The Pegasus-Paradise - Anselm Keussen - E-Book

The Pegasus-Paradise E-Book

Anselm Keussen



Do you remember? When you heard about the Creation Myth of the Genesis in the Bible for the first time in your childhood? Maybe you had some important questions back then, about Eve and Adam and their 'sinful fall from paradise' - but they were hardly dealt with or even answered in the classroom. And yet your questions remained. Therefore, you're now interested in a Genesis that perhaps fits our present and future times a little better. Together with the young divine couple - Thea and Theo - plus their children, this will bring you to the planet Aeon in the solar system named Pegasus, where a completely different and innovative creation of the human species is just about to begin. Following the apple's scent, so to speak . . . Another scene unfolds in the SYS(X)Y planetary system, which certainly shows some parallels to our human history on Earth. Following the story further, you may gain a completely new perspective on the 'creation' of Eve and Adam - as well as of their children. All this, however, is happening on the background of the threatening 'Universal Shockwave', a dangerous inter-galactic war of space-faring civilizations, which had been ignited by an ill-minded super-mutant. His name is Oren the First. Finally, you can witness, how Thea's and Theo's family teams up with their wise and powerful friends, in the all-out attempt to hold up this fire-storm of myriads of burning worlds at the last moment . . . But how can there be any working or even successful plan, in the face of the staggering forces of the Ultra-Empire at the command of the 'Dark Ruler'? And where will all those trials and tribulations lead Thea's and Theo's family? 'A truly heart-warming and inspiring novel!' - A well-versed editor -

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Summary The Pegasus-Paradise at a Glance

Do you remember? When you once heard about the Creation Myth of the Genesis in the Bible for the first time in your childhood?

Maybe you had some important questions back then, about Eve and Adam and their 'sinful fall from paradise' - but they were hardly dealt with or even answered in the classroom. And yet your questions remained.

Therefore, you're now interested in a Genesis that might fit our present and future times perhaps a little better.

Together with the young divine couple - Thea and Theo - plus their children, this will bring you to the planet Aeon in the solar system named Pegasus, where a completely different and innovative creation of the human species is just about to begin.

Following the apple's scent, so to speak . . .

At the same time, another scene unfolds in the SYS(X)Y planetary system, which certainly shows some parallels to our human history on Earth.

Which possibly sheds some light on our understanding of the formation of the biblical Genesis - with its alleged 'original sin' plus 'fall from paradise'.

Following the story further, you may gain a completely new perspective on the 'creation' of Eve and Adam - as well as of their children.

All this, however, is happening on the background of the threatening 'Universal Shockwave', a dangerous intergalactic war of space-faring civilizations, which had been ignited by an ill-minded super-mutant.

His name is Oren the First.

Finally, you can witness, how Thea's and Theo's family teams up with their wise and powerful friends, in the all-out attempt to hold up this fire-storm of myriads of burning worlds at the last moment . . .

But how can there be any working or even successful plan, in the face of the staggering forces of the Empire at the command of the 'Dark Ruler'?

And where will all those trials and tribulations lead Thea's and Theo's family?

For Prema Sai Baba


Dedicated to

Sathya & Nathan

And to all the

Families on this Planet Earth

Table of Contents


Preface - following the Apple's Scent

On Aeon in Pegasus

Cain and Abel - a Way for Brothers?

Gods among themselves

The World SYSXY

On Mor in the More-System

Ssel and the Underground Movement

The Dark Ruler and the Empty Pit

Oren's Coma

A very special Compromise

The Night of Power

The Dark Ruler and his Love

Warlords in Stasis

Key Hangover

Problems with the Suxul Group

Theo on SYS(X)Y

Lemuria and Atlantis

Theo and his Children on SYS(X)Y

Eve's and Adam's Initiation

Snakes, Figs and an Apple

A Papyrus from Theo

Adam goes astray

Full Score?

Brave new World

Theo's Transformations

Thea and the Suxul

Thea, Theo and their Children

The History of SYS(X)Y

Theo's Shadow

The Peace Mountains

The GO-Signature

An unexpected Visit

Nilrem's Crystals

A clarifying Evening

On Rhea in the Flux-System

An Omen with Consequences

Ssel and the Wise Woman

Bridging Dimensions

Changing Times

Epilogue - further on the Apple's Trail

Additional Chapters

The Origins of the Biblical Genesis

The Sumerians and the Biblical Myth of Paradise

Introduction to the additional chapter 'Peacefires'


About the Authors

Further Books by the Authors

Selected Bibliography

Preface - following the Apple's Scent

Dear Readers

and Co-Travellers of the Outer and Inner Realms, welcome to The Pegasus-Paradise!

Say, did you, as a child in religion classes or Bible School, also have these returning questions about Eve and Adam and their banishment from Paradise?

Questions like:

"How can eating a fruit - with or without 'making love' - so enrage the Biblical God that he actually throws his own children out of the 'Garden of Eden'?"

And: "Is it possible that something has been confused here - perhaps with the guilt patterns from all those ever repeated Cain-and-Abel-dramas of all nations and ages?"

And later on maybe:

"How should we handle our Paradise - both in the myth in the Bible, but also in today's global reality - in order to preserve this Planetary Garden of Eden for our descendants as well as for ourselves?"

Thea and Theo, a young couple of Gods, also have to ask themselves such questions - and quite different ones still - while they are just about to start out with their family on the planet Aeon in the Pegasus-System.

Because even such 'divine families' can sometimes be troubled by problem children as well - for example, by kids with a 'Cain Complex'.

And what should their parents do in that case?

For this, keep following the Apple's Scent - and find out for yourself in the process!

Therefore, we welcome you here in Thea's and Theo's universe, who are just setting out on their adventures in this multi-dimensional space saga.

Which also takes some courage, considering the lethal Universal Shockwave that originally was caused by the 'Dark Ruler', who is called Oren the First, and by his hate-and greed-driven Ultra-Empire . . .

Then, none other than Theo himself is selected to go to the More-System - and even directly to the planet Mor, which happens to be the home world of the Dark Ruler!

An almost hopeless mission, from any point of view.

At least, Theo has become a carrier of The Key for this task, which improves his chances a bit.

How all this is connected with the - remotely Earth-like - primeval world SYS(X)Y - and what this again has to do with the 'String-Snatchers', the ultimate Nemesis in space - you best discover for yourself while reading this story.

Doing this, you can even travel to the super-world Rhea in the Flux-System, where an especially important big wedding is planned. But suddenly, serious difficulties with the marriage ritual are turning up on Rhea.

Problems, which are interwoven with the other scenes of The Pegasus-Paradise in rather unexpected ways.

Fascinating - but where to look for solutions?

On Aeon in Pegasus

Our story begins on Aeon, a planet in the distant solar system named Pegasus. It is a beautiful place - a real family paradise, well suited for a Goddess and a God as a couple, to help with the creation of a new civilization.

Just like Shakti and Shiva of the Hindu tradition, they celebrate their loving tantric union from heart to heart, occasionally making use of some healing and inspiring psycho-active plants as well.

The divine couple is deeply and soulfully in love - and soon enough, they both have dreams at night, in which some children are playing a central role.

Eventually, the two decide to 'invite' offspring.

Some time goes by, and after a while the Goddess gives birth to a pair of twins, Catherine and Cain, who are appearing as the first ones.

Now with Gods, all this is happening almost by itself - and so, a while later, twins turn up again:

Amanda and Abel. And only in the end Eve and Adam are born, as 'babies of the family'.

While the 'God-Kids' are still small infants and later on toddlers, their parents give them loving care.

And they also set up the 'Garden' for them. - On this world as well, the Tree of Eternal Life and the Tree of Knowledge are both planted right in the middle of the Garden.

And this 'Garden Eden' includes both fertile and therefore rather paradisiacal areas, but also barren - or seemingly barren - rock and desert landscapes.

Over the years, the six children are continuing to grow up, and at some point, their parents are beginning to plan the rituals of initiation into woman- and manhood for them, rituals that will also include the Two Trees in the middle of the garden.

One day, the Father-God is explaining something to the children, while he points to the Tree of Knowledge and looks especially at Cain and Adam: "As I told you before:

You may eat of all the trees of the garden - but if you eat of this tree, you will die immediately!"

Saying this, he happily notices the sudden interest of his children.

Then he disappears quickly.

Yet, as soon as he has left the scene, Cain, Adam and Eve directly want to rush to this forbidden tree with all its tempting fruits!

But at that moment, the Mother-Goddess, who already knows this game, appears and asks the three of them: "Do you really let your father fool you so easily?

Because he is right!

Sure, you won't die directly and physically by tasting the Tree of Knowledge . . . but you will forget and crush your love, your soul and your heart over it. And that would bring you many thousands of years of violence, greed and war! Do you really want that?!

Therefore - what does your Dad truly mean, when these two trees are standing there - and then he goes on to say: 'If you eat from this one, you will die?'"

First, all six children are silent.

But then Amanda whispers: "Maybe the other tree?"

Now the Mother-Goddess starts smiling and asks:

"Why that?"

And petite Amanda tries to explain, if in a somewhat excited voice:

"Well, if this one tree is so deadly and forbidden - and another one is standing there, which is not forbidden . . .

And that is even called Tree of Eternal Life', so perhaps we could eat from this tree instead. -

Maybe we'll be so alive and loving afterwards - that we'll be able to eat from that 'Tree of Knowledge' also, without any dangers later on - and with meaningful benefits for the family and for ourselves, hopefully."

"Excellent," the Father-God comments, while he swiftly steps out of the bushes. Then he continues:

"Many early civilizations make the mistake to eat of the Tree of Knowledge first - while they forget or even forbid the Tree of Eternal Life.

Therefore, these ancient tribes and nations often have to deal with their destructive tendencies in very hard and harmful ways. And your mother just mentioned the consequences of this attitude: Whole ages of hatred, greed, coercion, violence and murder!

If you, however, listen to Amanda instead, by carefully and first trying some of the psycho-active plants that belong to the Tree of Eternal Life - which means, before you enter the worlds of knowledge and power - then you will be able to use the strength of consciousness and knowledge responsibly, so it benefits all of us - in the family and in the society.

But please wait, until we've shown you in detail, how to make use of Both Trees in a sensible way!"

Cain and Abel - Way for Brothers?

"Still, this is only going to work out well for you, if you use your awakening consciousness of the polarity of opposites - such as 'yours' and 'mine' - always on the background of your loving awareness, which can also be nurtured by the plants and fruits of the Tree of Life. -

Used sparingly, with due respect and in a healing ritual, these 'fruits of life' will at times be like signposts to your fundamental attitude of love in your future life as adults - if you want to develop in that direction!"

"And if we don't?," Cain asks rather gruffly at this point.

"Well, well," the Goddess remarks on this, keeping her calm, "now that's usually the beginning of all troubles.

By the way, I just happened to overhear your and Abel's argument this morning, about your farmland - and even about the sacrificial fire . . .

Now listen, here on the ground, around the Tree of Life, good mushrooms are growing, mushrooms of clarity, for a powerful ritual of magic . . . But alas! - Also completely forbidden, since recently."

Saying this, their Mother Goddess happily notices, how both Cain and Abel are swiftly looking at these 'mystic mushrooms' with a brief gleam in their eyes - even if they're looking away in pronounced disinterest only a moment later.

"No," Cain says, "all this stuff from the Tree of Life isn't really mine anyway - but why are these small, unsightly 'mushrooms' also forbidden by now?

"That you've got to ask your father," replies the Goddess - and looks at the God with a wink.

"Oh weeell," he replies, "um yes, those mushrooms . . . they are related to knowledge, too - somehow . . . and that's why they had to be forbidden as well!

But it's late already - so let's go home now, so we can have dinner soon!"

On the way there, Abel and Cain are whispering together for a longer time - and later on, they excuse themselves from dinner rather early.

Then they prepare their simple sleeping places on the floor in such a way that it almost looks as if they were sleeping there. After that, the brothers silently sneak out the back door of the big family hut.

"That was interesting, about those mushrooms," Cain says, barely audible.

"Yes," agrees Abel, "and they're 'forbidden' only - no one mentioned 'dying'!

"True," affirms Cain - looks briefly at Abel and then continues: "In that case, let's postpone our visit to the Tree of Knowledge, if that's so dangerous - and also our planned duel . . ."

"Your planned duel," Abel interrupts him, "I'd have preferred a fair compromise! . . .

But you're quite right, let's put all that on hold for now - considering our parents talked about many thousands of years of pain, violence, greed, enmity, torment, war and destruction when they warned us!"

While talking like this, they have almost reached the middle of the garden. - Arriving there, the two are quite surprised to see a strange scene happening that is illuminated by the silver moonlight.

They watch, as a snake descends from each of the two trees in the middle of the garden. A lighter one from the Tree of Life and then a somewhat darker one from the Tree of Knowledge.

Astonished, Abel and Cain notice that the snakes seem to accompany them towards the ring of mushrooms at the 'Tree of Life'.

The Darker Snake, hailing from the 'Tree of Knowledge' begins to explain: "It's good you listened to me in the end - as I had warned you about the evil way - and with this compromise here you save yourself huge amounts of evil!"

Saying that, he - yes, this dark snake is a 'he' - gives the mushrooms a friendly nod, while they are almost iridescing in the moonlight.

"And now," he says, looking at Abel and Cain, "I wish both of you a lively mushroom omelette!

See you later, bye bye!"

"Is it?!," and: "Really, now!," the amazed brothers go, almost in unison.

But then, the Snake of Life already leads them on to the circle of mushrooms around the Tree of Eternal Life.

"And these are going to make us immortal?," Cain comments in a somewhat doubting voice.

"If that's what you want," replies the Bright Snake. "But basically, you should be able to feel for yourself that you are eternal to begin with - as children of the Gods!

But for some, that ain't so easy - and these mushrooms often help in that case."

After Abel and Cain have each received a good handful of mushroom juice in a ritual, in which both snakes were singing, the two brothers are alone again.

The Snake of Life still whispers from the branches above them: "As I said, close your eyes, stretch out or sit down - and find your innermost source!

May the juice be with you! We'll hold watch over you."

And after several hours of deep introspection into the power of life, the brothers open their eyes again.

Now they sit face to face in the early morning hours - crying and laughing at once.

"How could I ever think of a fight with you? -

You, my own brother?!," Cain exclaims.

Saying this, he looks at Abel so horrified, but also so enraptured at the same time - that the other bursts out laughing at the odd sight of Cain's face.

Abel: "It's all right by now, as we still noticed it in time! And our parents and those mushrooms helped us . . .," he replies.

At that point, Cain interrupts him: "Yes, but just in the nick of time! And if not . . ."

A grey veil seems to glide over Cain's face - then he asks Abel:

"Did you see that, too - those endless horrors and wars on that world - ending with that starkly insane, global flash of terminal destruction?

On that, Abel replies:

"Sure, I sometimes suspected similar developments - even before we did this mushroom experience last night.

As it seems, we just might be like archetypes of that future world, original role-models, for the tribes, nations and civilizations, which will germinate from our siblings and us.

That is, if I understood Mom and Dad correctly. -

Which probably is the reason, why our behaviour as brothers could be such an important role model and guideline for our descendants later on . . .?

In your introspection with the mushrooms you may have been shown what 'our duel', as you sometimes liked to call it, could cause in the future - although we both knew that you basically . . . but let's leave that alone now, especially after this night of peace!

So, what scared you before, perhaps it was this vision of the results that any lethal violence between us brothers of the beginning of this world would have - and for many of its future generations - or what do you think?

Cain had listened intently - and he feels touched by Abel's words. But now he raises an eyebrow and explains:

"You know what? It's just those special 'deep insights' of yours, which sometimes annoyed me so that I almost . . .

Even though I actually knew - in my guts or so - that your intuition was right most of the time!

But your talents, your frequent good luck and your prosperity simply were too much for my comparing mind and my greedy side - so finally, I just wanted you gone for good . . .

Can you ever forgive me?!?," Cain ends, while he's wiping some tears from his eyes.

"That will take some consideration," Abel replies with a wink, "as you always showcased the 'older and stronger brother' towards me - and then even wanted to 'get rid of me'. . ."

But when Cain is 'collapsing' rapidly during those words, Abel immediately adds with a smile:

". . . but what was the result? You just forced me to be strong and successful myself - and if we can maintain peace and respect as brothers from now on, I'll even be grateful for our earlier 'competition'.

But if we walk the path of love in the future, as siblings should do, we'll be able to find fair solutions for all of us - and nobody has to be killed!

Instead, we, and later on also our families, can live and prosper together, combining our strength and our knowledge - for the benefit of all, and for a truly human life. And we can keep waking up further to the full experience or our true inner being - sometimes also in similar ways as we did last night.

And if we can remember this in our daily work as well, you in the fields, me with the herds - yes, then you'll surely have my forgiveness at some point!

But under three conditions only:

First of all, you accept the land we had quarrelled about as a present; it is rather meant for cultivation, and my flocks have enough as it is.

Secondly, let's go out on our land today, and on the border of 'your' and 'my' land we can build a sacred altar together, for a new form of our Sacrificial Fire!

An altar, where we don't sacrifice people, animals or even fruit any longer - but our lust for power, our fighting and killing, and also our greed for possessions instead.

Because all land and all goods came to us from our parents, who, in their divine love, have given us not only these possessions - but even our body, our spirit and our soul!

And when we're going to build this altar for the sacrificial fire together - can you perhaps show me how you construct the air ducts - that always seemed to work out better for you?"

Cain is slowly recovering, as he notices how kindly his brother is treating him - and he replies:

"There's just a certain trick to this; it's about the angle of the bricks you use to build those air supply ducts - and sure, we can do that together.

But the chimney over my scared fireplace!

The smoke just won't go up there!

And sometimes I even have the feeling that Dad doesn't really like my smoke - and that he perhaps has put a spell on my chimney because of this . . .,"

"And what if he actually did so?!!?," Abel asks back and continues: "Maybe Mom and Dad intended that we learn to recognize our own shortcomings - and that we begin to cooperate in order to overcome them.

Be it the fair distribution of land and goods - or building the new altar, as we just discussed - great you want to do those things together!

Like this, we'll build a good altar for our God, together with our future families - where we'll put sage, frankincense, myrrh and sweet grass into the fire. -

And other items that give a fine smelling fragrance to our parents - as a symbol of our insight that instead of fear, we choose trust, instead of enmity, friendship and instead of hate, love.

When Cain nods to this in agreement, Abel continues:

"And my third condition for 'forgiving' you something, which you only had 'planned' in a confused state of mind, is that you confide to me, what else happened to you during your mushroom-experience - besides those rather 'grey visions' of a possible future?!"

Now Cain finally realizes, that Abel is 'building bridges' for him in a peaceful spirit, therefore he gives him a longer hug - then he gently shakes his head a few times and goes on to say:

"Well, we'll still talk about that piece of land one of these days, but otherwise, I happily agree - and we'll certainly build this new altar!

Now, what else did I encounter last night? -

First, it got very colourful - and then I was feeling how I was flying and falling over and alongside these amazing rainbow-shapes and geometric symbols, which was as deeply impressive as it was liberating at the same time.

But then 'those mushrooms' - or whoever it was - began talking to me!

They 'explained' to me, that they were employed by our great-great-great-ancestors to travel as spores through this seemingly infinite space - and to promote life on suitable worlds.

But also, to warn all the children of God on these worlds of certain dangers to be aware of - and to show them the way towards cooperation and peace.

After that, they showed me those dark visions of the future I already told you about. But then, they spoke in my own mind, in my deepest inner being:

"But if you are strong enough to renounce the erroneous path of violent grabbing of transitory things and people - and instead, build on loving all as sisters and brothers, entirely new and different worlds will be yours to live in - look!"

"And then," Cain continues, "I saw and experienced, so to speak, the opposite of all the violence and wars, which a murder between the two of us would have triggered. - And these new worlds unfolded towards ever more beautiful and brighter regions and realms, in which all beings always were aware of divine love, working for their society mindfully of the whole. . .

It was a little like the stories that Mom and Dad used to tell us from the Legends of the Gods by Master Etnad - similar to 'The Heavens' in the 'Comedy of the Gods'.

I used to think of them as 'just fairy tales', so we would 'behave well'.

But since our inner journey took place, a few hours ago, I realized how clearly Master Etnad - may his memory be praised - depicts in his 'Comedy' how we ourselves are choosing the way 'down' or 'up' in this flow of life.

In any case, I was still deeply enchanted by those changing creatures and patterns in ever brighter colours - when the 'Voice of the Mushrooms ' suddenly spoke:

"It is your decision!," it rang in my head.

And then - as strange as all this sounds - there was some sort of a 'pause', which led to a soothing inner quiet - until there was only pure silence itself. . .

After a while, however, I had the odd impression that 'the mushrooms' were conversing about me 'in the background'. . .' And indeed, they ended the silence with the following sentence:

"You seem to be ready." And after that:

"The Whole, as divided as it is, within the Not, as simple as it is: Face this paradox and be it!

Hearing this, I felt some movement in the region of my heart - until, with a painful sudden blow, a heavy armour fell off from my heart. -

In this unexpected freedom, 'I' was Not - but only one awesome flow of emergence, existence and dissolution, in love always.

And finally - after how many eternities? - I still saw the endless work and effort of our divine ancestors and parents to build this whole world to begin with - and later on, to even make life possible on it.

Then I saw and felt, how our mother was pregnant with you and Amanda - with all the mystery, tenderness and love in this promise of life.

That was sheer beauty, which touched my heart from within. - But now the inner journey was slowly ending already - and I felt some terrible guilt pangs about my dark plans towards you.

However, at the very end of the experience I heard the meanwhile familiar 'Voice of the Mushrooms' one more time:

"Nobody is guilty. - But all contribute their part! And now, your brother is waiting for you ..."

And then, after a while, we both opened our eyes again - almost at the same moment.

But how was that inner journey for you? - You didn't say a word so far!"

On this, Abel closes his eyes and goes inside, while it is slowly getting brighter in the East.

Then he says, with his eyes still closed:

"Some of the things you told me happened to me as well. This wide variety of forms and colours I was flowing with - and then, this luminous golden space, which unlocked and opened our only true home in our heart and our innermost being . . .

In addition, I encountered the opposites in life as well, just like you had seen them in your terrible and heavenly visions of the future of humanity.

And I heard the advice of the Mushrooms, who said with their Inner Voice:

"The only difference between 'hell' and 'heaven' is this one: In hell most forces work greedily and violently against each other - while they cooperate in heaven: With love and for the benefit of all beings."

Then the Voice ended: Heaven and hell are first and foremost in your own heart and mind - remember that always! It is just a question of balance."

While I still was pondering these words, I slowly began to see and even be the endless trail of life:

Ant, bird, butterfly, animal and fish - what a moving experience! - Some parts of it reminded me of your visions as well.

Now I felt, how the two great opposing forces were complementing each other within me - and then became one flow: Composed of Dark and Light, Space and Content, Beginning and End, Woman and Man - and it continued to resound in me:

"It is all a question of balance. . .,"

And I saw, how most beings in this dual world join up in pairs - often to raise children and to found a family - therefore, all this also has to do with balance'.

You understand, Cain?. We need women to share our heartfelt love with - women, with whom we can live and build a house.

Maybe that will help us to strengthen our friendship as brothers, too.

Once I even overheard our Father-God and Dad saying that just the true love between a woman and a man by itself was good reason enough for the entire creation to exist."

"You really think so?," Cain asks at this point, - "those women, they are so altogether different from us.

But if that's true what you said about Dad - then he sure seems to like Mom a lot."

Abel: "Brother dear, we like each other.

This between Mom and Dad is something we will never know as brothers."

Only when he is done saying these words, Abel opens his eyes again. - Then, with a gentle movement, he brushes the hair from his brother's forehead. - "Right?," he continues, with a barely perceptible smile.

But when he notices Cain's confusion upon his previous words, he immediately adds:

"Yes, there were a few other things indeed that the mushrooms showed me - but let's do this step by step and only one thing at a time . . .

And now we should leave anyway, so that we're home before the others wake up!"

Now the two brothers exchange a hug again and are just about to leave - when they suddenly hear Catherine's, Amanda's and Eve's voices calling out at them:

"Too late, you are discovered!"

When he sees his sisters, Cain begs:

"Please don't tell on us . . but at this, also both their parents, with a sleepy Adam in tow, are coming out of the surrounding bushes, just as the sisters had before.

"I am very sorry - this was all my idea . . Abel begins.

But Cain interjects: "Not today, dear brother - we planned this together, beloved parents - and we'll make good for it, somehow . .

Seeing the rampant despair on the brothers' faces, their divine parents loudly burst out laughing - very suddenly and unfittingly, as it seemed to their children.

The other brothers and sisters had expected a 'parental sermon' - but now, they are plainly amazed.

The Goddess is the first one to get herself together again; then she says with a slight chuckle:

"Why?! You have done everything right!"

"And so you passed the test," adds the God and shines with laughter.

"But you did also forbid those mushrooms - what have we done right, then?," Abel asks.

"Well, they needed to be forbidden - otherwise you never would've been interested in them," explains the Mother-Goddess.

Here the Father-God adds: "And the test you passed has to do with the fact, dear sons, that you have understood what is forbidden at a certain time with good reason - because it prevents serious damage - and what, on the other hand, is 'forbidden' only, so you learn to think and decide for yourself.

But the most important result of your imagined 'rule breaking' remains your insight into the dangers of greed and violence. - And your intention, to live as good neighbours and loving brothers instead. Your descendants will certainly be grateful to you for this example!

"Dad, I sure feel you are praising those two blockheads a little too much," Catherine protests at this point, somewhat nonplussed.

"First, these guys almost attack and kill each other - and as if that wasn't 'bad enough', they then go on to ruin our 'Ladies First' at the Tree of Life - and only because they supposedly are more in need of it than us. Ha! - Besides, they just harvested all these Magic Mushrooms - which had clearly been earmarked for us - and then gobbled them up completely for themselves - and that, although you did forbid them before . . .

So, why do you praise them now, beyond the green lucky clover - what is this?!!?"

The three sisters give Abel and Cain a sharp and gloomy look, while Adam, the youngest, tries not to belong by mental disappearance.

To no avail, however. Because now, the otherwise so peaceful Amanda hisses in his direction:

"Don't even dream of seeing a single mushroom before we had our turn!

And Adam replies: "Always me! Just because I am the youngest - and the brothers never take me along.

But I'll write that into the Holy Scriptures later on, that thing about this eternal forbidding of interesting items!

Now even our sisters are doing it already!"

"Silence Now! All Together!," sounds the powerful voice of the Goddess, "we do want to have breakfast here together, don't we?"

"Blackmailing people doesn't create harmony, either," Adam comments in a very dark voice and an obviously similar mood.

And his spirit isn't improving too much, when the others suddenly burst out laughing at his intended irony.

Soon, however, the Father-God begins: "Don't worry, Adam, my son! - And never consider yourself to be low, no matter which circumstances or destiny you meet."

Gods among themselves

Theo: "Because all of you are children of the Gods - and of the Stars also, as you will understand soon enough.

In just a short while, you and the sisters will also have your ritual with the Mushrooms of Clarity around the Tree of Life. -

And later on, with your brothers, you will go . . .," the Father-God is about to add, when he suddenly realizes how dejected Adam looks upon hearing that he should go to the Tree of Life 'with the girls'.

But at that point, the Goddess chimes in saying: "Always one step at a time and in the correct order. Because right now, we'll also stay next to the Tree of Life here."

Then she continues, almost singing:

"Breeeeakfast, all together now!," - evidently in a splendid humour that is inspired by the golden sunrays in the green leaves and sturdy branches of the trees above.

"My dear," her divine Hubby is asking her now: "Should we all have breakfast here, making a family circle on this clearing between those Two Trees, which in truth are One Tree only?"

'Pique-nique sur l'herbe' - having a meal sitting on the grass, as it will be called by a specific nation of our descendants one day. - What do you think - we haven't been cooking together for quite a while?"

"True," the Goddess agrees, "and how?"

"Anima-Anima, perhaps," replies the Father-God - and then he very slowly begins to transform into a beautiful woman, directly in front of the incredulous eyes of all six siblings - thereby changing into a radiant Goddess, who seems as luminous from within as their own mother is, but who is sporting a completely different complexion!

While the 'children' still are rubbing their eyes on this sight, they hear their Mother exclaiming: "So, on three!"

"Three, two, one - Pique-nique!," both Goddesses are singing together now, while moving their eyes and hands almost imperceptibly.

And indeed, in due time a rather 'miraculous' breakfast appears on the grass of the clearing - along with blankets and pillows - and the rays of the morning sun are spreading their green-golden fans on this appetizing collection.

"Wow!!!," some of the siblings go.

"Food magic you've done before - but where's Dad - and who are you?!"

"This also is part of the initiation into your adult life, as loving and aware beings," explains the 'Other Goddess' in an amazingly full and melodious voice.

After a while then, she decides to change back - and turns into the familiar Father-God again. All the children are palpably relieved at this.

"And now, carefully train your vision on what's happening - and remember it in your innermost soul," exhorts the father, while he is pointing towards the mother.

Now their Mom is gradually transforming into an attractive man and vibrant God - while their father turns into the 'Other Goddess' again. And while they are constantly changing like this, the two parents eventually approach each other, merge into one - and are now looking at the siblings as this New Person, whose face, posture and expression is changing all the time.

"That's really scary," exclaims little Eve, "now I got an Early Trauma! Mindblowing!"

"It's too late for that at twenty-eight," Amanda bravely tries to support her - although she's almost shaking like a leaf herself.

Now, the unified Parent-Person speaks to them directly: "We are the source of divine love that will always be with you - even if we might seem to be far away . . .

Or in case, you ever would have 'forgotten' us. -

We are a there for you - now and always!"

At the end of these last words, a deep note rings out - which feels like an all-embracing and eternal sound wave . . . a powerful note of music, that can be sensed directly - in the heart, the belly and the inner ear of the soul - rather than with the regular ears on our head.

Listening like this, all of the sisters and brothers are entering into a spontaneous deep meditation . . . As in a timeless slow motion . . .

Until a frightened Adam points with his arm:

"Gone they are . . . aahhh! Alone and abandoned in a wild garden, with wild animals - and with even wilder brothers and sisters! - Next thing, certainly one of you will drive me away from here with a 'flaming sword'!"

"I'll stay with you," Eve comments on this.

But immediately the fatherly voice resounds from the picnic area: "You're just confusing something here. Did you have those dreams again, Adam?"

Somewhat worried, Adam nods . . . but then a jolt goes through him, and he's rushing to his parents:

"You're back, you're back! Oh, how good you're back! - Please, don't ever do things like that again - that was very scary and uncomfortable!"

Mom: "Yes, this feeling is called fear - and you must learn to face that, also.

And as we've said to you before - please do remember this really well:

Theo and I, we are always there - around you, within you and throughout you.

Even at times, when we seem to be invisible to you," adds the Mother-Goddess. - And then she invites all of them to have breakfast.

Later, Abel brings up a question:

"How do you do those things? - And why can't we 'do magic' like this, too?"

His mother looks at the father - but he just winks at her and smiles.

"All right," she begins.

"Well, first of all, we're not doing anything at all. It's just our nature to be like that - after all these ages of flowing time, which almost feels eternal by now.

And you yourself will also and again learn to become and to be like us one day - but that is, as I said, a very, very long adventure in time and space, which you and your many descendants will hopefully experience in love, cooperation and peace.

However, neither the six of you, who, as our direct descendants, will all live a rather long life, nor your numerous, short-lived and teeming great-grand children will be like us - at least to begin with - because you wanted it that way!

You wanted this 'vacation' in an incarnated body - including adventures and survival camps - and therefore, you'll now be the original parents and ancestors of many future civilizations!

And you will embody yourselves again and again - as we also did, since time immemorial - until you have understood and 'solved' many of the mysteries of this Love Divine . . . and its Creation . . .

Many, I say, because divine love always remains an inscrutable mystery, which we only can approach as far as God's grace and our own love allow us to . . .

In the past, we sometimes had to experience this basic truth ourselves - now and then even painfully - may you be warned about it!

For even if you're going to be 'like Gods' during some distant ages in the future, always remember to remain humble and to follow the love in your heart.

But once you've later - and before the Deep Sleep - gone through your whole initiation successfully and together with us, while being attentive right in your heart - then you and your further descendants will have a good and interesting journey through this amazing divine creation.

"Which Deep Sleep?,"Abel asks, somewhat irritated.

"Just a moment," the Father-God intervenes at that point, "now, let's first finish discussing the plan for your initiation into adulthood - and then we'll also have to talk about your very legitimate question, of course," he says, while he's benevolently patting Abel on the shoulder.

Almost reflexively, Abel looks at Cain - but Cain just gives him the biggest smile and goes:

"Yes, a really good question, dear brother!"

Upon this, the Father-God simply declares: "Look at that, even another passed test!," and takes Cain in his arms.

Yet when Cain, completely confused, begins to speak: "You haven't done that with me in years - only with the sisters, or with Abel and Adam always - thanks a lot," and is just about to burst into tears . . .

his father suddenly goes on to add:

"That was hard, I know - and the other day, the thing with the chimney of your sacred fireplace and with the smoke - that sure was quite a provocation . . .

But you were now supposed to learn how to develop your own strength - and, at the same time, how to handle your 'shadows' well and safely.

And if I feel this correctly, both of you have found useful and important steps last night, in order to tame and control the ancient dangerous powers within you - like good Helmsmen do at sea!"

"Helmsmen . . Cain murmurs into his father's shoulder - but then, and with feeling:

"My fireplace! I knew it! Just you wait!"

With these words, the mighty Cain lifts his father up far over his head - thus pretending to be about to throw him to the ground.

"Please remember last night: Murder in the family is a real curse on all future descendants," chuckles the lifted Father-God, "and that doesn't go for brothers only!

But also for fathers and sons," he adds, posed somewhere between a funny and a serious mood.

For a moment or two, Cain holds his father up in the air like this - then there is a: 'Zzssopp!', while the father disappears - and then a 'Wwhooosh!', when he suddenly reappears right next to the Goddess.

"That's simply unfair," Cain exclaims, when his arms spring up as if pulled by rubber bands, due to the sudden relief from his father's weight.

At this, he has to laugh at the same time:

"I do hope I've learned my lesson by now.

That before was just meant to be fun!"

"Same here," smiles the father back at him. "Great, then we can all proceed to the further steps of the initiation by now.

Actually, our daughters here should have begun this sacred initiation with their round dance around the Tree of Life. - 'Ladies first! As you've heard it before."

And therefore, Abel and Cain should be especially grateful to you for letting them go ahead first - because of the imminent emergency situation!

"Except me . . Adam mumbles into his still non-existing beard.

Father: "And that has its reasons, too. - In some days, you and your sisters can also experience the ritual with the mushrooms.

"Three girls and me - and then even those mushrooms," Adam moans, "shouldn't I perhaps rather go to the Tree of Knowledge and its fruits instead?"

But the father continues: "Adam, I know all about your sinister dreams - because I had them myself, ages ago.

Do not listen to these dark dreams of power, murder, greed and violence, my son. -

For knowledge, consciousness and awareness will only be useful for you, if you have fully said yes to love and to eternal life in the first place.

And the best way to learn that - is with your sisters at the Tree of Life! And you might as be well a bit happy about this chance - many sons of the Gods would hope for such a rare opportunity!"

"Well," Adam says, a little nervous, "all right then - but during the inner journey with those magic mushrooms