The noble Polish family Warnia. Die adlige polnische Familie Warnia. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Warnia. Die adlige polnische Familie Warnia. E-Book

Werner Zurek

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This is a hodgepodge of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarity, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Das ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch angelegten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamensendungen, Adelsverband, Ahnenforschung, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschungen, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldisch, herb, Herbarz, Indigenat, Informationen, Literatur, Namen, Nobilitierungsakten, Nobility, Personengeschichte, Polen, Schlachta, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Wappen, Ritter, Polen, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, veltimere, systemati cordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, veltimere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: English, German, French. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous trouverez tout sur: descendance, aristocratie, littérature aristocratique, terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, association aristocratique, généalogie, bibliographie, livres, recherche familiale, recherche, généalogie, histoire, héraldique, héraldique, herbe, herbalisme, indigène, information , littérature, noms, dossiers de noblesse Noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Schlachta, Szlachta, blason, recherche sur les armoiries, blason de la littérature, noblesse, blason, chevalier, Pologne, szlachta, herbe, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, veltemere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, velti

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The noble Polish family Warnia. Die adlige polnische Familie Warnia.

The noble Polish family Warnia.Impressum

The noble Polish family Warnia.

Die adlige polnische Familie Warnia.

Warnia . In a silver field a red crab, standing vertically with its head up, stretching its claws, legs and tail; Helmet jewelry: the same cancer. Nothing is known about the origin of this coat of arms; it was native to Poland as early as 1250. It is believed that the crest of the name Warnia after the unfortunate Battle of Varna in 1444 ge - give, was where knights distinguished this coat of arms, yet fell in heavy Turkish captivity. This coat of arms is used by:

Boszkowski, Czymbajewicz, Dabrowski, Gnoinski, Gnojnicki, Lekszycki, Lekszycki, Nosal, Plaza, Raczek, Rapacki, Turski, Zarzecki.

Boszkowski from Warnia - arms . Neither Paprocki nor Okolski wrote about it: Wojciech Boszkowski , his daughter Anna joined Stanisław Gniński , Łukasz in Kujawskie Voivodeship , daughter Anna, ordered Dominik Jastrzębski . Jan, who married himself to Anna Piekarska , a midwife from Kujawska , had a daughter, Ewa.    

Gniński from the coat of arms of the trache . Otto Trach , three sons from Bojanowska , stayed. Jan sterilis , Wawrzyniec and Stanisław ; of the latter he fathered two sons, John and Peter; The Zelecki family went from Piotr; from Jan the heir in Gnin , the Gnińskis ; Piekarska gave birth to four sons because of the Leszczyc coat of arms : Wawrzyniec , Piotr, Kasper and Wojciech. Of these, Piotr, the town clerk Kościański , had two sons; Maciej, who took Przetocka , and Wawrzyniec , who took Dąbrowska , sons Stanisław and Maciej. Kasper von Bydgoszcz's elder, brother of Piotr, the writer. Wojciech, her third brother, left five sons. Jan 1st, canon and administrator of Poznan, wrote his tombstone from Poznan Cathedral, Starovol . in monum . 2. Stanisław , 3. Wojciech, a chivalrous husband, he had great respect for Stefan Batory , he died as Starost von Osiecki , he had fathered his son Jan from Sobańska , then there were two daughters from Grzymalanka . 4. Kasper, that of Dorota Woźnicka , had a son, Jan Bishop Enneński , suffragan bishop and archdeacon of Poznan in 1625, and administrator of the Sede Vacante of this diocese. Before that he was canon of Gniezno, Warsaw, and administrator of Lubieński Abbey . 5. Jakub, who was owned by Barbara Kreska Dziembowska , Pomian Wappen, fathered four sons, Samuel, a brave husband, in Moscow with Zygmunt III. and against the Tatars Okolski praises him before God, as [p. 158] The heresy rooted in this house, which all churches had rejected in its inheritance to Catholics, restored the destroyed hospitals and contributed to the origin: He joined Anna Boczkowska from the Bogoria coat of arms, of which Jan's son only had one daughter himself. Wojciech Cantor and the Poznan Canon, the parish priest of Koźmiński . Grodziski and Zwoleński , administrators of the Kujawski diocese. Jerzy, whose two sons are from Katarzyna Mierzeńska , a hunter from Poznan, Kazimierz and Stanisław . Stanisław , from Cielecka , the owner of the Poznan land, with four sons; Jan, Ignacy, Wojciech and Stanisław , I don't know if this wasn't Stanisław , had Anna Boszkowska from the Warnia coat of arms behind them. The daughter from Cielecka married Proski .                          

Jan, the Crown Vice Chancellor , son of Stanisław von Cielecka , with envoys to France, for Ludwika Maria Gonzaga, Władysław IV. My wife, who had come to Paris on a beautiful and splendid horse while standing before the Queen, fell on her knees and with him to welcome and adore his wife. In 1653 he was already the star of Gniezno and a member of the Seym . Constitut . fol . 8. also and in 1662. already Pomeranian Chamberlain, Starost von Nakielski and Gniezno, regent of the Crown Chancellery , from where he was appointed commissioner of the Radom Tribunal Constit . fol . 5. Marshal in the Chamber of Deputies twice; once in 1659, the second time in 1664. Then he took the royal court treasury as a reward for his services and from there went to the Chełmno province , according to the 1676 Constitution. fol . 27 when he bought Knyszyn and Goniądz together with other properties, after counting the sums, five times one hundred thousand thirty-five thousand, of which he gave a hundred thousand to the republic; Because of this affection for themselves, the homeland let him and the successors of the ego release these goods up to the eighth generation, after which they should belong to the king again. With the same title after Denmark, Sweden, the Elector of Brandenburg and Brunświk had already presented great proofs of bravery in various embassies; He was sent to Moscow by an envoy extraordinary, and from there soon returned to Makhomet IV. The Turkish tsar, from whom he returned in two years, flourished with his big name fame as in time both the speakers and the extras among the first; He made peace near Zborów when King John was sent to Khan Tatarsky . He presided twice in the Crown Tribunal. After the death of his wife, he took over the clergy. After abandoning the voivodeship, he kept the smaller crown seal. Jan III on his always cheerful advice [p. 159], relying on him, took him on the Vienna expedition, on which he hoisted a hussar banner covered with it at his own expense: After the king had successfully won the victory, he sent him to Emperor Leopold and congratulated him on this victory; he had Dorota Jaskolska from the Leszczyc coat of arms behind him, of whom he left two daughters, one of whom was Konstancja Dorota. The prince was ruled by the Ołobocki Monastery of the Cistercian Order, which with great effort ran many of them.The foundations from the foundations built everything up and were completed in 1696. The second Anna, Marcin Zamojski , treasurer of the crown wife of the lady of great intellect and common sense; for the houses of God and abundant poverty, and our law is especially proud of their grace; after his death in Krakow in 1704 in the church of S.                         

Jan Chryzostom , the bishop of Kamieniec , the royal trainee , abbot of Wągrowiecki , where he adorned the church with his efforts after the Chocim Victoria traveled to Clemens Pope, with the happy news of the defeated Turks, left this world in 1715.

Jan Voivode of Pomerania, Grodecki, Knyszyński Staroste , the second son of the deputy chancellor of Jan Crown, was the first voivode of Czerniechowski , from this chair he moved to Bracławskie and then took Pomorskie , where he died in 1703. He had Teresa, Jan Potocki von Pilawa coat of arms, daughter of the voivode of Bracławski , behind him, but he lived with her childless. Her third brother, Władysław , the Starost von Grodecki 1680, and Radzyński , his daughter, married Piotr Czapski , the Pomeranian Voivodeship. Ignacy Bernard, the abbot of Koronowski , who was in Rome, from Alexander VII. Pope Prothonotarius Apostolicus from Clement IX. Laureate Juris uwiusque Doctor of Innocent XI. Praefatus domesticus et triusque signaturae Referendarius done, the canons of Posen were asked by the apostolic chair of Rochette : the secretary of the three Polish kings, d. H. John Casimir, Michael and John III. Osiecki was first pastor, then canon of Poznan and secretary of the legation with Prince Radziwiłł to Rome, after he was ordered by Jan III. Had descended in Padua. As he completed this message, he happily received everything from Innocent Pope. Sidus infulatum was the cousin of the Bishop of Kamieniecki . Samuel was consecrated to Koronowo Abbey in 1706, apparently immediately after Ignacy's death.