Abducted Brat: Taboo Daughter Erotica - Bambi Thornhill - E-Book

Abducted Brat: Taboo Daughter Erotica E-Book

Bambi Thornhill

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Warning: This is a VERY taboo, vintage, hard-boiled full length (100+ Pages), post-censorship erotic novel. This is bad stuff. Both bad meaning bad and bad meaning *good*. The story is so crazy, we can't even give a proper description.


Chris, without even asking, knew what Ken was thinking. There was no missing the vibes. And, then Ken, every few seconds, would move his right hand to his crotch to adjust or stroke the obviously hard cock inside of his pants. Ken had been doing that, licking his lips in accompaniment, ever since he'd returned from mailing the ransom demands. All the while, he kept looking at Susie McKnight who remained naked on the bed except for her lone blanket.
Chris watched Susie, and Ken, and Jim-the latter still tied securely to the chair. And Chris kept wondering-like Ken was wondering-how it would feel to get his broad blood-engorged cock rammed up Susie McKnight's tight, blonde hair-fringed cunt.
Chris after all, figured if Susie owed anyone a fuck, she certainly owed him one. Because of Talbot McKnight's refusal to settle the damned strike, Chris' wife had just picked up her bags and walked out on her husband. Chris didn't even know where she'd gone. He had called her parents; and, they insisted Peggy hadn't come home. But Chris figured that was exactly where Peggy had gone. Peggy's parents had never liked Chris anyway. They had higher aspirations for their daughter than just being the spouse of a coal miner.

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Abducted Brat

Bambi Thornhill

Copyright © 2017

Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 1

Susie checked all of the car doors, making sure they were locked. She experienced an involuntary shiver that went all of the way up her spine and then all the way back down again. It somehow seemed of little consolation that there were men hired by her father, waiting to act in case the strikers put up too much of a stink regarding the inward passage of "scabs" or management personnel. And since Susie had called, she knew her protectors would be on the lookout for her.

Susie honked the car horn, as much to announce her arrival to her father's men as to part the mass of rough-looking men who were purposely blocking her way.

Susie experienced this funny feeling way down inside of her. It was fear. It was also something more. It was a kind of sensual excitement about being here now, Susie McKnight, driving her big glossy Lincoln Continental, and making these big burly men part before her like so many dirty sheep on a country highway.

Susie worked her buttocks deeper into the genuine leather of the car seat. As she did so, she was aware that her cunt had gone juicy. She was also aware of a trickle of sweat running along the cleavage that separated her two large and luscious breasts.

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