A Christian Manifest - Bruno Johannsson - E-Book

A Christian Manifest E-Book

Bruno Johannsson



With this manifest Johannsson presents a short version of his fundamental work "Centuries after Luther" in order to make his thesis, questions and proposals about timeless and actual subjects available to all those who do not have the time to go into greater scientific detail. He starts by outlining his conservative sights of Christian theology based on the bible and some clarifying revelations of Joseph Smith (1806 - 1844). In the following ten chapters the author attempts to show the great relevance of Christian theology for the questions of our time. He indicates the possibility of a compromise between creationism and evolution theory. His theory of matter, spirit and soul has the potential of bringing natural and social sciences nearer to each other. At the end of some theses proposals for political action are made such as fighting hunger, diminishing inequality, promoting democracy and reforming the United Nations.

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The author

is a graduate economist with studies in philosophy and theology He worked in research and teaching at the University of Saarland and at private schools. He was co-author of a two volume publication about taxes and investment. Other scientific publications concerned retraining decisions and global flight. Bruno’s first English publication is “Come”, a volume of poetry about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. It was translated from the German by Hilary Teske. In 2014, Bruno received the jury's award for his contribution to the Philosophy Slam, Chemnitz. He is the administrator of the website https://bruno-Johannsson.jimdofree.com.

Since 2012 he and his wife Thea are co-initiators and moderators of the Café Philo, Chemnitz. They have published five volumes of philosophical dialogues in their own neo-socratic method on the fields of social philosophy, epistemology, ethics, metaphysics and anthropology. Five of these dialogues were subjects of broadcasts of Radio Darmstadt. In “Centuries After Luther” Johannsson combines his economic, philosophical and theological expertise and outlines – contrary to postmodern mainstream and in the style of medieval Thomas von Aquin – a philosophical system on a theological basis.

For Martin Luther and Joseph Smith, to whom we possibly owe more than we suspect.

Table of contents

The 95 theses in their entirety

The theses with their questions and proposals

Does He exist and if so, how many?

On theology

What is truth and how do I find it?

On the theory of knowledge

The cone of knowledge

On the theory of science

Spirit and matter

On a theory of spirit

Accelerated and directed evolution

On cosmology

Highly developed ape or Eli’s child?

On anthropology

A state in miniature

On psychology and medicine

What should we do?

On ethics

Space, time and everything in it

On totology

What attracts us?

On aesthetics and cultural philosophy

The globa royall way

On economics and political science

General remarks

Why this short version of “Centuries After Luther”?

Luther in his time, the world five centuries later and the future perspective

The inner logic of “Centuries After Luther”

Invitation to disputation



II. The 95 theses in their entirety

A) Does He exist and if so, how many?

On theology

1. Eli is the supreme God of our universe.

2. Eli is immortal.

3. Eli has eternal life.

4. Eli is permeated with love and radiates love to the universe.

5. Eli lives in a specific place in the universe in the midst of a celestial civilisation created by Him.

6. Eli worked out His immortality and eternal life Himself.

7. Eli created many civilisations in our universe.

8. Eli’s creations resemble primal evolution but are directed and accelerated in time.

9. Eli exercises His rule in the universe through the holders of His priesthood.

10. Eli is the first man. We are his children.

11. Jesus Christ is Eli’s son in spiritual and physical respects.

12. Jesus Christ is the God of this Earth under Eli’s direction

13. Jesus Christ assisted in creating Earth and plays the central role in perfecting it.

14. Jesus Christ is the same person as Jehovah (Jahweh).

15. Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the world.

16. Faith in Jesus Christ makes eternal life possible.

17. The Holy Ghost has a spiritual body in God’s image.

18. The Holy Ghost “mothers“ the Saints.

19. Lucifer is one of Eli’s spiritual sons, rebelled against his Father and was expelled from heaven.

20. Satan and his devils do not have bodies of flesh and bones but can enter such bodies under certain conditions.

21. Satan and his devils are indestructible spiritual beings.

22. Satan and his armies cause the evil on this Earth as long and as far as Eli allows them to.

23. There are many gods, but only Eli is allowed to be worshipped.

24. Every person on Earth has the possibility of becoming a god.

25. Human history is a drama unfolding under Eli’s direction, in which the actors play themselves without knowing their roles completely.

26. The fall of Adam, the first and second coming of Christ and the Last Judgement are the central events of human history.

27. Under Eli’s direction, Jehovah has steered human history by means of revelation and personal intervention.

28. In God’s view, human history is marked by alternating apostasy and restoration.

29. In the final millennium Christ will preside on Earth and lead His people to perfection.

30. The unchaining and rechaining of the adversary, the Last Judgement and the transformation of Earth will take place at the end of the millennium.

B) What is truth and how can I find it?

On the theory of knowledge

1 Truth is the particularity of an image of something that represents its being as well as possible with regard to a specific objective.

2 Every language generates and restricts possibilities of creating true images.

3. An improvement in the state of knowledge in many cases requires an improvement in language.

4. A person’s knowledge is greater, the more favourable the balance of true and false images is in their mind.

5. Knowledge can be acquired through communication or research.

6. All knowledge that will ever exist on Earth existed in the universe before planet Earth was created.

7. The research methods devised to date are not sufficient to generate all vital knowledge.

8. Divine revelation is the form of communication with the greatest chances and risks.

9. Eli has given every person a conditional promise of receiving personal revelation.

10. Perfect knowledge of something requires superior intelligence of the knower over the known, or at least equal intelligence.

C) The cone of knowledge

On the theory of science

1. Every phenomenon is in principle the subject of science.

2. How narrowly the term “science” is apprehended depends on the claims made on the methods and results of science.

3. The system of the sciences can be depicted as an expanding cone.

4. Philosophy forms the tip of the science cone.

5. Theology is the science with the greatest potential to influence other sciences.

D) Sprit and matter

On a theory of spirit

1. Spirit is the smallest component ofmatter.

2. Spirit is contained in all components of matter hitherto scientifically proven.

3. Spiritual elements have the character of chips.

4. There are at least two types of spiritual elements.

5. Spiritual elements can be organised into spiritual bodies.

6. Spiritual bodies can be free or bound within physical bodies.

7. Free spiritual bodies can move in solid, liquid or gaseous substances.

E. Accelerated and directed evolution

On cosmology

1. The fundamental principle of our universe is the love of God.

2. There is a large number of different civilisations in the universe.

3. In the universe there is or was a primal earth, on which life developed through full evolution.

4. Our Earth is a – possibly modified – copy of planets already existing in the universe.

5. Prior to the formation of the Earth’s natural structures, the related spiritual structures already existed.

6. Our Earth is a mix of divine intervention and natural evolution.

7. Our Earth is destined to become a celestial system.

F. Highly developed ape or Eli’s child?

On anthropology

1. Every mortal human after Adam is a dual being.

2. A mortal human is a caricature of their eternal identity.

3. A human is a microcosmic image of society.

4. Subjectively perceived freedom is based on a lack of selfknowledge.

5. Human life is a drama in which the main actors do not know their roles.

G) A state in miniature

On psychology and medicine

1. There are at least two parties in every soul.

2. The ego is the central organ of the soul.

3. Perfection requires willingness to forgo health and life.

4. Holistic and sustainable help must take account of the interdependence of an individual’s emanations and strengthen their ego.

H) What should we do?

On ethics

1. Good is what corresponds to God’s will in a certain situation.

2. Any deed that fulfils the conditions of all-embracing love is good.

3. God’s commandments bridge the deficits of the respective state of science.

4. God’s commandments are like stars in the night on the way to the highest summit.

5. Love is the mother of all other virtues.

6. Family bonds can be heavenly bonds.

7. Anyone who simply lets themselves go can easily fall into a trap.

8. The royal way is a narrow path through valleys of humility to summits of joy.

9. Freedom is not unbounded even above the clouds.

10. To everyone their own world!

I. Space, time and everything in it.

On totology