The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus. Die adlige polnische Familie Alopeus, Alopäus. - Werner Zurek - E-Book

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus. Die adlige polnische Familie Alopeus, Alopäus. E-Book

Werner Zurek



This is a hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: descent, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herbalism, information, literature, names, aristocratic files, nobility, personal history, Poland, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, knights, Poland, herbarz. Conglomeration, translations into: English, German, French. Dies ist ein Sammelsurium einer ungeordneten, systematisch geordneten Sammlung des polnischen Adels. Auf diesen Seiten erfahren Sie alles über: Abstammung, Adel, Adelsliteratur, Adelsnamenendungen, Adelsverband, Genealogie, Bibliographie, Bücher, Familienforschung, Forschung, Genealogie, Geschichte, Heraldik, Heraldik, Kräuterkunde, Informationen , Literatur, Namen, Adelsakten, Adel, Personengeschichte, Polen, Szlachta, Wappen, Wappenforschung, Wappenliteratur, Adel, Ritter, Polen, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, Übersetzungen in: Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch. Il s'agit d'un méli-mélo d'une collection désordonnée et systématiquement organisée de la noblesse polonaise. Sur ces pages, vous apprendrez tout sur : l'ascendance, la noblesse, la littérature aristocratique, les terminaisons de noms aristocratiques, l'association aristocratique, la généalogie, la bibliographie, les livres, la recherche familiale, la recherche, la généalogie, l'histoire, l'héraldique, l'heraldique, l'herboristerie, l'information, la littérature, les noms, dossiers aristocratiques, noblesse, histoire personnelle, Pologne, Szlachta, armoiries, recherche d'armoiries, littérature d'armoiries, noblesse, chevaliers, Pologne, herbarz. Conglomération, traductions en : anglais, allemand, français.

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The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus. Die adlige polnische Familie Alopeus, Alopäus.


The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus.

Die adlige polnische Familie Alopeus, Alopäus.

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus.

Alopaeus. — Russian battle, which in 1820 the Poles. count title

received, which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinct 1862 (Bork.

Sp. — Kos.).

Alopaeus, David, Privy Councilor, Russian Ambassador in Berlin, received the title of Count of the Polish Kingdom in 1820, conferred on his descendants in the Kingdom in 1841 and 1842. Source: AA Kosinski, Heraldic Guide, T. 1. Alopaeus. Russian family who received the title of Counts of Poland in 1820, which was reconfirmed in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.

Alopaeus. Russian family who received the title of Counts of Poland in 1820, which was reconfirmed in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.

Alopeus, 1) Maximilian, Baron von, Russian statesman, born Jan. 21, 1748 in Wiborg in Finland, studied at Abo, then in Göttingen. Introduced to a diplomatic career by Count Panin, Russian ambassador in Stockholm, he later received the directorate of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg through his influence. In 1780 he took part in the drafting of the regulations on the goods of armed neutrality. Plenipotentiary minister at the Berlin court since 1790, he gained significant influence over King Friedrich Wilhelm II and accompanied him to the Champagne estates. When Prussia separated from the coalition through the Separate Treaty of Basel in 1795, Alopeus demanded his passports and left. Appointed to the Council of State, he then held the post of Russian ambassador to the Reichstag in Regensburg until he returned to Berlin as ambassador in 1802. In 1807 entrusted with an extraordinary mission in London, he negotiated in vain with the English ministry, which would not accept the mediation of Russia's goods unless he was informed of the goods contained in the secret article of the Peace of Tilsit. In 1809 Alopeus took his leave. He died May 16, 1822 in Frankfurt a. M. 2) Daniel, Count von, brother of the previous one, born in 1768 in Wiborg, educated at the military school in Stuttgart, also entered the diplomatic career under the direction of a brother and acted in 1792 as secretary to the envoy Rumyanzow in Frankfurt a. M. In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian ambassador, where in 1808 he was supposed to persuade the young king Gustav Adolf IV to renounce Finland in favor of Russia. But when the Russian troops moved into Finland, the Swedish king had the envoy himself arrested and his papers confiscated, and all sorts of attempts at bribery that the Russians had made with the Swedish army came to light. After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was made a member of the Privy Council, then promoted to the rank of earl. Alopeus made peace with Sweden with Chancellor Rumyanzow in 1809, went in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court and in 1813 as a general commissioner to the allied army. After the peace he represented Russia as Plenipotentiary Minister at the Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin courts and died in Berlin June 13, 1831. Alopeus (1) Nur Brockhaus Konversationslexikon, 1902-1910

Alopeus, Maximilian von, Russian diplomat, born Jan. 21, 1748 in Wiborg, Finland, studied theology in Äbo and Göttingen and, through the influence of Count Panin, became director of the Imperial Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In 1783 he went to Eutin as a Russian ambassador to the Prince-Bishop of Lübeck, and in 1790 to Berlin, where he gained the special favor of King Friedrich Wilhelm II and developed great diplomatic skills under the most difficult of times. After the Peace of Basel (1795), he was appointed to the Council of State and took on the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg, until he returned to his former position in Berlin in 1802. In the spring of 1807 he was entrusted with an extraordinary mission to London; the Peace of Tilsit very soon put a stop to his activity there. He died in Frankfurt a. M. May 16, 1822. David, Count Alopeus, brother of the above, born in Wiborg in 1769, was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and introduced to diplomacy by his brother. In 1808 he was a Russian envoy at the Swedish court and was arrested when the Russians invaded Finland, but was made a count by his monarch. After he concluded the Peace of Frederikshamn between Sweden and Russia in association with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, he went in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court. In 1813 Alopeus was general commissioner of the allied armies and was appointed envoy in Berlin after the peace agreement, a post he held until his death on June 13, 1831 . Source: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1888; Collective of authors, publishing house of the Bibliographic Institute, Leipzig and Vienna, fourth edition, 1885-1892;1. volume, page 393

Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximowitsch Alopaeus (Alopeus), born December 19th/December 30th1769inVyborg,Grand Duchy of Finland; †June 131831inBerlin) was aRussiandiplomat.

David was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and introduced to a diplomatic career by his older brother Maximilian von Alopaeus . In 1792 he became secretary to the Russian envoy Rumyantsev in Frankfurt am Main .

In 1800 he came as a Russian ambassador to theSwedish court, where the young King Gustav IV took over the government business estate from his uncle and guardian Duke Karol von Södermanland on November 1, 1796 and on December 16, 1800 he took over the estate donated by Russia neutrality of the Nordic powers. In the meantime, in 1802, Aleksander I had ascended the throne in Russia, with whom Gustav entered into a commercial alliance with Great Britain. The relationship between Russia and Great Britain cooled off noticeably. But the stubborn Gustav entered into a closer alliance with Great Britain on February 8, 1808, unconcerned about the expected declaration of war on the goodsDenmark and Russia; for the latter had tried in vain to separate him from Great Britain and to persuade him to close the Baltic Sea to British ships until there was general peace at sea.

As a native Finn, Alopeus was supposed to persuade Gustav to renounce Finland in favor of Russia, but was unsuccessful. When the Russians invaded Finland with 60,000 men, he was arrested by the Swedes. His papers were confiscated, revealing attempts by Russia to bribe Swedish military officials.

After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was made a member of the Privy Council, then elevated to the rank of earl by his monarch. When his former boss Rumyantsev, as Imperial Chancellor , concluded thePeace of Fredrikshamn with Sweden ( Karol XIII. ) in the Finnish port city in 1809 , he played a key role.

Finally, in 1811, he came as an envoy to theWürttemberg court in Stuttgart. Here he played, among other things, a key role in mediating the inventor and designer Franz Leppich , who was to build a combat airship for the Tsar. In 1813 he first became General Commissioner of the Allied Armies. He then became ambassador to Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin and held these posts until his death in 1831.

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus.

Die adlige polnische Familie Alopeus, Alopäus.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

The noble Polish family Alopeus

Coat of Arms Description.

alopecia In the blue field, a yellow bar diagonally from top right to bottom left. between two silver medals with the profile of a man's head. A black one on the slanting bar key the goods bevel, the goods teeth top right, the key handle down. Helm ornaments: On the Blue Golden turban instead of one Crown, a white right-facing swan with a golden six-pointed star on his head. Coat of Arms: blue, with gold lined.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright für die Bildquellen: (GNU Wikipedia)

Bildquelle: Source Wappen: Polish armorial from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, Tadeusz Gajl, Gdańsk 2007. Author Graphic design: Tadeusz Gajl, POL COA blank.svg: Tadeusz Gajl, vector version: Bastianow, Key from: Flag of Gibraltar.svg by Denelson83 , Swan from: Wappen Swan 1.svg by Bastianow. Other charges and arrangement of the elements: Avalokiteśvara.

Battaglia di Jena

... con l'ambasciatore russo a Berlino, Maxim Alopeus , una Convenzione che venne accettata e firmata da Alessandro ...

David Maximowitsch Alopaeus

...Alopaeus Geheimrat Graf Franz David Maximo Alopaeus [ Alopeus ] (*19. Dezemberjul./ 30. Dezember 1769greg...

... sought to move sea peace. As a native Finn, persuade nun Gustav to renounce Finland in favor of Russia under Alopeus ...

... Russia's hell came. After conquering Finland, Alopeus became a member of the Privy Council,...


... Alopeus Wikipedia Ohjaussivu Alopaeus ...

Franz Leppich

... intending to testify his invention to London, but Alopeus dissuaded him and resented that ...

... our activity became a mere suspicion. In early April, Alopeus was owned by the Tsar. Am April 10, 1812 - ...

... refers, the political of Russia at the Württemberg court had already sent secret messages to Alopeus in March 1812 about his meeting with ...

Alopeus encloses his letters [to the Tsar] a drawing made by Leppich himself, which shows a ...

... stretched out fingers. “[11] With his letter, Alopeus proposes to the Tsar to direct means to Leppich's satisfaction. Alexander...

.... With Leppich's expulsion from Württemberg , Alopeus ' hour for action had come. He heard about his...

... Kurland hagglers. Thus, as Alopeus helped to teach the Tsar, the two passed Vienna “on the 11th ...

... and belonging to Russia further " Alopeus paid for Leppich the 5000 - guilder - rights of Dr ...


... From Wikipedia Alopaeus (sometimes as Alopeus transliterated) is a Finnish family originating from Vyborg. ...

... named Nordensvan [3] • Maximilian von Alopeus (1748 - 1822), Russian diplomat • Frans David ...

Mortinel 1822

..., storico egiziano (n. 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo (n. 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...

National nel 1748

... before 2012 main voice: 1748. • • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi, teologo ...

David alopaeus

... From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus ) (Vyborg, 19 December 1769 - Berlin, ...

... free encyclopedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus ) (Vyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...

Herb szlachecki (lista herbów)

... • Allan (Alan) • Allas - Armas • Alopeus , Alopaeus • Aloy, Aloe, Orzeł Złoty • ...

Den goda viljan

... Michael Segerström - Gustav Åkerblom • Bertil Norström - Alopeus • Sif Ruud - Beda Bergman • Margaretha Krook - ...

Andrei Budberg

... Jahr 1807 dank einer reichen Korrespondenz zwischen Maxime Alopeus, der in London stationiert ist, Andreï Budberg, dem damaligen Minister für ...

Liste der Burgermeister von Odessa, Ukraine

...) (Nikolai Nikolaevich Annenkov) • 1854 - 1855 • • Alopeus , Fedor Davydovich (Fyodor Davydovich Alopeus) • 1856 - ...

Alopeus (Noble Kraut)

... Alopeus (Noble Kraut) From Wikipedia Alopeus (Alopaeus ...

... Alopeus (Noble Kraut) From Wikipedia Alopeus (Alopaeus), Polish Noble Kraut, granted in partitioned ...

... Kingdoms with Prussia. According to Tadeusz Gajl, Dawid Alopeus only received an indygenat in 1820, which would suggest that ...

... in 1820, which would suggest that the Alopeus family used this coat of arms earlier. This contradicts ...

... Internet Heraldik. ws which gives another Kraut for the Finnish Alopeus family (a red fox in a silver field, running ...

... red fox, running). This would suggest , But Alopeus did not receive an indigenate for his current Kraut, But with ...

... a completely new title was given to him. David Alopeus coat of arms . External links • Herb Alopeus and list of names in ...

... Herbownia Dawid Alopeus. External links • Herb Alopeus and a list of names in the electronic version of Polish Armorial • Herb ...

... list of names in the electronic version of the Polish Armorial • Kräuter Alopeus in the Baltisches Wappenbuch armorial • Kräuter on the heraldic page p ...

.... • Previous: Allan • • Emblems arranged alphabetically Alopeus • • Next: Aloy • ...

Aloy (Noble Kraut)

... coat of arms of Polish families and armorial of Boniecki • Previous: Alopeus • • Herbs arranged alphabetically Aloy • • Next: Altexwange ...

Altes Finland

... in the Geschichte. Zwei von ihnen sind Maximilian von Alopeus und sein Bruder David Alopaeus, geboren in einem finnischen ...


... Alopaeus (fr. Алопеус, joskus transliteroituna muodossa Alopeus ) auf itäsuomalainen pappis - ja virkamiessuku, jonka jäsenet ...

... [8] [7] • Magnus (Maximilian) Alopeus (1748 - 1822), a diplomat who served Russia, a real ...

... University of Helsinki, Student Register 1640 - 1852: Magnus Alopeus • ↑ University of Helsinki, Student Register 1640 - 1852: Frans ...

Paul Ludwig Simon

... Auswärtige Angelegenheiten) für den russische diplomaticischen Vertreter Minister Alopeus im Jahre 1805 und das Palais Wilhelmstraße 65 (später die ...


... Alopeus ) ist der Familienname folgender Personen: • David Maximowitsch Alopaeus ...


..., storico egiziano (n. 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo (n. 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...

Andrei Yakovlevich Budberg

... Year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus , stationed in London, the then minister Andreï Yakovlevitch Budberg ...

David alopeus

... Alopeus Z Wikipedia Hrabia Frans David Alopaeus (tak ...e ...

... Z Wikipedia Hrabia Frans David Alopäus (także Alopeus ) (Vyborg, 19 grudnia, 1769 - Berlin, ...

... 3 References • 4 Footnotes See also • Alopeus (family) • Alopeus (Kraut) External links • ...

... Footnotes See also • Alopeus (family) • Alopeus (Kraut) External links • Dawid Alopaeus Bibliography ...

Maximilian von Alopaeus

... - 1822) (russisch: Алопеус Максим Максимович, Alopeus Maksim Maksimovich) ein russischer Diplomat, geboren in Vyborg ...

... die politischen Reihen [2]. Im Jahr 1783 wurde Alopeus zum Resident - Minister am ...

... Tsesarevich Paul and Frederick II. In 1789, Alopeus was sent to Berlin, where he stayed for 6 years ...

... finish his mission. [3] Alopeus attended the Congress of Aix - la - Chapelle ...


... List of persons in questo anno • • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi, teologo ...

Allan (cabbage szlachecki)

... • • Herby ułożone alfabetycznie Allan • • Następny: Alopeus • ...

A hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: ancestry, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogical research, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldic, herb, herbarz, indigenate, information, literature, names, ennoblement files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knights, Poland, szlachta, herb, herbarz. Omnibus, vel temere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, vel timere, systematic ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, vel timere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: Polish, English, German, French.


Werner Zurek was born on March 13, 1952 as the son of the employee, Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, née Kußler in Völklingen in Saarland.

At the age of 6 he attended the Catholic elementary school in Völklingen - Geislautern, and finished secondary school in Geislautern in 1968

From 1968 - 1970 he began an apprenticeship as a machinist.

From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Röchling - Völklingen as a rolling miller (smelting worker).

From 1972 to 1974, a temporary soldier was with the Bundeswehr in Daun for 2 years, where he was trained as a radio operator in electronic combat reconnaissance. He ended his active service as a non-commissioned officer. As a reservist he was promoted to staff sergeant.

Acquisition of the secondary school leaving certificate at the ILS

In 1975 he applied as a civil servant candidate at the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration). After passing the final examination, he worked as a border control officer under the Federal Border Protection Act, as a customs officer in tax matters and was therefore also an assistant to the public prosecutor

In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, née Daub.

In 1982 his daughter Sandra was born.

In 2014 he retired.


Air raid protection training at the Technical Relief Agency

Shooting line of the Bundeswehr

Training at the German Red Cross

State explosives permit

Basic certificate of the German Life Saving Society

European police sport badge, filed with the Federal Customs Administration. Also valid for the European Community.

Admission to the Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the Infante of Portugal, HRH the Duke of Braganza.

Veteran Badge of the German Armed Forces.

Writer and author for the Polish nobility, their coats of arms and families.

Member of Black Cross Poland.

The Polish noble family Alopeus, Alopäus.

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopäus.

Alopaeus. — Russian battle, which in 1820 the Poles. count title

received, which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinct 1862 (Bork.

sp . - Kos.).

Alopaeus, David, Privy Councilor, Russian Ambassador in Berlin, received the title of Count of the Polish Kingdom in 1820, conferred on his descendants in the Kingdom in 1841 and 1842. Source: AA Kosinski, Heraldic Guide, T. 1. Alopaeus. Russian family who received the title of Counts of Poland in 1820, which was reconfirmed in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.

Alopaeus. Russian family who received the title of Counts of Poland in 1820, which was reconfirmed in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.

Alopeus, 1) Maximilian, Baron von, Russian statesman, born Jan. 21, 1748 in Wiborg in Finland, studied at Abo, then in Göttingen. Introduced to a diplomatic career by Count Panin, Russian ambassador in Stockholm, he later received the directorate of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg through his influence. In 1780 he took part in the drafting of the regulations on the goods of armed neutrality. Plenipotentiary minister at the Berlin court since 1790, he gained significant influence over King Friedrich Wilhelm II and accompanied him to the Champagne estates. When Prussia separated from the coalition through the Separate Treaty of Basel in 1795, Alopeus demanded his passports and left. Appointed to the Council of State, he then held the post of Russian ambassador to the Reichstag in Regensburg until he returned to Berlin as ambassador in 1802. In 1807 entrusted with an extraordinary mission in London, he negotiated in vain with the English ministry, which would not accept the mediation of Russia's goods unless he was informed of the goods contained in the secret article of the Peace of Tilsit. In 1809 Alopeus took his leave. He died May 16, 1822 in Frankfurt a. M. 2) Daniel, Count von, brother of the previous one, born in 1768 in Wiborg, educated at the military school in Stuttgart, also entered the diplomatic career under the direction of a brother and acted in 1792 as secretary to the envoy Rumyanzow in Frankfurt a. M. In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian ambassador, where in 1808 he was supposed to persuade the young king Gustav Adolf IV to renounce Finland in favor of Russia. But when the Russian troops moved into Finland, the Swedish king had the envoy himself arrested and his papers confiscated, and all sorts of attempts at bribery that the Russians had made with the Swedish army came to light. After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was made a member of the Privy Council, then promoted to the rank of earl. Alopeus made peace with Sweden with Chancellor Rumyanzow in 1809, went in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court and in 1813 as a general commissioner to the allied army. After the peace he represented Russia as Plenipotentiary Minister at the Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin courts and died in Berlin June 13, 1831. Alopeus (1) Nur Brockhaus Konversationslexikon, 1902-1910

Alopeus, Maximilian von, Russian diplomat, born Jan. 21, 1748 in Wiborg, Finland, studied theology in Äbo and Göttingen and, through the influence of Count Panin, became director of the Imperial Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In 1783 he went to Eutin as a Russian ambassador to the Prince-Bishop of Lübeck, and in 1790 to Berlin, where he gained the special favor of King Friedrich Wilhelm II and developed great diplomatic skills under the most difficult of times. After the Peace of Basel (1795), he was appointed to the Council of State and took on the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg, until he returned to his former position in Berlin in 1802. In the spring of 1807 he was entrusted with an extraordinary mission to London; the Peace of Tilsit very soon put a stop to his activity there. He died in Frankfurt a. M. May 16, 1822. David, Count Alopeus, brother of the above, born in Wiborg in 1769, was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and introduced to diplomacy by his brother. In 1808 he was a Russian envoy at the Swedish court and was arrested when the Russians invaded Finland, but was made a count by his monarch. After he concluded the Peace of Frederikshamn between Sweden and Russia in association with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, he went in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court. In 1813 Alopeus was general commissioner of the allied armies and was appointed envoy in Berlin after the peace agreement, a post he held until his death on June 13, 1831 . Source: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1888; Collective of authors, publishing house of the Bibliographic Institute, Leipzig and Vienna, fourth edition, 1885-1892;1. volume, page 393

Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximowitsch Alopaeus (Alopeus), born December 19th/ December 30th1769 in Vyborg , Grand Duchy of Finland ; † June 131831 in Berlin ) was a Russian diplomat.

David was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and introduced to a diplomatic career by his older brother Maximilian von Alopaeus . In 1792 he became secretary to the Russian envoy Rumyantsev in Frankfurt am Main .

In 1800 he came as a Russian ambassador to the Swedish court, where the young King Gustav IV took over the government business estate from his uncle and guardian Duke Karol von Södermanland on November 1, 1796 and on December 16, 1800 he took over the estate donated by Russia neutrality of the Nordic powers. In the meantime, in 1802, Aleksander I had ascended the throne in Russia, with whom Gustav entered into a commercial alliance with Great Britain. The relationship between Russia and Great Britain cooled off noticeably. But the stubborn Gustav entered into a closer alliance with Great Britain on February 8, 1808, unconcerned about the expected declaration of war on the goodsDenmark and Russia; for the latter had tried in vain to separate him from Great Britain and to persuade him to close the Baltic Sea to British ships until there was general peace at sea.

As a native Finn, Alopeus was supposed to persuade Gustav to renounce Finland in favor of Russia, but was unsuccessful. When the Russians invaded Finland with 60,000 men, he was arrested by the Swedes. His papers were confiscated, revealing attempts by Russia to bribe Swedish military officials.

After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was made a member of the Privy Council, then elevated to the rank of earl by his monarch. When his former boss Rumyantsev, as Imperial Chancellor, concluded the Peace of Fredrikshamn with Sweden ( Karol XIII. ) in the Finnish port city in 1809 , he played a key role.

Finally, in 1811, he came as an envoy to the Württemberg court in Stuttgart. Here he played, among other things, a key role in mediating the inventor and designer Franz Leppich , who was to build a combat airship for the Tsar. In 1813 he first became General Commissioner of the Allied Armies. He then became ambassador to Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin and held these posts until his death in 1831.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

The noble Polish family Alopeus

Coat of Arms Description.

alopecia In the blue field, a yellow bar diagonally from top right to bottom left. between two silver medals with the profile of a man's head. On the slanting beam a black key the goods bevel, the goods teeth on the top right, the key handle down. Helmet ornaments: On the blue and gold turban, instead of a crown, a white swan facing right, with a gold six-pointed star on its head. Coats of arms: blue, lined with gold.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

Image source: Source coat of arms: Polish weapons from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, Tadeusz Gajl, Gdańsk 2007. Graphic design author: Tadeusz Gajl, POL COA blank.svg: Tadeusz Gajl, Vector version: Bastianow, Key from: Flag of Gibraltar. svg by Denelson83, swan from: Coat of arms Swan 1.svg by Bastianow. Other Charges and Arrangement of Elements: Avalokitesvara.

Battle of Jena

... with the Russian ambassador in Berlin , Maksim Alopeus , an agreement which was accepted and signed by Alexander ...

David Maximovich Alopaeus

... Alopaeus Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximo Alopaeus [ Alopeus ] (* December 19th ./ December 30th 1769greg ...

... sought to move sea peace. As a native Finn, persuade nun Gustav to renounce Finland in favor of Russia under Alopeus ...

... Russia's hell came. After conquering Finland, Alopeus became a member of the Privy Council,...


... Alopeus Wikipedia control page Alopaeus ...

Franz Leppich

... intending to testify his invention to London, but Alopeus dissuaded him and resented that ...

... our activity became a mere suspicion. In early April, Alopeus was owned by the Tsar. Am April 10, 1812 - ...

... refers, the political of Russia at the Württemberg court had already sent secret messages to Alopeus in March 1812 about his meeting with ...

... "Alopeus encloses his letters [to the Tsar] a drawing made by Leppich himself, which shows a ...

... stretched out fingers. “[11] With his letter, Alopeus proposes to the Tsar to direct means to Leppich's satisfaction. Alexander...

.... With Leppich's expulsion from Württemberg, Alopeus' hour for action had come. He heard about his...

... Kurland hagglers. Thus, as Alopeus helped to teach the Tsar, the two passed Vienna “on the 11th ...

... and belonging to Russia further "Alopeus paid for Leppich the 5000 - guilder - rights of Dr ...


... From Wikipedia Alopaeus (sometimes transliterated as Alopeus) is a Finnish family originating from Vyborg. ...

... named Nordensvan [3] • Maximilian von Alopeus (1748 - 1822), Russian diplomat • Frans David ...

Died in 1822

..., Egyptian historian ( born 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , Russian diplomat ( born 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...

National nel 1748

... before 2012 main voice: 1748. • • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi, teologo ...

David alopaeus

... From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus) (Vyborg, 19 December 1769 - Berlin, ...

... free encyclopedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus) (Vyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...

Coat of Arms (List of Coats of Arms)

... • Allan (Alan) • Pool - Armas • Alopeus , Alopaeus • Aloy , Aloe, Orzeł Złoty • ...

Den goda viljan

... Michael Segerstrom - Gustav Åkerblom • Bertil Norstrom - Alopeus • Sif Ruud - Beda Bergman • Margaretha Krook - ...

Andrei Budberg

... year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus, stationed in London, Andreï Budberg, then Minister for ...

List of mayors of Odessa, Ukraine

...) ( Nikolai Nikolaevich Annenkov ) • 1854 - 1855 • • Alopeus , Fedor Davydovich ( Fedor Davydovich Alopeus ) • 1856 - ...

Alopeus (herb szlachecki)

... Alopeus (herb szlachecki) Z Wikipedia Alopeus (Alopaeus ...

... Alopeus ( noble herb ) From Wikipedia Alopeus ( Alopaeus ), Polish noble herb, granted in the division ...

... Kingdoms with Prussia. According to Tadeusz Gajl David Alopeus, in 1820 she received only indygenat, which would suggest that...    

... in 1820, which would suggest that the Alopeus family had previously SEALED onto the coat of arms. This is in contradiction...     

... the online heraldry. ws that gives another herb for the Finnish family Alopeus (in the silver field that runs a red fox,...

... red fox , running ). Beat it but not receive alopeus indigenat on your current herb but with...

... has been given a completely new title so far . Herbowni Dawid Alopeus. External Links • The coat of arms of Alopeus and the list of names in...

... Herbowni Dawid Alopeus . External links • Herb Alopeus and the list of names in the electronic version of the Polish Herbarz • Herb ...

... lista nazwisk w elektronicznej wersji Herbarza polskiego • Herbs Alopeus w herbarzu Baltic Armorial • Herbs na stronie heraldycznej p ...

.... • Previous : Allan • • Coat of arms in alphabetical order Alopeus • • Next : Aloy • ...

Aloy (cabbage szlachecki)

... coat of arms of Polish families and Boniecki coat of arms - • Previous : Alopeus • • Coat of arms arranged alphabetically Aloy • • Next : Altexwange ...

Old Finland

... in the history. Two of them are Maximilian von Alopeus and his brother David Alopaeus, born in a Finnish...


... Alopaeus ( Fr. Алопеус , sometimes transliteroituna form Alopeus ) on eastern Finland priests - and the family of officials whose members ...

... [8] [7] • Magnus (Maximilian) Alopeus (1748 – 1822), a diplomat who served Russia, a true ...

... University of Helsinki , Matriculation 1640 - 1852: Magnus Alopeus • ↑ University of Helsinki , Matriculation 1640 - 1852: Frans ...

Paul Ludwig Simon

... Foreign Affairs) for the Russian diplomatic representative Minister Alopeus in 1805 and the Palais Wilhelmstraße 65 (later the ...


... Alopeus ) is the surname of the following people: • David Maximowitsch Alopaeus ...


..., Egyptian historian ( born 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , Russian diplomat ( born 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...

Andrei Yakovlevich Budberg

... Year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus, stationed in London, the then minister Andreï Yakovlevitch Budberg ...

David Alopeus

... Alopeus Z Wikipedia Hrabia Frans David Alopaeus (tak ...e ...

... From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopäus (also Alopeus) (Vyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...

... 3 bibliography • 4 footnotes See also • Alopeus (family) • Alopeus (herb) External links • ...   

... Footnotes See also • Alopeus (Family) • Alopeus (Herb) External links • David Alopaeus Bibliography ...   

Maximilian of Alopaeus

... - 1822) (Russian: Алопеус Максим Максимович, Alopeus Maksim Maksimovich) a Russian diplomat, born in Vyborg ...

... the political ranks [2]. In 1783, Alopeus was appointed resident minister at...

... Tsesarevich Paul and Frederick II. In 1789, Alopeus was sent to Berlin, where he stayed for 6 years ...

... finish his mission. [3] Alopeus attended the Congress of Aix - la - Chapelle ...


... List of people in this year • • Maxim Alopeus , Russian diplomat († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi , theologian ...

Allan (cabbage szlachecki)

... • • Herby ułożone alfabetycznie Allan • • Następny: Alopeus • ...

A hodgepodge of a disorderly, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will learn everything about: ancestry, nobility, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogical research, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldic, herb, herbarz, indigenate, information, literature, names, ennoblement files, Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knights, Poland, szlachta, herb, herbarz. Omnibus, vel temere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, vel timere, systematic ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, vel timere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: Polish, English, German, French.


Werner Zurek was born on March 13, 1952 as the son of the employee, Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, née Kußler in Völklingen in Saarland.

At the age of 6 he attended the Catholic elementary school in Völklingen - Geislautern, and finished secondary school in Geislautern in 1968

From 1968 - 1970 he began an apprenticeship as a machinist.

From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Röchling - Völklingen as a rolling miller (smelting worker).

From 1972 to 1974, a temporary soldier was with the Bundeswehr in Daun for 2 years, where he was trained as a radio operator in electronic combat reconnaissance. He ended his active service as a non-commissioned officer. As a reservist he was promoted to staff sergeant.

Acquisition of the secondary school leaving certificate at the ILS

In 1975 he applied as a civil servant candidate at the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration). After passing the final examination, he worked as a border control officer under the Federal Border Protection Act, as a customs officer in tax matters and was therefore also an assistant to the public prosecutor

In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, née Daub.

In 1982 his daughter Sandra was born.

In 2014 he retired.


Air raid protection training at the Technical Relief Agency

Shooting line of the Bundeswehr

Training at the German Red Cross

State explosives permit

Basic certificate of the German Life Saving Society

European police sport badge, filed with the Federal Customs Administration. Also valid for the European Community.

Admission to the Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the Infante of Portugal, HRH the Duke of Braganza.

Veteran Badge of the German Armed Forces.

Writer and author for the Polish nobility, their coats of arms and families.

Member of Black Cross Poland.

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopaeus .

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopaeus .

alopaeus. - Russian braid that created the poles in 1820. Earl title

which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862 (Bork.

Sp. - Kos.).

Alopaeus, David, privy councilor, Russian ambassador in Berlin, received the title of Count of the Polish Kingdom in 1820, transferred to his descendants in the Kingdom in 1841 and 1842. Source: AA Kosinski, Heraldischer Guide, T. 1. Alopäus. Russian family, which in 1820 received the title of Polish Count, which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.

Alopaeus. Russian family, which in 1820 received the title of Polish Count, which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.

Alopeus, 1) Maximilian, Baron von, Russian statesman, b. Jan. 21, 1748 at Wiborg in Finland, studied at Abo, then in Göttingen. He was given a diplomatic career by Count Panin, Russian envoy in Stockholm, and through his influence he later became the director of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In the year 1780 he took part in the editing of the provisions on the goods armed neutrality. Since 1790 authorized minister at the Berlin court, he gained very significant influence on King Friedrich Wilhelm II and accompanied him to the Champagne estate. When Prussia separated from the coalition through the separate treaty of Basel in 1795, Alopeus demanded his passports and left. Appointed to the State Council, he then held the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg until he returned to Berlin as ambassador in 1802. Entrusted with an extraordinary mission in London in 1807, he negotiated in vain with the English ministry, which would not accept the goods of the mediation of Russia unless it was informed of the goods of the secret articles of the Tilsit peace. In 1809 Alopeus took his leave. He died May 16, 1822 in Frankfurt a. M. 2) Daniel, Count von, brother of the previous one, b. 1768 zu Wiborg, educated in the military school in Stuttgart, also entered the diplomatic career under the direction of a brother and in 1792 acted as secretary of the ambassador Rumjanzow in Frankfurt a. M. In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian envoy, where in 1808 he was to persuade the young King Gustav Adolf IV to renounce Finland in favor of Russia. But when Russian troops marched into Finland, the King of Sweden had the ambassador himself arrested and confiscated his papers, which uncovered all kinds of bribery attempts on the Russian side of the goods with the Swedish army. After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was appointed a member of the Secret Council, then elevated to the rank of count. Alopeus made peace with Sweden with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, went to the Württemberg court in 1811 as envoy and in 1813 as general commissioner to the allied army. After the peace he represented Russia as Minister Plenipotentiary at the Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schweriner courts and died in Berlin June 13, 1831. Alopeus (1) Nur Brockhaus Konversationslexikon, 1902-1910

Alopeus, Maximilian von, Russian diplomat, b. Jan. 21, 1748 in Wiborg in Finland, studied theology in Äbo and Göttingen and, through the influence of Count Panin, obtained the directorate of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In 1783 he went as a Russian envoy to Eutin to the prince-bishop of Lübeck, in 1790 to Berlin, where he won the goods of King Friedrich Wilhelm II's special favor and developed great diplomatic skills under the most difficult times. After the peace treaty of Basel (1795) he took over the post of a Russian ambassador to the Reichstag in Regensburg, appointed to the State Council, until he returned to Berlin in his previous position in 1802. In the spring of 1807 he was entrusted with an extraordinary mission to London; the Peace of Tilsit soon set a goal for his activity there. He died in Frankfurt a. M. May 16, 1822. David, Count Alopeus, brother of the previous one, b. In 1769 in Wiborg, was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and taken to diplomacy by his brother. In 1808 he was a Russian envoy to the Swedish court and was arrested when the Russians invaded Finland, but was raised to the rank of count by his monarch. After he concluded the Peace of Frederikshamn between Sweden and Russia in association with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, he went to the Württemberg court as envoy in 1811. In 1813 Alopeus was general commissioner of the allied armies and was appointed envoy in Berlin after the peace agreement, which post he held until his death on June 13, 1831. Source: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1888; Author collective, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig and Vienna, fourth edition, 1885-1892; 1. Volume, page 393

Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximowitsch Alopaeus (Alopeus), born December 19 / December 30, 1769 in Vyborg , Grand Duchy of Finland ; † June 13, 1831 in Berlin ) was a Russian diplomat.

David was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and introduced to the diplomatic career by his older brother Maximilian von Alopaeus . In 1792 he became secretary of the Russian ambassador Rumjanzew in Frankfurt am Main .

In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian envoy , where the young King Gustav IV took over the affairs of government from his uncle and guardian Duke Karol von Södermanland on Nov. 1, 1796 , and on December 16, 1800 the goods donated by Russia Had joined neutrality of the Nordic powers. In the meantime, Aleksander I had ascended the throne in Russia in 1802 , with whom Gustav entered into a trade alliance with Great Britain. The relationship between Russia and Great Britain cooled noticeably. But the headstrong Gustav entered into a closer alliance with Great Britain on February 8, 1808, unconcerned about the expected declaration of war by Denmark and Russia; for the latter had tried in vain to separate him from Great Britain and to persuade British ships to close the Baltic Sea until there was general peace at sea.

As a native of Finland, Alopeus was now supposed to persuade Gustav to waive Finland in favor of Russia, but was unsuccessful. When the Russians and 60,000 men moved into Finland, he was arrested by the Swedes. His papers were confiscated, which revealed attempts by the Swedish military to bribe Russia.

After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was appointed a member of the Privy Council, then raised to the rank of count by his monarch. When his former boss, Rumyantsev, as Chancellor of the Empire in the Finnish port city in 1809 concluded the peace of Fredrikshamn with Sweden ( Karol XIII. ), He was significantly involved.

Finally he came in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court in Stuttgart. Here he played a key role in mediating the inventor and designer Franz Leppich , who was supposed to build a combat airship for the Tsar. In 1813 he was first general commissioner of the allied armies. He then became envoy in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin and held this post until his death in 1831.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

The noble Polish family Alopeus

Description of coat of arms.

Alopeus. In the blue field, a yellow bar diagonally from top right to bottom left. between two silver medals with the profile of a man's head. On the sloping bar a black key, the goods bevel, the goods teeth on the top right, the key handle down. Helmet jewelry: On the blue gold turban instead of a crown, a white, right-facing swan with a gold six-pointed star on his head. Coat of arms: blue, lined with gold.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

Image source: Coat of arms source: Polish armorial from the Middle Ages to the 20th century, Tadeusz Gajl, Gdańsk 2007. Author graphic design: Tadeusz Gajl, POL COA blank.svg: Tadeusz Gajl, vector version: Bastianow, Key from: Flag of Denelson83. svg , Swan from: Coat of arms Swan 1.svg by Bastianow. Other charges and arrangement of the elements: Avalokiteśvara.

Battaglia di Jena

... con l'ambasciatore russo a Berlino, Maxim Alopeus, una Convenzione che venne accettata e firmata da Alessandro ...

David Maximowitsch Alopaeus

...Alopaeus Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximo Alopaeus [Alopeus] (* December 19th / December 30th, 1769 ...

... wanted to move peace at sea. As a native of Finland under Alopeus nun Gustav, move to renounce Finland in favor of Russia ...   

... Russia came to the devil. After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus became a member of the Secret Council ...   


... Alopeus Wikipedia Ohjaussivu Alopaeus ...  

Franz Leppich

... intentions to testify his invention to London, but Alopeus advised him against it and disliked him that ...  

... our activity became bleak suspicion. In early April, Alopeus was owned by the Tsar. Am April 10 , 1812 - ...     

... relates, the political Russia had at the Württemberg court of Alopeus in March 1812 secret messages about his meeting with ...  

... " Alopeus removed a drawing made by Leppich himself from his letter [to the tsar] , which was a ...  

... held fingers. “[11] With his letter, Alopeus suggests that the tsar instruct means to the satisfaction of Leppich. Alexander ...   

.... With Leppich's expulsion from Württemberg war, the hour of action had come for Alopeus . He heard about his ...    

... Kurlander Feilchner. Thus, as Alopeus taught the Tsar , the two of them spoke about Vienna “on the 11th ...    

... and to go further to Russia “belong to Alopeus for Leppich the 5000 guilders rights of Dr. ...  


... From Wikipedia Alopaeus (sometimes transliterated as Alopeus ) is a Finnish family from Vyborg. ...    

... with the name Nordensvan [3] • Maximilian von Alopeus (1748 - 1822), Russian diplomat • Frans David ...  

Morti nel 1822

..., storico egiziano (after 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo (after 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...  

Nati nel 1748

... before 2012 main voice: 1748. • • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi, teologo ...   

David alopaeus

... From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus ) (Wyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...  

... free encyclopedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus) (Wyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...

Herb szlachecki (lista herbów)

... • Allan (Alan) • Allas - Armas • Alopeus , Alopaeus • Aloy, Aloe, Orzeł Złoty • ...

The goda viljan

... Michael Segerström - Gustav Åkerblom • Bertil Norström - Alopeus • Sif Ruud - Beda Bergman • Margaretha Krook - ...

Andrei Budberg

... year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus, stationed in London, and Andreï Budberg, the then Minister for ...

List of Mayors of Odessa, Ukraine

...) (Nikolai Nikolaevich Annenkov) • 1854 - 1855 • • Alopeus, Fedor Davydovich (Fyodor Davydovich Alopeus) • 1856 - ...

Alopeus (coat of arms)

... Alopeus (coat of arms) From Wikipedia Alopeus (Alopaeus ...

... Alopeus (herb of nobility) From Wikipedia Alopeus (Alopaeus), Polish coat of arms of nobility, granted in partitioned ...  

... Kingdoms with Prussia. According to Tadeusz Gajl, Dawid Alopeus only received an indygenat in 1820, which would suggest that ...

... in 1820, which would imply that the Alopeus family used this coat of arms earlier. This contradicts ...   

... online heraldry. ws which gives a different coat of arms for the Finnish Alopeus family (a red fox in a silver field, running ...

... red fox, running). This would suggest , But Alopeus has not received an indigenate for his current coat of arms But with ...

... a completely new title was given to him. David Alopeus coat of arms. External links • Herb Alopeus and list of names in ...    

... Herbownia Dawid Alopeus. External links • Herb Alopeus and a list of names in the electronic version of Polish Armorial • Herb ...   

... list of names in the electronic version of the Polish Armorial • Herbs Alopeus in the Baltic heraldic book • Herbs on the heraldic page p ...  

.... • Previous: Allan • • Emblems arranged alphabetically Alopeus • • Next: Aloy • ...

Aloy (herb szlachecki)

... Herbowa rodów Polskich oraz herbarz Bonieckiego • Poprzedni: Alopeus • • Herby ułożone alfabetycznie Aloy • • Następny: Altexwange ...  

Old Finland

... in the history. Two of them are Maximilian von Alopeus and his brother David Alopaeus, born in a Finnish ...   


... Alopaeus (fr. Алопеус, sometimes transliterated as Alopeus ) is an Eastern Finnish priest and civil servant family whose members ...

... [8] [7] • Magnus (Maximilian) Alopeus (1748 - 1822), a diplomat who served Russia, a real ...  

... University of Helsinki, Student Register 1640 - 1852: Magnus Alopeus • ↑ University of Helsinki, Student Register 1640 - 1852: Frans ...  

Paul Ludwig Simon

... Foreign Affairs) for the Russian Diplomatic representative Minister Alopeus in 1805 and the Palais Wilhelmstrasse 65 (later the ...


... Alopeus ) is the family name of the following people: • David Maximowitsch Alopaeus ...


..., Storico egiziano (after 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , Diplomatico Russo (after 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...

Andrei Jakowlewitsch Budberg

... year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus , who was stationed in London, and then Minister Andreï Yakovlevitch Budberg ...

david alopeus

... Alopeus From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (yes ... e ...

...From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopäus (also Alopeus) (Vyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...

... 3 Bibliography • 4 Notes See also • Alopeus (family) • Alopeus (crest) External links • ...  

... Footnotes See also • Alopeus (family) • Alopeus (coat of arms) External links • Dawid Alopaeus Bibliography ...  

Maximilian of Alopaeus

... - 1822) (Russian: Алопеус Максим Максимович, Alopeus Maksim Maksimovich) a Russian diplomat, born in Vyborg ...  

... the political ranks [2]. In 1783, Alopeus became Resident Minister on ...   

... Tsesarevich Paul and Friedrich II. In 1789 Alopeus was sent to Berlin, where he stayed for 6 years ...   

... finish his mission. [3] Alopeus attended the Aix-la-Chapelle Congress ...   


... List of people in questo anno • • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi, teologo ...  

Allan (herb szlachecki)

... • • Emblems arranged alphabetically Allan • • Next: Alopeus • ...  

A conglomeration of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarium, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files , Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, vel temere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, vel timere, systematic ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, vel timere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: Polish, English, German, French.


Werner Zurek was born on March 13, 1952 as the son of the employee, Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, née Kußler, in Völklingen in the Saarland.

At the age of 6 he attended the Catholic elementary school Völklingen - Geislautern, and finished secondary school in Geislautern in 1968

From 1968 to 1970 he began an apprenticeship as a machine fitter.

From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Röchling - Völklingen as a rolling mill (metallurgical skilled worker).

From 1972 to 1974 he was a temporary soldier for 2 years with the German Federal Armed Forces in Daun, where he was trained as a radio operator in the electronic combat reconnaissance. He ended his active service as a non-commissioned officer. As a reservist, he was promoted to staff sergeant.

Acquisition of secondary school leaving certificate at ILS

In 1975 he applied as a civil servant candidate at the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration). After passing the final examination, he worked as a border inspection officer under the Federal Border Guard Act, as a customs officer in tax matters and was therefore also an assistant to the public prosecutor

In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, née Daub.

In 1982 his daughter Sandra was born.

He retired in 2014.


Air defense training at the technical relief organization

Rifle line of the Federal Armed Forces

Training at the German Red Cross

State license for explosives

Basic license of the German Lifesaving Society

European police sport badge, filed with the Federal Customs Administration. Also valid for the European Community.

Admission to the Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the Infant of Portugal, HRH the Duke of Braganza.

Veterans badge of the German Federal Armed Forces.

Writer and author for the Polish nobility, their coats of arms and families.

Member of the Black Cross Poland.

The Polish noble family Alopeus , Alopäus .      

The noble Polish family Alopeus, Alopaeus.  

Alopaeus. - Russian braid that created the poles in 1820 . Earl title  

which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862 (Bork.

Sp . - Kos.).  

Alopaeus, David, privy councilor, Russian ambassador in Berlin, received the title of Count of the Polish Kingdom in 1820, transferred to his descendants in the Kingdom in 1841 and 1842. Source: AA Kosinski, Heraldischer Guide, T. 1. Alopäus. Russian family, which in 1820 received the title of Polish Count, which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862.  

Alopaeus. Russian family, which in 1820 received the title of Polish Count, which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinguished in 1862. 

Alopeus, 1) Maximilian, Baron von, Russian statesman, b. Jan. 21, 1748 at Wiborg in Finland, studied at Abo, then in Göttingen. He was given a diplomatic career by Count Panin, Russian envoy in Stockholm, and through his influence he later became the director of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In the year 1780 he took part in the editing of the provisions on the goods armed neutrality. Since 1790 authorized minister at the Berlin court, he gained very significant influence on King Friedrich Wilhelm II and accompanied him to the Champagne estate. When Prussia separated from the coalition through the separate treaty of Basel in 1795, Alopeus demanded his passports and left. Appointed to the State Council, he then held the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg until he returned to Berlin as ambassador in 1802. Entrusted with an extraordinary mission in London in 1807, he negotiated in vain with the English ministry, which would not accept the goods of the mediation of Russia unless it was informed of the goods of the secret articles of the Tilsit peace. In 1809 Alopeus took his leave. He died May 16, 1822 in Frankfurt a. M. 2) Daniel, Count von, brother of the previous one, b. 1768 zu Wiborg, educated in the military school in Stuttgart, also entered the diplomatic career under the direction of a brother and in 1792 acted as secretary of the ambassador Rumjanzow in Frankfurt a. M. In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian envoy, where in 1808 he was to persuade the young King Gustav Adolf IV to renounce Finland in favor of Russia. But when Russian troops marched into Finland, the King of Sweden had the ambassador himself arrested and confiscated his papers, which brought to light all sorts of attempts at bribing the goods with the Swedish army on the Russian side . After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was appointed a member of the Secret Council, then elevated to the rank of count. Alopeus made peace with Sweden with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, went to the Württemberg court in 1811 as envoy and in 1813 as general commissioner to the allied army. After the peace he represented Russia as Minister Plenipotentiary at the Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schweriner courts and died in Berlin June 13, 1831. Alopeus (1) Nur Brockhaus Konversationslexikon, 1902-1910                       

Alopeus, Maximilian von, Russian diplomat, b. Jan. 21, 1748 in Wiborg in Finland, studied theology in Äbo and Göttingen and, through the influence of Count Panin, obtained the directorate of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In 1783 he went as a Russian envoy to Eutin to the Prince-Bishop of Lübeck, in 1790 to Berlin, where he won the goods of King Friedrich Wilhelm II. And developed great diplomatic dexterity under the most difficult times. After the peace treaty of Basel (1795) he was appointed to the state council and took over the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg until he returned to Berlin in his previous position in 1802 . In the spring of 1807 he was entrusted with an extraordinary mission to London; the Peace of Tilsit soon set a goal for his activity there. He died in Frankfurt a. M. May 16, 1822. David, Count Alopeus, brother of the previous one, b. In 1769 in Wiborg, was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and taken to diplomacy by his brother. In 1808 he was a Russian envoy to the Swedish court and was arrested when the Russians invaded Finland, but was elevated to the rank of count by his monarch. After he concluded the Peace of Frederikshamn between Sweden and Russia in association with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809 , he went to the Württemberg court as envoy in 1811. In 1813 Alopeus was general commissioner of the allied armies and after the peace treaty was appointed envoy in Berlin, which post he held until his death on June 13, 1831 . Source: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1888; Author collective, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig and Vienna, fourth edition, 1885-1892; 1. Volume, page 393                     

Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximowitsch Alopaeus (Alopeus), born December 19 / December 30, 1769 in Vyborg , Grand Duchy of Finland ; † June 13, 1831 in Berlin ) was a Russian diplomat.               

David was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and introduced to the diplomatic career by his older brother Maximilian von Alopaeus . In 1792 he became secretary of the Russian ambassador Rumjanzew in Frankfurt am Main . 

In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian envoy , where the young King Gustav IV took over the affairs of government from his uncle and guardian Duke Karol von Södermanland on Nov. 1, 1796 , and on December 16, 1800 the goods donated by Russia Had joined neutrality of the Nordic powers. In the meantime, Aleksander I had ascended the throne in Russia in 1802 , with whom Gustav entered into a trade alliance with Great Britain. The relationship between Russia and Great Britain cooled noticeably. But the headstrong Gustav entered into a closer alliance with Great Britain on February 8, 1808, unconcerned about the expected declaration of war by Denmark and Russia; for the latter had tried in vain to separate him from Great Britain and to persuade British ships to close the Baltic Sea until there was general peace at sea.             

As a native of Finland, Alopeus was now supposed to persuade Gustav to waive Finland in favor of Russia, but was unsuccessful. When the Russians and 60,000 men moved into Finland, he was arrested by the Swedes. His papers were confiscated, which revealed attempts by the Swedish military to bribe Russia.   

After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was appointed a member of the Privy Council, then raised to the rank of count by his monarch. When his former boss, Rumyantsev, as Chancellor of the Empire in the Finnish port city in 1809 concluded the peace of Fredrikshamn with Sweden ( Karol XIII. ), He was significantly involved.       

Finally he came in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court in Stuttgart. Here he played a key role in mediating the inventor and designer Franz Leppich , who was supposed to build a combat airship for the tsar. In 1813 he was first general commissioner of the allied armies. He then became envoy in Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin and held this post until his death in 1831.   

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)   

The noble Polish family Alopeus 

Description of coat of arms.

Alopeus. In the blue field, a yellow bar diagonally from top right to bottom left. between two silver medals with the profile of a man's head. On the sloping bar a black key, the goods bevel, the goods teeth on the top right, the key handle down. Helmet decoration : On the blue gold turban instead of a crown, a white swan facing to the right with a gold six-pointed star on his head. Coat of arms: blue, lined with gold.                   

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for the image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)   

Image source: Source coat of arms: Polish weapons from the Middle Ages to the 20th century , Tadeusz Gajl , Gdańsk 2007. Author graphic design : Tadeusz Gajl , POL COA blank.svg: Tadeusz Gajl , vector version : Bastianow , Key from : Flag of Gibraltar. svg from Denelson83, swan from : Wappen Swan 1.svg from Bastianow . Other fees and arrangement of items: Avalokitesvara .                                        

Battle of Jena

... with the Russian ambassador in Berlin , Maksim Alopeus , a convention, which was accepted and signed by Alexander ...                    

David Maximowitsch Alopaeus  

... Alopaeus Privy Councilor Count Franz David Maximo Alopaeus [ Alopeus ] (* December 19th / December 30th, 1769 ...        

... wanted to move peace at sea. As a native of Finland under Alopeus nun Gustav move to renounce Finland in favor of Russia ...    

... Russia came to the devil. After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus became a member of the Secret Council ...   


... Alopeus Wikipedia control page Alopaeus ...       

Franz Leppich 

... intentions, his invention to London Enter statements, but Alopeus , advised him not and repelled him that ...     

... our activity became bleak suspicion. In early April, Alopeus was owned by the Tsar. Am April 10 , 1812 - ...      

... relates, the political Russia had at the Württemberg court of Alopeus in March 1812 secret messages about his meeting with ...    

... " Alopeus removed a drawing made by Leppich himself from his letter [to the tsar] , which was a ...    

... held fingers. “[11] With his letter, Alopeus suggests that the tsar instruct means to the satisfaction of Leppich . Alexander ...     

.... With Leppich's expulsion from Württemberg war, the hour of action had come for Alopeus . He heard about his ...       

... Kurlander Feilchner. Thus, as Alopeus taught the Tsar , the two of them spoke about Vienna “on the 11th ...     

... and after Russia continue to go have "beglich include Alopeus for Leppich the 5000 - Gulden - Rights of Dr ...          


... From Wikipedia Alopaeus (sometimes transliterated as Alopeus ) is a Finnish family from Vyborg. ...        

... with the name Nordensvan [3] • Maximilian von Alopeus (1748 - 1822), Russian diplomat • Frans David ...    

Died in 1822  

..., Egyptian historian ( born 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , Russian diplomat ( born 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...                 

Nati nel 1748  

... before 2012 main voice: 1748. • • Maxim Alopeus , diplomatico russo († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi, teologo ...         

David alopaeus 

... From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus ) (Wyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...      

... free encyclopedia Count Frans David Alopaeus (also Alopeus ) (Wyborg, December 19, 1769 - Berlin, ...    

Coat of arms ( list of coats of arms )

... • Allan (Alan) • Pool - Armas • Alopeus , Alopaeus • Aloy , Aloe, Orzeł Złoty • ...                 

The goda viljan  

... Michael Segerström - Gustav Åkerblom • Bertil Norström - Alopeus • Sif Ruud - Beda Bergman • Margaretha Krook - ...

Andrei Budberg

... year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus, stationed in London, and Andreï Budberg, the then Minister for ...

List of Mayors of Odessa, Ukraine

...) (Nikolai Nikolaevich Annenkov) • 1854 - 1855 • • Alopeus, Fedor Davydovich (Fedor Davydovich Alopeus) • 1856 - ...

Alopecia (herb szlachecki)

... Alopeus (herb szlachecki) Z Wikipedia Alopeus (Alopaeus ...

... Alopeus ( noble herb ) From Wikipedia Alopeus ( Alopaeus ), Polish noble herb , granted in the division ...                    

... kingdoms with Prussia . According to Tadeusz Gajl David Alopeus received it in the year 1820 only Indygenat, which would suggest that ...                       

... in the year 1820, which would indicate that the family Alopeus previously on the crest SEALED had . This is in contradiction ...                        

... the online heraldry. ws, which gives another herb for the Finnish family Alopeus (in the silver field, which is a red fox , runs ...                         

... red fox , running ). Hit it , but Alopeus did not receive indigenous on your current herb, but with ...                        

... has so far been given a completely new title . Herbowni Dawid Alopeus . External links • The coat of arms of Alopeus and the list of names in ...                       

... Herbowni Dawid Alopeus . External links • Herb Alopeus and the list of names in the electronic version of the Polish Herbarz • Herb ...                       

... lista nazwisk w elektronicznej wersji Herbarza polskiego • Herbs Alopeus w herbarzu Baltic heraldic book • Herbs na stronie heraldycznej p ...               

.... • Previous : Allan • • Coat of arms in alphabetical order Alopeus • • Next : Aloy • ...                   

Aloy (herb szlachecki)  

... coat of arms of the Polish families and Boniecki of the coat of arms • Previous : Alopeus • • Coat of arms arranged alphabetically Aloy • • Next : Altexwange ...                           

Old Finland

... in the history. Two of them are Maximilian von Alopeus and his brother David Alopaeus, born in a Finnish ...     


... Alopaeus (. Fr Алопеус , sometimes transliteroituna form alopeus ) on eastern Finland priests - and the family of the official , their members ...                     

... [8] [7] • Magnus (Maximilian) Alopeus ( 1748-1822 ), a diplomat who served Russia , a real ...            

... University of Helsinki , matriculation 1640 - 1852: Magnus Alopeus • ↑ University of Helsinki , matriculation 1640 - 1852: Frans ...                

Paul Ludwig Simon

... Foreign Affairs) for the Russian diplomatic representative Minister Alopeus in 1805 and the Palais Wilhelmstrasse 65 (later the ...  


... Alopeus ) is the family name of the following people: • David Maximowitsch Alopaeus ...      


..., Egyptian historian ( born 1754) • Maxim Alopeus , Russian diplomat ( born 1748) • Giuseppe Andreoli ...                 

Andrei Jakowlewitsch Budberg  

... year 1807 thanks to a rich correspondence between Maxime Alopeus , who was stationed in London, and then Minister Andreï Yakovlevitch Budberg ...        

David Alopeus 

... Alopeus Z Wikipedia Hrabia Frans David Alopaeus (tak ... e ...        

... From Wikipedia Count Frans David Alopäus ( also Alopeus ) (Vyborg, December 19 , 1769 - Berlin, ...               

... 3 Bibliography • 4 Footnotes See also • Alopeus ( family ) • Alopeus (herb) External links • ...                  

... Footnotes See also • Alopeus ( family ) • Alopeus (herb) External links • David Alopaeus Bibliography ...                   

Maximilian of Alopaeus 

... - 1822) (Russian: Алопеус Максим Максимович, Alopeus Maksim Maksimovich) a Russian diplomat, born in Vyborg ...       

... the political ranks [2]. In 1783, Alopeus became Resident Minister on ...    

... Tsesarevich Paul and Friedrich II. In 1789 Alopeus was sent to Berlin, where he stayed for 6 years ...      

... finish his mission. [3] Alopeus attended the Aix - la - Chapelle Congress ...       


... List of people this year • • Maxim Alopeus , Russian diplomat († 1822) • Filippo Anfossi , theologian ...               

Allan (herb szlachecki)  

... • • Herby ułożone alfabetycznie Allan • • Następny: Alopeus • ...          

A conglomeration of a disordered, systematically arranged collection of the Polish nobility. On these pages you will find out everything about: descent, aristocracy, aristocratic literature, aristocratic name endings, aristocratic association, genealogy, bibliography, books, family research, research, genealogy, history, heraldry, heraldry, herb, herbarium, indigenous, information, literature, names, nobility files , Nobility, personal history, Poland, Schlachta, Szlachta, coat of arms, coat of arms research, coat of arms literature, nobility, coat of arms, knight, Poland, szlachta, herb, Herbarz. Sammelsurium, vel temere, systematice ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Gathering, vel timere, systematic ordinaretur collectio super principes Poloniae, Rassemblement, vel timere, ordinaretur systématique super collection Poloniae, Translations in: Polish, English, German, French.                                 


Werner Zurek was born on March 13, 1952 as the son of the employee, Heinz Kurt Zurek and his wife Maria, née Kußler, in Völklingen in the Saarland.  

At the age of 6 he attended the Catholic elementary school Völklingen - Geislautern, and finished secondary school in Geislautern in 1968   

From 1968 to 1970 he began an apprenticeship as a machine fitter. 

From 1970 to 1972 he completed an apprenticeship at Röchling - Völklingen as a rolling mill (metallurgical skilled worker).     

From 1972 to 1974 he was a temporary soldier for 2 years with the German Federal Armed Forces in Daun, where he was trained as a radio operator in the electronic combat reconnaissance. He ended his active service as a non-commissioned officer. As a reservist, he was promoted to staff sergeant.    

Acquisition of secondary school leaving certificate at ILS

In 1975 he applied as a civil servant candidate at the Ministry of Finance (Federal Customs Administration) After passing the final examination, he served as a border inspection officer according to the Federal Border Guard Act, as a customs officer in tax matters and was therefore also an assistant to the public prosecutor  

In 1975 he married his wife Ulrike, née Daub.

In 1982 his daughter Sandra was born.

He retired in 2014.


Air defense training at the technical relief organization

Rifle line of the Federal Armed Forces

Training at the German Red Cross

State license for explosives

Basic license of the German Lifesaving Society  

European police sports badge, filed with the Federal Customs Administration. Also valid for the European Community.

Admission to the Royal Brotherhood of Saint Teotonius. Protector is the Infant of Portugal, HRH the Duke of Braganza.

Veterans badge of the German Federal Armed Forces.

Writer and author for the Polish nobility, their coats of arms and families.

Member of the Black Cross Poland.

The Noble Polish Alopeus Family, Alopaeus.

The Noble Polish Alopeus Family, Alopaeus.

Alopaeus. - Russian braid which created the poles in 1820. Title of the count

which was confirmed again in Poland in 1842. Extinct in 1862 (Bork.

Sp. - Kos.).

Alopaeus, David, Privy Councillor, Russian Ambassador in Berlin, received the title of Count of the Kingdom of Poland in 1820, transferred to his descendants in the kingdom in 1841 and 1842. Source: AA Kosinski, Heraldischer Guide, T. 1. Alopäus . Russian family, which in 1820 received the title of Polish count, which was again confirmed in Poland in 1842. Extinct in 1862.

Alopaeus. Russian family, which in 1820 received the title of Polish count, which was again confirmed in Poland in 1842. Extinct in 1862.

Alopeus, 1) Maximilian, Baron von, Russian statesman, b. January 21, 1748 in Wiborg in Finland, studied in Abo, then in Göttingen. He received a diplomatic career from Count Panin, the Russian envoy to Stockholm, and through his influence he later became director of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In 1780, he participated in drafting the provisions on the armed neutrality of goods. Since 1790 authorized minister at the court of Berlin, he acquires a very significant influence on King Friedrich Wilhelm II and accompanies him to the domain of Champagne. When Prussia broke away from the coalition by the separate Treaty of Basel in 1795, Alopée demanded his passports and left. Appointed to the Council of State, he then held the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg until his return to Berlin as ambassador in 1802. Charged with an extraordinary mission to London in 1807, he negotiated in vain with the Ministry English, who will only accept the goods of the mediation of Russia if he was informed of the goods of the secret articles of the peace of Tilsit. In 1809 Alopeus took his leave. He died on May 16, 1822 in Frankfurt a. m. 2) Daniel, count von, brother of the preceding, b. 1768 zu Wiborg, educated at the military school in Stuttgart, also enters the diplomatic career under the guidance of a brother and in 1792 he is secretary to Ambassador Rumjanzow in Frankfurt a. M. In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian envoy, where in 1808 he was to persuade the young King Gustav Adolf IV to renounce Finland in favor of Russia. But when Russian troops marched into Finland, the Swedish king had the ambassador himself arrested and his papers confiscated, which exposed all sorts of attempts to bribe goods with the Swedish army on the Russian side . After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus is made a member of the Secret Council, then elevated to the rank of count. Alopeus made peace with Sweden with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, went to the court of Württemberg in 1811 as an envoy and in 1813 as commissar general of the allied army. After the peace, he represented Russia as Minister Plenipotentiary before the courts of Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schweriner and died in Berlin on June 13, 1831. Alopeus (1) Nur Brockhaus Konversationslexikon, 1902-1910

Alopeus, Maximilian von, Russian diplomat, b. On January 21, 1748 in Wiborg, Finland, studied theology in Äbo and Göttingen and, thanks to the influence of Count Panin, obtained the direction of the Reich Chancellery in Piotrsburg. In 1783 he went as a Russian envoy to Eutine to the Prince-Bishop of Lübeck, in 1790 to Berlin, where he gained the estates of King Friedrich Wilhelm II and developed great diplomatic skills in the most difficult times. After the Peace Treaty of Basel (1795), he was appointed to the Council of State and took over the post of Russian envoy to the Reichstag in Regensburg until his return to Berlin in his previous position in 1802. In the spring of 1807, he was entrusted with an extraordinary mission in London; the Peace of Tilsit soon set a goal for its activity there. He died in Frankfurt a. m. 16 May 1822. David, Earl Alopeus, brother of the preceding, b. In 1769 in Wiborg, he studied at the military school in Stuttgart and led to diplomacy by his brother. In 1808 he was a Russian envoy to the Swedish court and was arrested when the Russians invaded Finland, but was elevated to count by his monarch. After concluding the Peace of Frederikshamn between Sweden and Russia in association with Chancellor Rumjanzow in 1809, he went to the court of Württemberg as an envoy in 1811. In 1813 Alopeus was commissioner general of the allied armies and was appointed envoy to Berlin after the peace agreement, a position he held until his death on June 13, 1831. Source: Meyers Konversations-Lexikon, 1888; Collective of authors, Verlag des Bibliographisches Institut, Leipzig and Vienna, fourth edition, 1885-1892; 1.Volume, page 393

Privy Councillor, Count Franz David Maximowitsch Alopaeus (Alopeus), born 19 December / 30 December 1769 in Vyborg , Grand Duchy of Finland ; † 13 June 1831 in Berlin ) was a Russian diplomat .

David was educated at the military school in Stuttgart and was introduced to a diplomatic career by his older brother Maximilian von Alopaeus . In 1792 he became secretary to the Russian ambassador Rumjanzew in Frankfurt am Main .

In 1800 he came to the Swedish court as a Russian envoy, where the young King Gustav IV took over the affairs of government from his uncle and guardian Duke Karol von Södermanland on 1 November 1796 and on 16 December 1800 the estates given by Russia Had joined the neutrality of the Nordic powers. In the meantime, Aleksander I had ascended the throne of Russia in 1802, with whom Gustav had entered into a trade alliance with Britain. Relations between Russia and Britain have cooled noticeably. But the headstrong Gustav entered into a closer alliance with Britain on February 8, 1808, indifferent to the expected declaration of war by Denmark and Russia; for the latter had tried in vain to separate it from Great Britain and to persuade British ships to close the Baltic Sea until there was general peace at sea.

As a native of Finland, Alopeus was supposed to persuade Gustav to give up Finland in favor of Russia, but he failed. When the Russians and 60,000 men moved into Finland, he was stopped by the Swedes. His papers were confiscated, revealing Russian attempts to bribe the Swedish military.

After the conquest of Finland, Alopeus was made a member of the Privy Council, then elevated to the rank of count by his monarch. When his former patron, Rumyantsev, as Chancellor of the Empire in the Finnish port city in 1809 concluded the Peace of Fredrikshamn with Sweden ( Karol XIII. ), he was significantly involved.

Eventually he came in 1811 as an envoy to the Württemberg court in Stuttgart. Here he played a key role in mediating inventor and designer Franz Leppich , who was supposed to build a combat airship for the Tsar. In 1813, he was first commissioner general of the allied armies. He then became envoy to Berlin and Mecklenburg-Schwerin and held this position until his death in 1831.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

The Polish Noble Alopeus Family

Description of coat of arms.

Alopeus. In the blue field, a yellow bar diagonally from top right to bottom left. between two silver medals with the profile of a man's head. On the slanted bar a black key , the goods bevel, the goods teeth upper right, the key handle down. Helmet jewelry: On the blue gold turban instead of a crown, a right-facing white swan with a six-pointed gold star on the head. Coat of arms: blue, lined with gold.

Copyright 2013 by Werner Zurek. Copyright for image sources: (GNU Wikipedia)

Image source: Źródło coat of arms: herbarz polski od średniowiecza do XX wieku, Tadeusz Gajl, Gdańsk 2007. Draft graficzny author: Tadeusz Gajl, POL COA blank.svg: Tadeusz Gajl, vector version: Bastianow, key to: Flag of , Swan of: Arms Łabędź 1.svg by Bastianow. Other fillers and arrangement of elements: Avalokitesvara.

Battaglia di Jena

... with the Russian Ambassador to Berlin, Maksim Alopeus, a Convenzione che venne accettata e firmata da Alessandro...

David Maximowitsch Alopaeus

... Alopaeus, Privy Councillor, Count Franz David Maximo Alopaeus [ Alopeus ] (* 19 Dec / 30 Dec 1769 ...