The sex guide: Enjoy with all senses…. - Claudia Hesseler - E-Book

The sex guide: Enjoy with all senses…. E-Book

Claudia Hesseler

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Seduction tips that will enrich your love life Do you know that: You suddenly have the feeling that you are feeling everything more intensely? You should use that. After all, sex is also about enjoying with all your senses. You will be surprised how intensely all your senses react when you are skillfully stimulated. This innovative coaching will lead you to the best sex of your life: Pleasurable steps will not only open your eyes, but all your senses - and let you enjoy eroticism with a completely new devotion. How you can open your senses, your mind and your body - and disruptive factors don't stand a chance. And how to make sex back to what it was meant to be: the mind-blowing, mind-bending, breathtaking basis of your love affair.

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Seitenzahl: 114

Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2023

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Claudia Hesseler

Enjoy with all senses….

From the magical seduction of the senses to the ultimate increase in pleasure for mutual sexual fulfillment

Deutsche Ausgabe März 2015

© 2015 Claudia Hesseler

© 2023 Claudia Hesseler englische Fassung

ISBN Softcover: 978-3-347-94939-3 ISBN E-Book: 978-3-347-94940-9

Druck und Distribution im Auftrag: tredition GmbH, An der Strusbek 10, 22926 Ahrensburg, Germany

Das Werk, einschließlich seiner Teile, ist urheberrechtlich geschützt. Für die Inhalte ist verantwortlich. Jede Verwertung ist ohne unzulässig. Die Publikation und Verbreitung erfolgen im Auftrag, zu erreichen unter: tredition GmbH, Abteilung "Impressumservice", An der Strusbek 10, 22926 Ahrensburg, Deutschland.

Lyrics: With the eyes of a woman (Nockalm Quintet)

We loved each other like so often

a quick kiss I have to go

you hold me back and say

you men will never understand.

A short fire is not enough for us

we also want the after

closely entwined skin to skin

That's what makes us happy.

With a woman's eyes

the world looks very different

their dreams and thoughts

are way ahead of us men.

What they want, how they feel

we don't know exactly

'Cause we'll never see

with a woman's eyes

I take you gently in my arms

I hurt you, sorry

But I swear next time

I'll take more time for you.

You look at me with that look

telling me you don't care about me now

unfortunately your oath comes much too late,

there is no next time for us.

With a woman's eyes

the world looks very different

their dreams and thoughts

are way ahead of us men.

What they want, how they feel

we don't know exactly

'Cause we'll never see

with a woman's eyes



Title Page


Lyrics: with the Eyes of a Woman (Nockalm Quintet)


The Eye Eats With…

The Ear is the Way to the Heart…

Verbal Bondage (Vocal Bondage), for Example, Has an Incredible Amount of Appeal ….

You Can Smell If It's the Right Partner…

Forbidden Fruits Taste Best…

Just Don't Rush, Slowly, Please, Grope Forward…

You Can No Longer Separate Your Feeling and Your Craving…

The Limits of Your Imagination are the Limits of Your World…

In a Broader Sense…

Partners Who Only Make You Hot for a Short Time Often Leave You Cold in the Long Term…

When Pain Becomes Pleasure…

You Throw Me off Balance…

Nothing is More Appreciated than a Deep Encounter…

Another Hot Topic…


The sex guide: Enjoy with all senses….


Title Page






The sex guide: Enjoy with all senses….

























































































Enjoy with all senses…

Do you still remember the early days when every touch, no matter how small, made the butterflies in your stomach dance? Wherever one look was enough, to arose the desire not to spend the time in public, but in intimate togetherness. Every moment was actually a prelude to the more intimate hours for two. Until everyday life somehow caught up with you… or the hormones calmed down…

Well, the long-standing partnerships and marriages between you now know each other so intimately that the many little quirks of the other unfortunately no longer let butterflies dance, but rather anger and frustration accumulates in the stomach. The occasional or even regularly planned togetherness lacks any spontaneity, but has become a comfortable, familiar, intimate experience.

But unfortunately, dear lords of creation, I repeatedly meet women who are even in long-term relationships or marriages and seriously ask me whether there really is such a thing as an orgasm. What is going on there in your beds? What nonsense is being practiced there? And you gentlemen are whining to my ears that your women no longer feel like it - what do you think could be the reason for this?

Dear gentlemen, it's really not enough to turn the buttons 3 times, then check in the crotch how far it is and put your little prince in - true to the motto: it will be fine enough… Your ladies want to be wooed and seduced and not only in the moment, when it's supposed to get down to business. It usually takes longer for a woman to reach her climax, so with such a superficial treatment, it certainly cannot be experienced together with her partner, if at all!

At some point shame takes hold of you and you no longer dare to live out new sex fantasies because you don't want to be thought of as perverted. Especially in relationships, this shame quickly becomes an inhibition threshold and suddenly you first have no tingling and then no more sex and you become increasingly frustrated.

Many suggest every woman experience multiple orgasms after a sizzling foreplay. However, the reality in bed often looks different and leaves many disappointments. While sexuality is primarily something physical for men, sexuality for women is mainly mental. Therefore, her psyche and body must be in harmony if the sexual experience is to be enjoyable. If you give your the feeling that she is your personal adored erotic goddess, then this will give her the self-confidence to behave the same way in bed and thus have the freedom to seduce you according to all the rules of the art.

The motivation to engage in a sexual act is complex. In women, it is often associated with increasing emotional closeness to a partner. This gives her the feeling of being attractive, of being desired, in order to be able to open up to him in a trusting manner. Arousal begins with a lively feeling that spreads throughout the body. Most often it is associated with the desire to feel a partner. At the same time, the heart rate and blood pressure increase and the vaginal moisture increases.

Additionally, a woman's responses are controlled to some degree by her hormones and are therefore cycle dependent. In addition, external factors such as everyday stress or psychological stress can have a strong influence on the female organism. The extent to which touch, movements, conversations, images, memories, dreams and fantasies trigger sexual arousal therefore not only differs from woman to woman, but is also subject to considerable fluctuations within a cycle.

Dear ladies: The desire for sexual satisfaction is a natural need and not a reason for feelings of guilt. Only when a woman herself knows what she wants and communicates this to her partner can she experience satisfying sexual intercourse. Some women have great inhibitions about their own sexuality and feel ashamed about exploring themselves. This ignorance combined with the constant disappointment of unsatisfied lust can lead to difficulties with the partner and reduced desire for sexual activity. A lack of pronunciation can develop from initial problems into permanent sexual disorders. The best way to prevent such disorders is to have sufficient knowledge of your own body, healthy self-confidence and open dealings with your own sexuality, also and especially towards your partner!

Most men know their genitals and their function as a matter of course and are proud of it. For many women, their own private parts are still associated with shame and far fewer women masturbate themselves. Social taboos prevent women from encountering their sexuality as naturally as most men. Nearly one in three women in a survey said they were taught in childhood that touching their vagina was "dirty, unclean, or nasty." These concerns and inhibitions stand in the way of fulfilling sexuality. Self-exploration is the first step to remedial action. A woman should plan a lot of time and rest and look for a place where she is undisturbed and feels comfortable.

I believe that every relationship can be sexually fulfilled for many years and this beyond the monotonous missionary position, but also beyond extreme Shades of Gray (BDSM) gimmicks. The arousal can be increased in various ways up to orgasm. So you know very well which sex practices you prefer and have probably already dealt with them, otherwise there are better books for you than this one. These practices, if they are mutual, are always right for them! No matter what others say about it… Even for frequency and intensity, there is only one guideline - it has to be what both of you want! Only then can it be fulfilling for both of you!

As I said, it's not about any sexual practices at all, but about playing with the senses - seduction. It may take a little courage to take the step, but it's worth it. We want to increase the pleasure factor through skillful seduction of the senses… Sapere gaude – with joy and pleasure to recognize the world, to experience it with all senses…

The physiological perception of the environment with the sense organs is called sense. Classically, a distinction is made between five senses in general usage, which were already described by Aristotle:


the visual perception with the eyes


the auditory perception with the ears


the olfactory perception with the nose


the gustatory perception with the tongue


tactile perception with the skin

Modern physiology recognizes four additional human senses:

- Temperature sense, thermoreceptor

- Pain sensation, nociception

- Vestibular sense, sense of balance

- Body sensation (or depth sensitivity), proprioception

In addition, there are other sensory abilities that are not consciously or directly perceptible. In humans, for example, the blood pressure receptors in the throat area, with which inner control circuits ensure a high-quality and even blood supply to the body, especially to the brain.

Let's stick with the 5 senses for now. Anyone who has learned to consciously use these senses during sex has already gained a lot.

The eye eats with…

When our eyes meet, I read him like a book… I know his thoughts and motivations and vice versa. We don't say a word and about this period of time, which is not without it… we say more with looks than with words…

Our eyes are a marvel of nature: our sense of sight provides us with around 80 percent of all information from the environment that we process in our brains. We can distinguish around 150 color tones from the spectrum of visible light and combine them into half a million color sensations. Presumably only those who lack sight can really understand how important the eyes are for our lives.

The eye has the task of converting the electromagnetic waves of light into a sequence of nerve impulses, which can then be transmitted to the brain. "Being able to see" means that light from the outside has to reach the retina unhindered through the entire eye and excite nerve cells there. The actual image of our environment is then created in the brain.

We no longer consciously perceive many objects or people. A quick glance is enough to sort out everyday things. So, when was the last time you really noticed your partner?

Take a look at your partner! It is not for nothing that a look says more than a thousand words. In a conversation, you automatically look into the eyes of the person you are talking to because they provide information about what is going on in your mind. This is especially true when flirting, where people usually look deep into each other's eyes. Emotions such as fear, anger and joy are reflected in it. No matter how hard you try to hide your feelings from others, your eyes always give you away. You have no influence on this, because the inner eye muscles are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which cannot be consciously controlled.

If you are interested: you simply cannot take your eyes off the object of your desire. So, if someone looks at you several times in a row, you have caught his attention.

The opposite is true if he's looking past you or staring at the floor. Even the arm on the counter with the hand hanging down shows more boredom than devotion. Equally striking and an expression of disinterest is the controversial alignment of the upper and lower half of the body. His torso is pointing towards you, but his feet and knees are pointing out to the side, then he's not seriously interested in you, at least not right now.

Remember: someone who likes you will always try to impress you. And then he bursts with self-confidence, a straight posture and a dominant charisma. His voice will grow darker and he will look deep into your eyes.