The schizophrenic psychosis decoded - Peter Stern - E-Book

The schizophrenic psychosis decoded E-Book

Peter Stern



In the present book, the path of suffering of a person affected by a schizophrenia over a time period of almost three decades is described. By means of stirring and detailed reports, the profound symptoms and phenomena of the disorder of a psychosis from the schizophrenic group are authentically brought closer to the reader. Thereby, not only a detailed account of the acute phase and its prehistory is given, but also therapeutic efforts made over a time period of almost 25 years after the onset of this sickness are illuminated. After manifold experiences made over many years and accompanying healing work, the author finally succeeded in decoding possible causes and spiritual operating principles of this disorder in the framework of a holistic approach on the basis of intensive introspection and inspired insights and to walk eventually the path of healing. This book is aimed at each one who is interested to get a first-hand account of the diverse symptoms and phenomena of this mysterious disorder combined with an innovative interpretation, which is completely unique owed to the outstanding distinct power of observation and logical thinking of the author.

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Table of content



– Introduction


– How it all began – my psychosis in New York


– Flashback – childhood and youth


– The time after – study and PhD


– Day-care hospital – 13 years after New York

5.1 – Twenty-eighth day5.2 – Thirty-second day5.3 – Thirty-seventh day5.4 – Thirty-ninth day5.5 – Fortieth day5.6 – Forty-fifth day5.7 – Forty-seventh day5.8 – Forty-eighth day


– Social therapy – 14 years after New York


– New future perspective – postdoc


– Psychotherapy – 18 to 21 years after New York

8.1 – Excerpts from session report, 27.09., 18 years after New York8.2 – Excerpts from session report, 14.10., 18 years after New York8.3 – Excerpts from session report, 02.11., 18 years after New York8.4 – Excerpts from session report, 16.11., 18 years after New York8.5 – Excerpts from session report, 07.12., 18 years after New York8.6 – Excerpts from session report, 25.01., 18 years after New York8.7 – Excerpts from session report, 30.01., 19 years after New York8.8 – Excerpts from session report, 08.02., 19 years after New York8.9 – Excerpts from session report, 22.02., 19 years after New York8.10 – Excerpts from session report, 12.04., 19 years after New York8.11 – Excerpts from session report, 17.05., 19 years after New York8.12 – Excerpts from session report, 05.06., 19 years after New York8.13 – Excerpts from session report, 21.06., 19 years after New York8.14 – Excerpts from session report, 05.07., 19 years after New York8.15 – Excerpts from session report, 27.02., 20 years after New York8.16 – Excerpts from session report, 21.03., 20 years after New York8.17 – Some collected thoughts, 21 years after New York

Epilogue –inspired insights 25 years after New York

1 – A new paradigm is needed2 – Dualism between matter and spirit3 – The effects of spirit and consciousness4 – The divine very fabric of the spiritual world5 – Presumed origin and goal of the universe6 – The principle of karma and cosmic justice7 – Acceptance of God as highest spiritual power8 – Ethereal energy based on Qi and psi9 – The principle of spiritual resonance and duality10 – Formation and functions of soul seeds11 – Soul monads, soul seeds and etheric body12 – Vital power, mental power and ego power13 – Energy body, astral body and spiritual body14 – Rupture of the predetermined breaking point15 – Memory and spiritual information fields16 – Splitting into partial personality states17 – Tasks and functions of main chakras18 – Splitting and fragmentation of one’s etheric body19 – Causes and triggers of a psychosis20 – Personality development based on main chakras21 – Chakra blockades and psychic disorders22 – Further insights into spiritual aspects23 – Further potential spiritual causes of a psychosis24 – Closing remarks



For all those who are on the search for insights and who don’t want to be talked into something!


This book is founded on authentic discernment by means of intensive introspection. If one likes to expand the limits of the already existing, one needs to gain true insights. Insights can only be drawn from one’s own experiences. And to make experiences means, at times, to commit certain errors. To commit errors could mean to have to endure suffering. And suffering can finally lead to disease, hence, an imbalance between what is and what should be, but which may not be allowed to be. The overcoming of suffering and disease can in most cases only succeed over more insights. A continuous cycle.

The disorder of a schizophrenia poses a fundamental question to one’s own being. To put it short: »Who he is, he doesn’t like to be – and who he likes to be, he isn’t.« Many times, this profound disease isn’t regarded at its core as that which it really is, namely an alienation of one’s personality from one’s own Self. Had it been society which had made someone affected sick in the first place and had tagged the label »sick« on him, because he possibly didn’t fit in well into this time or location with his gifts and skills and wasn’t allowed to live them out? However, mostly, all gifts and skills are such that each one is able to make his own individual contribution. There is no reason for envy or the feeling of inferiority. Healing means discernment and acceptance of one’s own soul plan and the fulfilment of one’s individual contribution.

In modern western society, happiness and abundance count the highest, which is expressed in an everlasting desire for the novel, for consumption and the satisfaction of insatiable needs and cravings, ideally as fast as possible, without delay, out of an impulse.

All these are symptoms of a soulless society, of a society which is sick by itself, where a sick person is denoted as sick since the essential core of his soul cannot withstand the pace and ethos of the oh so modern society. The so-called sick takes up his own cross like Jesus of Nazareth and suffers to redeem all others instead that all others would question this pitiful wheel of existence. Thereby, he doesn’t even notice that he has adopted the characteristics of modern culture by himself, exponentiated by multiples. His heart cries for love, but he practises only soulless sexuality. His head is starving for wisdom, but he can warm up only for soulless intellect. The contemporarily prevalent materialism is downright promoting the gutting and, thus, the soullessness and, actually, the dehumanisation of human beings. The triad of body, mind and soul is broken down to sole soulless matter.

To heal, this vicious circle needs to be broken down. A heart must be set free and must allow love. The head must be decoupled from the thinking of the ego. Psychology is, in principle, nothing more than a psy - chology of the ego. But we aren’t actually this ego. It is our intellect, an instance in us, which pretends to be our true Self, but which isn’t. The true Self lies much deeper. To break those chains, we need soulful sexuality and soulful intellect.

Does anyone want so suffer? Many followers of the esoteric scene see suffering as a precondition for a purification of a soul, to be urged to break free of old chains and to detach oneself from restricting thought patterns and dogmas. Without suffering, no insights, it is said. Hence, it isn’t an insatiable desire for insights which makes a sick one sick, but it is suffering which gives birth to true insights. But suffering just to suffer, doesn’t lead to anything. As long as one isn’t on the path to discernment and someone affected isn’t able to heal on his own, it is our task to stand by him. It is often claimed that one shouldn’t intervene since a soul as the governing instance wanted it simply that way. The soul wanted to suffer to be able to discern. According to my own prehistory, I know that this can’t be true. For sure, suffering has an effect like an accelerator of healing processes, but a distorted sexuality, an intellect which had deviated from its way, a rampant ego, can’t be slowed down and stopped that easy. In most cases, without help from outside, this can’t succeed at all. If the mind is blurred, how shall one gain any true insights?

But still this is only possible if someone affected is ready to work on himself and on his inner programmings to alter them. Otherwise, healing is only transitory and not sustainable, suffering can come back. »The inside equals the outside.« No earlier than by altering one’s own inner world of ideas, the outer circumstances can change as well. Inner healing means also outer healing. Clearly, a convalescent makes a contribution to the process of global development and doesn’t only heal himself, but also society at large he lives in.

The author of this book describes his own journey towards discernment, his many mistakes, his errors made, his surprising insights. Everything, which is described in this book, is based on original experiences of the author. This manuscript is a contemporary document, but, at the same time, seems nearly to be fallen out of time. It is a cry for true love, but, at the same time, still caught in categories of duality. But this duality begins slowly but surely to falter around us. There doesn’t only exist the good and the bad, the masculine and the feminine, yin and yang, as irreconcilable opposites, but everything is only one in different characteristics. Without polarities or certain opposites, truth or love couldn’t play their definite roles. Practically, all is based on the vigour of mutually exclusive opposites. However, as the world is striving for a golden era of love, peace and freedom, these opposites become less salient. Instead, in the future, we will perceive ourselves in an attitude of complete Allness, may it be called Allah, Yahweh or Brahman, where everything exists simultaneously, where everything has its justification, but where much is ultimately founded in love. Where there isn’t any separation any more, but only a common We. Hence, at the same time when this book was fin - ished, it was already fallen out of time.

Like me, many persons affected must go through difficult times. Maybe, this book might be useful for those people who aren’t that far and who possibly despair of their symptoms. Who think they would be crazy if they can hear inner voices or suspect mysterious or magical forces if they apply the laws of the universe in the wrong way. Actually, everything has its justification. Symptoms are only a sign of a consciousness which is out of control. Indeed, the real quintessence could read as: »Everything is consciousness« or »without consciousness, there is nothing«. In the process of healing, persons affected can reintegrate into the harmony of the universe and experience the blessings of love in themselves by overcoming their suffering. This is all which counts and for this purpose, to gain more insights, this book had been written. Not to be granted absolution, which will never be given, since the principle of cosmic justice in the framework of cause and effect is too powerful, but to illuminate the process of discernment of someone affected exemplarily in all his facets over a period of almost forty years. How the path of healing could be walked by means of experience, after all those mistakes, painful experiences, strange perceptions and karmic entanglements, to culminate in a state of harmony, love and wisdom, which carries the potential in itself to be enabled to heal the world.

Currently, there are many souls on earth who want to carry out the task to support stuck and stranded souls in their process of healing as helper souls and supporters. Each one of them has his justification. Each person affected must see who is suited best to him, who speaks his own parlance and with whom he comes into resonance best. Ultimately, all pursue the same goal. To heal oneself, to be able to heal others and to heal eventually the world.

Peter Stern, October 2023

1 Introduction

Schizophrenias and psychoses in general still belong to the least understood, most mysterious and at the same time most profound psychic disorders, which can affect human beings. Many persons affected are strongly handicapped in everyday life. Some persons affected can fully recover after a single acute phase of their sickness. However, the most part of sick persons is affected by this disorder in some way over their entire life time, whereby more than a third may have to endure also more severe symptoms or a number of relapses and disease boosts over their lifetime. This disease is indeed empirically well studied, but its causes are still unknown. Many scientists tap in the dark. The modern medicine and psychology seem to come against borders as far as this clinical picture is concerned and don’t know further. Today a great deal of hope is set on medication, but without treating the true causes of this disease. Thereby, the main goal is nothing more than calming of symptoms and sitting out of its impacts.

There exist many experience reports of persons affected, who have reported more or less detailed about their sickness and its impacts on their own life. However, many of those reports deal mostly with the initial phase of this disorder, maybe its prehistory, its acute phase and the following first years of treatment. Clearly, without any doubt, especially an acute phase poses high demands on environment, relatives and friends such that their information needs and professional support may overwhelm. For the most part, those reports usually end at that point of time at which someone affected recovers out of his or her not seldom delusional and individually constructed reality into the bosom of the modern world view by means of medication. Thereby, the primal goal of treatment is reached, namely to stabilise a patient such that he can handle his daily life to hold the impacts on his direct environment as small as pos - sible. In many cases, it is hardly known about issues which may let the story become actually interesting. Moreover, one don’t learn about the true causes or reasons of this sickness. Most text books about this topic are written by psychologists or physicians, who cannot really look into their patients and who are influenced by modern world view in science and research, but who neglect the spiritual and mental aspects of this sickness, because they contradict common views in science.

I have now been affected for almost twenty-five years by this psychic disorder and have considered revealing my disorder of psychosis and, according to indications of physicians, paranoid-hallucinatory schizophrenia, to the broad public for roundabout five years, because I think that I have gained many insights over the past years which may have re- volutionary character or could shed new light onto this disease and the soul of human beings in general. During the past five years, I have been concerned with the goal to document and collect meticulously my perceptions, inspirations, impressions and inner insights and to interpret them in the light of my steadily growing knowledge.

I suffered a psychosis at the age of 23. Already a year before, first manic episodes were beginning to loom, which were confusing my mind and which shifted me in ever greater tension. While my childhood up to the age of 12 was principally unburdened, my successive youth was marked by loneliness and mental depression. Generally, I had the impression that a deep melancholy were hanging over me. From the current perspective, I suffered a trauma at the age of 12 since I wasn’t able to handle all those demands, which were carried over to me from outside, adequately. My parents fathered me still very late in their life, after my younger brother had died 1.5 years before my birth at the age of four by some unfortunate misery. My parents were autonomous and owned a DIY store in the building materials trade and I was traded as successor of this parental business. This trauma was almost unnoticeable. It was nothing more than a deep despair, which alienated my Self from my own life. It began with a slight dissociation at dinner. The fact that this was actually a trauma became clear to me no earlier than many years later.

Since the maturation of a personality is a process in which one cannot simply jump over certain steps of development, I was impeded in my further development. Also, I couldn’t adequately meet all those demands at later puberty. At the age of 16, I suffered once again a deep dissociation, which paralysed me over weeks and which led me into a physical depression. During the following years, I tried to grow around my psychic prob - lems and to function somehow while I was still massively challenged at school and at home. I can claim for me that I was emotionally like armoured over many years and didn’t receive or couldn’t allow love at all. During this time, I didn’t receive any helping hand from my family or out of my circle of friends and didn’t make the whole thing a subject of discussion, since I was ashamed for my physical and mental weakness. At school, I dragged myself from one to the next day. Finally, I was living in a school boarding house for the last two years before high school graduation. There, I was offered a short period of rest. However, the emo - tional deficits were almost that high that I eventually heavily decomposed during the following study and suffered a psychosis. A psychosis means a deep interference into the spiritual structure of a human being. It seems as if a predetermined breaking point were broken. Afterwards, nothing seems to be like before. According to the severity of this disorder, the development can be mild. However, the longer the disease symptoms had been overlooked in the preliminary stage the more unfavourable is the long-term prognosis.

After my study, which I had completed very successfully, I began a PhD. Since I had never received special recognition from my family and nothing was always good enough, I tried to prove myself also here. I was able to earn once more a very good degree, but sled in its aftermath once more into a deep phase of exhaustion, a burnout. Therefore, my most important advice to someone affected after a suffered psychosis is to exercise caution and patience. Life cannot progress further in the same way as before. Unfortunately, I wasn’t such insightful and empathic with myself. I always tried to bring myself to my limits and, after they were crossed only for a short moment, I collapsed and decomposed thereby a little bit, whereby this happened at the beginning hardly noticeable to myself, but constantly and regularly in alternation. When I had stabilised myself afterwards, there were times in which I worked myself again into a spiral of overstraining such that I was overstraining me too much once again. The whole process resembled a steady fight, in which I didn’t like to accept any rules. In general, if one doesn’t overstrain oneself too much, a stabilisation may succeed, maybe also without any medication.

From my point of view, the following advice to the closer environment is salient: Since the future perspectives are such limited, family members may react with any lack of understanding or may even exert pressure on the patient in question. Clearly, parents like to have sons or daughters who stand fully in professional life and can handle their matters autonomously. Parents want to have their freedom at some time of their life and want to know their children in the best conditions. To accept that many things won’t work any more, is painful, maybe not so much for someone affected but rather for his family, which might have set many expectations into him, maybe too high ones. By this means, a sick person maybe in the worst case urged to demand too much from himself, to want to give too much and to respect too little his now narrower limits.

Each disease has its own history. Particularly characteristic for a paranoid schizophrenia is the symptom of paranoia, which can occur in different characteristics. Also, functional disorganisations in thought processes can occur like difficulties in concentration, for example. Many a time, persons affected can suffer under acoustic and visual hallucinations. How manifold this picture is, everything is simplifying subsumed under the notion of schizophrenia. Symptoms like paranoia or hallucinations lead usually to a profound loss of connection to reality. Someone affected lives in his or her own world. Often, at the beginning, symptoms are per - ceived as completely positive by persons affected. Therefore, a wish for insight into the disease among severely affected persons is often less pronounced. A possible loss of manic irritability, during which not seldom trivial ideas are inflated to seemingly overwhelming insights into the fabric of the world, is simply felt as too painful.

Mostly, the close environment of persons affected is also affected like relatives or friends, who could be strongly affected by the implications of this disorder and who not seldom reach their energetic limits as well. Occasionally, even a forced admission into a clinic happens. There, medication is usually state of the art, which can stop an acute phase at short notice. In only a few days, manias can disappear, a paranoia is gone and the extent of hallucinations is strongly damped. Once back in the here and now, persons affected cannot believe what had happened in them before and what this sickness had done with them, and embrace a temporary stabilisation typically with great gratitude. I speak of temporary since the rupture of the predetermined breaking point, which is so characteristic for a psychosis, leaves traces behind. Therefore, a psychic and spiritual vulnerability, which may have existed primarily even before the advent of this disorder, is preserved and even exponentiated.

Unfortunately, in my special case, I couldn’t foresee that I was not prepared for all those challenges lying ahead after the rupture of the predetermined breaking point. Like will be described in close detail in the sequel, the increased demands during my PhD led to further destabilisations, occurring bit by bit. However, even though I took my medication on a regular basis and was adjusted later to much more modern and more potent drugs, which allowed me a much greater mental concentration, the condition of my soul was impaired noticeably. Ultimately, I wanted too much and was overstraining myself. Since I was used to give the highest performance as being possible in each case, since I originated from a very performance-oriented family, I didn’t respect the limits of my soul as serious enough. Hence, it came as it had to come. I was granted a doctoral degree, but sled afterwards into a severe burnout. During this burnout, I was situated from my power and my spiritual condition at the limit. In the wake of this exhaustion, worlds of perceptions were opened to me unknown to me before, apart from the instant of the outbreak of my psychosis itself. This will be the topic of my subsequent report. Due to those extended perceptions, I was allowed to gain great insights into my sickness.

I had similar perceptions occasionally already at the beginning of my study. Obviously, my senses were honed by occasional manic states and hypersensitivity, which may have developed as response to the overstimulation of my nervous system. The prevalent sensations were felt or perceived energetic forces between human beings or human beings and nature. I was so overwhelmed by this hypersensitivity and the insights were that overwhelming that I wanted to try to get to the bottom of all of it. This entire process was taking place in its extremest form roundabout six months before my psychosis. Meanwhile, I suffered a period of time of three weeks with irregular and too little sleep deepening my miseries. As I won the main price for a weekend trip to the United States of America to New York in a discotheque, I wanted to utilise the stay there to fathom my perceptions scientifically. Eventually, this was the reason which brought my soul to the limit and which let me decompose in the sequel. Concretely, my concentration wore out during the stay in New York more and more and, after only four days, the above-mentioned predetermined breaking point broke. During the following stay in a psy - chiatric clinic, I could stabilise again and could hold me stable during my subsequent study, apart from some incidental brief drops with excessive perceptions. The »research« about myself was pushed into the background for some time.

After my first burnout had subsided, I took the position of a postdoctoral scientist in a research institute roundabout two years later. At the beginning, everything was fine. Since I had only a temporary contract, the end of my work was foreseeable. I had begun undertaking a study in Economics and business administration already during my former main study, which I, since I now had more time at my disposal, wanted to continue. One month before the end of my occupation, I was on a vacation for a week and I wanted to prepare myself for downright three exams to gain my intermediate diploma in Economics. Thereby, I overstrained myself again. After only four days of this increased tension, a further predetermined breaking point broke in me with the result that I afterwards had to suffer a severe sleeping disorder and could find sleep for no more than two to three hours a day. Hence, I slipped into a second severe burnout. As I was back at my home town, it took me nearly half a year, until I could overcome my sleeping problem. A regular work was inconceivable. In contrast, I was cognitively lying at the bottom. With the firm determination to stabilise myself as fast as possible and to find a paid occupa - tion, I began a therapy half a year later running over almost two years. But even after this time period, a regular occupation was far out of sight. Eventually, the decision matured in me to accept this situation and to start alternative projects. Among them, to fathom the true causes of my disorder as well as to find out suitable possibilities for treatment and to walk on the path of healing.

There are three main scientific issues for me which have to be discussed to decode the mystery: First of all, what constitutes a soul? It is just a divine breeze, a breath, a pneuma, which enters into us at conception and which leaves us at the moment of death? Wasn’t science able to prove that there is nothing in our mind or the remainder of our body which could form the domicile of a soul? However, wouldn’t it be possible to rethink it differently in close connection to theosophical or anthroposophical concepts? Secondly, is a certain manifestation of a vital life force determining the fate of each living being on earth? Haven’t the Austrian founder of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and the French pioneer of modern dynamic psychiatry Pierre Janet assumed such a manifest - ation especially in human beings? Like Eros and Thanatos according to Freud as the dual forces love and hate in their piquant interplay within our libido. Or like a general psychic force according to Janet? Or does it represent rather a »primordial«, the whole cosmos penetrating energy form of a so-called orgone according to the Austrian-American physician, psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Wilhelm Reich? Is it possibly a socalled radial energy, an agent driving development towards the point Omega as some kind of divine self-recognition, which is pursuing to concentrate itself within spirit and to internalise itself like being put forward by the French Jesuit, palaeontologist and philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin? Couldn’t it be possible to rethink this concept just universally as a sublime ethereal energy field, which accompanies the physically perceivable material energy, so to speak, as an emanation of divine spirit? Here matter, there spirit, both in accordance with one another? And, finally, thirdly, the important question of type and source of consciousness. Is it simply only singularly interpretable as emergent phenomenon of neuronal complexity? Or isn’t consciousness in human beings rather a byproduct of a broader state of being, a type of a field of consciousness spanning the entire universe? Isn’t it suggested by physical theories like quantum mechanics, according to which consciousness is simply a precondition of matter, so to speak, a prerequisite of reality as perceived with our senses. For me, those are collectively the main topics, which one has to face if one wants to fathom the mystery of humankind in a com - prehensive manner.

In my report, I will address the symptoms of my sickness, which occurred rather late after my acute phase, very detailed. Since I made comprehensive session reports during my therapies to understand myself and my psychic problems in more detail, they can deliver a vast wealth of ex- perience by which many of my problems become plastically clear since they had been discussed and set down immediately after they had happened. At the beginning of my investigations, I was of the opinion that many of my observations were principally trivial. However, the more I understood about a psyche and a soul in general the more realistic and authentic those self-revelations became to me. Hence, I began five years ago, after I had finished my last greater therapy efforts, to write down and collect many impressions and intellectual inspirations, which was moving me in my mind. Currently, I can draw on a vast treasure of own observations, which allow me to delve deeper into this mystery. Due to the digital innovation with the advent of the Internet, the practical possibilities to sieve through a great deal of information and knowledge has become significantly easier. However, I kept attached primarily to my own experience, but I received many experience reports also drawn from marginal topics of psychology with great interest. By this means, a world view grew in me which can shed an innovative light on psychoses themselves.

Obviously, there are certain forces which exist within the soul of a human being which wants to drive someone affected to ever more insights, and if one allows it, which can also mature someone affected further. A soul is on the search for expansion of consciousness. She always wants to learn more and more and to open itself during this process. Hence, many persons affected can experience that they can find the keys to their problems late in life and can heal slowly. Their increased insights into their disorders work like catalysts, which open a path of healing.

Many of those things which had been typically spoken or written about psychoses in particular or psychic disorders in general are from my point of view incomplete or questionable. Many contemporary researchers want, only too willingly, to locate much within an individual human brain and for many scientists, psychiatrists and physicians a schizophrenic disorder is therefore simply nothing more than a »biochemical imbalance« in the nervous system, caused by an imbalance of neurotransmitters within synapses or neurons. Unfortunately, they don’t see the true interrelationships and the true causes of this sickness. Only if the material and spiritual sphere are regarded both as determining for this disorder, one can even approach the explanation of the associated psychic problems at all. For a modern physician or psychiatrist, this would naturally mean that many things, which had them been told about a psyche, a soul or psychic, but also psychosomatic symptoms, had to be thrown overboard. But the modern world view in medicine and science is such powerful and the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry that high that it would resemble a kind if blasphemy if one dared to shake at this world view.

Clearly, I recognise myself also as a child of modern culture and modern world view. However, I regard many modern concepts, which are currently prevalent in psychology, as profoundly simplifying. They neglect the important core of psychic sicknesses: The connection between body and mind. I want to claim for myself that I am not mentally sick, but rather spiritually or, better said, spiritually sick within the connection between body and soul without using the devaluing notion of madness. Only in the face of both the material and spiritual sphere, it will succeed at all in shedding more light into darkness, in particular as far as schizophrenias are concerned. Without such an approach, it isn’t possible from my point of view to recognise a psyche, a soul and an ego as that what they are: Mediators between material and spiritual spheres.

I will start my report with the description of the outbreak of my psychosis during my short trip to New York in the United States of America. Clearly, I had had some indications of certain psychic problems already in advance of my psychosis, but I could always stabilise myself enough. The true outbreak of my psychosis happened on a weekend trip to New York, which I had won as main price in a discotheque. Hence, the relevant experience with my disorder began actually no earlier than after that point in time.

After a short description of the events during my psychosis and my brief stay in the closed psychiatric clinic of the Beth Israel medical centre in New York, I will give an overview over my prehistory, my childhood and youth. Also at that time there were some indications of an enhanced psychic vulnerability and preconditions, which were already pointing towards a looming disorder, but nothing was such profound and deep for my personality than the psychosis itself. Subsequently, I will present certain excerpts from my records and diary entries, which allow to convey a rough impression with which phenomena I was burdened and which still burden me. According to those reports, I was already ten years ago on a comparable level of understanding of my feelings and perceptions with similar conclusions, but only during the past five years I was constantly concerned with this topic and got a wealth of interesting insights such that I am only now in a position and of the will to transmit my special case to the public.

In a closing epilogue, I will give a short outlook in which I will give some insights into those main topics which I have roughly sketched at the beginning of this introduction and which I like to discuss in more detail to span the bow to upcoming publications. The fact that the main part of this book contains session reports shall be emphasised once more. Hence, many ad-hoc explanations, which came into my mind during writing of these texts, mirror nothing more than metaphors or pure concepts and approaches to understanding, which made the effects, symptoms and coincidences, which I was facing, concrete and understandable, but which may not reflect the true mechanisms of cause and effect of it. No earlier than during the past years, I could gain detailed insights into the causes and reasons of my disorder, which will be addressed briefly at the end of this publication and which I plan to discuss in more detail in follow-up publications. Hence, it may be of advantage to read at first the full text and to go through it a second time in the light of the epilogue. By this means, many things may become clearer, which had been defined unclear or imprecisely before, like the notion of ethereal energy or the concept of so-called soul seeds, for instance.

2 How it all began – my psychosis in New York

It was quite a fate that I had won a free flight to New York with three overnight stays in a discotheque in my local home town. As I was sipping bored at my cocktail at a bar, I heard my name called out from the desk of the DJ. From all imaginable destinations, I had to visit surely one of the most nerve-racking places of the world, namely, on a weekend trip to the vivid metropolis of the United States of America, where the stimuli were just mind-blowing. Before that, I had suffered for nearly two years from problems concerning overstimulations of my senses. A simple visit to a supermarket with all its coloured and sharp sensory impressions forced me to rest. Often, I had afterwards to lay down on my bed in my bedroom after closing my shutters in my small flat on the basement floor.

Roundabout half a year later before the event in New York, I moved into a small student pad. I suffered during the first three weeks almost sleepless nights since the outdoor lighting in front of the house let me often wake up during the night such that I ran almost like a zombie throughout the university, where I lingered over the day, but I tried not to let this openly on. Also during the time following, I stood somehow under high voltage. It seemed nearly as if I were driven by something. Something made me always manic. During this time, I could still hold the tension in the boiler, but the mental forces were enormous, which was enhanced further by the spiritual surroundings of the university.

In some lectures, I made the experience that energy flashes, which were shown to me as golden-yellow bright light spots, were wandering from body to body. For instance, I saw from the corner of my left eye how a small bright dazzling light ball moved from the desk of the professor along the wall slowly the stairs upwards and got close to me. Since I was sitting at the uppermost end of the benches, this substance entered unintentionally my body. I wanted to repel it and shook thereby involuntary my head. Thereby, I could observe how two students, who were sitting diagonally on the right-hand side in front of me and who weren’t looking behind themselves, suddenly shook their heads to the side as well such as if they also wanted to repel something, until the third and last student was reached, who shook his head a little bit more noticeable. I interpreted this as a wandering of some kind of energy, something what I couldn’t define precisely at that time.

At a second moment, similar happened in another lecture. Also there, I saw from the corner of my right eye how the tutor seemed to let wander some kind of a »bright golden flash« towards me. A third time, it seemed as if the tutor tried to send me energy by fixating the slope of the concrete wall at one side of the lecture room. I thought maybe it were possible to capture the reflected mental beams, which were mirrored and broken at the walls of the lecture room, such that an invisible connection between the lecturer and me could be established. At that time, I had no further obvious visual or acoustic hallucinations. It was only the case that sometimes the above-mentioned observations occurred, which, however, seemed to be rational to me if I interpreted them in the framework of my for this purpose readily knocked-up theory.

At that time, I was already very sensitive for ethereal influences, which motivated me to fathom these things in closer detail. Since I always liked to conduct research, I wanted to get to the bottom of it all with all due meticulousness and reasonable care possible. Therefore, this trip to New York came just right. To make matters worse, I carried a file with student scripts alongside with me since a week later I had to attend an exam in my study. In general, I was always very ambitious and I didn’t want to miss anything or get a bad degree. Also, I extended the trip of two days, which I had won as main price, to totally six days and had to accept to go into the next term. Hence, I made myself unnecessary stress already at the beginning and felt myself correspondingly a little bit »lifted«. Hence, the whole thing changed from a nice leisure trip to an extreme nerveracking and stressful adventure. At that time, stress had normally the effect to enhance the processing speed of my brain enormously.

After having arrived with the plane in New York, I was such captured by this new environment and all those many people around me that I possibly acted like a hounded deer from the onset such that I was immediately flagged down to an inspection of my luggage by an officer, after I had left the gateway. In the bus from the airport to the city centre, I was accompanied by a small family, a man with two grown-up sons, who I should meet later once again at the Times Square where I queued up to buy a cheap remaining ticket for the musical »Cats«.

During the first two nights, I was staying in a middle-class hotel. On the desk, I made sketches about my experiences in a frenzy. I wanted to get to the bottom of all of it. I wanted to find out what those energies were all about which should act between human beings. My most important instrument of analysis was my own mental concentration. For instance, as I was sitting in the underground, I found out that I could ma- nipulate other people somehow just by concentrating myself with the intention to exchange energies. Then, I examined if the faces of the bystanders were changing somehow or if at the habitus of those people something special appeared. For instance, I was sitting there in the underground face to face with other people, was concentrating myself strongly and looked into the faces of the passengers around me, who clearly had had a tough day and showed certain signs of fatigue.

I was of the opinion to be able to exert control on other people over greater distances just by means of my mental concentration. There were two poles: On the one hand, I observed in their faces the superior mischievous smile and, on the other hand, the wondering silly stare. Between both two poles, according to my impression, I could intentionally influence other people. The more observations I could made the stronger be - came my fear to be on the path of something very spooky. I heard people saying: »Be careful! Go slow!« or something similar, which moved me to assume that this phenomenon were clearly well-known, but that I was holding the key in my hands to manipulate people around me by means of my unauthorised acting. I was of the opinion that I couldn’t succeed any more in a figurative sense in cutting the bridges behind me, which tried to lead me from normal reality into some uncharted territory. Also, I had an indefinite hunch that my back was somehow »open«, which I couldn’t interpret further. The thoughts beset me so much that I feared to make myself guilty before an imaginary God. At the beginning, it was quite a conscious decision of will. However, with passing time, those thoughts captured me even more and initiated some kind of obsession and momentum. Hence, it wasn’t me who controlled it, but it downright controlled me.

The first two days went somewhat smooth. I was in the position to cap my perceptions to some extent and to participate in normal life quite unmolested. I packed all impressions into me which I could get. For instance, I ferried over with a boat to visit Ellis Island and looked into the showcases and cabinets of former immigrants. Moreover, I stood at the base of the statue of liberty and took a picture. I visited Manhattan city centre, went into Trump Tower, but walked otherwise relatively aimlessly without any plan throughout the city. Since I was walking the whole day by foot, this exhausted me very fast. The whole time, I was pondering about ominous energies. I had the feeling to have slightly lost the connection between my soul and my body. I began to think on a higher metaphysical level and, when I was going along the pavement under a marquee, for instance, I tried to hold my imaginary soul above that marquee to protect it from the grasp of other people.

Also on the boat to Ellis Island, I had the impression that I had the power to send energies of passengers of the boat into the sea just be means of my imagination, which frightened me. I knew that I shouldn’t do this, but I couldn’t keep my thoughts under control. The path down from the ferry to the mainland, I had to descend a little gangway. Thereby, a man stumbled in front of me and I saw how a man next to me held his index finger towards the sky as if he wanted to indicate me: »Be careful! Don’t do this!« I referred this to myself and felt myself from that time on accompanied by certain people, which I referred to as mediums, who would assist me in my determination to decode the mystery. I thought things like: »O.K.! She knows, I must be more careful!« and similar things. The hand signals of the man on the path along the gangway should obviously signal to me that I had to be more careful.

The power, which I had exerted towards other people in the framework of controlled observations, kept me now in tight stranglehold. My concentration wasn’t from now on no scientific instrument of analysis any more, but had now to assume the task to desperately preserve the integrity of my body-soul-spirit compound, which demanded ever greater efforts from my side. One insight I had already learned from the perceptions at university: »Who can concentrate hisself stronger can draws energies towards himself from his surroundings«. However, apart from those elementary recipes, my knowledge about these things was strongly limited. I was missing the support of the spiritual world, which could lead me. Hence, I involved myself ever deeper into those spooky relationships. My initial power and strength changed slowly but steadily to almost complete powerlessness.

The first two days were passing by very fast. I felt myself already physically drained and my soul was relatively exhausted by my metaphysical experiments. I was running, like it fits usually in with my nature, rather aimlessly without any clear plan throughout the city and was walking in New York on rather remote paths such as if I were lacking some kind of divine guidance. After the first two nights, which I had spent in a hotel, I walked over to a youth hostel, where I had checked in already at home for a further four days. Having arrived there, some problems with my personal data were given, which, however, could be resolved fast. I was occupying a room with twelve other young men, usually adults of my age. Since I was not used to live with other people that close, this was another great challenge for me. I locked my most valuable belongings and valuables into a safe on the basement floor.

The first day in the youth hostel was once again packed with many new impressions. In the morning, I stood on Times Square to buy a remaining ticket for the Broadway. I decided myself for the musical »Cats«, similar to the man with his two sons, who I had already met in the shuttle bus from the airport, who suddenly took me and moved me to the side. Actually, the ticket booth had been painted and I was going to touch the wet paint with my jacket. Interestingly, I met them in the same musical in the evening. They were sitting two rows behind me.

I spent nearly the whole day once again running aimlessly throughout the city. As I went to the musical in the evening, I encountered a supposed homeless man in front of the entrance, who asked me for some pennies. I gave him as much as I could and then meant to him: »Please try again!«, with which I wanted to tell him to take some other opportunities please. In the musical at the Broadway, a young lady sat to the left beside me. We became familiar with one another. However, I wasn’t at that time totally relaxed in social relationships. This had its cause in the fact that an inner film often shot through my mind during conservations, which was exclusively concerned with energies, which, according to my opinion, were acting between human beings. Only occasionally, I was freed from this obsession. Among all those people in the audience, I had the impres - sion that I could receive or send energies. For instance, I meant to be able to stimulate those people sitting in front of me to twist or move. To stop this, I finally imagined a kind of circle, along which my energy should whirl around my own body to keep everything within me. Hence, the problem was actually as follows: I felt myself in a position to emit ima - ginary energies, but, somehow, I had the impression that I actually lost them, which finally frightened me a lot since I had the fear that I could lose a portion of my life energy, as which it ultimately had to be regarded, if I couldn’t succeed in cutting the bridge as fast as possible which wanted to lead me from the bottom of reality into some uncharted territory.

During the musical presentation, I actually was very intensely occupied with preserving my inner spiritual constitution. I was very afraid and had the impression that I could almost blend into my surroundings. The borders of my ego were not as clear any more. My initial power to suck the last secrets from the matrix, became powerlessness with the fear not being able any more to withstand those demons which I had called out of the blue. The young lady beside me was freezing. She put on her jacket. Constantly, I had the impression that certain actors were fixating me from the parquet flooring, which showed me that I seemed to send mental en- ergies in spite of my precautions such that I was obviously focusing all attention on me. Despite of those many songs which were moving my heart I was pretty much occupied with preserving my inner energy state instead of being able to enjoy this in any way whatsoever.

After the musical, the young lady next to me invited me to spend the rest of the evening with her. She had a girlfriend with her of the same age. They came from Switzerland and were visiting their aunt, in whose apartment they were staying overnight. As we stepped out of the theatre, I noticed that the beggar whom I had given some money before stood on a platform and yelled against God such as if a demon from me had passed over to him as well. The platform had already stirred my interest, but had been occupied by some other guy before. It was very frightening and surprising at the same time how he revealed his dark thoughts to the world in a frenzy. Since both ladies obviously knew Manhattan very well, they led me onto the uppermost floor of a skyscraper, where one could enjoy a marvellous round view onto the city lit by night. Hence, on the way to the renowned twisting restaurant »New York Marriott Marquis«, we were driving to the ninth floor of a skyscraper. However, on the last stairway up to the queue of waiting people, a bad feeling crept over me. I didn’t feel familiar with all those people and became swimming knees and became slightly dizzy. I could clearly notice how my legs began to tremble. Hence, we left this building again.

Even on ground level again, back on the basement floor of this skyscraper, without having achieved anything, I was feeling quite uncomfortable. Afterwards, both ladies invited me into a noble small bar with live music, where we were enjoying a small cocktail. While I was sitting on a bar stool, I noticed that one of the ladies exchanged a meaningful gaze with one of the bartenders. After I had drunk a so-called gold-warmer, in which fine gold pieces were swimming, I was feeling better. We were talking excited. Afterwards our paths separated. While they were on the way to their apartment, I went to the underground, relatively exhausted from this hard day.

Back in the youth hostel, I turned on the light in the multi-bed room. Most beds were already occupied. My place was uppermost on a bunk bed. As I tried to lift me onto my sleeping area, the young man below me mumbled my last name like in trance. Since there couldn’t have been any possibility how he could have found out my name, I was a little bit con - fused. As I woke up the next morning and all other room mates had already left, I enjoyed a short moment of rest. I noticed that I felt myself somehow strange such as if I were wrapped into wad. After I had taken a fast breakfast in the bistro, I was on the way to New York city centre. I still wanted once to visit the Empire State Building. On the way to the Central Park, I could very clearly feel a light hull around my body. I had exhausted myself mentally and physically that strong that I meant to notice a bright fog around me, could hear strange voices, which were speaking from impending death or babbled something about energies.

After only a few hours among the crowd of the city, I suddenly pan - icked. My body sensations were completely altered. Due to the whole stress in the metropolis among all those people and due to all those many sensations, the speed of my thinking was accelerated enormously. At each corner and in each person, I were sensing a vague threat and thoughts about energies crept over me. My concentration, which I had used before to preserve a certain mental integrity, wore out more and more. Instead, those outer perceptions almost flew unfiltered into my consciousness. Despite this fact, I succeeded in confusing my mind not too much and to make relatively reasonable decisions. However, I was caught by the feeling that I would stand shortly before an imminent death and that my soul were standing in front of the gates of heaven.

I dropped my endeavour to visit the Empire State Building since I had dark premonitions that I could be attacked and possibly even shot. I was full of panic and, due to my altered body sensation, I was running like an insane person throughout the city and was yelling in a frenzy: »I don’t wanna die! I wanna live!« On the way through the city with the vague direction of the liberty statue in the south of Manhattan, I bought a black baseball cap of Chicago Bulls with red embroideries and a mighty bull on the front of the cap in a store. One time, I went into the reception of a hospital, whose entrance I was passing by by accident. A small plastic bound was tied very unkindly about my wrist at the information desk and I was asked to take a seat in the waiting room. Somehow, I must have had something to write with me, because I could find in my records the pleading wish that I should be given the »kiss of life«. Since all this waiting be - came tiring to me and because I was caught by my feelings and nobody of the waiting people took notice of me, I went back onto the street, fully powerless in fear.

I desperately needed a place where I could put my soul to rest. Hence, I went into an apartment block and lay down on a couch in the foyer, but I was rudely asked by the concierge to leave the building. As I entered a skyscraper, I saw persons around me and could receive some vague chains of thoughts which sounded as follows: »He is in upper heaven«, but somehow without observing this sentence being spoken out, but rather if the souls of the people standing around me were communicating with each other. As I was standing at a juncture of a street and there was a lady with her newborn child in her hands standing on the opposite side of the road, I got the mental call in relatively broken English: »Don’t do anything to this kid!« such as if I should beware not to do something bad to this innocent little child. Probably, I had certain mental powers due to the shift in my body-soul-spirit compound, which could let fear this. What impressed me most, was the acquaintance with a coloured young lady, who asked me for the way. Since I was from abroad, I just respon - ded briefly: »I don’t know!«, after which she insisted: »Yes, you know!« and urged me to take a glance on the city map. Later, it became clear to me that this could have been an opportunity to collect a positive karma point. This couldn’t have been a sole coincidence.

I was running almost the whole day without clear aim southwards throughout the city. As it became dark, I took the underground. While sitting in the cabin, I could feel very sharply the energetic fields of two women, who were chatting with one another next to me. It felt as if something were pulling at me or pushing on me. I noticed that my muscles were twitching and that I had a lifted body sensation. As I stepped the steps upwards towards the pavement, I was downright carried away by the crowd like driven by elementary forces. It was so easy to swim in the energetic field of the surrounding crowd while it costed me some strength to go my own ways. Eventually, this was enough for me. I had no hope any more to arrive safe and healthy at the youth hostel. Hence, I stopped a cab to get me to a local hospital. How this happened isn’t clear to me any more, but this was a sensible decision. I told the cab driver some frightening stories about my perceptions during the ride and that he should try not to gaze at beautiful women crossing the street since this would suck energy from him. Moreover, I told him to look into the rear view mirror to send me energy and that he should open the windows to let energy enter the cab from outside. This was also enough for the cab driver. Without asking me for any cent, he brought me to the entrance of a hospital where a throng of policemen was standing.

One of him took me and led me inside. Having arrived there, everything went relatively smooth. At first, I was brought into some kind of sobering-up cell, in which I was sitting lonely for nearly an hour and was observed by a small camera, which was installed in the upper righthand side corner of the room and through which I was constantly observed while I let spin the baseball cap of Chicago Bulls thoughtlessly and bored within my hands. I meant to have heard some voices of people who were deliberating on my situation. A felt eternity later, a middle-aged man came with a wheelchair into the small room and escorted me along a floor to the end of the aisle to a local elevator. On the way there, we crossed some kind of check point. Since I was still on the search for a »kiss of life«, the man meant to the woman at the counter that he had no power any more and that he was completely drained by this hard day. As the elevator door closed behind me, I arrived a little time later within a new world: The closed psychiatric ward on the uppermost floor of the Jewish Beth Israel medical centre in New York.

The first thing which became obvious to me was the uniform clothing of all of its inmates. Everyone wore a blue pyjama and it wasn’t divided by gender. I should take a seat on a large-scale couch in the lounge. The whole scene made a surreal impression on me. The nurses were running with oversized blood pressure monitors on mobile pillars throughout the ward. For me, it seemed as if my positive karma were measured on the mercury scale, which I had collected during my life time so far and that I had really arrived at the gates of heaven.

At the sides of the lounge, there were rooms with the beds for inmates. In the opposite direction alongside a nurse room, there was a lengthy aisle which was segmented by a small counter from which at one side again some hospital bed rooms departed up to a further lounge which served also as dining room and in which almost all group activities were taking place. There was also a television set installed at the ceiling. Departing from it, there was a connection to a further room, which was reserved for nurse personnel only. On the aisle in immediate vicinity to the nurse room, there stood a water dispenser, as usual in America. All windows were closed and couldn’t be opened even in tilt position. Enough fresh filtered air was provided by air conditioning. Everything felt completely locked from the outside world as if the most dangerous bunch of people were residing there which New York had to offer.