A Model in Libya - Christine Hart - Hörbuch

A Model in Libya Hörbuch

Christine Hart

4,49 €

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"The Stories Models Never Tell. The darker side of fashion. Christine Hart reflects on a 10-year career with this, her first book. Sexual abuse of her colleagues, addictions and a catwalk show for Colonel Gadaffi, all in a world ruled by the dictatorship of beauty". The Stories Models Never Tell, a deeply intimate, thoroughly personal project. To avoid falling into sensationalism, or creating a purely commercial, media-centred work (as suggested by the large publishing houses), Hart chose to set up her own firm, enabling her to present the reader a genuine autobiography, narrated in a way that's both transparent and absolutely sincere. There's no fiction here, nor the superfluous anecdotes that some editors demanded as a way to increase sales.

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MP3 (als ZIP verpackt)

Zeit:0 Std. 23 min

Sprecher:Rebekah Jane Rhodes
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