The One in his Names - Bruno Johannsson - E-Book

The One in his Names E-Book

Bruno Johannsson

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Bruno Johannsson has a degree of economics from the university of Saarland.. He was involved in research and teaching. Poetry accompanied his work from the age of seventeen. In 1976 he published the first edition of poetry in German. He performed readings in Hamburg, Bergedorf, Loccum, Vienna, Darmstadt, Leipzig, Dortmund and Bad Wörishofen. In 2022 he had an online reading with an international audience. Some of his poems can be found in the annual anthology of the Library of German Poetry in the years 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2021. He received a very positive review from Prof. Lichtenberger of the Department for German Studies of the University of the Saarland.

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Bruno Johannsson studied economics, philosophy and theology and obtained a degree in economics. He has been active in research and teaching and has published on economic, philosophical and theological topics (see appendix). Poetry has been part of his life from the age of 17. In 1976 he published his book of poems on the return of Christ. Readings of it took place in Hamburg, Bergedorf, Loccum, Darmstadt, Dortmund, Vienna, Leipzig and Bad Wörishofen. The second extended edition of this book has been published under the title "Come" and is also available worldwide in English translation (see appendix). The French translation is expected later this year. Several of Johannsson's texts have been included in the anthology of the Bibliothek deutschsprachiger Gedichte (Library of German Poetry)

To my big brother, who remained nameless to the Israelites and yet has so many names shrouded in mystery


Who are You?


Alpha and Omega

The Star of the Morning

The Creator

The Destroyer

The I Am

The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

The Lord of Hosts

The Root and Branch of David

The Holy One

The Only Begotten

The Son of Man

The Beloved Son

The Good Shepherd

The Way, the Truth and the Life

Jesus Christ

You are Him

Way away




Who are You?

Ruler of worlds without number,

You are so close to me

whenever I need You,

with my last breath I whisper

prayers into Your presence.

You never abandon me.

Face to face

some have seen You, but not I.

They wrote down what they saw.

Some think it's a delusion.

But I will not be beguiled,

I will listen to the words of the ancients,

handed down, translated many times.

Some things even damaged at the core?

With the help of the spirit I listen

to the dark life of the ancients.

The revelation explains much to me,

sends other things deep into darkness

or even remains there.

That is what drives me

to boldly ask You questions

to illuminate the darkness.

For in the light You come to Earth

in the glorious majesty of God.

You want me to ask openly,

to tell You honestly

what's on my mind,

even if some call it disrespectful.

It may sound blasphemous at times,

but I also want to sing Your praises.


You spoke to Moses on the mount of revelation,

when You revealed the great law to him:

"I am YHWH your God.

who brought you out of the land of Egypt,

out of the house of bondage." (1)

"Yahweh" You said to the prophet.

We, the people, have been hard-pressed

to see what your message was,

charged with strict commandments,

to handle it with care,

and in no wise to take

this name in vain.

So great was the riddle of the sounds

that generations made rules

how people should deal with it

if they do not wish to incur Your wrath.

Is it a code that blows through the wide universe,

when Your holy name is uttered

by a human mouth?

Is power in nuce concentrated in this word,

that when it echoes through the spheres,

devils quake in fearful apprehension,

angels tremble in holy desire

to serve You with all their might,

working good on this earth

in Your name?

Who is Yahweh, the one so often named,

known to His people as the one and only,

worshipped to this day by Jews

while they reject Christ?

Who was it that spoke to the ancients

and brought happiness and adversity

in His name?

Jesus, did You confer with Noah

that floods shall give birth to a new Earth?

Did You Yourself meet Abraham,

and bless him beyond measure?

Was it You who spoke

with Moses face to face

in the name of Yahweh?

Or is it Eli, Your Father,

who acts and walks among men?

Or are You like the boss and his deputy

where everything is Eli's responsibility,

and He often sends You to Earth,

that it may become part of heaven

in His name?

alpha and omega

You say to John on Patmos:

"I am Alpha and Omega,

the first and the last

the beginning and the end." (2)