The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran - E-Book

The Prophet E-Book

Kahlil Gibran

3,49 €

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One of the most beloved classics of our time, Kahlil Gibran's The Prophet has been translated into many languages and sold millions of copies since its original publication in 1923. Its 28 chapters consist of poetic reflections on the human condition, presented as discussions between the prophet, Almustafa, and the people of the city of Orphalese. Gibran was a Lebanese poet, philosopher and artist, and his fame and influence have spread far beyond the land of his birth. In America, where he lived for the last twenty years of his life, he began to write in English, and his books of poetry, illustrated with mystical drawings that have been compared to those of William Blake, are now known all over the world. The Prophet is timeless in its insight into the human condition, and in its calm philosophy and spontaneous joy can be found the expression of the deepest impulses of the human heart and mind.

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