A Successful Integration of Refugees into the German Labor Market - Abdiaziz Muhumed - E-Book

A Successful Integration of Refugees into the German Labor Market E-Book

Abdiaziz Muhumed

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Akademische Arbeit aus dem Jahr 2021 im Fachbereich BWL - Wirtschaftspolitik, Note: 1,0, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Migration has become an important socioeconomic phenomenon in many countries around the world including Germany. There has been a large number of refugees coming into Europe specifically in Germany in the past couple of years. This has resulted an increased interest in promoting stable solution. Integration of refugees has become a central issue in the process of seeking solution for the sudden influx of unexpected number of refugees. This article considers the integration of refugees into the labor market in Germany. It focuses on how the refugees can successfully be integrated into the labor market and discusses about the barriers as well as the supporting measures to an effective labor market Integration of refugees and asylum seekers. Integration of refugees into the German society especially into the German labor market became polarized in the public discussions.There have been several law enactments to improve the labor integration of the refugees in the past couple of years which has seen a policy shift facilitating labor market access for refugees and asylum seekers. This has allowed the refugees and asylum seekers to get a quick access to the labor market. According to several sources this has increased the proportion of working refugees and asylum seekers.

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