A Learner’s Chinese-English Dictionary. Covering the Entire Vocabulary for all the Six Levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Exam - Muhammad Wolfgang G. A. Schmidt - E-Book

A Learner’s Chinese-English Dictionary. Covering the Entire Vocabulary for all the Six Levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Exam E-Book

Muhammad Wolfgang G. A. Schmidt

39,99 €

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The focus of this small and concise Chinese-English Dictionary with around 5000 word entries is on the vocabulary of the six levels of the Chinese Language Proficiency Exam (HSK, Hàny Shuipíng Kaoshì) in Mainland China and has been compiled especially for this purpose with those in mind preparing for any of the six levels of this exam. Chinese character entries both in simplified and traditional character versions. Its unique feature is the listing of the English meaning definitions of all composite word parts of a Chinese word entry under the same main entry in this alphabetically arranged dictionary according to the conventions of the Hanyu Pinyin transcription system. This will save the user time to look up English meaning definitions elsewhere under a different Hanyu Pinyin letter heading and at the same provides the user a better insight into the different shades of word meaning of an entire Chinese word entry. The English meaning definitions given for each Chinese word entry are comprehensive, and unlike many other word lists for the six levels of the HSK, are not mere brief word glosses only. Two Chinese character indices (for both simplified and traditional character variants allow the user to locate an unknown word or character in the dictionary.

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