The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran - Hörbuch

The Prophet Hörbuch

Kahlil Gibran

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The Prophet is a book of prose poetry that made its Lebanese-American author Kahlil Gibran famous. Originally published in 1923, the book begins with a man named Almustafa living on an island called Orphalese. Locals consider him something of a sage, but he is from elsewhere and has waited twelve years for the right ship to take him home. From a hill above the town, he sees his ship coming into the harbor, and realizes his sadness at leaving the people he has come to know. The elders of the city ask him not to leave. He is asked to tell of his philosophy of life before he goes, to speak his truth to the crowds gathered. What he has to say forms the basis of the book.

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Zeit:1 Std. 34 min

Sprecher:Sumit Kaul
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