Tuath Air A' Bhealach - Martin MacIntyre - E-Book

Tuath Air A' Bhealach E-Book

Martin MacIntyre

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Is e tè òg nach fhaca cus dhen t-saoghal a th' ann an Robyn Carruthers. Bidh i ag obair ann am bùth an Glaschu 's a' cèilidh air a pàrantan sa Bhealach tric. Is bochd nach b' urrainn do Richard tighinn còmhla rithe air làithean saora, ach chan eil cothrom air. Thèid ise gu tuath air an trèana. Beagan coiseachd air a' bhlàr a-muigh … dè a b' fheàrr? Ach nuair a choinnicheas i ri Fi, tha Robyn a' cur roimhpe slighe eile a ghabhail. Robyn Carruthers has yet to venture far from the familiar. She works in a Glasgow shop, is in a relationship but remains closely tied to her parents in Balloch. She sets out for a few days off her beaten track and has no idea where it might lead or whom she might meet. In a bothy in a remote glen Robyn feels dangerously out of her depth. Martin MacIntyre's disturbing story of lost innocence could make even the most adventurous think twice before stepping out onto the moors alone. The Lasag Gaelic readers series offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

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Martin MacIntyre is an acclaimed author, poet and storyteller. He won the Saltire Society First Book Award for his 2003 short story collection, Ath-Aithne, and the Donald Meek Award for A’ Challaig Seo, Chall Ò. His novels Gymnippers Diciadain and An Latha as Fhaide and his second short story collection, Cala Bendita ’s a Bheannachdan, were also shortlisted for Saltire awards. He is a member of Edinburgh’s Shore Poets and was crowned as Bàrd by An Comunn Gàidhealach in 2007. Martin is a medical doctor and lives with his family in Edinburgh.

By the same author

Ath-Aithne (Clàr, 2003)

Gymnippers Diciadain (Clàr, 2005)

Dannsam led Fhaileas /Let Me Dance With Your Shadow (Luath Press, 2006)

AnLatha as Fhaide (Clàr, 2008)

Air A Thòir (Clàr, 2011)

A’ Challaig Seo, Chall Ò (Acair, 2013)

Cala Bendita ’sa Bheannachdan


Martin MacIntyre

First published in Great Britain

and the United States of America

in 2015 by

Sandstone Press Ltd

Dochcarty Road



IV15 9UG



All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the express written permission of the publisher.

Lasag is an imprint of Sandstone Press Ltd.

Lasag’s series of Gaelic readers offers young adults a range of engaging, easy-to-read fiction, with English chapter summaries and glossaries to assist Gaelic learners.

© Martin MacIntyre 2015

Editor: Alison Lang

The moral right of Martin MacIntyre to be recognised as the

author of this work has been asserted in accordance with the

Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

The publisher acknowledges subsidy from the Gaelic Books Council towards publication of this volume.

ISBN: 978-1-910124-45-1

ISBNe: 978-1-910124-46-8


Bu thoigh leam taing mhòr a thoirt do Bhob Davidson is Sandstone Press airson an cothrom a thoirt dhomh Tuath Air A’ Bhealach a sgrìobhadh dhan t-sreath Lasag.

Dh’iarrainn spèis a nochdadh do dh’Alison Lang a chùm misneachd is taic ionmholta rium o thoiseach gu deireadh is cuideachd do Jo NicDhòmhnaill a ghabh sùim shònraichte dhen leabhar is a rinn obair mhionaideach air an teacsa.


1. Bracaist sa Bhealach

2. An Trèan Tràth

3. Fi

4. Seallaidhean is Eòlas

5. Raointean Ùra

6. Ostail Loch Oisein

7. Tarsainn na Beinne

8. Am Bothan

9. Paulo ’s a Shloc

10. Bangaid ro na h-Aoighean

11. Sgeòil-rùin

12. Pàrantan fon Mhuir

13. Saidheans sa Choillidh

14. Fear a bha Thall

15. An Tèile

16. Dubharachd

17. Ann an Ceann Seachdain

18. Co-dhùnadh

19. Soraidh Bhuan

1. Bracaist sa Bhealach

Robyn Carruthers has spent the night at her parents’ house in Balloch before setting off for a short hillwalking holiday. They’re worried about her going off on her own, but Robyn makes light of their concerns. It’s only for a few days, she’ll be perfectly safe staying in B&Bs and she’ll call them when she reaches her friend Alice’s house in Skye.

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