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According to Apsley Cherry-Garrard, one of the men who went to Antarctica with Captain Scott, 'Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time that has ever been devised. ' Despite this there has never been a shortage of volunteers willing to endure the bad times in pursuit of the glory that polar exploration sometimes brings. Nick Rennison's compelling book tells the memorable stories of the men and women who have risked their lives by entering the white wastelands of the Arctic and the Antarctic, from the compelling tales of Scott, Shacklet on and Amundsen, to lesser known heroes such as Fridtjof Nansen and Robert Peary. A Short History of Polar Exploration also looks at the hold that the polar regions have often had on the imaginations of artists and writers in the last two hundred years examining the pain tings, films and literature that they have inspired.
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Veröffentlichungsjahr: 2013
According to Apsley Cherry-Garrard, one of the men who went to Antarctica with Captain Scott, ‘Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time that has ever been devised.’ Despite this there has never been a shortage of volunteers willing to endure the bad times in pursuit of the glory that polar exploration sometimes brings.
Nick Rennison’s compelling book tells the memorable stories of people who have risked their lives by entering the white wastelands of the Arctic and the Antarctic, from the compelling tales of Scott, Shackleton and Amundsen, to those of lesser known explorers such as Elisha Kent Kane and Douglas Mawson. A Short History of Polar Exploration also looks briefly at the hold that the polar regions have often had on the imaginations of artists and writers in the last two hundred years examining the paintings, films and literature that they have inspired.
Nick Rennison is a writer, editor and bookseller. He has published books on a wide variety of subjects from Sherlock Holmes to London's blue plaques. He is a regular reviewer for the Sunday Times and for BBC History magazine. His titles for Pocket Essentials include Sigmund Freud, Roget: The Man Who Became a Book and Robin Hood: Myth, History and Culture. He lives near Manchester.
‘Polar exploration is at once the cleanest and most isolated way of having a bad time which has been devised.’
Apsley Cherry-Garrard
‘We led a strange, weird sort of life. A spice of danger, with much of beauty and a world of magnificence.’
Isaac Israel Hayes
My first thanks must go to Ion Mills at Pocket Essentials who commissioned me to write a short history of a subject in which I have long been interested and thus allowed me to revisit the fascinating stories of Scott and Amundsen, the disappearance of Sir John Franklin and his men, and all the other tales that make the discovery of new territory in the Arctic and Antarctica such a gripping chapter in the history of exploration. Thanks also to Claire Watts who patiently and efficiently guided the book towards publication in record time. Jayne Lewis for her copy-editing skills, Alan Forster created a brilliant and eye-catching cover, Richard Howard worked long hours at short notice on the index, as did Paul Medcalf in typesetting the book. I am grateful to all of them. Amongst friends and family, my thanks go particularly to Kevin Chappell, Anita Diaz, Cindy Rennison, Eileen Rennison, John Thewlis and Wolfgang Lüers who have all, at one time or another, listened sympathetically as I have spoken, at greater length than they probably expected, on the subject of polar exploration. My final thanks must, as always, go to my wife Eve who has been wonderfully supportive and helpful throughout my work on this book.
Chapter One: The Arctic Pre-1900
Chapter Two: The Antarctic Pre-1900
Chapter Three: First to the North Pole: Arguments and Debates
Chapter Four: The Race for the South Pole
Chapter Five: The Arctic 1910–1960
Chapter Six: The Antarctic 1912–1960
Chapter Seven: The Poles in the Last Fifty Years
Chapter Eight: The Polar Regions in the Imagination
Polar Explorers: A Brief Biographical Dictionary
The Arctic and the Antarctic have been the settings for some of the most compelling dramas in the history of exploration. Some are very well known. Scott making his desperate bid to return to safety after being pre-empted at the South Pole by Amundsen and dying in a blizzard just eleven miles short of supplies at One Ton Depot. Sir John Franklin and the men with him disappearing into the Canadian Arctic in search of the Northwest Passage, never to be seen alive again. Shackleton undertaking an epic boat journey across the Antarctic seas to South Georgia in order to bring help to his men stranded on the uninhabited Elephant Island. Others, like Douglas Mawson’s solo trek to his Antarctic home base after the death of his two companions or Greely’s disastrous expedition in the Arctic which led to the deaths of most of its members and accusations of cannibalism levelled at the survivors, are less familiar.
This book attempts a brief survey of the larger story in which these dramatic incidents take their place. It contains a few introductory pages to the history of attempts to locate either a Northwest Passage or a Northeast Passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific in the centuries between the mariners of the Elizabethan Age and the navigators who were Captain Cook’s contemporaries. It also includes the shortest of guides to the long-standing idea of Terra Australis and Cook’s demonstration that no such continent, as it had been thought to exist – temperate and well-populated – could possibly lie in the waters of the Far South. However, most of it concentrates on the 140 years between 1820 and 1960. At the beginning of this period, the Antarctic continent had only just been sighted for the first time and much of the geography of the Canadian and Russian Arctic remained a mystery. At the end of it, there were no more blanks on the maps at either end of the earth and scientists and even tourists were just as likely to be found there as explorers and adventurers. The first six chapters of A Short History of Polar Exploration tell the story of these 140 years. They are followed by a very short chapter on the poles in the last fifty years and one on the role the poles have played in literature and the arts for two centuries. The brief biographical dictionary of polar explorers provides a reference guide to the characters who created the dramas of Arctic and Antarctic exploration. The book ends with a bibliography which guides anyone who is interested to books that can reveal far more about polar history than I can hope to do in these pages. If this ‘short history’ arouses interest in what is an extraordinary story populated by extraordinary people, it will have done its job.
For centuries men entered the North American Arctic not in the hopes of reaching the pole but in quest for what became a Holy Grail of maritime navigation – the Northwest Passage. Somewhere in the wastelands of ice and sea there was, they believed, a navigable route from Atlantic to Pacific. This Northwest Passage, if only it could be found, would open up a new avenue to the riches of Asia. In search of it, the early explorers of the Arctic endured terrible hardships and many of them lost their lives.
The very first expeditions were English. Martin Frobisher was the archetypal Elizabethan seadog – daring, independent and bloody-minded – and he was one of those captains who fought off the Spanish Armada in 1588. He was also an intrepid, if slightly deluded, explorer of the Canadian Arctic. In 1576, backed by the Muscovy Company of London merchants, he sailed north-west and eventually landed on what is now Baffin Island. After an assortment of misadventures, including the capture of some of his men by a group of native people, he returned home, carrying samples of a black rock which, Frobisher was firmly convinced, contained gold enough to justify the despatch of further expeditions. Investors, including the Queen, agreed with him and he led two further journeys to the region. He brought back close to 1500 tons of the mysterious ore but, despite all Frobisher’s hopes for it, it proved almost entirely worthless.
None the less, other English mariners followed in Frobisher’s wake. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, who was Sir Walter Raleigh’s half-brother and had written an influential treatise on ‘a new passage to Cathay’ in the 1570s, sailed for Newfoundland in 1583 and took possession of it for Elizabeth I. On his way back home, the ship on which he was sailing went down and all on board drowned. John Davis, like Gilbert a Devon man, undertook a series of voyages in the late 1580s to the strait west of Greenland which now bears his name. Perhaps most significantly, Henry Hudson made four journeys into Arctic waters from 1607 onwards, acting on behalf of companies of London merchants in search of a new commercial route. On the last of his voyages, in 1610, he entered the bay now named after him and he and his men were forced by the ice to winter on shore. In the spring of the following year, the captain was eager to explore his bay further but most of the sailors with him were less enthusiastic about the prospect. Cold, miserable and frightened, they just wanted to go home. They mutinied and forced Hudson, his son and a few loyal crewmen into a small boat which was then set adrift. The occupants of the small boat were never seen again. The mutineers returned to London where they admitted what they had done but put the blame on two ringleaders who had conveniently died on the voyage home. Some of the survivors were put on trial but acquitted.
Meanwhile other explorers from other nations were looking for a Northeast Passage that would take them across the top of Europe and down into the Pacific. In the 1590s, the Dutchman Willem Barents undertook three voyages to the Arctic Ocean. On the third of them, he and his men not only made the first indisputable sighting of the island of Spitsbergen but also became the first Western Europeans to survive a winter in the high Arctic. Others followed occasionally in their wake in the seventeenth century but it was not until the 1720s that the Danish-born Vitus Bering, serving in the Russian navy and approaching Arctic waters from the Pacific rather than the Baltic, sailed through the strait that now bears his name. On a second voyage in 1741, Bering made further important discoveries and sighted the southern coast of Alaska but the expedition, struck by illness and sailing in uncharted waters, was soon in trouble. In December 1741, Bering himself died on a remote island, now also named after him. The survivors of his expedition reached safety eight months later.
Hopes of finding a Northwest Passage had not died with Henry Hudson. A few years after he had met his fate, another English navigator, William Baffin, was despatched by London merchants in search of it. In 1616, sailing to the west of Greenland, he came upon the bay that now carries his name and charted it with exemplary thoroughness, naming straits that led off it Lancaster Sound, Jones Sound and Smith Sound after three of the men who had sent him. All three straits were to play a major role in future Arctic exploration. Fifteen years after Baffin’s expedition, Luke Foxe, an experienced Yorkshire mariner, sailed north of Hudson Bay and entered the basin of water that is now called Foxe Basin. Ice-bound for most of the year, it none the less offered hopes of locating a Northwest Passage beyond Hudson Bay.
However, after Foxe’s return, enthusiasm for exploration in the Far North dwindled. It was commerce rather than discovery which became the priority and the Hudson’s Bay Company, founded in 1670, became the focus for fur trading in the vast region around the bay. It was to be another fifty years before anyone made any serious attempt to find a Northwest Passage and then it was to be a man who was very nearly an octogenarian. James Knight, born about 1640, had worked for the Hudson’s Bay Company for decades when he began to look around for opportunities to verify rumours he had long heard about an easy and mineral-rich route through to the Pacific. In 1719, with two ships named the Albany and the Discovery, he set out to find it. Foreshadowing another, more famous expedition in the next century, he and his ships were never seen again. Debris from the ships was found and the remains of a camp on a remote island were located more than forty years later but the exact details of the fate of Knight and those with him remain a mystery.
Christopher Middleton was an English navigator who had worked as a ship’s captain for the Hudson’s Bay Company for many years. His interests in science and exploration were not shared by his employer unless they added to its profits and, in 1741, he took a commission in the Royal Navy in order to lead an Admiralty-sponsored expedition into the far north of Hudson Bay. After journeying to the edge of the Arctic Circle, Middleton found what seemed at first sight to be the entrance into a passage leading westwards and cheerfully named it Cape Hope. Unfortunately, it was no such thing and, after giving the stretch of water he had found the less cheerful name of Repulse Bay, he headed homewards. There he became embroiled in a bitter row with his major patron, the Anglo-Irish politician Arthur Dobbs. Middleton was now convinced that no Northwest Passage existed, at least not one with any outlet anywhere near where he had sailed in Hudson Bay. Dobbs thought that Middleton simply hadn’t looked hard enough for it and decided to back another expedition which would be more thorough in its efforts. Led by William Moor, a cousin of Middleton who had sailed on the previous expedition and taken Dobbs’s view of his relation’s conscientiousness, this voyage was even less successful than its predecessor in finding any trace of what might be the body of water for which they were all searching.
By the 1760s it was clear that no Northwest Passage existed where the expeditions of the last few decades had been looking. ‘I am certain and shure,’ one senior employee of the Hudson’s Bay Company wrote with a better grasp of geography than of conventional spelling, ‘that there is no pasage into the Western Ocan in this Hudsons Bay.’ One possibility, to which many optimists still clung, was that the entrance to the Passage was located further north than anyone had travelled. The other was that it would be easier to find a route from the Pacific to the Atlantic rather than vice versa. And, if anyone was going to be able to find such a route, it would surely be the man who was widely acclaimed as the greatest navigator of his day. Captain James Cook had already added enormously to the sum of human geographical knowledge in two voyages which had made him the first man to cross the Antarctic Circle and had more or less destroyed the credibility of old ideas about a temperate southern continent (Terra Australis), vast and well-populated, stretching across the bottom of the world. In July 1776, he was despatched on a third voyage which would, everybody at the Admiralty hoped, finally settle the question of the Northwest Passage. He was, according to his instructions, to head for the north Pacific, sail up the coast of north-west America to latitude 65° N and there ‘to search for, and to explore, such rivers or inlets as may appear to be of a considerable extent, and pointing towards Hudsons or Baffins Bay’. With two ships, the Resolution under his own captaincy and the Discovery, commanded by Charles Clerke, Cook set out from Plymouth to fulfil these instructions.
After becoming the first Europeans to visit the Hawaiian islands at the beginning of 1778, Cook and his men sailed towards North America and began the job they had been given of mapping the coastline northwards. Over the next few months they made their way steadily up the coast to Alaska and the Bering Strait. Cook was keen to make headway through the Strait but the ships were turned back by ice several times. Eventually he retired to the Aleutian Islands where he made repairs to the Resolution and the Discovery and encountered some Russian fur traders. (The meeting was a frustrating one for both sides since the Russians spoke no English, Cook had no Russian speaker on his expedition and the limitations of sign language rapidly became apparent.) Once the ships were ready, he turned back south, intending to return to the region the following year. The voyage ended in tragedy when the Resolution and the Discovery returned to Hawaii in 1779. Feted initially by the islanders, Cook left to continue his voyage but was forced back by damage to his ship and met with a very different welcome. For reasons still not entirely understood, the Hawaiians were now hostile and, in a confrontation with Cook and his men, they killed the great navigator. Clerke took charge of the expedition and it returned, as planned, to the American Northwest but the new commander was a sick man. After a final attempt on the Bering Strait, he died of tuberculosis in a harbour on the Kamchatka Peninsula. It was left to John Gore, who had sailed with Cook on his first voyage, to take the thoroughly demoralised expedition back to Britain.