Cyssyczskiego uncle and his uncle Jan first born Prusinowski recognize G. Tomek ekekislav Jarockiego , ( f 389v ) from 60 talers ? . figure . and t in fittings. in the first half. do in the village of Bachorzewo p calcity and district Poznań (Poznań) inscriptions sixteenth century part 26848 (N 896 ) in 1555 Elżb . Komorska, f. Jan Klunowskiego, ed. half part . m Jarocin and villages cape : . Clans , Ciświca , Boguslaw , Bachorzewo , Cash. (F 46)City and district Poznań (Poznań) denunciations fifteenth century part 16854 (N 1390 ) 1507 N. Jerzy Bachorzewski 4th part . dziedz . Village of Bachorzewo M Kalis. for 100 thalers ? . N. Tomek ekekisławowi Jaroczskiemu before . (111 F)7243 (N 1390 ) 1506 Andrzej N. Bachorzewski his entire section for the village of Bachorzewo in section bones. Mikołaj B. for 90 thalers ? . zuvo (F 78)7191 (N 1390 ) 1505 N. Mikola . Bachorzewski to half the village of Bachorzewo M Kalis. and half junior Wasse zap . 200 heats. and t in o . N. Kata Suchorzewski ; (f. 68v ) The same MB of his village Bieniewo , Bandeschino , Wirzbowiec M Kalisz . N. W (?) father (?) Nyedzanowskiemu for 150 talers ? . before (F 68v)3687 [ Kalisz ] ( N 1383 ) 1467 GD. Anna wd . the ol . N. Wojsław mother , Agnes , daughter , f . Zap N. Stanislas de Bachorzewo, heirs in Byenyewo and Bandzeszino. 2 heats. thu annually . the Bieniewie and Bandzeszynie in section Kalis. 30 coins ? . for publication. X. Jan vicar kolegjaty ( f 288 )city and district Poznan ( Poznań ) denunciations sixteenth century11836 ( N 1398 ) 1577 N. Adam Stęgoski s Bachorzewski all parts . dziedz . acquired by his brother to be born. St Matthias . s B in the village of Bachorzewo M Kalisz, for 3020 guilders. zuvo Adam Cieleckiemu (f 698)11215 (N 1398) 1572N. Maciej Stęgowski alias Bachorzewski entire part. dziedz . Village of Bachorzewo M Kalis. Adam St. s B. Brother to be born. gives (f 366v)11057 (N 1398) 1571N. Adam Stęgoski, heir of Bachorzewo for half of the estates in the village of Bachorzewo payment. 1000 guilders. figure . and t in o . Annie Łaskawski ( f 265 )10467 ( 1397 ) 1568 NN Mikołaj Janowicz and Kasper are BCIA born. Cieleccy , and Adam and Mikołaj Lukaszewicz are born BCIA. Cieleccy, whole villages and Cielcza Cząszczewo p py. M. Andrzej Opalenickiemu przemęc clan. , For 30,000 zł. before (F 701) Adam C. for 1/2 dd . in Bachorzewo M Kalis. zap . 500 zł. figure . and t in o . Annie , col . Andrzej Mieskowskiego (f. 701v )7846 ( 1396 ) 1554 NN Jan and Piotr Jaroccy s: Dobczyńscy , BCIA whether from whole, half joke . Ete and half joke . Person. and Sam. Younger ones on Lutynia in the village of Bachorzewo M Kalis. for 400 zł. Adam Cieleckiemu before . (F 191v)7847 (1396) 1554 N. Mac . Komorski from Jarocin whole part . and his brother Casper and Zofia and Elisabeth, sister and Mateusz , Piotr and Kasper , nephews , and Anna , Zofia K- them, the ol . Anna K am, born to his sister. , His nieces are born. the same scheme as Jaroccy - . Cieleckiemu in the village of Bachorzewo Pan Kalis , fell on the ol . Piotr K. , brother and uncle are born. Transcript . , for 600 zł. Adam Cieleckiemu before . (F 191v )3128 (N 1395 ) 1548N. Kasper Komorski whole part . Chamber village , Ore , Chwałowo , and the whole part . m Jarocin and villages: Boguslaw , Ciświca , Bachorzewo , p py . there brother will be born. Maciej K. ( f 434)2547 (N 1395 ) in 1544 N. Elżb . Mosgawska , wd . the ol . The status . Bachorzewskim, ed. figure . and c half part . in Bachorzewo p cal , Annie , f . Jan Stagoskiego and Miss Dorota B- them their daughters (f. 134v )

53/430/0/-/557 Real estate tax administration Update log of the municipality of Bachorzewo1866 - 1907State archive in Posen (Poznań)53/430/0/-/560 Cadastral administration estate of Bachorzewo1866 -1939State archive in Posen (Poznań)53/938/0/3.2/272 Surveying Register of d noble estates Bachorzewo district and Hilarowo Pleschen1843Remarks Bachorzewo and HilarowoSeries name 3: Records of administrative and economic - Jarocin , 3.2 : Measurements and accommodation taxes - Bachorzewo and HilarowoState Archives in Posen (Poznań)Cartographic unit: 494 53/291/0/-/ Rej.Poz.I_ Scans : 0 [ Domain ] Situational plan of and Bachorzewo Between THE Tara disputed forest.1799 -1799 Register Geographical Bachorzewo ; Bachorzewo Community; Jarocinski - District State Archives in Posen (Poznań)Cartographic Unit: 53/1000/0/-/Jarocin dz.C a Map of Noblemen Güthern Bachorzewo and Hilarowo Pleschener Kreis , Grand Duchy of Posen1843 -1843 Register Geographical Bachorzewo ; Bachorzewo Community; Pleszew -districtState archive in Poznań 53/723/0/-/407 Pension cadastre from the Bachorzewo commune, Jarocindistrict Pleschen [ regulation and abolition of commonality ] 1841 State Archives in Posen (Poznań)53/938/0/3.36/674 Income - notice of THE manor Bachorzewo together with accessories Pleschener them circles 1854 series name 3: records of the administrative and economic - Jarocin ; 3.36 : Register of grain and livestock from the Bachorzewo farmState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)Cartographic unit: 53/319/0/-/L.Jar . 2 map of the rural and settlement-assigned Panschaft lands Bachorzewo they carry Pleschen districts 1836 -1836 Register Geographical Bachorzewo ; Bachorzewo Community; Pleszew district, Poznan regionState Archives in Poznań53/290/0/9.5/1814 Vinzent Niedwiedzinski , a native of Bachorzewo , Pleschener / Pleszew / Kreises.1839State Archives in Poznań53/319/0/-/recesy 2 common division , Rezeß Between Bachorzewo , Tara , Will Fürst and Pol Pleschen District 1848 -1851 State Archives in Posen (Poznań)Cartographic unit: 53/938/0/-/Maj.Jaroc . 5001 Special Map of the Dispute Between the Two Orthe Villages Slupia Bachorzewo and Boundaries of the Administrative Regulation Taken in the Month of October 17991803-1803Register Geographical Bachorzew Community; Bachorzewo [Bahorzew] - village; Jarocin - DistrictState Archives in PoznańCartographic unit: 53/319/0/-/L.Jar . 27 2 -Rein -map of the lands of the town of Jarocin Pleschner , Kreiss1847 -1849Notes 1 The boundaries of the villages: Bachorzewo , Ciśnica , Salonki 5 Land civil 6a) Gruta lands and meadows 8 Poregulacyjny System of Land State Archives in Poznań (Poznań)Cartographic Unit: 53/319/0/-/L.Jar . 71 Map of DM Dorfe Slupia sie Pleschner Kreise1824 - 1834Notes 1 The boundaries of the villages: Witaszyce , Bachorzewo , Will (Prince ) 2a ) planes 5 homestead land and peasants, from the separation of property marks the names 6a) arable land and meadows classification of soils b) Forest - lack of accurate data 7 The situation in rural areas (linear village) and the farm ; Settlements scattered on plots posep. 8 Poseparacyjny System of Land Archives Poznań StateCartographic Unit: 632 53/291/0/-/Rej.Poz.II_ Scans : 0 [ Domain] Map of the Feldmark Grater and Cave District Forsten Pleschen Reg . Without . Posen (Poznań) .1838 -1838Notes 1 Boundaries of settlements : Wilkowyja , Łuszczemów , Żerków , Lubin small, Prince, Bachorzewo ; 2a) Struga , ponds, 5 homestead land and peasants ; 6a) arable land , classification of land, b ) forest - district friction and Łuszczanów ; 7 The situation of the village - os . compact - pond in the center of the village - a linear village - a farm at the mouth of a rural road; 8 There are no clear boundaries of ownershipState Archives in Poznan (Poznań)

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Balt. wap. Baitisches Wappenbuch. Carl Arwid v. Klingspor. Stockholm, 1882

Bart. a) Jul. Bartoszewicz. Polish diplomatic code. Warsaw 1858 i

b) Articles by J. Bartoszewicz in the Universal Encyclopedia.

Bent. List of the Order of the White Eagle and St. Stanisław prepared by Bentkowski. Manuscript.             

Bible. Kras: Library of the estate of count. Krasiński. Diplomats.             

Bible. Order Library of the estate of count. Zamoyski. Diplomats.             

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Bork. Jerzy Sewer count. Dunin-Borkowski. a) List of the names of the Polish nobility. Lviv 1887; b) Yearbook of the Polish nobility. Lviv 1883; c)             

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Bracł. Summaries of judgments and records of the Court of Appeal of Lublin, Bracław Province.

Enjoy. State. Dołęga Cieszkowski. Senators of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Congress Kingdom. Warsaw 1891

Cod. Epist. XV. Codex epistolaris saeculi fifteenth. T. I - III. Cracow 1876-94

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Dock. Kuyavian and Masovian documents. It was published by Bolesław Ulanowski. Cracow 1887

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KDKr. The diplomatic code of the City of Kraków. Parts four. Krakow 1879 and 82.             

KDM. The diplomatic code of Lesser Poland. Tomów 3. Krakow 1876, 86 and 87.             

Kętrz. Kętrzyn. About the Polish population in former Teutonic Prussia. Lviv 1882.             

Stick. Summaries of judgments and records of the Lublin Tribunal, Kiev Voivodeship.             

KKK. Diplomatic Code of the Cathedral of St. Wenceslas. Volumes 2-a: Krakow 1874 and 83.             

KM. Diplomatic code of the Duchy of Masovia. Warsaw 1863             

KMog. A monograph of the Cistercian Abbey in the village of Mogile. Krakow 1867             

Prince. Lithuanian-Ruthenian princes. Józef Wolff. Warsaw 1895             

Koj. Fr. Wojciech Kojałowicz Herbarium of Lithuanian knighthood. Publication of Polish Herald. Krakow 1897             

Cor. Fr. Jan Korytkowski. a) Prelates and Canons of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Gniezno. Tomów 4. Gniezno 1882 b) Archbishops of Gniezno. Volumes 5. Gniezno 1888 - 92.             

Blackbird. Adam Amilkar Kosinski. Heraldic Guide. Krakow-Warsaw. Volumes 5, 1877-85.             

Koss. Hr. Stanisław Kossakowski. Historical and genealogical monographs of some Polish families. Tomów 3. Warsaw 1859 - 72.             

Fr. Chers. Czerska Land Book. Warsaw 1879

Fr. Gr. inscr, ind. z. liw. Town book inscriptionum of the land of Liw.

Fr. rel. india. Gr. nook. Book of reports of the town of Nowokorczyński.

KT. Tyniec Diplomatic Code. Lviv 1871

Kuj Adolf Pawinski. The history of the Kujawy region. Volume 5. Warsaw 1888

Kurb. fertilize kn. AM Kurbskawo in Lithuania and Volhynia. Volumes 2. Kiev 1849

KW. Joseph Wolff. Senators and Dignitaries of St. Fr. lit. Cracow 1885

KWP. Greater Poland diplomatic code. Volumes 4. Poznań 1877-81.

Lauda good. Lauda of the sejmiks of the Dobrzyń region (historical files of T. X) Krakow 1887

Lighter J. v. Lekszycki. Die altesten grosspolnischen grodbucher. Leipzig 1887

Lites. Lites ac Res gestae Polonos Ordinemque Cruciferorum. Volumes 2. Poznań 1890-92

gentle. Stoslaw Laguna. Unknown Polish Medieval Heraldic Notes. Cracow 1898

Shoe. Court books from Łęczyca (A. Pawiński's portfolio). Volume 2. Warsaw 1897

Łęt Fr. Ludwik Letowski. Catalog of Krakow Bishops, Prelates and Canons. Volumes 4. Krakow 1852

Arc. Jozef Lukaszewicz. Brief historical description of the churches in the former Poznań diocese. Volumes 3. Poznań 1858-63

M. Crown and Mazovian records.

Raspberry. Throughout M. Malinowski and Al. Baby. Sources for Polish history. Volumes 2. Vilnius 1844

mal. Antoni Malecki. Heraldic Studies. Volumes 2. Lviv 1890

Manta. g bar. Manteufell. Polish Livonia. Poznań 1879

Moor. Roman Maurer. a) The clerks of Władysław Jagiełło. Warsaw 1877. b) Chancellery clerks of Polish kings. Brody 1881

miles. Armorial of Ignacy Kapica Milewski. Cracow 1870

ML Lithuanian Register.

Mon. Monumenta Poloniae Historica. Tomów 5. Lviv 1864-88 r.             

MP. Crown certificate from the second half of the 18th century, transferred to St. Petersburg.             

Best Fr. Kr. The oldest books and accounts of: Kraków (Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica). Krakow 1870             

No. Fr. Kasper Niesiecki. Herbarz Polski (published by IN Bobrowicz). Volumes 10. Leipzig 1839 - 46             

Cal. Warsz. Warsaw town files, called Obligationum.             

Op. stick, op. lung. op ry. Description of the records of the Kiev Central Archives. Books of the town, Kiev, Łuck and Żytomierz.             

Back Decr. The files of Opoczno called the Decretorum.             

Eagle. , Swiętosław Orzelski. History of Poland 1572 - 76. Volumes 3. Petersburg 1856             

Ostr. Hr. Juliusz Ostrowski. The coat of arms book of Polish families. Warsaw 1898             

Pac. Józef Wolff. Pacs. Petersburg 1885             

Pam. How. Sat Jakób Sobieski, the diary of the Khotyn War. Petersburg 1854             

Pam. Endp. Diaries about the Koniecpolski family. Lviv 1842             

Papr. Bartosz Paprocki. Coats of arms of the Polish knighthood (Turowski edition). Krakow 1858             

Peacock. Adolf Pawiński. a) Historical Sources. Vol. XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII and XVIII. Poland of the 16th century, in terms of geography and statistics. b) Diplomatic Code. Manuscript.             

Perp. Th. Files of the town of Czersk, called Perpetuitatis.             

Piek. Franciszek Piekosiński. About the dynastic Polish nobility. Krakow 1888             

Pis. Journal P. Publishing house komisyi hist. Skills Academy in Krakow. Scriptores rerum polonicarum. Cracow.             

Roach. gr. eve Perpetual city files of Płock.             

Beg. Rhodium. Adam Boniecki. The House of Families in St. lit. in the 15th and 16th centuries Warsaw 1887             

Pod and Woł. Al. Przezdziecki. Podolia, Volhynia and Ukraine. Vilnius 1841             

Half. Leon Polaczek. List of families of the Polish nobility. Krakow 1894             

Pom. Journal w. Sr. Monumenta medii aevi historica. Ed. akad. know. in Cracow.             

Potk. Karol Potkański. Heraldic notes. (Written by Journal of Laws of Poland IX).             

Dust. Antoni Prochaska. Archival materials taken mainly from the Lithuanian register. Lviv 1890             

Przyałg. Fr. Win. Przyałgowski. Lives of Vilnius Bishops. Petersburg 1860             

Adopt. List of Greater Poland dignitaries prepared by Józef Przyborowski. Manuscript.             

You bird. S. Ptaszycki. Description of knits and acts of the Lithuanian record. Petersburg 1887             

Come. Lithuanian Diplomatic Code: Wyd. ); d. Raczyński. Wroclaw 1845.             

Rad. Inscr. The files of Radom called Inscriptionum.

Rad. inscr. decr. The files of Radom are called Inscriptionum et Decretorum.

Rew. let go. Inspection of forests and game passages in the former Knights of Lithuania, Lithuanian villages from 1559, Vilnius

Rew. from. half. Writers of Polish History T. v. Kraków 1880 Review of the Połock Castle.

RM. Leon Rzyszczewski and Anthony Muczkowski. Polish diplomatic code. Volumes 2. Warsaw 1847-52

Sap. The Sapieha. Historical, genealogical and property materials. Volume 3. Petersburg 1890-94

Hall. Dr: Sieniawski. Woman Bishopric. Volume 2. Poznań

sig. Crown record files, called Metric Sigillats.

Sł., geogr. Geographical dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland. Tomów 14. Warsaw.

Hence. Kazimierz Stadnicki, Contribution of Polish Heraldry. Lviv 1879

star. Mon. Simon Starowolski. Monument Sarmatorum. Cracow 1655

Stecki. Archive in Szpanow.

st. lit. Collection of Lithuanian laws from 1389 - 1529. Issued by AT hr. Działyński. Poznań 1841

st. Pr. P. P Historical monuments of Polish law. Ed. academy know how in Cracow.

Stryk. L. von Stryk. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Rittergüter Livlands. Dresden 1885 Vol. 2-a.

Teak. Peacock. A. Pawiński's files. Warsaw 1897

Thein. Augustine Theiner. Vetera Monumenta Poland and Lithuania, Rome.

VL Vegetable Volume. Petersburg 1859 (Ohryzka's edition). Volumes VIII and T. IX, published in Cracow in

Vit. Star. Vitebskaya Starina. Volume 4. Vitebsk 1883-85 r.

Wojc. K. Wł. Wóycicki. Diaries of the Reigns of Zygmunt III, Władysław IV and Jan Kazimierz. Volumes 2. Warsaw 1846

Ox. Summaries of judgments and records of the Lublin court, Volyn voivodeship.

Wyr. Or. Lublin court judgments.

Wyr. Peter. Judgments of the Piotrków Tribunal.

Zap Gr. helmet. Chelm town records.

Zap tr. Or. Records of the Lublin tribunal.

Zap tr. Peter. Records of the Piotrków tribunal.

Zap zs. the Vistula. Land records of Wiślica.

Zs. chelms. Chełm land files.

zs jurs. Czera land files.

Zs. cut. Grójec land files.

Zs. lubels. Lublin land files.

Zs. gr. czers. Land and town records in Czersk.             

Zs. warec. Land files of Warka.             

Live. Teodor Żychliński. The Golden Book of the Polish Nobility. Volumes XiX. Poznan             

Added further:

Wittyg. "The unknown Polish nobility and their coats of arms." Published by Wiktor Wittyg, Krakow 1908.             

from the portfolio of Wacław Rulikowski, Sumaryusze of the acts reviewed by the late Mr. Wacław Rulikowski, kindly granted by Mr. Zygmunt Lub             



A b. Her. Files of the former Heraldry of the Kingdom.             

And white. raws Files of the Rawa Land, Bielsko County.             

AGZ. Town and land files from the times of the Polish Republic. Lviv 1868-1894. T. I-XVI.             

AJZR. Acts otnosiaszcziesia k istoria alreadynoj and zapadnoj Rossia. St. Petersburg 1863-82. T. I-XII.             

A. captain of Poznań Files of the Poznań chapter. Writers of the History of Poland IX.             

A. Rus. Liw. Ruthenian-Livonian acts. Published by Napierski. S. Petersburg, 1868             

A. Zap. Ros. Acts are the history of the collapse of Rossia. S. Petersburg.             

The files of the Acts and we issue them to the Wilenskoy Archeograficzeskoj Kommissyu Vilnius 1865-96. Vol. I-XXIII.             

Files 4, area Files of four counties of the Czech Republic.

Hist file. File to historical explanations for things Polish Krakow.

Ant. Gram. Grammars of Veliki Lithuanian princes. Kiev, 1868. Published by Włodz. Antonowicz and Const. Kozłowski.

Arch. Dubr. The Dubrovnik Archives from the library of Count. Przezdziecki.

Arch. JZR. Archives of Jugo-Zapadnoj Russia. Kiev.

Arch. Sang. Archives of the Dukes of Sanguszko in Sweden. Lived 1887 - 97 T..IV.

Arch. Sbor. Dock. Archaeological Sbornik Documents otnosiaszczichsia k history of siewiero-zapadnoj Russia. Vilnius.

Ball. M. Baliński. Historical writings. Warsaw 1843.             

Balz. Oswald Balzer. Fight for the Kraków throne. Krakow 1894             

Balt. Wap. Baitisches Wappenbuch. Carl Arwid v. Klingspor. Stockholm, 1882             

Bart. a) Jul. Bartoszewicz. Polish diplomatic code. Warsaw 1858 i             

              b) Articles by J. Bartoszewicz in the Universal Encyclopedia.

Bent. List of the Order of the White Eagle and St. Stanisław prepared by Bentkowski. Manuscript.             

Bible. Kras: Library of the estate of count. Krasiński. Diplomats.             

Bible. Order Library of the estate of count. Zamoyski. Diplomats.             

Biels. Marcin Bielski. Chronicle. Warsaw 1764             

Bon. Polish Diplomatic Code. Volume IV. Silesian things. Michał Boniecki 1887

Bon. Herbarz Polski, published in 16 volumes, in collaboration with Artur Reiski, Warsaw 1899–1913             

Bork. Jerzy Sewer count. Dunin-Borkowski. a) List of the names of the Polish nobility. Lviv 1887; b) Yearbook of the Polish nobility. Lviv 1883; c)             

Genealogies of the living titled Polish families. Lviv 1895

Bracł. Summaries of judgments and records of the Tribunal of Lublin, Bracław Province.             

Enjoy. State. Dołęga Cieszkowski. Senators of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Congress Kingdom. Warsaw 1891             

Cod. Epist. XV. Codex epistolaris saeculi fifteenth. T. I - III. Cracow 1876-94

Conv. Warsz. Warsaw Conventionalia.

Cod. Epist. Vit. Codex Epistolaris Vitoldi. Cracow 1882

Chernihiv. Summaries of judgments and records of the Lublin Tribunal, Cherniechów Voivodeship.

Dan. J. Daniłowicz. The treasury of diplomats. T. I-II. Vilnius 1862

Debit, Cz. Files of the town of Czersk called Debitorum.

Debt. Jan Długosz. (a) History of Poland. T. I-VI. ed. Al. Przeździecki, Cracow 1867-87. (b) His badge Clenodia Regni Poloniae. Ed. J. Muczkowski. Cracow 1851. c) Liber beneficiary of the diocese of Cracoviensis. Volumes 1-3 Cracow 1863-64.

Dock. Kuyavian and Masovian documents. It was published by Bolesław Ulanowski. Krakow 1887             

Dorst. Leonard Dorst. Schlesischess Wappenbuch. Goerlitz.             

Bagpipe. Warsz. Warsaw town books, called Dudki.             

DW. Warsaw town files, called Donationum.             

Goal. A group of Galician and Bukovinian nobility. Lviv 1857 Issued by order of count Ag. Gołuchowski, governor of Galicia.             

Gr. Nowok. Nowokorczyński town files.             

Hornbeam. Byd. M. Grabowski and Al. Przezdziecki. Sources for Polish history. Vilnius 1843             

The graves of Tyszk. Tyszkiewicz family graves. Warsaw 1873             

H A. Z. Helcel. Monuments of old Polish law. T. I and II. Krakow 1856 - 70             

Hi: D. Rein. Hejdensztein. History of Poland. Petersburg 1857             

Arms. hr. Armorial of noble families of the Kingdom of Poland. T. I - II. Warsaw 1853             

Ingros. Helmet. Chełm town files called Ingrossationum.             

Inw Arch Cor. Inventory of the Crown Archives from 1686 (manuscript).             

Ist. Jur. Mat. Istoriko-Juridiczeskije izwleczennyje izwleczennyje izkowych materials with the knights of the Vitebskoj and Mohilevsk governorates. Vitebsk 1889-1898.             

Jabł Alexander Jabłonowski, (a) Inspection of the Royal Lands of Ruthenia. b) Revision of the castles of the Volyn region. (c) Volhynia and Podolia. d) Ukrainian Historical Sources' PV VI. XIX - XXII. Warsaw.

Jewl. Jewłaszewski's Diary 1546 -1 Warsaw 1860

Feces. Political calendars from the 18th century

Kancl file chancellor.

Kar. Karamzin. History of the Rossian State, translated by Buczyński. Warsaw 1827

KDKr. The Diplomatic Code of the City of Kraków. Parts four. Cracow 1879 and

KDM. The Diplomatic Code of Lesser Poland. Volumes 3. Cracow 1876, 86 and

Kętrz. Kętrzyn. About the Polish population in former Teutonic Prussia. Lviv 1882.             

Stick. Summaries of judgments and records of the Lublin Tribunal, Kiev Voivodeship.             

KKK. Diplomatic Code of the Cathedral of St. Wenceslas. Volumes 2-a: Krakow 1874 and 83.             

KM. Diplomatic code of the Duchy of Masovia. Warsaw 1863             

KMog. A monograph of the Cistercian Abbey in the village of Mogile. Krakow 1867             

Prince. Lithuanian-Ruthenian princes. Józef Wolff. Warsaw 1895             

Koj. Fr. Wojciech Kojałowicz Herbarium of Lithuanian knighthood. Publication of Polish Herald. Krakow 1897             

Cor. Fr. Jan Korytkowski. a) Prelates and Canons of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Gniezno. Tomów 4. Gniezno 1882 b) Archbishops of Gniezno. Volumes 5. Gniezno 1888 - 92.             

Blackbird. Adam Amilkar Kosinski. Heraldic Guide. Krakow-Warsaw. Volumes 5, 1877-85.             

Koss. Hr. Stanisław Kossakowski. Historical and genealogical monographs of some Polish families. Tomów 3. Warsaw 1859 - 72.             

Fr. Czers. Czerska Land Book. Warsaw 1879             

Fr. gr. inscr, ind. z. liw. Town book inscriptionum of the land of Liw.             

Fr. rel. indium. gr. nowok. Book of reports of the town of Nowokorczyński.             

KT. Tyniec Diplomatic Code. Lviv 1871             

Kuj Adolf Pawinski. The history of the Kujawy region. Volume 5. Warsaw 1888

Kurb. fertilize kn. AM Kurbskawo in Lithuania and Volhynia. Volumes 2. Kiev 1849

KW. Joseph Wolff. Senators and Dignitaries of St. Fr. lit. Cracow 1885

KWP. Greater Poland diplomatic code. Volumes 4. Poznań 1877-81.

Lauda good. Lauda of the sejmiks of the Dobrzyń region (historical files of T. X) Krakow 1887

Lighter J. v. Lekszycki. Die altesten grosspolnischen grodbucher. Leipzig 1887

Lites. Lites ac Res gestae Polonos Ordinemque Cruciferorum. Volumes 2. Poznań 1890-92

gentle. Stoslaw Laguna. Unknown Polish Medieval Heraldic Notes. Cracow 1898

Shoe. Court books from Łęczyca (A. Pawiński's portfolio). Volume 2. Warsaw 1897

Łęt Fr. Ludwik Letowski. Catalog of Krakow Bishops, Prelates and Canons. Volumes 4. Krakow 1852

Arc. Jozef Lukaszewicz. Brief historical description of the churches in the former Poznań diocese. Volumes 3. Poznań 1858-63

M. Crown and Mazovian records.

Raspberry. Throughout M. Malinowski and Al. Baby. Sources for Polish history. Volumes 2. Vilnius 1844

mal. Antoni Malecki. Heraldic Studies. Volumes 2. Lviv 1890

Mant. G. bar. Manteufell. Polish Livonia. Poznań 1879             

Moor. Roman Maurer. a) The clerks of Władysław Jagiełło. Warsaw 1877. b) Chancellery clerks of Polish kings. Brody 1881             

Mil. Armorial of Ignacy Kapica Milewski. Krakow 1870             

ML Lithuanian Register.             

Mon. Monumenta Poloniae Historica. Tomów 5. Lviv 1864-88 r.             

MP. Crown certificate from the second half of the 18th century, transferred to St. Petersburg.             

Best Fr. Kr. The oldest books and accounts of: Kraków (Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica). Krakow 1870             

No. Fr. Kasper Niesiecki. Herbarz Polski (published by IN Bobrowicz). Volumes 10. Leipzig 1839 - 46             

Cal. Warsz. Warsaw town files, called Obligationum.             

Op. stick, op. lung. op ry. Description of the records of the Kiev Central Archives. Books of the town, Kiev, Łuck and Żytomierz.             

Back Decr. The files of Opoczno called the Decretorum.             

Eagle. , Swiętosław Orzelski. History of Poland 1572 - 76. Volumes 3. Petersburg 1856             

Ostr. Hr. Juliusz Ostrowski. The coat of arms book of Polish families. Warsaw 1898             

Pac. Józef Wolff. Pacs. Petersburg 1885             

Pam. How. Sat Jakób Sobieski, the diary of the Khotyn War. Petersburg 1854             

Pam. Endp. Diaries about the Koniecpolski family. Lviv 1842             

Papr. Bartosz Paprocki. Coats of arms of the Polish knighthood (Turowski edition). Krakow 1858             

Peacock. Adolf Pawiński. a) Historical Sources. Vol. XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII and XVIII. Poland of the 16th century, in terms of geography and statistics. b) Diplomatic Code. Manuscript.             

Perp. Th. Files of the town of Czersk, called Perpetuitatis.             

Piek. Franciszek Piekosiński. About the dynastic Polish nobility. Krakow 1888             

Pis. Journal P. Publishing house komisyi hist. Skills Academy in Krakow. Scriptores rerum polonicarum. Cracow.             

Roach. gr. eve Perpetual city files of Płock.             

Beg. Rhodium. Adam Boniecki. The House of Families in St. lit. in the 15th and 16th centuries Warsaw 1887             

Pod and Woł. Al. Przezdziecki. Podolia, Volhynia and Ukraine. Vilnius 1841             

Half. Leon Polaczek. List of families of the Polish nobility. Krakow 1894             

Pom. Journal w. Sr. Monumenta medii aevi historica. Ed. akad. know. in Cracow.             

Potk. Karol Potkański. Heraldic notes. (Written by Journal of Laws of Poland IX).             

Dust. Antoni Prochaska. Archival materials taken mainly from the Lithuanian register. Lviv 1890             

Przyałg. Fr. Win. Przyałgowski. Lives of Vilnius Bishops. Petersburg 1860             

Adopt. List of Greater Poland dignitaries prepared by Józef Przyborowski. Manuscript.             

You bird. S. Ptaszycki. Description of knits and acts of the Lithuanian record. Petersburg 1887             

Come. Lithuanian Diplomatic Code: Wyd. ); d. Raczyński. Wroclaw 1845.             

Rad. Inscr. The files of Radom called Inscriptionum.             

Rad. inscr. decr. The files of Radom called Inscriptionum et Decretorum.             

Rew. let go. Inspection of forests and game passages in the former Knights of Lithuania, Lithuanian villages from 1559, Vilnius 1867.             

Rew. from. half. Writers of Polish history T. v. Kraków 1880 Revizya of the Połock castle.             

RM. Leon Rzyszczewski and Antoni Muczkowski. Polish diplomatic code. Tomów 2. Warsaw 1847-52             

Sap. The Sapieha. Historical, genealogical and property materials. Tomów 3. Petersburg 1890-94             

Hall. Dr: Sieniawski. Warmia Bishopric. Tomów 2. Poznań 1878             

Sig. Crown record files, called Metric Sigillats.             

Sł, geogr. Geographical dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland. Tomów 14. Warsaw.             

Hence. Kazimierz Stadnicki, Contribution of Polish Heraldry. Lviv 1879

Star. Mon. Szymon Starowolski. Monumenta Sarmatorum. Kraków 1655

plugi. Archives in Szpanów.

St. Lit. Collection of Lithuanian laws from 1389 - 1529. Issued by AT hr. Działyński. Poznan 1841

St. Pr. P. P Historical monuments of Polish law. Ed. academic know-how in Cracow.

Strik. L. von Stryk. Contributions to the history of manors in Livonia. Dresden 1885 Vol. 2-a.

Teak. Peacock. A. Pawiński's files. Warsaw 1897

The in. Augustine Theiner. Vetera Monumenta Poloniae et Lithuaniae, Rome.

VL Volumina Legum. Petersburg 1859 (Ohryzka's edition). Volumes VIII and T. IX, published in Krakow in 1889.             

Vit. Star. Vitebskaya Starina. Tomów 4. Vitebsk 1883-85 r.             

Wojc. K. Wł. Wóycicki. Diaries to the reigns of Zygmunt III, Władysław IV and Jan Kazimierz. Tomów 2. Warsaw 1846             

Ox. Summaries of judgments and records of the Lublin tribunal, Volyn voivodeship.             

Wyr. Or. Lublin tribunal judgments.             

Wyr. Peter. Judgments of the Piotrków Tribunal.             

Zap. gr. helmet. Chełm town records.             

Zap. Tr. Or. Records of the Lublin tribunal.             

Zap tr. Peter. Records of the Piotrków tribunal.

Zap zs. the Vistula. Land records of Wiślica.

Zs. chelms. Chełm land files.

zs jurs. Czera land files.

Zs. cut. Grójec land files.

Zs. lubels. Lublin land files.

Zs. Gr. black Land and town records in Czersk.             

Zs. brew. Land files of Warka.

live. Teodor Żychlinski. The Golden Book of the Polish Nobility. Volumes Xix. Poznan

Added further:

Wittyg. "The unknown Polish nobility and their coats of arms." Published by Wiktor Wittyg, Krakow 1908.

from the portfolio of Wacław Rulikowski, Sumaryusze of the acts reviewed by the late Mr. Wacław Rulikowski, kindly granted by Mr. Zygmunt Or



A b Her. Files of the former Herald of the Realm.

And white. raws Files of the Rawa Land, Bielsko County.

AGZ. Town and land files from the times of the Republic of Poland. Lviv 1868-1894. T. I-XVI.

AJZR. Acts related to the history of already and Western Russia. S. Petersburg 1863-82. T. I-XII.

A. chapter Poznań. Files of the Poznań chapter. Writers of Polish History IX.

A. Rus. Liv. Russo-Livonian Acts. Published by Napierski. Saint Petersburg 1868

A.Zap. Russian Acts relating to the history of Western Russia. St. Petersburg.

Files Files and we submit them to the Vilnius Archeograficheskoy Kommissieu. Vilnius 1865-96. T. I-XXIII.

Files 4 pov. Files of four districts of the Czersk Land.

. Historical files to explain Polish things, Krakow.

Ant. Gram. Gramots of the great Lithuanian princes. In Kiev, 1868, he published Włodz. Antonowicz and Const. Kozlowski.

arch. Dubr. The Dubrovlan Archives from the library of Count. Przeżdziecki.

arch. JZR. Archives of Yugo-West Russia. Kiev.

arch. Sang. Archives of the Sanguszko princes in Sławuta. Lviv 1887 - 97 T..IV.

arch. Council. Dock. Archeograficzeskij Sbornik Documentow otnosiaszczichsia k history of Severo-Zapadnoy Rus. Vilnius.

Ball. M. Balinski. Historical Writings. Warsaw 1843.

Balz. Oswald Balzer. The fight for the throne of Krakow. Cracow 1894

Balt. wap. Baitisches Wappenbuch. Carl Arwid v. Klingspor. Stockholm 1882

Bart. a) Jul. Bartoszewicz. Polish Diplomatic Code. Warsaw 1858 and

b) J. Bartoszewicz's articles in the Universal Encyclopaedia.

Bent. List of Knights of the Orders of the White Eagle and St. Stanisław prepared by Bentkowski. Manuscript.

bibliography Kras: Library of the ordination of hr. Krasinski. Diplomats.

bibliography Order Ordinance library of hr. Zamoyski. Diplomats.

Biels. Marcin Bielski. Chronicle. Warsaw 1764

Voucher Polish Diplomatic Code. Volume IV. Silesian things. Michal Boniecki 1887

Voucher Armorial of Poland, published in 16 volumes, in collaboration with Artur Reisky, Warsaw 1899–1913

Bork. Jerzy Sewer hr. Dunin-Borkowski. a) List of surnames of the Polish nobility. Lviv 1887; b) Yearbook of the Polish nobility. Lviv 1883; c)

Genealogies of living titled Polish families. Lviv 1895

brother Summary of judgments and records of the Lublin Tribunal, Bracław Voivodeship.

enjoy. State. Dolega Cieszkowski. Senators of the Duchy of Warsaw and the Congress Kingdom. Warsaw 1891

Cod. epist. XV. Codex epistolaris saeculi decimi quinti. T. I - III. Krakow 1876 - 94

Conv. Warsaw Warsaw Conventionalia.

Cod. epist. Vit. Codex Epistolaris Vitoldi. Krakow 1882

Black. Summary of judgments and records of the Lublin Tribunal, Czerniechów Voivodeship.

Dan. J. Danilowicz. Diplomatic treasury. T. I-II. Vilnius 1862

Debit, Vol. Czersk town files called Debitorum.

Debt. Jan Dlugosz. a) History of Poland. T. I-VI. ed. Al. Przeździecki, Kraków 1867 - 87. b) Insignia seu Clenodia Regni Poloniae. ed. J. Muczkowski. Cracow 1851. c) Liber beneficiorum dioecesis cracoviensis. Volumes 1-3. Krakow 1863-64.

Dock. Kuyavian and Masovian documents. Edited by Boleslaw Ulanowski. Krakow 1887

adult Leonard Dorst. Schlesischess Wappenbuch. Goerlitz.

Dud. Warsaw Warsaw town books, called Dudki.

DW. Warsaw municipal files, called Donationum.

Goal. The Galician and Bucovina nobility. Lwów 1857. Issued by order of count. Ag. Gołuchowski, governor of Galicia.

Gr. Nowok. Nowy Korczyn town records.

Hornbeam. Via M. Grabowski and Al. Baby. Sources for Polish history. Vilnius 1843

Graves of Tyszk. The graves of the Tyszkiewicz family. Warsaw 1873

HAZ Helcel. Ancient Polish law monuments. T. I and II. Krakow 1856 - 70

Hi: D. rein. hejdenstein. History of Poland. Petersburg 1857

Arms. hr. Armorial of noble families of the Kingdom of Poland. T. I - II. Warsaw 1853

Ingros. Helmet. Chełm town files called Ingrossationum.

Inv Arch Cor. Inventory of the Crown Archives drawn up in 1686 (manuscript).

Ist. jur. Matt. Istoriko-Juridiczeskije Materials and zwleczennyje from the file books of the Vitebsk and Mogilev provinces. Vitebsk 1889-1898.

Jabł Aleksander Jabłonowski, a) Lustracye of the royal lands of the Ruthenian lands. b) Revision of the castles of the Volyn region. c) Wołyń and Podolia. d) Ukraine Historical Sources 'PV VI. XIX - XXII. Warsaw.

jewl. Jewłaszewski's diary 1546 -1604. Warsaw 1860

Feces. Political calendars from the 18th century

Chancellor's Files.

kar. Karamzin. The History of the Russian State, translated by Buczynski. Warsaw 1827

KDKr. Diplomatic Code of Krakow. Parts four. Krakow 1879 and 82.

KDM. Lesser Poland Diplomatic Code. Volumes 3. Krakow 1876, 86 and 87.

Kętrz. Ketrzynski. About the Polish population in Prussia, once occupied by the Teutonic Order. Lviv 1882.

Stick. Summary of judgments and records of the Lublin Tribunal, Kiev Voivodship.

KKK. Diplomatic Code of the Krakow Cathedral of St. Wenceslas. Volumes 2-a: Krakow 1874 and 83.

KM. Diplomatic Code of the Duchy of Mazovia. Warsaw 1863

KMog. Monograph of the Cistercian Abbey in the village of Mogiła. Krakow 1867

Prince. Lithuanian-Ruthenian princes. Joseph Wolff. Warsaw 1895

Koj. Fr. Wojciech Kojałowicz Armorial of the Lithuanian knighthood. Edition of Herald of Poland. Krakow 1897

Cor. Fr. Jan Korytkowski. a) Prelates and Canons of the Metropolitan Cathedral of Gniezno. Volume 4. Gniezno 1882. b) Archbishops of Gniezno. Volumes 5. Gniezno 1888 - 92.

Blackbird. Adam Amilkar Kosinski. Heraldic Guide. Krakow-Warsaw. Volumes 5, 1877 - 85.

Koss. Mr. Stanislaw Kossakowski. Historical and genealogical monographs of some Polish families. Volumes 3. Warsaw 1859 - 72.

Fr. Chers. The Book of Czersk Land. Warsaw 1879

Fr. Gr. inscr, ind. z. liw. The town book inscriptionum of the induced land of Liw.

Fr. rel. indium. Gr. nook. The book of induction relations of the townspeople of Nowy Korczyn.

KT. Tyniec Diplomatic Code. Lviv 1871

Kuj. Adolf Pawinski. The history of the Kuyavian land. Volume 5. Warsaw 1888.

Kurb. Get good. AM Kurbskawo in Lithuania and Volhynia. Volume 2. Kyiv 1849.

KW. Joseph Wolff. Senators and Dignitaries of Fr. lit. Krakow 1885

KWP. Greater Poland Diplomatic Code. Volumes 4. Poznań 1877-81.

Lauda good. Lauda of the assemblies of the Dobrzyń region (historical files T. X) Kraków 1887.

light J. v. Lekszycki. Die altesten grosspolnischen grodbucher. Leipzig 1887

Lites. Lites ac Res gestae Polonos Ordinemque Cruciferorum. Volumes 2. Poznan 1890 - 92

Lag. Stoslaw Laguna. Unknown Medieval Polish Heraldic Records. Cracow 1898

But. Court books from Łęczyca (A. Pawiński's portfolio). Volume 2. Warsaw 1897.

Łęt Fr. Ludwik Letowski. Catalog of Bishops, Prelates and Canons of Krakow. Volume 4. Krakow 1852.

Bow. Jozef Lukaszewicz. A brief historical description of churches in the former Poznań diocese. Volume 3. Poznań 1858-63

M. Crown and Masovian metrics ..

Malin. thru M. Malinowski and Al. Baby. Sources for Polish history. Volumes 2. Vilnius 1844

small. Antoni Malecki. Heraldic Studies. Volumes 2. Lviv 1890.

Manta. g bar. Manteufell. Polish Livonia. Poznań 1879

Moor. Roman Maurer. a) Office clerks of Władysław Jagiełło. Warsaw 1877. b) Chancellery officials of Polish kings. Brody 1881

miles. Armorial of Ignacy Kapica Milewski. Krakow 1870

ML Lithuanian Metrica.

Mon. Monument Poloniae Historica. Volume 5. Lviv 1864-88.

MP. Crown certificate from the second half of the 18th century, transported to St. Petersburg.

next Fr. Kr. The oldest books and accounts in: Krakow (Monumenta Medii Aevi Historica). Krakow 1870

No. Fr. Kasper Niesiecki. Armorial of Poland (published by IN Bobrowicz). Volumes 10. Leipzig 1839 - 46

Obl. Warsaw Warsaw municipal files, called Obligationum.

op. stick, op. bow Op rye Description of the files of the Kiev Central Archives. Town, Kiev, Lutsk and Zhytomyr books.

Decr. Opoczno files called Decretorum.

Eagle. by Swietoslaw Orzelski. History of Poland 1572 - 76. Volumes 3. Petersburg 1856.

Ostr. Mr. Juliusz Ostrowski. Book of coats of arms of Polish families. Warsaw 1898

Pac. Joseph Wolff. Pacs. St. Petersburg 1885

mem. How. Sat. Jakób Sobieski's diary of the Khotyn War. Petersburg 1854

mem. endp. Memoirs about Koniecpolskis. Lviv 1842

papr. Bartosz Paprocki. Coats of arms of the Polish Knighthood (Turowski edition). Krakow 1858

Peacock. Adolf Pawinski. a) Historical Sources. Vols XII, XIII, XIV, XV, XVI, XVII and XVIII. Poland of the 16th century, in geographical and statistical terms. b) Diplomatic Code. Manuscript.

Perp. Vol. Czersk town files, called Perpetuitatis.

bake. Franciszek Piekosinski. On the dynastic origin of the Polish nobility. Cracow 1888

PIS. Journal P. Publications of the hist committee. Academy of Learning in Krakow. Scriptores rerum polonicarum. Cracow.

Roach. Gr. evening Perpetual municipal records of Płock.

Beg. Rhodium. Adam Boniecki. Family of Families in Fr. lit. in the 15th and 16th centuries, Warsaw 1887

Pod and Vol. Al. Baby. Podolia, Volhynia and Ukraine. Vilnius 1841

Half. Leon Polack. List of Polish nobility families. Cracow 1894

room Journal of Monumenta media aevi historica. ed. academy know how. in Cracow.

trip Karol Potkański. Heraldic notes. (Pis. Journal of Pols. IX).

Dust. Antoni Prochaska. Archival materials taken mainly from the Lithuanian Metrica. Lviv 1890

adj. Fr. Win. Przyalgowski. Lives of Vilnius bishops. St. Petersburg 1860

approx. List of Greater Poland dignitaries compiled by Józef Przyborowski. Manuscript.

you ask. S. Ptaszycki. Description of the books and acts of the Lithuanian record. St. Petersburg 1887

deign. Diplomatic Code of Lithuania: Ed. );d. Raczynski. Wrocław 1845.

Rad. Inc. Radom files called Inscriptionum.

Rad. insc. dec. Radom files called Inscriptionum et Decretorum.

rev. let go Revision of forests and hunting expeditions in the former century kn, litów, 1559, Vilnius, 1867.

rev. with. Writers of Polish History T. v. Kraków 1880. Revision of the Polotsk Castle.

RM. Leon Rzyszczewski and Antoni Muczkowski. Polish Diplomatic Code. Volume 2. Warsaw 1847-52

sap. Sapiehas. Historical, genealogical and property materials. Volume 3. Petersburg 1890-94

Hall. Dr.: Sieniawski. Warmian Bishopric. Volume 2. Poznań 1878.

sig. Files of the Crown Metric, called Metric Sigills.

Sł., geogr. Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland. Volumes 14. Warsaw.

Hence. Kazimierz Stadnicki Contribution to Polish Heraldry. Lviv 1879

star. Mon. Simon Starowolski. Monument Sarmatorum. Krakow 1655

Stecki. Archive in Szpanów.

st. lit. Collection of Lithuanian laws from 1389 - 1529. Published by AT hr. Działyński. Poznań 1841

st. Pr. P. P Ancient Polish law monuments. ed. academy know how. in Cracow.

Stryk. L. von Stryk. Beiträge zur Geschichte der Rittergüter Livlands. Dresden 1885 Vol. 2nd.

Teak. Peacock. Portfolio of A. Pawiński. Warsaw 1897

thein. Augustyn Theiner. Vetera Monumenta Poloniae et Lithuaniae, Rome.

VL Volumina Legum. Petersburg 1859 (Ohryzka edition). Volumes VIII and T. IX published in Krakow 1889.

Vit. star. Vitebskaya Starina. Volume 4. Vitebsk 1883-85.