Theory of the Quality of Life - Giuseppe Quartieri - E-Book

Theory of the Quality of Life E-Book

Giuseppe Quartieri

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The scope of this book is to develop and propose the fundamentals of the theory of the quality of life, that some people consider an old concept but it needs sound theoretical basics out of the statistical one. Here, the system science approach is applied to the theory of quality. Developed by GGM Quartieri in the 1980, this main fundamental relation convolutes value, quality and cost of a system ∑. Von Bertalaffy and Miller developed the system basic concept and its nature later supported by the Harold Chestnut system engineering approach. These approaches have allowed Giuseppe Quartieri to develop his functional relation of convolution among value, quality and cost using information theory. The analysis continues on the scale and ranking parameters to define the quality of life. The logic of the existence and the meaning of life constitute the real basis of the quality of life. The spiritual, etheric, religious and other similar aspects are fundamental values for the life of people. However, they are extremely difficult to be evaluated and, eventually, measured as parameters. By definition, the system aspects include only and only measurable entities so this book refers to standard life concept. Hidden (spiritual and so on) values and parameters remain “hidden”! The Appendix N° 0 reports some results of the published QoL statistic results available in the Wikipedia. The famous book on “Trattato di Statistica 1: La variabiltà” by Prof. Francesco Brambilla places the basic for the statistic applied to quality.
In any case, these quality statistic works demonstrate the importance of statistics in quality systems and its big role in the science. In the 2003 year the Italian “Academica dei Lincei” organized a big conference meeting in System Science and Engineering, in its antique building in Trastevere Rome.
During last years, health crisis plus the three crisis (Energy, Ecology/Climate and Economy) amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic and the environmental factors inside the present climate change strongly influence the quality of life. In the period of the coronavirus crisis, quality of life reduced all over the world. Green deal and anthropic reduction of the Earth resources is one of the main topics of this analysis that produces and still produce one of the most important economic crisis due to the worldwide Covid-19 epidemiologic curve. Later some other kind of problems arose in Europe due to Russia-Ukraine wars and later due to Hamas vs Israel war. The phenomena are producing changes and variations in the European geopolitics world and, in general, in the worldwide political and economic equilibrium.  
New policy and new management have to accept new standard for quality of life but not only based on money as economists are continuing to affirm. In the end of the day, the system value is not the cost but only and only its convolution (faltung) with quality. Whilst those new concepts of quality of life are applicable, the fear of reducing the resources of the planet due to many reasons seems the most important concerns of some scientists, political and economic people. In this comes the divergence of ideas and opinions regarding the humanity support-ability and the percentage of anthropic vs natural factors of the reduction of quality of life. But quality of life has always had the capability to transform the fear of living in a need of knowledge and specifically of the need of knowledge of the life nature codes. This is applicable all over the World.

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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2024

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Giuseppe GM Quartieri – Laura Quartieri

THEORY of the


IBN Editore

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ISBN (13) 9788875653514

I diritti di riproduzione, di memorizzazione e di adattamento totale o parziale con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi microfilm e copie fotostatiche) sono riservati a norma di legge e a norma delle convenzioni internazionali.

To my father Hercules, my mother Michaela, to my family Rossella, Matteo, Laura and the two nephews Gabriel and Kora and their father Eric.

Giuseppe Quartieri, physicist, Grand Father of Quality, IBR professor and free professional

President of the Scientific Committee of the “Climate Circles and Rural Culture (CACR)”


The author, in his professional life, has always dealt with quality and complex systems, especially in the aeronautical and energy fields. He is therefore a true expert in these matters and his eclecticism has led him to apply his knowledge to the study of human happiness, centered on the quality of life, a subject, not exactly simple, which is the subject of this book. A further stimulus came from his nature as a direct descendant of the Samnite people, a proud people of central and southern Italy, in particular since the newspaper “Il sole 24 ore” published a ranking of Italian cities by quality of life, and placing northern cities in the top positions and southern cities in the bottom. It is a pill that Professor Quartieri could not digest and he talks about it in the book criticizing the choice of parameters and the simplistic arithmetic sum of their votes to obtain the final ranking, a methodology not in line with the systems approach, where the various elements should not be taken in isolation because it is evident that they often interact with each other. Referring to the definition of the World Health Organization, according to which “quality of life is the subjective perception that an individual has of his or her position in life, in the context of a culture and a set of values ​​in which he or she lives, also in relation to his or her goals, aspirations and concerns”, the author goes on to an initial list of major risks, such as: natural and man-made disasters, earthquakes and tsunamis, extreme weather events, and elements of a personal nature such as health, freedom, job satisfaction, wealth, education, family relationships, security, love and friendship. Then various topics and their interconnections are analyzed in detail, such as, for example, population growth. We have reached 8 billion inhabitants, of which 3 between India and China and one in Africa. This population growth causes pollution, depletion of water and food resources, growth in energy needs. But the growth in energy production in turn causes further growth in pollution and production of climate-altering gases, and we return to the problem of climate change for which there are no short-term remedies. Indeed, if the inhabitants of the "third world" aspired to a standard of living equal to ours, which includes a certain annual per capita consumption of energy, we would reach a point where the planet's resources will no longer be able to satisfy all the people, and this can cause international tensions, famines and so on. But there is no lack of hope of creating clean energy, based on an ever-increasing use of so-called renewables, but above all if we manage to achieve the much-desired nuclear fusion, perhaps aided by Lern ​​(low energy nuclear reaction) plants and mini fission plants already under construction. But let's enjoy reading the book, which can be done in "layers", that is, either quickly to have an overall view of the problem presented, or in an in-depth manner, where the various issues that influence the quality of life are treated at a level of detail that will surely involve the most curious minds.

Antonio Antolini

In his book on “The Theory of the Quality of Life”, Giuseppe Quartieri intends to represent the sense of life in terms of quality of life. This book has been conceived by a dear friend, physicist, multi-talented scientist, enterprising: Giuseppe Quartieri, who is engaging in his umpteenth undertaking! In a complicated and difficult world, like today’s, perhaps not easy to understand even to ourselves, who try to find our way through a sea of tangles, which often appear inconsistent and convoluted, talking about the meaning of Life is a truly precious topic. Because looking around us it seems that many people have forgotten it or perhaps have stopped to reflect, attributing this task to others, perhaps to philosophers, journalists, researchers, scientists, etc.! Quartieri with its expressions leads us right back on the road of SENSE, of rigor, of the possibility of knowing not only with the brain or with the stomach the most difficult and profound structures of human action, which often remain unknown even to ourselves; but above all it shows us the road of the heart, a source of inexhaustible inspiration and depth! It leads us to reflect in various ways on the hidden meanders of the human mind and its multiple possibilities!

Prof. Dr. Emilia Costa – Sapienza University of Rome

The concept of “quality of life” is one of the central issues of our time, but too often it is approached in a fragmented way, without grasping its intrinsic complexity.

Over time there have been various analyses done on quality, but always proposed with a vision focused on the biological-health aspect or economic or social etc. Therefore it adopts a specialist and reductionist point of view.

In this book, Giuseppe Quartieri adopts an innovative approach to analyze the theme of quality based on the systems approaching order to explore this topic from a different, broader and more interconnected perspective. The author invites us to overcome reductionist visions to embrace a deeper understanding of human well-being seen as the result of a multiplicity of interacting factors.

The systems approach, at the heart of this analysis, teaches us that every part of a system influences and is influenced by the whole. Quality of life, according to this vision, cannot be reduced to a single parameter, such as income, health or education. Rather, it is the product of a complex set of interdependent variables that must be considered in their global context. Quartieri develops a theoretical framework that takes into account biological, psychological, social, economic and environmental factors, inserting them into a dynamic system that evolves overtime.

Furthermore, ample space is given to the evaluation of the consequences of the so-called climate change, considering its effects not only on the reduction of well-being, but also on economic and social problems.

In this book the author explores how the quality of life can be analyzed and improved by adopting a systemic vision. Every aspect of existence-from physical to emotional well-being, from social interactions to environmental sustainability - is a node within a larger network.

Quartieri pushes us to reflect on how every personal choice, every public policy and every social action can influence the system as a whole, leading to improvements or deteriorations in the quality of individual and collective life. Through this lens, new ways of addressing daily and global challenges emerge. The systemic approach does not offer simplistic solutions, but rather mathematically based tools to understand the connections and dynamics that shape our reality. Quartieri suggests that only by recognizing and optimizing the interactions between the different subsystems of our lives can we truly improve our well-being. This work stands out for its ability to combine a robust theoretical vision with concrete examples and practiceal applications. Giuseppe Quartieri offers us a new way of thinking about the quality of life, a key to interpreting the present and to imagining a more balanced and harmonious future. I invite the reader to approach this book with an open mind, ready to explore the multiple levels of connection that characterize our existence. Quality of Life Theory is a work that helps us to see beyond the surface and to recognize that only by understanding the system of which we are part we can truly improve our inner and outer world.

Enjoy your reading.

Eng. Michele Raccio



The scope of this book is to develop and propose the fundamentals of the theory of the quality of life, that some people consider an old concept but it needs sound theoretical basics out of the statistical one. Here, the system science approach is applied to the theory of quality. Developed by GGM Quartieri in the 1980, this main fundamental relation convolutes value, quality and cost of a system ∑. Von Bertalaffy and Miller developed the system basic concept and its nature later supported by the Harold Chestnut system engineering approach. These approaches have allowed Giuseppe Quartieri to develop his functional relation of convolution among value, quality and cost using information theory. The analysis continues on the scale and ranking parameters to define the quality of life. The logic of the existence and the meaning of life constitute the real basis of the quality of life. The spiritual, etheric, religious and other similar aspects are fundamental values for the life of people. However, they are extremely difficult to be evaluated and, eventually, measured as parameters. By definition, the system aspects include only and only measurable entities so this book refers to standard life concept. Hidden (spiritual and so on) values and parameters remain “hidden”! The Appendix N° 0 reports some results of the published QoL statistic results available in the Wikipedia. The famous book on “Trattato di Statistica 1: La variabiltà” by Prof. Francesco Brambilla places the basic for the statistic applied to quality.

In any case, these quality statistic works demonstrate the importance of statistics in quality systems and its big role in the science. In the 2003 year the Italian “Academica dei Lincei” organized a big conference meeting in System Science and Engineering, in its antique building in Trastevere Rome.

During last years, health crisis plus the three crisis (Energy, Ecology/Climate and Economy) amplified by the Covid-19 pandemic and the environmental factors inside the present climate change strongly influence the quality of life. In the period of the coronavirus crisis, quality of life reduced all over the world. Green deal and anthropic reduction of the Earth resources is one of the main topics of this analysis that produces and still produce one of the most important economic crisis due to the worldwide Covid-19 epidemiologic curve. Later some other kind of problems arose in Europe due to Russia-Ukraine wars and later due to Hamas vs Israel war. The phenomena are producing changes and variations in the European geopolitics world and, in general, in the worldwide political and economic equilibrium.

New policy and new management have to accept new standard for quality of life but not only based on money as economists are continuing to affirm. In the end of the day, the system value is not the cost but only and only its convolution (faltung) with quality. Whilst those new concepts of quality of life are applicable, the fear of reducing the resources of the planet due to many reasons seems the most important concerns of some scientists, political and economic people. In this comes the divergence of ideas and opinions regarding the humanity support-ability and the percentage of anthropic vs natural factors of the reduction of quality of life. But quality of life has always had the capability to transform the fear of living in a need of knowledge and specifically of the need of knowledge of the life nature codes. This is applicable all over the World.

Keywords: quality, life, sustainability, value, cost, environment, climate change.

Quality is life and life is quality,

that’s all we know in the World

and all we need to know.

Giuseppe Quartieri, rephrasing John Keats


At the present time, general feeling is that humanity appears to be afraid of the real and potential negative effects of climate change (CC) already underway a part other potential reasons (war and so on). CC impacts will be much severe and serious to the extent that adequate systemic measures are not taken against biologic virus expansion and evolution such as coronavirus. In the meantime, most of the specific Organizations (IPCC, NASA, NOA, ECMWF, CMCC, Green Peace, Clintel, Environmental Group and many others) have approached climate change at World level.

The Greta Thunberg complaint of loss of the future has produced desperate anguish among young people around the World with various movements and demonstrations. Young people roam the World afraid of global warming, the imminent ice age, the need to eliminate waste, the need to implement energy efficiency, the search for a balanced energy mix, clean energy extended to all, until the search for the best economic conditions, the reduction of debts and many other essential factors for life and its quality. Instead, a sort of hatred should arise for any form of energy monopoly due to any negative implications for human economic balance and survivability (Gallopin, 1999), (Villavicencio 2000), (Diaconescu, Leuştean, 2017). The fear of a unified single worldwide power is invading all the people all over the world itself.

The quality of life hangs in balance, indeed. In many places on Earth, it has already significantly decreased (Fig. 4b). During recent decades, these thoughts leaded, to some extent, the basis of GGM Quartieri research for the creation of a quality of life QL theory (Fig. 1, Ref. 2). Some fundaments of on the quality system standards (Feigenbaum 1980, Brambilla 1980, Carlo Di Dio 1980) were also very useful. The ideal vision of the quality of life is linked to the life imagination and high level mathematics (structure concept that is mandatory for the Universe description: symmetry, differential, statistics, algebra and so on).

Only very simple mind can identified Quality of Life (QoL) with the climate change phenomena. In the transition phase from the time characterized by oil governing the Word to the new age of the renewable energies (eventually with nuclear energy), climate change has become the key of all while, in th few year around 2020, superimposed to the coronavirus pandemic effects.

Eventually, climate change is the specific cause for producing catastrophes and consequently strongly reducing quality of life. All reasonable men hope that climate changes and its negative effects will be maintained under control by reasonable agreements of all the Nations of the World.

The IPPC famous graph reported in (Fig. 2) is usually the basis for comparison of the climate changes effects with eventual strong reduction of quality of life. The theory QL compares itself with the past life conditions in order to deduce the projections and forecast for future.

Modern men have duty to choice severe selection, right missions and implement right adaptation and timing within these choices. Main points to be implemented are ensuring possible logistical development commitments too. The current use of the concept of the quality of life proposed by politicians, managers but also by some researchers, is bases upon a certain number of statistic parameters; almost 90 according to one of the last statistical prediction issued by the “IL SOLE 24 ORE” journal. Nobody can say anything against the standard quality statistical prediction method itself! However, it is not possible to approve the relative “σ-imp” (sigma importance) of the involved 90 parameters. These parameters are arranged in such a way that they deduce always primary position to Nord Italy towns!

Anyway, it appears a very generic and limited use of the concept of quality coming out of the statistic application storage (Palander et alter 2020).Reviewing those approaches and analysis, it comes up to judge that this concept of quality is always open, but not pleasantly, to the condition and influence of a word that today, is so fashionable: “sustainability”.

At the present time, economic, energetic and ecologic/climate factors strongly condition the sustainability (Fig. N°3). Environmental factors either natural and/or anthropic are strongly influencing the quality of life almost at the same level of the power of economy. In this frame, general and local population have its importance with their production facilities, its internal workers, together with the political and religious (Catholic, Protestants, Muslims, Africans, Jewish, and so on) aspects. The human factor “love” helps in spamming the hope of the sanitary safety and/or solution. The consequence influences the climate change belief. The possible mitigation mechanisms, the corrective actions for reduction of the negative effects of climate change are defined by the energy, economy and ecology power (HQ=Head Quarters) and supported by the local climate change belief. Two better options are possible:

Local climate change belief mediated by NGO, private organization providing humanitarian aid or support, to be given to impoverished or economically underdeveloped Nations.

Local climate change mediated through renewal energy policy and nuclear energy.

Actually, climate change concerns all aspects of the quality of life even inside the vision that, peculiarly, local belief and HQ usually drive down GHG emissions. Actually, local effects could be much more significant due to strong local climate change belief supported by HQ intelligent power able to increase company production climate commitments. However, climate change scepticism has its own large effects. A reduction of climate change belief percentile from 90th to 30th produces an increase of GHG emission of the order of 34,5% over a period of 5 years (Lyon, ). Almost contemporarily, the World Economic Forum (WEF) issue the Global Risks Report 2020: a summary of what “the world’s most pressing challenges” for the coming year by likelihood and impact will be. Climate changes are on the top long-term risks. However, in the report there are clearly revealed how different global actors perceive these risks and, alarmingly, business leaders are lagging behind. So, the 2023 summer has been very strange plenty of local climate changes i. e. big climate difference between Nord (cold and rain) and South (very hot) Italy. One point in the Fig. 3a is the infectious diseases that should clearly include the coronavirus. Actually the WEF calls on companies to set targets that protect the climate and boost economies according to the risk impact detailed in table of Fig. N° 3a.

This global vision states many essential topics:

Natural disasters are becoming more intense and more frequent (belief that “extreme heat waves”, “destruction of ecosystems” and “health impacted by pollution” will be aggravated in 2020-2023 and so on);

2019 year witnessed unprecedented extreme weather throughout the world;

Different actors interpret the risks for 2020-2023 differently;

Leaders (academia, business, government and civil society and so on) were the least likely to list environmental concerns among their top-10 risks, “suggesting a critical blind spot”;

A fall in business growth with the top three risks to business in 2020-2023 being over regulation, trade conflicts, and uncertain economic growth.

Surprisingly, climate change fell outside the ranking of top ten global threats to business;

Actions by business and policy leaders are most needed;

Reviewing and questioning the value of multilateralism and retreating to narrowly defined national interests;

Continuing downward pressure on the global economy;

Citizens are growing restless and frustrated with their national politicians;

Different priorities need systems-level solutions;

The need for system thinking is really clear and requested.

The ideal vision of the quality of the systems, advocated by the great Fathers of Quality Theory (Fig. 3b) suffers and thins. Life is a complex system to which the system approach can and must be applied. In the Ludwig von Bertalaffy’s General Systems Theory, the general properties and laws of systems are considered. A quality of life theory can therefore only be the product of a nomothetic research, aimed, that is, at enunciating general theoretical propositions. Quality of life QL is system. According to von Bertalaffy, the system is complex or a set of interacting components, a whole made up of related parts in a certain way. So, according to Miller, system is a set of units in relation. In summary, system Σ is an entity that has the characteristic of making itself understandable when the norm or criterion adopted by the observer in his identification (analysis, research) is known both under the static aspect (the units) and under the dynamic aspect (relationships and variability).

The quality of life QL is a ΣQ system and therefore it is equipped with components (units etc.) and relationships. These units linked together therefore have a structure S and functions F.

The structure is defined by the amount of information in the system Σ itself. The variability VΣ of the system and therefore of the VS structure are related to the variability of the VF functions.

The quality of life QL as a Q system is part of this system vision. The theory of corporate quality systems has been developed for many decades and has produced a set of standard standards (ISO standards, EN European standards and UNI Italian standards). Therefore, considering life L (or V in Italian) as a ΣL system, the theory of quality of life QL can be developed (Quartieri Giuseppe, 1980) by taking into account all the above mentioned precautions and attentions to sustainability.

Quality of life

The definition of the quantity of the functions that define the quality of life QL is determined in the analysis itself. Normally, standard analysis uses quality of life “parameters” i.e. generalized indicators. Observations and measurements of the QL quality of life functions are not always available or just worst possible to get. In the framework of the quality of life system approach, it is a duty to mention the basic approaches of the great fathers of quality (Fig. 3). In particular, it should be mentioned - one for all - the great Joseph M. Juran (Romanian-American) who, with Vilfredo Pareto, in this regard, asserts:

“Vital few, trivial many”

Juran deduced this vision by studying the work of the great Italian mathematician Vilfredo Pareto and applying the “Pareto Principle” to quality. For example, 80% of a problem is produced by 20% of the causes. In the last years of his life, in maturity, Juran changed the primary assertion induced by the works of Vilfredo Pareto in:

“The vital few and the useful many”

Thus the concept becomes: few elements or parameters are vital, but usually many parameters influence the phenomenon under examination even if they are not necessarily essential. By applying this concept to the occurrence of system defects, Juran finds that most defects are the result of a small percentage of the causes of all defects (also published and shared by “The Economist”). In this general vision of quality, analysts (i.e. Organizations, Management and so no) first job is to study and decide which and how many indicators have to be used to evaluate the quality of life. After the coronavirus contagion, the results of the “quality of life” study published by the Journal “Il Sole 24 Ore” cannot be accepted nor approved and it cannot be shared. In this journal quality of life analysis, the Italian Region Lombardia is placed at the first rate. This top of the list is really not reliable at all! In the Appendix N° 0 and in other next works, comments and references to the “IL SOLE 24 ORE” approach (16 December 2019, 2020, 2021 2022, 2023 and so on) will be issued inside the Italian regions, cities and territories quality of life evaluations.

In Quartieri’s approach (1980, Milan) to the quality of life system, environmental factors (listed later) have priority in the systemic assessment of QL. A true quality expert should request and place as first indicator the effect of the environmental factors (Fig. N°4) even if it is considered only and only the temperature T (Fig. N° 2). In other words, the climate - environmental factors set - has priority in assessing the quality of life QL. Consequently, this work gives is mainly the theoretical analysis to the Quality of Life system analysis.

QLsystem approach

Quality of Life QL (Quartieri, 1980) is the level of satisfaction of inherent human expectations (health, freedom, happiness, work, richness, profession and so on) plus the stakeholder expectations (relatives, local community, society, political reasons etc.).

Where: the symbol represents the union of function operations that can be simply linear but, generally, can be much more complex.

Personnel Factors:

Health: h

Freedom: fr

Happiness: h


Work: w


Richness: rc

Instruction: i


Profession: p


Relatives: rls

Safety/Security: s



Intellectual satisfaction: I



Love, friendship: L


Amenity: sport and so on

Environmental Factors:

Temperature: T

Humidity: H

Accelerations: a


Vibrations: v


Etc. (35 natural factors plus the anthropic ones)

As above mentioned, the current environmental climate crises are directly connected to the energy and economic crises (Fig. N° 3, 3a, 3b). The correlation illustrated in Fig. N° 3 shows the very salient interfaces between the three fundamental categories that must be taken into due account when assessing the quality of life. These three categories can be and are disentangled in terms of “indicators”, especially by assessors who rely only on reducing quality to more and less large number of indicators.

An example of assessment of Quality of Life with 90 indicators, along the Italian regions developed by “IL SOLE 24 ORE” (21) is the most striking and illustrative case.

Anyway, it is a duty to affirm that the results of the Quality Analysis given in the Journal “IL SOLE 24 ORE” cannot be accepted, by definition, because of the first position given to Milan in the ranking. Milan is in the center of the most polluted flat land, Padania, in Italy! Anyway, later ranking remains always inside the Pianura Padana!

Some months later, the virus Covid19 from China has grown up drastically and catastrophically in Lombardia and all over the world. In the last years (2020 and later), the environmental crisis in Europe has been tackled head-on by the President of the European Community Ursula von der Leyen (Green New Deal: 3 Billion Euro (trillions) for humanity salvation. It seems that Europe has financed or is financing nuclear energy, reforestation, oceanic algae, and photosynthesis, accelerated melting of the ice-sheets of Greenland and western Antarctica, the drying of rain forests and the thawing of Arctic permafrost and so on. Other essential parameters of the quality of life are analysed in the next chapters by including economic and financial aspects. Peculiarly, the Covid-19 pandemic has received the right attention from the European Politic Top Management with big financial provisions and funds even if Germany has made the given the most part to itself. At the present (2024), Covid-19 pandemic results, corrective action methodologies and so on are under strong legal revision in many part of the World including Italy. In the meantime, all these problems are under revision in Europe with priority first to the climate change and the Russia-Ukraine war. Always these last topics are taken as first position in the ranking by the worldwide power groups. This really means that the Quality of life of the Earth could change quickly in a random way due to strange possible wars in Europe and/or in other parts of the Earth.

Eco-Sustainable Welfare: BES, SEW

During last decade, in Italy specialists have introduced a new indicator, result of “welfare ISTAT/CNEL Project” to overcome the need to apply the GNP. This choice is based on the idea that the scope of obtaining and maintaining good or reasonable QL values can be reached only and only by taking into account social, environmental parameters (indicators) but not only economics ones.

Analyses and Resulted parameters:

Initial Quality of Life: q


(minimal quality)

Maximum Quality: q


Human Average Life: l


Human Average Life in good health: l


Among the potential models, the first and simplest is the exponential model produced by reflection on the evolutionary development of the human species:

So the quality formula is:

This formula of the Quality of Life (QoL) has an exponential form that is supported by the standard economic approach shown in fig. N°4a and N° 4b.

Classic economy theory for quality

According to the classic economy theory, the cost of a product P is logistically proportional to its quality (Fig. 4a). Consequently, it is true the vice versa too: the quality of a product P is logistically proportional to its cost C (Fig. 4b).

This is the simple economic rationality, but quality is something much more complex.

System approach

The classic representation of the system input-output model (Fig. N° 4 and 5) can be used for the construction of the basic system model for the quality of systems and life (Fig. N° 4 and 5). Let be ΣE the quality ecology sub-system of Σ (Fig. N° 1). The environment E around the quality system Σ strongly influences the life system itself producing effects ranging in a large field of figures.

First, the applied environmental factors EF are natural. The standard amount of natural environmental factors EF, influencing the quality of life QL, are more than 30 while the standard climate (or weather) is usually defined and measured by only 3 factors (T, H, P). The ecology factors Fec are those environmental factors that have directly effects on the quality living entities health during any phase of the life.

The global system is nowadays complicated by many other artificial factors (electromagnetic waves, artificial radioactivity, car exhausting gas such as CO2, and others: C6H6 benzene, NOx, biochemical factors including virus etc.) extremely polluting the Earth and Biosphere. Consequently, they degrade the quality of life of humans.

The “environmental factors” are one the fundamental “input” which strongly affects the system Σ itself. The following figure N° 5 represents the mathematical model of the basic quality system.

It is simply shown that the “inputs In” to the systems have to include the environmental factors Ef.

In this figure N° 5, it is shown the basic Quartieri System Quality-Value formula for computing the value-quality Vq of any even complex natural or anthropic system Σ. By definition, classic and even modern economy theories do not agree with this formula.

The environment is the set of complete environmental parameters directly related to the climate. "Environment" means "the totality of natural and induced (artificial) environmental conditions that occur or can be encountered, at any time, in a defined place (room, place, area, space)".

In other words, the environment is the complex of climatic, biotic and topographical factors that describe a given place. One could study and analyse the complex of environmental factors defined by a number n + 4 of parameters, where 4 is the number of dimensions of the continuous space-time (3 spatial and 1 temporal coordinates even if time could raise to complex coordinates).

To understand the nature of the global temperature increase it is necessary to distinguish clearly between "local weather" i.e. the sensation of local hot and cold in a certain area. In other words, when people talk about this type of "weather” (generally in such slang, just” time"), they intend to include in the sensations only some environmental parameters such

as temperature T, humidity H and pressure P. Sometimes they add to these sensations the rain, or snow. In this context, temperature measurements over the decades have demonstrated the truth of global warming. Instead, the concept of "climate" refers to the set of parameters and environmental factors that are much more extensive and essential, at least, the 30 environmental factors (FE) that are observed in nature, including physical, chemical and biological factors. For the climatic analysis of the system ΣEB all the natural environmental factors of the following Table N° 0 should be included. This is a main point of the “system approach to climate change”, since all peculiar analysis and treatments of a single parameter (i.e. temperature T and so on) do not include the interface, the interrelationship and all the superimpositions of all the natural (even artificial) environmental parameters. This is (my personal) most important comment to each approach to the climate change even to IPCC approach. However, IPCC has treated the most part of environmental parameters in a unified approach. To some extent also Clintel has tried to consider many environmental parameters as shown in their book: “Dialoghi sul Clima” (ed. Rubbettino).

However, the IPCC approach is surely much more complete and oriented to the system approach a part being a ONU long hand applications.